Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III)

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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III) Page 8

by Sarah J. Stone

  He copied her movements to rub her all over him. He scooted her to the edge of the bed. Her skirt rode higher up her thighs. Only the thin film of her panties covered her, and her juices soaked the cotton.

  He tilted her backward and then forward. She sat down on him going forward, and his bulk weighed her down going backward. He ripped their lips apart, and his kisses danced down her neck.

  She gasped for breath at that fire-breathing mouth. He dropped one blistering kiss after another down her neck until he burrowed under her ear. She pressed her head against his, but she couldn’t stop the cruel waves crashing over her. She squeezed her legs around his ribs. When would he ever take her and end her long misery?

  His breath flamed on her skin. He fell down farther toward the neckline of her dress. Her very cells screamed for release. Her insides throbbed to surround him. She clawed at his back until his shirt came free in her hands. She ripped it out of the way and sank her fingernails into his bare skin.

  His back spread broad and strong under her hands. His shoulders rounded in piles of flexing muscle. He owned her and possessed her with those arms, that mouth of his.

  He tugged open the first button of her dress with his teeth. He crept one more fraction lower. His mouth crawled down her chest, but he still didn’t get hold of her breasts. Her dress worried her nipples to tight, hard morsels, but he didn’t know that. He could leave them alone forever. A man who could control himself in a major confrontation with Arryn could control himself anywhere.

  His maddening slowness drove her insane. She flicked open her buttons for him, and he took advantage of the invitation. He dove inside her dress and found those voluptuous orbs waiting for him.

  June beat against him in wild exultation. She thrust her breasts into his mouth and hands, and she bumped her hips into his chest. His smooth skin made her mouth water, but she couldn’t get close enough to kiss him or bite him or tear at him the way she wanted to. She could only gaze at his back and shoulders and neck and salivate for the moment when she would get him.

  Was this the eternal bliss all shifters longed for? Was this the cosmic oneness described in legends and fireside stories? Was this the rapture of mating for life with her one true love?

  Would she ever get tired of this? Would she ever stop hungering for his skin, for his mouth sucking her breasts and hugging her against him?

  Never! She wanted him every day of his life. She wanted him young and old and tired and cranky and hungry and angry and sad. She wanted to rub his shoulders when he came home after a long day’s work. She wanted to patch up his cuts and bruises and heal his broken heart. She wanted to give him that home he left behind.

  How could she do that? She didn’t have to answer any of those questions now. All she had to do was love him. Her dress fell the open, and her dark brown skin lay bare and exposed before him. Nothing remained but for him to seize her and carry her away to heaven.

  He leaned back on his knees to admire her choice body underneath. June caught her breath at the look in his eyes. He worshiped her magnificence.

  He didn’t kiss her again. He pushed her back on the bed, and her dress slipped the rest of the way off. It disappeared into the floor. June stretched out on the bed for his pleasure. He climbed onto the quilt next to her and took her in his arms.

  Her brown arms surrounded his white shoulders. Their skin touched body to body. Their opposites became one in a more perfect connection than June ever imagined possible. She would never be the same. His touch and his skin made her into something unrecognizable. She left behind her old self and became his mate. No other identity made sense.

  Their bodies fit together in every curve and hill. Her breasts molded to his chest to leave no space between them. Their legs glided together until their hips slotted one against the other. His swollen bulge plowed between her legs. One knee slipped between her thighs, and she wrapped her leg around his back.

  His crotch touched her panties. His swollen member found the wetness oozing from her insides. Their mouths melded to bring deeper ecstasy than any love-making.

  June swam in that kiss. Her body belonged to him and owned him at the same time. Her flesh pulsed against him, but she didn’t need anymore. She could take her time and enjoy this magical interlude.

  He traced his fingertips up and down her body. He tickled down her arms and down her hips to her shapely thighs. His touch sparked electric shivers all over her. She surged into his arms, and his kiss soothed her into quiescent delight.

  In his endless journeys, he found the lacy rim of her panties. He discovered the skin underneath until the flimsy garment wormed its way down her thighs and joined the rest of her clothes on the floor.

  Now, only his pants remained behind, but he didn’t seem to notice them. He took his languid time touching her all over. He circled her nipples until goosebumps sprouted all over her body. He fingered down her belly to the small triangle of hair between her legs.

  June stared up into his burning eyes. She held onto his neck and whimpered when he went a little lower, a little lower, into the quicksand between her legs.

  He eased off enough to let her legs fall apart. He fingered into her secret territory, and her flesh parted to invite him in. His hand worked her into fermented insanity, but he wouldn’t stop. He slithered inside to excite her inner anatomy to foaming delicious bliss.

  She wanted to close her eyes and turn away from that unstoppable pleasure cascading over her, but he kissed her again to bring her back. He kept her looking at him, facing him, while he drove her into the stratosphere.

  His knuckles banged against her bones, and his finger nudged her cervix until she couldn’t contain her rising desire any longer. She tossed and screamed on the bed. She hurled herself against his hand.

  Before she could finish, he bent down to kiss her heaving mound. She strained against his hand, but he crawled down between her legs. In an instant, she exploded into fresh gusts of loud screaming climax.

  He wouldn’t let her go. One spiking peak after another tore her from her moorings. She couldn’t think. She could hardly feel anything beyond the dripping pleasure striking through her.

  She barely registered when he stopped. He rose above her, and she saw herself reflected in his eyes. He eased himself on top of her, and their bodies sealed in one ecstatic kiss.

  14. Chapter 13

  Ash planted his knees between her legs. June extended her arms over her head. Rapturous delight relaxed all her joints. She reveled in this drunken pleasure.

  He ran his hands up and down her thighs to the wetness spread out before him Her black hair tingled in the open air. His palms excited her inner thighs all the way up into her insides. When would he take her there again?

  She moaned with heavy breath. Her breasts stabbed upward to prick the air. He followed her curves, up over her hips and waist to her ribs. He scooped up two handfuls of her breasts, and she writhed and seethed in his hands.

  His nostrils flared, and he clenched his teeth in mounting desire. His prick strained his pants between his legs, but he didn’t touch it. He admired her from above and adored her with his hands.

  He brought her to life with his touch. She never experienced her body like this. She never roiled in ecstasy or sparkled all over in the joy of being alive. He had to do that for her. No one else could touch her like this. No one’s eyes could open her up to receive his hands and his body.

  No wonder the NightShade died if any tragedy separated them from their mates. He flowed in her veins and breathed in her lungs. He was her heart and soul, forever. She lived so many years without this. She would never live without it again.

  He dallied his fingertips down her stomach to make her contract in spasms. He snatched up her hips and yanked her toward him. Her pelvis came to rest on top of his wicked bulge. He jammed it into her fissure, but he wouldn’t take off his pants. He bent forward to kiss her again.

  His tongue glistened between his teeth. He nibbled her lips, and his
eyes demanded all her secrets. She stared into destiny’s farthest reaches in his blue irises. Where would it end? Where did he stop and she begin? Did he see just as far in her eyes?

  That kiss translated all the way down her body to the sweet nest where his spike touched her quivering slit. He rocked against her while they kissed. Each time he pushed forward, his prick plowed into her. He cleaved her lips apart to dampen his pants on her dripping petals.

  June rotated her hips to ride that probing thing. She gyrated on the bed and pounded her bones against his solid manhood. If only she could get him unzipped, she would engulf him inside her and never let him go.

  He took his time, though. His weight held her down. She could only copy his slow rhythm. His energy excited her beyond imagining. His eyes drilling into her sparked fresh oozes of nectar from her font.

  He rode a little higher, and quick mews escaped her with every torturous pulse of his hips. Oh, that felt so good! How did he know exactly what to do to her? Even now, her delirious pleasure ebbed faster. It built into another raging climax she couldn’t hold back.

  One minute, it murmured somewhere far below the surface. She understood it, but she couldn’t see it coming. All of a sudden, she couldn’t contain it anymore. It erupted out of her so fast she didn’t know what to do with herself.

  She clutched him in both fists. She wrenched handfuls of skin off his muscled shoulders, but she couldn’t hold on tight enough. She thrashed every way at once. She split her legs wide open and crushed her sensitive tissues on his bulge. Her juices spattered her thighs and ass.

  She shrieked to the skies. She bit his neck and shoulders and wept in his ears. He pinned her down tighter than ever and let her rage on his throbbing prick. If he could do this to her without even entering her, what would become of her when he finally got to the main event? Would there be anything left of her to take?

  When she came down from that massive peak, she found him gazing at her with those searching eyes. The moist glassy surface reflected her upside down. She saw herself in all her post-orgasmic wildness. Her hair tossed around her head, and her mouth gaped wide to kiss him.

  He made her something wholly different. He took her apart and put her back together again. What was she? Who was that woman in Ash’s eyes?

  Without warning, he dug his hands under her. He took hold of both butt cheeks and plucked her off the bed to sit her on his lap. He knelt on the quilt, and she straddled that demon cock still locked inside his pants. How could a man restrain himself so long? He must have an iron will. Nothing had gotten the better of him, and she never would, either.

  He rocked her on his lap for a while. That simple change in position almost rocketed her into outer space all over again. His thighs slapped her ass and knocked her up. His cock struck her most tender anatomy, but she needed more now. She needed him. She needed him inside her, where he belonged.

  He knew it, too. He couldn’t hold out much longer without relief. He hitched her higher, and his fingers groped between her legs. Her wetness suffocated those fingers and threatened to dissolve them in acres of spongy pillows.

  He fought through them to the hard knob wedged against her pubic bone. Somehow, some way, he got his pants open. His hard-on angled against his stomach, but he couldn’t get free with her weight in the way.

  June took matters into her own hands. She inched back, and her hand down between her legs. She slithered into his pants and took hold of that whip she craved so bad.

  Ash gasped in shock, but she already had him by the prick. She stroked down his shaft, back up, and down again. Startled shock froze his features. He stopped kissing her, and his mouth hung open while she handled him down his length.

  She cupped his balls in their soft bag, but she always came back to his rigid shaft. She spoke to it and loved it. The veins distended between her fingers, and it pulsed and quivered when she touched it.

  That thing fascinated her more than anything she saw in his eyes. It was him. It was his primal essence made flesh. She eased farther back so she could look at it. She let his lips go and peered down at the slab of hot meat in her hand.

  She didn’t see him push his pants the rest of the way down. She knew only the living, breathing animal between her fingers. It jumped up at her when she pushed down its length. Its head swelled when she squeezed its base, and something glistened around its eye.

  She looked up to see him regarding her. She caressed it down the shaft one more time, and he spasmed in agony. Did it hurt? A ragged moan came out of his throat. “It’s all yours now.”

  She scooted back another inch so she could bend over to kiss it. She wanted to do so much more than that. Her tongue darted out to swoosh around its head. He groaned out loud, and his noises encouraged her. She flicked her tongue around the taut rim. Some part of her knew what to do. She hooked her lips behind the head and sucked.

  Ash whimpered, but she couldn’t stop. She devoured the thing in gobbling mouthfuls. She never tasted anything like it. It tasted of man—fresh, hot, animal man.

  She dribbled saliva down his shaft and swallowed the whole thing into her throat. She just started to get warmed up when Ash grabbed her by the shoulder and pried her off. “No! Not yet.”

  She didn’t understand. What did she do wrong? One look at his face explained everything. Tension contorted his features. She barely recognized him. Wild fury distorted him into a raging animal. He couldn’t hold back any longer. His patient, steady rhythm evaporated.

  He sat her up to face him. Before she could ask, he caught her up again and sat her in the same place. Her legs squirreled around him. Now nothing separated him from her but a thin film of fiery liquid.

  He pumped into her, and his prick slid between her lips. Oh, God, the excitement blasted her apart like nothing else. His bumping and grinding before couldn’t touch her compared to this. His shaft glided between her leaves and tormented all the swollen tissue between her thighs.

  Her hips pulsed back and forth on their own beat. She matched his movements to catch that throbbing ridged monster moving closer. She understood it now. She knew what it wanted, and she could give it.

  He crushed her against him, and she sat down hard on that upthrusting spike. One more inch, and he would be in. Oh, if only he would get in, she would collapse in shivering pleasure.

  His rock-hard muscles flexed all around her. His arms held her up when she couldn’t hold herself up any longer. She took shelter in his arms, but he attacked her in all his demon ferocity.

  Out of nowhere, something sharp stabbed her in the guts. She screamed once. Then a mind-blowing fullness washed her pain away. He kept up his endless rocking, swaying rhythm, but she couldn’t keep still. She had to drive that pointed weapon deeper. She had to consume it in all its masculine power.

  He contracted his midsection, and that hot stick burrowed into her deepest recesses. He bucked higher on his knees, and his hips propelled her into the air. Her own weight dragged her down on top of him.

  The way she convulsed before faded from her memory. Her spine whipped sideways, but he held her still. No matter where she went, he always brought her back. He always impaled her on his quivering spike.

  In a matter of seconds, she floated out of her body into a dreamworld of nonstop climaxes. Every devastating penetration buoyed her into outer space. She sank down only to bounce higher on the next scorching thrust.

  Oh, dear God, that thing was so good! It roasted her alive until she couldn’t stand the heat. It jackhammered her apart with its incredible thickness. It tickled every inch of her channel to molten lava.

  She screamed until her throat ached. Then she collapsed against him in sobbing ecstasy, but he wouldn’t stop pounding up into her. One giant hand guided her head down on his shoulder while his other arm grappled around her waist. When all her strength drained out of her, he lifted her up and drove her down on his shaft harder than ever.

  Even then, even when she lacked the voice to scream and the strength to
move her limbs, his cock sent her spiraling heavenward. She sank into his arms while her mind drifted on clouds of glorious delight.

  From a distance, she registered his hips smacking against her ass. His arm crushed her ribs so she couldn’t breathe. None of that mattered. So much pleasure and cosmic union rushed through her in that moment she didn’t care what he did to her. She wanted him to. She wanted everything, and she got it.

  His teeth clenched around her lip, and the pain snapped her out of her delirium. Only then did she hear him gasping for breath and whining in tortured agony. Every questioning yelp grated through his parched throat. He watched her eyes for any sign of her return.

  The moment she locked her eyes on his, he bellowed out loud. A wounded animal couldn’t scream like that. The sound sent shivers up her spine, but it was already too late. His cock swelled hard and tight inside her. She squeezed him back with all her inner muscles, and he gushed into her on steamy torrents.

  He rose straight up on his knees. June clung to his chest and gripped her ankles behind his back. She flexed her hips to grab his cock inside her, but all that rigid hotness flowed out of him into her. His vital elixir filled her dark caverns and mixed with her cocktail to become something never seen on Earth before.

  He roared into her mouth, but he couldn’t hold himself up anymore. He fell forward on the bed, and his shoulders slammed her down hard. His cock plunged into her depths to its limit, but he already spent himself inside her.

  He extended his legs between hers. One deadly tremor racked his body to his fingertips and toes, and he lay still. His wet cock pulsed inside her, and her muscles milk the last wetness from them both.

  He shouted his thunderous cries into the pillow behind her head. She rubbed his neck and combed her fingers through his hair. She traced the rivulets of sweat tricking down his back. She never loved him more than now. She would protect him and harbor him. She would give him a safe place to rest after his herculean labors. That was the least she could do after the joy and intoxicated belonging he gave her.


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