Arkadia (Halfway House Series Book 1)

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Arkadia (Halfway House Series Book 1) Page 8

by Dzintra Sullivan

  “Dad is a Dragon. Mom is, or was, human.” Arkadia sat bolt upright, a crease across her forehead as she thought he must be mistaken.

  “She couldn’t have been. How could they, yanno? Have you?”

  “It was unheard of, a human pregnant with a para child, but it happened. Nearly cost my mom her life. If it hadn’t been for the help of some white witches and some clever spell casting, she would have been dead. On the flip side is that because the witches helped, my mom’s life is now permanently entwined with my dad’s. While Dragons are not immortal, we do have a long life span of a few hundred years, and while my dad lives, so will my mom,” Bohdan explained.

  “That’s so romantic.” Arkadia flopped back into the chair dramatically.

  “The witches said it worked because their souls were the same, they were meant to be together, and they had been cast from the same die. The mountains were a wonderful place for a dragon to grow up. Lots of deer and wild boar to hunt, and if I kept to the shadows, no one knew I was there.” With a deep breath, Bohdan continued, “It wasn’t ‘til some Americans were passing through town and saw me on my homemade ice rink playing hockey that things changed. One mentioned that I had unmatched raw talent and I should be playing in the NHL, and my dad saw a chance for me to spread my wings, pardon the pun, and fly into my own adventurous life.” He looked at Arkadia who was absolutely transfixed on every word he was saying, and she motioned for him to continue. “There’s not much more. I moved in here with Uncle Peter, started school, made the hockey team, and met this amazing little witch who has really cast a spell on my heart.”

  Arkadia sat up with a look of fear on her face. “Oh no, Bohdan, I wouldn’t, I never, I don’t do that. Shit, I can’t even light a match at the moment without the threat of a full-blown forest fire breaking out. I have not, and never will, cast any kind of spell on you,” she rambled in a voice high with panic. Bohdan chuckled as he took her hand, rubbed his thumb across the back, and spoke so softly she had to calm down to listen.

  “Arkadia, I meant metaphorically. I can’t seem to stop thinking about you – you’re becoming my personal addiction.” He placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Arkadia felt the heat of his lips on her hand and shots of electricity zipped through her body, making her brain go fuzzy and her knees weak.

  “I got to go, Bohdan.” Arkadia pointed to the wall clock which read 10:50 p.m. Her curfew was 11:00 p.m., and she hadn’t told anyone where she was this evening, so she had better not be late as well.

  “Then your chariot awaits, milady.” With a swift, smooth movement, he was standing and pulling her up. “I hope you had fun tonight, Arkadia. I’ll take you home, but I am afraid you’ll stay in my heart.” Bohdan held her hand as they walked out to the car. He helped her into the seat, and when he began to shut the door, she stopped him.

  “Do you think we are like your parents? Cast from the same die?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes,” he answered simply, then shut the door and drove her home.

  The next morning, she was woken up by Raven shaking her shoulders. The look of terror in Raven’s eyes had Arkadia wide-awake. “What’s wrong, Rav?” she asked. Raven’s skin became even whiter than usual as whatever blood she had consumed lately drained from her face. With the next words Raven uttered, Arkadia’s life instantly stopped.

  “Diane’s dead and people think YOU did it!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “What the freak!” Arkadia exclaimed as she swung her legs out of the bed. Clearly something big was going down, because Rav couldn’t stand still, and for a normally silent creature, she was practically behaving like a bull in the proverbial china shop. “Stop moving, Rav. Tell me what’s going on? Does Eloise know?” Arkadia asked. As if on cue, Eloise walked through the door and spoke very quietly, an unnerving agitation in her normally calm voice.

  “Oh, I know, alright. It’s the only thing I can hear this morning, be it the radio, the computer, the many texts and calls I have had, or in my head.” Eloise sat on the end of the bed. “Where were you last night? I need to know how to combat this attack.”

  ATTACK?? Holy mother of pearls, what trouble had found her now? Arkadia swallowed hard and asked, “What the Fig Tree is going on? Can someone please explain what has happened? And why I apparently am a murderer?” As she said it, she felt her blood run a little cooler.

  Eloise replied as Raven was too busy chewing her non-existent fingernails. “Diane Coulter, the Mayor’s only daughter, was found dead last night. It appears that she has died from asphyxiation, but the talk is that you’re a witch, you were seen in an ‘argument’ at school in which you threatened her life, and now Diane is dead with all the oxygen having been stolen from her body which was left on display, tied to the flagpole of the school.” Elise watched Arkadia’s face turn all shades of terror as she explained the situation.

  “I suggest you grab a quick shower, get dressed, and meet me in the kitchen in fifteen minutes. This is going to get worse before it gets sorted out, Arkadia, and I will need complete honesty if I am going to keep you from the attention of the Council.” Eloise ushered Raven out of her room and closed the door, leaving Arkadia to digest what she had just said. “Council? OMG,” Arkadia whispered. This was a crime that would be punishable by death if it was proven. “Fooook me,” Arkadia said as she felt her breath leave her body in a whoosh. She shook her head slightly, grabbed her towel, and headed for the shower.

  “Tell me. Where were you last night, Arkadia?” Eloise asked as Arkadia pulled out a chair and slumped into it, a deep sigh escaping her lungs. Eloise continued speaking, leaning forward on the table. Her hands were placed delicately on the surface, trying to convey calmness to Arkadia that she didn’t feel at all. “You must understand how important this is, Arkadia? A young woman is dead. People are accusing you of not only murder, but witchcraft. If I am to have any chance of sorting this mess out, I need to know where you were last night, because you sure weren’t at home.” Arkadia knew she couldn’t say anything about Bohdan.

  “Crap on a cracker!” Arkadia exclaimed as she realized her mistake. She had forgotten who was in the room as her thoughts roamed free.

  “You were with Bohdan?” Eloise asked, suddenly feeling calmer for reading her thoughts, “that’s brilliant. Just get him to vouch for you, and it should help enough to water down the raging wildfire of gossip that is currently out of control.

  “Eloise!!!! First, get out of my head. Second, you can’t use that. Bohdan made me promise. He skipped training and faked being sick. If his coach finds out, he is up the proverbial creek with no paddles.” Arkadia begged Eloise with her eyes to not tell anyone.

  “Arkadia, did you hear me when I said the Council can banish you? Or in extreme cases, they can terminate you, as in end you, draw the final curtain, and nail the coffin shut. Doesn’t happen very often, I think I can only think of one time in the past one hundred years, but it still is possible. You are accused of killing a human, Arkadia, this is hardly a comparison to a little ice hockey team,” Eloise said.

  “I understand what you’re saying; can you hear what I am saying?” Arkadia asked looking directly into Eloise’s eyes. “I need it not to be common knowledge unless it is the last possible option. It will hurt Bohdan. I was with him since right after school. We spent the afternoon and evening talking and laughing at his uncle’s house.” As Arkadia spoke, Eloise’s eyebrows raised. “No, lower your brows, mama bear, his uncle was at work. It was just the two of us, and he dropped me off at home late. That was it, it was truly an amazing night, would have loved to tell you all about it over a coffee and some doughnuts, but with this new drama evolving, I think that can wait.” Arkadia continued while she was on a roll and feeling somewhat confident in her own abilities to handle this issue without the Council being notified. She stood up from the table, and said, “I am going to school. This is just crazy; it won’t be as bad as you all think.” She grabbed her bag and headed out like it was any other m

  This is like being a tiger on display at a zoo. Face after face floated by, and millions of eyes assessed her in minute detail, whispering comments about her hair, clothes, and shoes. Every now and again, Arkadia caught pieces of the conversation roaring through the halls. The hate-filled eyes of the other students burned Arkadia with their accusations. No, this is one hundred times worse. Do they really believe I am a witch? That I could be a murderer? Well one hundred fold that feeling, mixing it up with hate filled eyes, accusations of witchcraft, assessing your potential to be a murderer.

  Arkadia had only been at school for fifteen minutes. This was going to be a loooong day.

  Chey and Cat stuck close beside her, a protective buffer against the majority of the student body. Arkadia was dumbfounded at how quickly they swallowed the lies and accusations. Without even a word from her, they believed the lies. Arkadia was beginning to see that her popularity meant nothing; every one of them, bar Chey and Cat, had jumped the sinking ship like rats on the Titanic. They were afraid that any connection could make them also guilty by association.

  “Where is Vi?” asked Arkadia quietly as they took the shortest possible route to the lockers.

  “Don’t know, Ark. She must be sick,” Cheyanne replied.

  Cat always being the optimist of the group said, “Heads up, Arkadia, sexy man-mountain coming your way.” Arkadia looked up.

  “What?” She glanced at Cat as Cat pointed her long elegant finger up the corridor. “Ooooohhhhhh … I see.” Arkadia smiled, finally something to feel good about. “Hi, Bohdan,” she said as he got closer. Without hesitating, he opened his arms and wrapped them around her. He was so big, and his strong muscle-bound arms held her tightly. Arkadia sighed. She felt a deep sense of security being this close to Boh, and he smelled wonderful, too, I must find out what cologne he wears ‘cause DAY-AM he smells sooooooo good.

  Bohdan pulled her off to the side for a little privacy. He tilted his head down to hers, and the look in his eyes spoke volumes about the intensity of the situation. Being a para himself, he knew what possible outcomes could arise from this situation. “Arkadia, first, are you alright?” She nearly melted and collapsed into his arms right there and then. She wasn’t alright, but she had to be alright.

  She tilted her head up to drink in his strength, and whispered, “Do I have a choice? You have obviously heard what I am being accused of, murder!!!! ME!!!!” A single tear ran down her cheek, threatening to lead the way for a thousand more to follow. Arkadia swallowed hard as Bohdan ran his thumb over her cheek, taking the tear with him.

  “Tell them you were with me. I’ll take whatever consequences the coach chooses,” he said.

  “NO. Bohdan, I am not costing you your dreams. This is my problem, and I’ll sort it out. It won’t stick anyway, it can’t stick.” She placed her hands on his muscular chest and pushed him gently away as she spoke. Bohdan was having none of that. He reached out, wrapped her in his strong embrace, and lowers his lips lightly to hers. The kiss was so delicate it made her tingle from her toes to her nose. He moved his lips around to her ear and his deep voice caressed her neck as he spoke.

  “Quick as it may seem, my soul knows your soul. I can’t explain it, nor do I want to, I just know you’re mine.” He growled slightly as he said the word MINE and Arkadia heard the truth in his voice. Bohdan continued, “I will not let anyone hurt you, so as much as it will pain me, I will do as you ask, and let you handle it. But know this my Little Witch.” Bohdan leaned back and cupped her face lovingly in his hands, forcing her eyes to meet his. “My Dragon is screaming at me to grab you and fly far away from this bullshit. While you are in danger, I can only control him for so long.” With that last thought, he kissed her nose, turned to grab his bag, and walked off to class.

  Cat linked her arm through hers and said, “WOW, he is one intense dude. You okay, Ark?’’ Arkadia nodded, her knees still weak at him calling her ‘HIS little witch’. She never thought she would like to be owned, but hearing Bohdan say those three words made her heart race, her knees crumble, and her girly bits tingle.

  The day was a blur of sideways glances, hushed comments, and boring teachers droning on about subjects that she was never going to ever use again. I mean really? When am I ever going to have to know what X equals in the real world? And who really cares which train reaches the station first as long as you get there, right? Arkadia just kept her head down and did the required work, watching the clock till the last bell told her she could finally escape to the relative safety of her home.

  Rounding the last corner on her way home, she looked up and saw a police car in the driveway. Arkadia’s heart sunk. Eloise’s word that ‘this was going to get worse before it gets’ ran through her head as she steeled herself, walked up the stairs, and opened the front door.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Be calm, be helpful, and be nice.” Eloise’s words ran through Arkadia’s head as she wandered into the living room. Two officers were sitting on the couch talking to Eloise. Of course, she had given them tea and cookies—there was nothing like some good old home cooking to make them think only the innocent live here. Arkadia softly chuckled to herself as she sat on the single seat left in the corner; she had made the assumption they would want to talk to her, so might as well get it over with.

  Officer Barns was a pretty young woman, and had the face of an angel, blonde hair, blue eyes, and unblemished pale skin. Arkadia was tempted to ask what kind of skin care she used, but thought it might not be the best time. Then there was Officer Totts. He looked mammoth, even in a sitting position. His dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and his eyes were the color of mud and just as cold and uninviting. His dark skin was …WAIT. Arkadia’s breath hitched; he had the mark on his hand. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Was he the council coming to take her away and dispose of the problem named Arkadia?

  “Calm down.” Arkadia heard Eloise’s voice in her head. “Breathe in … out … in … out … better … he is not council. He is simply a cop who is a para, and by his scent I am thinking wolf, maybe bear, but definitely shifter. Just answer the questions they have to ask and then they can go … easy.” Eloise was looking at Arkadia as she spoke into her mind, calming her with her gentle eyes and soft voice.

  Arkadia took a very big breath and slowly exhaled. She looked at the officers and said in the most polite and feminine voice she could muster, “Hello, Officers. My name is Arkadia. How can I help you?”

  Arkadia was in the kitchen making a very strong cup of coffee as Eloise showed the officers out the door. That was rough. So many questions about where I was, about the ‘incident’ at the school between Diane and me. Even my family history came into question. Arkadia just did what Eloise had said, and answered everything politely and calmly.

  It was hard to remain calm when they made reference to Diane’s body being found in a mummified condition, having apparently had every cell of oxygen stolen. They weren’t sure how, as there was no wounds. Officer Totts made a comment about it being “sucked out of her.” Eeeewwwweeeeee. I’m not sucking anything, least of all Diane.

  A click of the door and Eloise walked into the kitchen. “Good girl, Arkadia, you did really well. I understand about trying to keep Bohdan out of it, and I am okay with you trying, but if push comes to shove, I will throw him under the train to keep you safe.” Eloise ran her hand softly across Arkadia’s arm in a sign of comfort. Although she and Arkadia were becoming closer, it wasn’t quite up to the hugging stage yet. Eloise gasped as Arkadia spun and wrapped her arms around her, giving a tight squeeze as she whispered, “Thank you.” Arkadia ended the hug as quickly as she started it, grabbed her coffee, and headed for her room. Eloise just stood in the middle of the kitchen feeling the glow of the goddess all around her.

  Vi had been away all week. No one could contact her on the phone either, and everyone was beginning to worry. Arkadia’s week had been busy with three more visits from the boys in blue, including one trip to the st
ation. Arkadia got the feeling they wanted to arrest her, but didn’t have any evidence. No one had seen anything, heard anything, or knew anything, even though Huntsville was a small town, and its main source of survival was a steady diet of gossip. With all the gossip about her and whether she was a murderer or not, the town’s diet was set on BINGE. The town might need a visit from Jenny Craig weight loss soon.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Arkadia left the Huntsville Library, it was already dark. She had phoned Eloise to let her know she was staying late to gather some material for an assignment. It had taken Arkadia longer than she expected. The library all but emptied when she walked in, and never had she felt so alone. It was always something she counted on, her friends. Arkadia always helped out around the school, showed the fashion-challenged what not to wear, and even gave a couple of pity dates to the less fortunate guys. Who else was going to show them what they should strive to achieve? I tried to be good and helpful, dammit!!! With all the shenanigans going around about her at the moment, she needed a distraction, and an assignment about Shakespeare and his tale of Romeo and Juliet was just what she needed. The unbridled love, the rocky road; she just hoped her tale didn’t end up in her dying.

  Arkadia had left the main strip of town as she walked home, but being a Friday night, it was already void of activity, apart from the local pubs at the other end of town. Eloise had offered to pick her up, but as she explained to her, it was only a few blocks, and everyone was scared of her anyway. As far as Arkadia was concerned, she was perfectly safe. Passing the last street light, she only had a few blocks to get to the corner of her road, but those few blocks were very dark now. She swallowed hard, pulled up her big girl panties, and strutted forward.


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