More Than A Four Letter Word

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More Than A Four Letter Word Page 8

by Smith, Stephanie Jean

  Clarissa didn't like that fact that Julian has her at a disadvantage, and she needed to reset the stage quickly. "Where's Micah?"

  "He's practicing the piano, he's got a recital in a couple of weeks, and he's excited. Maybe he can visit with you for a few minutes later this evening.” Julian couldn't keep his hands to himself; he touched her face with his fingers. He's pleased to note that the shivers running through her body were from her attraction to him not her illness. Clarissa tries to adjust the bedding as her erect nipples push against the pajama top. “Are you hungry, I’d be happy to make you some eggs or toast?”

  Clarissa takes a deep breath before responding. “That’s okay Julian; I don’t think I could eat a thing.” God she wished she could disappear. She didn't like being ill, on those rare occasions she never wanted company. She feels his dark gaze resting on her body, the signs of her arousal is evident even to a casual observer.

  “Since you're not hungry, how about I get you some fruit juice? You can use this as an opportunity to freshen up. There's a towel, wash cloth, and a tooth brush in the bathroom waiting for you?"

  Clarissa wondered what she did to deserve to be trapped at Julian's house. It's obvious to her that Julian undressed her last night and put a pajama top on her. She's just happy that he left her underwear in place. The thought of Julian seeing her bare breasts brings a rush of heat into Clarissa's face. There has to be a way of convincing Julian that she's well enough to go home.

  Julian sees the blush on Clarissa's face; she probably just realized that he undressed her last night. He couldn't believe that this woman could keep him in a constant state of arousal. More than anything he wanted to join her in bed.

  "I could use a shower, but I don't have anything to put on."

  Julian hides a smile he comes close to telling her that she doesn't need to wear anything at all. "I put a clean pajama top in the bathroom on top of the towel. Do you think you can make it to the bathroom on your own? You were weak last night."

  Clarissa pulls the covers back and gets up slowly. "I'm still a little weak, but I shouldn't have any problems getting to the bathroom."

  Julian takes a long look at Clarissa's shapely legs; he imagines them wrapped around his waist or over his shoulders as he makes love to her. "Well, I'll leave you alone for a while. I'll come back in thirty minutes to make sure everything is all right."

  As soon as Julian leaves the bedroom, Clarissa walks to the bathroom on shaky legs. She has thirty minutes to take a quick shower and get back into bed. She's proud of her body, and the next time Julian sees her naked she plans to be awake.

  Clarissa liked taking leisurely baths, but she didn't have enough time this morning. She has a serious problem that she has to deal with. How is she going to be able to stay in Julian's presence without betraying the way she feels about him? He's a predator. He would sense her acquiescence the moment he looks into her eyes. Hell she almost surrendered to him on the dance floor last night. She wants Julian in the worst way, but she couldn't be a casualty for him.

  Clarissa stepped in the shower letting the water rain down on her head. She's a realist. She wants Julian too much to walk away. She would show him that she wouldn't be used and discarded like his other lovers. She would decide the terms of their love affair. She refuses to become like Karen Nash waiting in the wings hoping that Julian would take notice.

  She gets out of the shower, dries herself thoroughly before brushing her teeth. Clarissa has about five minutes before Julian returns to the bedroom. She dries her short hair with the blow dryer. The one notable thing about having short hair is it didn't take long to dry. She has to admit that she feels a lot better; she opens the bathroom door and slowly makes her way back to the bed.

  "Look at what we have here," Karen Nash said with a haughty tone. "You don't look sick to me. Matter of fact in that enormous pajama top, you look even less inviting than you did last night."

  Karen Nash is the last person Clarissa expects to see. "Good morning to you too Karen. I didn't expect to see you so soon after last night's party. Do you usually roam around Julian's house the day after a party or is this a special visit to see who's sharing his bed?"

  "Julian's a good lover, and I’m always available for a sexual rendezvous. Matter of fact, we have a date today. He must have forgotten about it in the heat of the moment. I might as well be the first to tell you that Julian doesn't get personally involved with the hired help. My guess is that he used you last night because I couldn't stay. Nevertheless, make no mistake about it, Julian is mine and I intend on being the next Mrs. Ross.

  "I hate to disappoint you, but Julian and I didn't have sex last night. I fainted last night, and Julian let me stay in his home. Therefore, you can stop the possessive woman crap. I’m too tired to trade verbal barbs with you today." Clarissa gets in bed and turns her back to Karen.

  Karen looks down at Clarissa with loathing. "You may think that this situation is cute, but you have no idea whom you're dealing with. Do you think I didn't see that lovesick expression on your face when you walked in on Julian kissing me last night?"

  Clarissa turned around to address Karen. "Now that you mention it, you were kissing Julian and from what I could tell he didn't seem enjoy the experience very much."

  "Julian will never settle for a plain, homely woman like you?" Karen stormed out of the room before Clarissa could reply. Julian walked back into his bedroom as Karen makes her grand departure.

  "I didn't hear the doorbell ring. Why are you here Karen?"

  Karen giggled nervously; she hoped that he didn't hear her conversation with Clarissa. "Ethel let me in; I just thought we could have lunch together."

  Julian clearly didn't feel like dealing with Karen right now. "You better leave. Clarissa has the flu, and I wouldn't want you to get sick."

  Clarissa could hear the byplay between Karen and Julian. Karen lied when she said that she mentioned having a date with Julian today. What difference did it make Karen is old news? Clarissa has to reevaluate her position regarding Julian. She wants him, but she doesn't want to keep tripping over his lovers while they were together. Maybe she needs to turn her focus to safer ground like Randle. He didn't make her insides quiver, but he could get the job done. Randle is so far removed from the man she wants.


  By the time Julian gets back to the bedroom, he notices that Clarissa's mood has changed from that of a shy woman to a stranger. "Hey, do you feel like playing cards or watching television."

  "I'm very tired Julian, I think I'll go back to sleep."

  Julian wondered what happen between Clarissa and Karen. Karen seemed so sure of herself before leaving the house. Did she tell Clarissa that she's his lover or something equally distasteful? "Okay Clarissa I'm in the den if you need me, the monitor is on so I can hear you."

  Julian leaves the bedroom; he begins to think about Karen and her poisonous tongue as he goes downstairs into his den. Why in the world did he invite Karen to his party last night? He had been giving her a tour of his house when she started talking about taking up where they left off in Kansas City. The relationship Karen wants to reestablish happened way before he met and married Donna. Julian had sex with Karen a couple times; he wouldn't even describe it as a relationship. He had to let Clarissa know that Karen is not his lover.

  Julian realized that he was rusty when it came to courting he wanted Clarissa to take him seriously. Then a slow smile appeared on his face; he had an ace in the hole he'd never considered before. Clarissa was crazy about Micah, and he would use that to his advantage. Micah didn't care for most people, but he took an instant liking to Clarissa. Julian decided that the possibilities were endless. "Watch out Clarissa Marks, your days are numbered."


  Nine o'clock on Sunday morning Clarissa comes into the kitchen looking for Julian. She barely remembers what happened on Saturday; she slept for most of the day. She did remember Julian popping in occasionally to check on her. He's so attentive and car
ing that Clarissa could believe he actually cares about her. She finds Julian and Micah eating breakfast in the kitchen.

  "Good morning."

  Julian turns around in time to see Clarissa plop down into a chair beside Micah. "I'm making pancakes, do you want me to make you some."

  The thought of pancakes makes Clarissa's stomach lurch. "No thanks Julian. By the way, I need my car keys so I can go home."

  "You have to eat something. How about a boiled egg and some toast?"

  Clarissa knows that Julian would fuss, so she decides to let him have his way today. "Sure Julian, a boiled egg and toast sounds fine." Clarissa turns her attention to Micah. She watches as he finishes his breakfast. Clarissa feels a sudden longing to have children. "Micah, we never did get a chance to play a game of Beast Slayer, Friday night. What do you say we play a game while your father makes my breakfast?"

  Micah eyes lit up automatically. Out of all his father's employees, he likes Clarissa the best. "Dad is it okay if Clarissa and I play a game?"

  "Yes, but only one game, then Clarissa needs to eat something."

  "Come on Rissa I’ll show you how to play."

  Clarissa smiles for the first time this morning. "Okay partner, let's go kick some butt." Before she leaves the kitchen, she turns around to face Julian. "Let me know when my breakfast is ready, okay cookie.

  "I've been demoted from your boss to a cook all in one morning. Don't worry I'll let you know when it's ready." Julian watches Micah and Clarissa leave the room together. He couldn't believe how jealous he is of his own son.

  Twenty minutes later, Julian finds Micah and Clarissa studying the flat screen television intently. "Okay you two, Clarissa's breakfast is ready."

  "Already. Dad we just got to the good part."

  Clarissa turns around laughing at the expression on Micah's face. "Yeah Dad we just got to the good part."

  "Micah you can keep playing, but Clarissa needs her nourishment."

  Clarissa follows Julian back to the kitchen. Today Julian's wearing a snug pair of blue jeans that's doing terrible things to her equilibrium. He has an ultra sexy walk. It reminds her of the way Yule Brynner sashayed across the screen in the 'Magnificent Seven.' Clarissa sits down at the kitchen table as Julian places a plate in front of her. There were two pieces of toast and two boil eggs on the plate. "Didn't you say that I only have to eat one boiled egg and one piece of toast?"

  Julian sits down across from Clarissa to watch her eat. "You could use it, you didn't eat anything yesterday. Are you sure that you're fit to drive home?" He touches her forehead. She isn't hot to the touch, but she still feels a little warm.

  Just a touch and her erect nipples begin pressing against her dress. Clarissa looks up to find Julian staring at her, making her feel the heat of embarrassment in her face. Julian has a way of making her feel utterly feminine. "Julian I need to go home, I have a lot of things to do as well as finish my initial findings on a case I'm working on for the EPA."

  "First of all I want your promise that if I allow you to go home that you will rest."

  Clarissa arched her eyebrow. "What do you mean if you allow me to go home?"

  "You're forgetting that I have your car keys, and you can't have them until I'm convinced that you're capable of following my simple instructions."

  "I'm a grown woman Julian, and I don't have to convince you of anything. It has been lovely of you to take care of me while I was ill, one of these days maybe I can return the favor." Clarissa leaves the kitchen, walks back to the game room and says good-bye to Micah. She retrieved her wrap and leaves Julian's house.

  Julian figured that he'd give Clarissa some time to come to terms with his conditions. She would come to realize that he only had her own best interests at heart.

  "Hey Dad what did you say to Clarissa to make her leave?"

  "Micah, Clarissa can’t leave, I still have her car keys in my pocket."

  "If you say so Dad, but she got her coat out of the closet and left the house."

  Julian rushed to the front of the house determine to stop her from leaving. The little baggage probably keeps a spare set of keys in her coat. Julian gets to the door just in time to see the black Charger speeding down the street. “Brat!”

  Micah walks up behind his father and taps his arm. “I wanted Rissa to play another game with me. Did you know that she created the Li Wu Chan: Beast Slayer game?”

  “I know that the game is made by Lariat, the company that Clarissa used to own. However, I didn’t know that she created the game.”

  “You know Dad I’ve been thinking.”

  Julian sighs and gives Micah his full attention. “Oh yeah, and what have you been thinking about?”

  “I think it’s time for you to get married again.”

  “What gives you that idea?”

  “Well, I’m not getting any younger Dad, and I would like a couple of brothers and sisters before I get too old to enjoy them.”

  Julian couldn’t believe it his ten-year-old son is telling him that he wants siblings before he got too old to enjoy them. “Do you have someone in mind for the position or do you think I should go rent a wife?”

  “I think that Clarissa would make a perfect mother. She’s likeable, and she doesn’t treat me as if I’m in the way. Most of all, it would be cool to have a mother who creates video games.”

  “Oh, so you think I should marry Clarissa because she’s good entertainment for you. What if she doesn’t want to marry me?”

  Micah didn't answer his father right away. “She once told me that any woman would love to have a son like me. Maybe she would like you too if were polite to her.”

  “You know what son; I will seriously consider asking Clarissa to marry me. I want to keep this a secret between you and me. Clarissa might get scared if she found out too soon.”

  “Okay Dad, but try not to mess this up.”

  Julian couldn't contain his laughter as his son walked away. He didn’t have the heart to tell Micah that he already considered Clarissa the best candidate for the role as his wife. The situation isn’t looking good; he didn't expect Clarissa to run from him. It's as if she didn’t feel comfortable in his presence. The only time a woman did that is when she’s fighting her attraction for a man. Julian smiles to himself, his quarry is on the run. Now the time has come for him to make every effort to impress.


  Chapter 9

  He made a call to his partner in D.C. This whole situation pissed him off. Here, he was at some bullshit sales job trying to find the computer investigator who may or may not be on to their grand scheme. Two months ago, Lacey his fiancée cornered him about some rumors she heard about his friend Gaylan.

  He had no way of knowing if Lacey notified any of her superiors, but he rigged her car anyway, he made her death appear like an accident. He was told by contacts that Clarissa Marks was hired to be a special investigator for the government. Gaylan needed time to cover their tracks at the EPA. If Clarissa is the investigator hired by the government, she may already be on to them. He wouldn't like it, but he'll make her have an accident too if necessary.

  "Well have you found out anything yet?"

  For some reason, he didn't want to confirm to Gaylan that Clarissa is indeed the tracker working for the government. "I found Clarissa Marks, but I have no way of knowing if she's the tracker."

  "Well we've got to kill the buzz at the EPA or our clients will be extremely upset. It will all be for nothing if Miss Marks discovers our plans. I told you to eliminate Lacey sooner, but you let sentiment get in the way. I haven't noticed any fall out on my end, but you never know when these bastards are investigating you. At least when everything was done in-house we received ample warning. All traces on Lacey's hard drive have been wiped. If they run diagnostics on the hard drive, I'm confident that they won't find a thing. Hurry up and clean up your mess I want to be sunning myself on some beach when the shit hits the fan."

  "Don't worry if Clarissa Marks is the track
er, I'll handle the situation." He hung up the phone wondering how things had gotten so far off the beaten track. When he met Lacey, she was just another egghead with dreams of changing the world. Unfortunately for her she came across something and wanted to expose his clients. He couldn't allow that to happen, his clients paid millions to him, and his partner to keep their secrets.

  She was a woman, and all women have their weaknesses. His good looks got him into many secured places. Hell he got close to Lacey in a matter of hours, after some intense sex he had her offering every scrap of information she suspected regarding his underground dealings. Unfortunately for him that she was able to send out a warning before he could stop her. Now here he was in Chicago doing fucking clean-up work.

  His good looks and charm may not work on Clarissa; she seemed to be caught up in a love thing with the boss man Julian Ross. He would use whatever tools in his arsenal to gain her trust, and throw her off track. Computer technicians weren't the brightest people in the company; they were always looking to be recognized for their intelligence.

  The technician who configured his computer couldn't keep his mouth shut about Clarissa's set-up in the computer lab. It took him ten minutes to confirm that Clarissa was indeed the tracker. Maybe the top dogs at the EPA haven't connected Lacey's death to any wrongdoing. Virtual hard drives were all the rage today; Lacey's files could be under investigation right now. He didn't want to hurt Clarissa, but as Gaylan said, they couldn't take that risk. A loose tie is a death sentence.


  It was Tuesday morning; Clarissa was feeling one hundred percent better. She took Julian's advice and stayed home Monday, giving herself one more day of rest. Clarissa worked in a secured computer lab several floors below Julian's office. There was no doubt that Julian would become her lover. When he touched her to check for a fever, she almost threw herself at him. Never in her life had she hungered for a man's touch.


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