Desert Strike

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Desert Strike Page 24

by Leo Nix

  Sue-Ellen nodded agreement as Andy continued the conversation in the same direction. “As it is we have three staff in Longreach who, if caught, well…” he didn't finish the sentence.

  “They have their Priests and we've heard enough about them to know it won't be pretty,” said Nulla. “A long range camel patrol can get there from the desert but it'll take a month. I still reckon they need a radio for communications and a Bushmaster is the best thing for that. That way we control all their communications.”

  “We've talked about that, Nulla. We could do all this by radio but I want to put pressure on them,” said Sundown. “Once they agree to our terms we'll do just that, send a squad of four Bushmasters and an ASLAV with its 25 mm cannon to support their defenses. It's going to impact on us but we've now got Sue-Ellen's force to compliment our own. The trip to Darwin may help us get our hands on more armoured cavalry as well.”

  “Things are shifting our way aren't they,” said Major Lewis. “I want to see this Darwin trip pushed forward, we need to get in as soon as we can. Intelligence tells us there are changes within the Adelaide leadership and Darwin as a whole is very unsettled. We need to capitalise on this.”

  “Major, my intelligence concurs with yours, I must congratulate you,” said Sue-Ellen.

  “Thank you, Commander Cullen.” He smiled at her and continued. “But I've wandered off track here, sorry. We need to get more grain across to our palace and I'm thinking a dozen truck loads over the next month and our Bushmaster and cameleers need to be out front patrolling to protect them. If the Mount Isa battalion get wind of what we're up to, they'll certainly set up ambushes.”

  Nulla's head came up, he'd just thought of something. “What about a camel train. We can transport sacks of grain like they did a hundred years ago, by camel. Remember, 'ships of the desert' was what they were called back then.”

  The committee members nodded to each other.

  “Yeah, great idea, why didn't I think of that, Nulla. I'm a darn baker so I should be the one coming up with ideas for transporting wheat.” Sundown looked at his watch and stood up. “Right, it's getting late, the bar is closed, thanks everyone. Ahmet, I want you to stay back with Louie and Nulla.” He thought for a moment. “Sue-Ellen, could you please stay back as well? I want to run through details for the camel patrol and this 'ships of the desert' idea.” Turning to Pinkie he added, “and Pinkie, can you ask Fatima if she and Phil can start up that old stone mill they found? I'd like to start baking our first batch of bread in the morning and surprise everyone for breakfast.”

  Chapter 24 - Whiskey Special Operations Patrol

  “Cambra, I know you weren't at the Marree Hotel fight itself but Assassin remembers, don't you Assassin?” said Halo sipping one of the competition beers in the open-air lounge overlooking the lagoon.

  “Yeah I remember. Shadow knocked me over and smacked me around. I was as drunk as a skunk. I think we had more fun that day than we'd had in years.” Assassin mused over his beer recording his score on the cards Andy handed out with each beer. Gail sat beside him with her own beer and scorecard. Andy and Fat Boy usually provided score cards for the drinkers, they said it was part of their quality control.

  “That makes twelve months since our commando was formed guys. It's also almost a year since we lost Shamus. I spoke to Halo about having a wake for him. I think we could celebrate with a proper whiskey, a celebration whiskey of which I have two boxes in my cellar in Marree.” Cambra had Lulu sitting on one side as his assistant taster. Simon and Luke sat across the table with Danni and Donna chatting among themselves.

  “We need to do this properly, plan it out and get allies to help.” said Beamy starting on his third beer. Lorraine looked up from her scorecard and then at Gail. They knew something was up and were undecided whether they should stay and listen, or escape now so they can say they didn't know about it.

  “We've knocked them around so badly they'll run when they see us coming,” said Halo leaning back with his empty glass in his hand. He was looking to see if anyone was close enough to con into getting another for him. Tricia was still at a meeting so he was stuck.

  “Where's me gorgeous missus when I need her?” he mumbled, “anyone else want a fresh beer, there's still Ahmet's brew to get through. His boys reckon theirs has a special wild hops they found in the desert. It had better taste OK or else he'll get scored right down like last time.” The group chuckled remembering the outcry when Ahmet's Bushmaster crew bottomed out in the last competition with their 'special herbs and spices' brew.

  “Halo, buddy, you do know who's living there now don't you? There's two entire battalions based at Marree, the Stosstruppen and the Deaths Heads. They'll have already drunk it, every drop. Forget it,” said Assassin.

  Cambra put his beer down and stared at Assassin. “That's even better, we'll steal it right from under their noses.” He stood up to get another drink but sat back down again to speak softly but with more passion than he'd shown in ages. “I hid the best bottles in my cellar. There's a secret hole in the floor and I bet they haven't found it. There's bottles of port and top-shelf Tasmanian whiskey hidden away too. I bet I can get them all.”

  “Not by yourselves you can't,” said Lulu who was listening with interest. “You'll need Chan and Donata, they were both based there.”

  Donna piped up too, “I can talk to Donata, he rarely talks to anyone but me and Wiram. He's here somewhere, I'll go and get him.”

  “There's Chan sitting with the Pine Gap spooks. I'll call him over too.” Danni began to stand when Cambra spoke.

  “Girls, we need to keep this very hush hush. If Sundown or one of the others find out they'll stop us. I would, it's crazy. We have to do this under cover, a covert operation.” Cambra looked around at the crowd of relaxed commandos. There must have been fifty or more soldiers and their families on the upper deck of the palace enjoying the beer competition.

  “Yes, we'll need our two ex-Revelationists, but it needs to be very covert, from everyone, including Wiram,” he said to his fellow conspirators.

  It was at this point Gail and Lorraine began “la la la-ing.” They had their hands over their ears and stood up. “Guys, we'll be finishing our beer scores over there while you get on with your secrets.” Gail grabbed Donna and Lorraine by the arm and the three started to giggle. “We did not hear this conversation.” Still giggling they joined Pinkie and Sundown's group calling to Tricia as she walked over. “Tricia, dear, you'd better come and join us. The boys are brewing up something you just don't want to know about.”

  “We might be able to do it but we'll need to kill a lot of them first.” Halo was talking with Chan and Donata over breakfast the following morning. “Louie and Johnny have been running patrols along the Birdsville Track harassing the terrorists for the past few months, I have a feeling they'll be very upset if we just walk in. Any suggestions?”

  Chan looked at Donata, they knew each other from their time in the South Australian Revelationist church.

  “I see the Deaths Heads have been resurrected Donata, they're back on top you know.” Chan wasn't smiling, he had no love for any of his previous comrades now.

  Donata nodded. “Yeah, I know. I've prayed the church would see the evil in its approach to enlightenment, but so far they haven't, or won't.”

  “We have plenty of uniforms so it won't be any trouble to get a few that fit you and Cambra. But you'll need one of us to go with you. We know the proper codes and signs, you don't. Donata and I can sort out a plan if you want.” Chan was excited at the prospect of putting one over his ex-Revelationist comrades.

  Halo looked at his two friends and said slowly, “If they catch you they'll hand you over to the Priests, they'll torture you,” his voice was flat.

  “That's life Halo, if I die I die. I'll go with you regardless. My battalion's on guard duty at Marree at the moment and I can add a moustache and some camouflage. I owe you Sundowners. I know I don't talk much about how I feel but working at
the Birdsville outpost with your Commando has helped me put my life into perspective.” Lieutenant Donata rubbed his hands over his face and felt the stubble. “I'll start growing my whiskers today.”

  “No Donata, I'll go,” said Chan. “I know the Deaths Heads secret signs. They'll be everywhere, on guard duty or not. Besides, what if our intelligence is wrong, what if they switch about?” The two appeared to want to put themselves in danger.

  “Hey, slow down fella's, we'll all go. In fact both of you is better than one of you in situations like this.” Halo was thinking there had to be a way to get in without causing suspicion. “We know the Marree Hotel is completely trashed. The last we heard was they pulled down part of it because it was falling on top of people. I'm just worried the secret trap door is covered by bricks 'n stuff.”

  Donata looked at Halo. “Hey, I've got it, a plan. We just might get in easier than we expect,” he exclaimed.

  The other two stared at him. “What are you talking about? They're edgy and trigger happy, they'll react like a kicked hornets nest. We might not even get close to their first guard post.”

  “I've got an idea.” For the first time since his capture, Lieutenant Donata smiled.

  Over the next few days Donata and Chan took Halo, Assassin and Cambra into the desert scrub on the pretext they were hunting kangaroos. They always came back with something for the table but while hunting they taught their commando mates everything they knew about secret passwords, salutes and handshakes. They schooled them in how to talk like a church goer and how to dress properly in their uniforms.

  Assassin dropped in on Major Lewis' intelligence office and got the latest update on who was on guard duty. He also found out which approach was the least guarded. With only days before the anniversary of the Marree Hotel fight the covert incursion patrol was ready.

  They spoke to the originals who offered suggestions but ruled out Beamy because of his wounds.

  “That's bullshit guys!” Beamy complained as he gingerly eased himself into the jeep on the way out to the sheering shed. “I can still shoot a matchstick at twenty metres. Ask Sundown how good I am if you don't believe me. I held those Ravens Claws back with Lucy and Pellino while you were playing with your goolies in the Diamantina.”

  Assassin put his arm around his mate's shoulder. “Beamy, mate, no one doubts your courage, you and Arthur are the most decorated of us all. No one else has as many bullet holes as you two. But we can't let you go running around in the dark till Lorraine says so.” He looked around as if Lorraine were watching them. “Besides, as Sundown always says, 'Lorraine outranks me'.”

  Beamy always had a happy disposition and couldn't help but laugh at his mate. “Damn it, I'm an original. I deserve to go. What about Halo's broken hand? He's not going to be much help.”

  Cambra stopped the jeep and helped Beamy out. “Mate, with your lungs you'll be a liability. We're worried you might get killed or captured if you come.” Cambra was good at keeping things black and white even if it hurt. Beamy tried to smile but it turned into a pained frown. His face went red and he flushed with humiliation.

  “I'm a fuckin' liability now am I? Well tell Danny and John that!” He stormed off into the shed walking right through the pack of girls waiting to begin their weapons drill.

  “You're a prick, Cambra,” said Halo. He and Beamy had grown closer since the Mungerannie battle and he now stood up for his mate. “Why'd you have to go and say that for? Beamy's our mate, he stayed back to defend Danny. He had our backs on that fucked up patrol all by himself. He was prepared to die for his mate and you go and tell him he's a damn liability?” Halo was pissed off. “Where were you when we needed you, Cambra?” He stormed off after Beamy.

  The tall hotelier had heard worse but this cut deep, deeper than Blondie's brush off.

  Chan, Assassin and Donata looked at him then walked into the cool of the shed and began to set up their training gear. After a few minutes Cambra walked over.

  “What was I supposed to do, tell him he could come?” He was feeling both angry and embarrassed. “I like the guy too you know and that's why I told him - damn it.”

  “Not like that you shouldn't.” Chan was upset too. “Beamy stayed back for Danny when he knew he was dying. He made sure he died with a mate beside him. Beamy protected him all by himself even though he knew he was alone and outnumbered. He could have run but he didn't.” He stood up and turned away so no one could see his face contorted with emotion, then he walked off to where he could hear Halo and Beamy talking.

  Assassin shook his head. “You're good at stirring things up aren't you, mate. Don't worry about it, that's what we like about you. You don't bullshit or pull your punches. Remember Lorraine on the night of the Marree fight? I'm still amazed she wanted to bed you.”

  Cambra smiled slightly. “Yeah, I am a bit of a prick aren't I.”

  “Halo won't be a problem, he'll have his pistol, that's all he needs. But Beamy stays home. He is a liability and he could get us killed if he went. Even he knew that. But now it's said we need to move forward and find an ally. We need a Bushmaster or two for back up.” Assassin heaved a pile of weapons on his broad shoulders and called for the Girl Guards who saw something was up but were too polite to say anything. “Come on girls, time to do some training.”

  Chapter 25 - Whiskey is Go-go

  Their last job was to find an ally and Chan suggested they talk to his Bushmaster crew chief. Chan told Halo that if they wanted to run a covert operation like this there was only one soldier they needed and that was his crew chief, Sergeant Doff.

  When Chan lost his best friend, John, some months ago, he wanted revenge so badly he refused to take leave from the front line. It wasn't because he wanted to kill Revelationists, it was because he wanted to end this madness. All Chan ever wanted was peace, happiness and a reason to live. What he didn't find in the Deaths Head Commando he finally found in Sundown's. Chan was a rare find for Sundown's Commando, he had a pure heart.

  Doff was as excited as the boys when he heard what they wanted to do. He could still remember how he felt when Halo and Beamy first spoke about the Commando's contacts with the Deaths Heads. For the first time since the apocalypse he was hopeful of doing something useful for his country. At that first meeting Halo and Beamy made him feel a man again.

  A veteran of three war zones, Sergeant Doff thrived on the validation he gained through soldiering. Now his heroes came to him with another opportunity to contribute to his much loved community - Sundown's Commando.

  Sergeant Doff immediately procured one of the Stosstruppen transport trucks from the transport pool. Then he found the uniforms for the boys, bypassing Harry. His own crew enthusiastically looked forward to the coming contact with the Deaths Heads as much as Chan and Doff.

  Sergeant Doff's crew were reinforcements, newcomers from Alice Springs except for Lance Corporal Poole. They all had the same hunger to take down the enemy.

  It was in Chan's character to take on the most loathsome tasks, to fight harder and longer than anyone else and he soon earned their respect. They had gladly adopted him as their sniper and terrorist expert.

  “Halo, you just let me know what you want and it's yours,” Doff said at their secret meeting. “But if you'd thought for one second to leave me out of this, our friendship would have been over.” Halo knew he was serious. Ever since Sergeant Doff lost his Bushmaster and most of his crew to the Revelationist Stosstruppen, Doff had one goal in life, revenge, and everyone knew it.

  On the night of the operation the boys drove along a little-used dirt track towards the enemy outpost. Their lights dimmed but purposefully visible to the sentries. Doff's Bushmaster was well behind and silent, waiting. The night was dark, clouds scuttled across the night sky and it was cold for late spring outside the terrorist-occupied township of Marree.

  The boys were anxious, they were about to make contact with the enemy in the middle of nowhere on a mission not sanctioned by their superiors. If things went b
ad they would be banished from Sundown's Commando and sent to Alice Springs. It was a fate worse than death itself.

  “HALT!” yelled a Stosstruppen soldier standing at the sandbagged barricade. He and his mate worked one of the lonely outposts deliberately left untouched, and unchallenged, by Major Lewis's hit and run patrols for a purpose just like this. If the major knew what the boys were doing right now he'd really be real pissed.

  But Doff didn't care. After losing his crew at the Mungerannie battle he was prepared to take risks and wanted to do as much damage to the enemy as possible. He was still way and above the most experienced fighting NCO the Alice Springs Command had. Every time Lewis tried to pull him off the front line he refused to go. He and Chan worked the hit and run patrols almost non-stop since they had teamed up together.

  Lieutenant Donata climbed out of the truck and stretched, his bones cracked loudly in the miserable night wind.

  “Who are you? Is that Privates Taylor and Johanson? Don't you boys recognise me?” He stood tall and with his tanned face and moustache it made him quite the imposing officer. “And where's your salute?”

  The two young men shone their torches at the lieutenant, and then into the truck cabin, where they saw more grim-faced soldiers in the Longreach Crusaders of Light Battalion uniforms.

  “Is that really you sir? We heard you were all shot up or captured,” asked Taylor lowering his rifle before throwing a smart salute to his ex officer.

  “Yes, we were captured and I've escaped haven't I.”

  “Who are these sir? They don't look like ours,” said the private raising his rifle half way up to the door of the truck, unsure of what to do.

  “Jupiter's blazing bolts, private! Get your weapon back down. They're Crusaders from Longreach, show some respect! They were prisoners too and we all escaped together. For once think with your brains and not your arse.” It was good and the two privates lowered their weapons as they walked over to look inside the truck. As they did Assassin and Chan knocked them out.


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