Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III)

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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III) Page 47

by Sarah J. Stone

  Damian glanced at Eden. “I had lots of help, sir.”

  “Go home, son. You deserve a good long rest.”

  73. Chapter 17

  One by one, the people crowding around the fight scene faded into the city. Damian watched Elder Hood stride away toward his own apartment building. In a few seconds, not one trace of Damian’s fight against Eli remained. Only the blood dripping from his clothes and drying on his face reminded him of the terrible truth. Now that nothing threatened him anymore, his injured shoulder started to ache.

  He turned to go home the way Elder Hood told him to when he came face to face with Eden. In the confusion of the fight and his despair over defeating Eli, he had completely forgotten she was there. He cringed when he confronted her with his brother’s blood all over him, but a brilliant light broke over her face when she met his gaze.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She radiated light and love and warmth into his shattered soul. She tried to hold back her bubbling laughter. “You did it! You’re free.”

  He blinked in wonder. He was free. He could go home. He could take a shower and clean himself up. He could go back to being the person he was before Eli made him into a killer.

  Before he could stop her, she rushed at him and kissed him. He shrank back. He didn’t want to get this gore all over her, but she wouldn’t release him. She hugged him tight until he finally understood that she didn’t care if she got dirty. She only wanted him.

  Once he let himself feel again, he couldn’t stop kissing her. He snatched her lips in greedy passion as he squeezed one breast in his big hand. All the torrential desire that sparked to life in her grandfather’s office sprang awake again. He had to have her. He had to have her right now on the grass in front of everybody.

  He stood up straight and tall. He took her hand. “Come on. We’re going home.”

  She didn’t argue. She settled at his side and let him lead her to his building. Elder Hood must have entered his release into the computer system, because Damian found the building computer ready and waiting for him. He pressed his thumb against the screen, and the door glided open for him.

  He and Eden took the elevator to the twentieth floor. When he opened the apartment door, he found the place deserted. Of course. Fate decreed they should mate in peace and tranquility. Nothing would ever disturb them again. They suffered a lifetime’s difficulty in the space of a few days. Now they were home, and there they would stay.

  Damian ushered Eden to his room. His desk stood in one corner stacked with computers of all shapes and sizes. That would have to change. He didn’t expect her to share him with his work. He would register in the morning to get his own office space. If Elder Hood was right and he belonged in politics, he might as well get an office to go with the job.

  He let go of Eden’s hand. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to take a shower and change my clothes before we do anything else.”

  She only smiled and nodded. He didn’t have to explain anything to her. She already knew every thought and feeling in his heart. She understood him better than anybody.

  He left her and retreated to the bathroom. He turned on the powerful hot spray, stripped off his soiled clothes, and dumped them into the recycling chute. The internal motor whirred to whisk them out of existence. The internal computer system would recycle them into a new set of clothes somewhere else in the city. He never had to think about them again.

  He closed his eyes and kept them closed while the shower pounded on his head, face, and chest. He didn’t open them until he knew for sure every drop of Eli’s blood was washed down the drain. He soaped up, rinsed off, and stepped out to dry himself with a fluffy towel.

  How good and clean and beautiful this ordinary life was! He never appreciated it until he came close to losing it forever. How long had he been stuck in those cells without a decent shower?

  He wrapped the towel around his waist and went back to the room. He found Eden lounging on his bed. She scrolled her finger over a tablet screen on the covers in front of her. He bent over her shoulder. “What are you reading?”

  “I was just looking at the video record of the fight. Grandpa is right. It’s all there.”

  He took the screen out of her hands. “I don’t want to talk about that anymore.”

  She sat up on the bed to kiss him and he cupped her face in both hands. What did he ever do to deserve this blessed girl? Starting right now, his life would change—not because he had a wife. He would change his life to make himself worthy of her love. He would clean up this room. He would make her life the best it could be. He would work ten times harder to make her sacrifice worthwhile.

  He kissed her longer and longer. He could never get enough of kissing her. She filled his soul with more radiant happiness than he ever experienced before. She made him want to purify himself so he would be good enough to deserve her.

  She grasped his wrists where he cradled her face. Her head fell back, and she submitted to his kiss. Her spirit softened, and her breath lengthened where it breezed into his nostrils. Man, he loved her so much! He worshiped her beyond belief.

  He let go of her lips to stand up in front of her. She gazed up at him with her soft, loving eyes and stroked her hands up his chest to his neck and back down to his waist. She excited every nerve until he couldn’t see straight.

  He squeezed her face. So many thoughts and notions fought to be let out that he couldn’t decide what to do first. He wanted to crush her and protect her and invade her and put her on a pedestal for all to admire. He wanted to tear her to shreds so he could draw her into himself where she would be safe for all eternity.

  She cast back her head to stare up into his eyes. The blood rushed to her cheeks so her skin glowed with inner light. Her bright red lips parted, and he caught sight of her tongue flash moist and inviting behind her cheeks.

  His crotch swelled in aching hunger, but she didn’t shrink from him. She traced her fingertips down his chest to his stomach. She touched the towel, but didn’t remove it. Her eyelids sank closed. She leaned forward, and her cherry red mouth closed on his stomach.

  Holy God! He never experienced anything like that mouth. She placed intoxicating kisses along his abs. She bit into his sides and inched lower to brush her cheek against the towel. Every touch sent him into a fermented spasm of insane delight. He never wanted this to end, but it couldn’t last forever.

  She slid her soft fingers up his ribs to his armpits. His cock bulged under his towel until it stood straight out at her, but she pretended it wasn’t there. She kissed up his midsection to his chest. She kissed right above his heart.

  His body pulsed all over for release, but he enjoyed this too much to interfere. He stared down at her sweet face. Erotic passion blazed in her eyes. Her lips left languid traces of saliva on his skin wherever she went.

  She raised her eyes to his, and dropped her hands to his knees. She skated her delicate touch up the back of his legs to the quivering spot between his thighs. She tickled from his ass to the tight nexus between his legs.

  His cock throbbed hard and tingly. He petted the hair he loved so much out of her faced. She didn’t change it when the Elders locked him up. She kept it the way he liked it. She never lost faith in him. Some part of her knew all along they would be together in the end.

  She gripped his ass from behind. She kept her smoking brown eyes locked on his face while she tugged the towel off with her teeth. His cock sprang out at her, but he couldn’t bring himself to shove it at her. He wanted her too much.

  Before he could move, her hand closed around it. She stroked it back to his nuts. Her firm little fingers teased down its shaft, and her other hand supported his nuts. She dragged her fingernail up his perineum until he sucked his breath through his teeth.

  He waited too long for this to do it like this, though. He took hold of her wrists and removed her hands from his cock. Her eyes widened, but he was in control now. She had her way. Now, she would see what he could do.

  He eased her back on the bed until she lay flat. He positioned her hands on either side of her head and pressed them down to signal her to stay put. Her hungry eyes searched his face, but he gave no answers. She would have to learn by experience.

  Once he spread her out, he could take his time. His cock still pulsed and strained to get at her. That would never change. He would always want her, but he could stand back and measure his next move. He had her where he wanted her. He could take her in all her glory.

  He trailed one finger down her nose, over her full lips, and down her neck. He traced her sternum between her beautiful round globes of breasts. They heaved to catch him, but he didn’t stop. He tickled down her stomach to her pants. He slid his finger under the band, but he didn’t go in.

  Eden panted. Her eyes pleaded with him to do something, to release her pent-up tension, but he wouldn’t touch her any more than that. He wanted to see her spread out and available to him. He wanted to watch her ache for his touch. Her pouting lips and flared nostrils, her eyes rolling around the room, turned him on more than anything she could do to him.

  He snaked his finger back up her chest and flipped open her shirt buttons. She lay in tormented excitement under his hands, but she didn’t move. She understood what he wanted. She kept her hands aside while he did everything.

  He unfastened each button until he eased back the two sides of her blouse to reveal her bra. Her breasts rose and fell with her breath. She alternated between deep breaths through her nose and sucking inhalations through her mouth. She couldn’t lie still anymore. She had to writhe and convulse even when she stayed still for whatever he would do to her.

  74. Chapter 18

  Eden gazed at Damian floating above her face. She barely recognized him from the hunted animal she talked to in the cells. The fight, regaining his freedom, and now bringing her home to his room—all those things worked an impossible transformation on him. He burned with fiery determination. Nothing could stop him in whatever he wanted to do, and right now, he wanted her.

  He laid aside the two halves of her shirt. The air hit her skin. She ached to touch him, to draw him down on top of her until his whole bare body touched hers, but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t deny the commanding pressure with which he fixed her wrists to the bed. He was in charge here. She had to follow his lead.

  Once he opened her shirt, he went back to dragging his maddening finger up and down her skin. He dallied up her neck to her mouth. This time, he let her grab it between her lips. She had to suck it. She had to lick it and bite it. She had to vent all her insatiable desires on that one small square of his body while he let her.

  She just got started when he took it away from her. He let the wetness of her saliva drizzle down her neck. He swooped his touch around her bra. He gave her nipples a quick circle, just enough to make her moan in ragged torment, before he traveled toward her stomach.

  She tossed and whined, but she couldn’t do anything to induce him to take her. He teased and tormented down the dark line plunging down her stomach then around her navel, to the place where it vanished into her pants. He eased one digit inside her waistband and ran it along her stomach. She shuddered and gasped at the intensity of it all.

  When she thought she would go out of her mind in rabid longing, he let his mouth descend onto the sensitive skin indenting her abs. He inhaled deep mouthfuls of her brown skin. His teeth grazed her enough to make her writhe in anguish. Then he released her and moved on to the next quivering spot.

  He rode along that immaculate ridge, up to the underwire of her bra, down to her waistband. He nosed under the fabric, but he made no move to get underneath it. Her body tingled all over in desperate anticipation. Didn’t he know what he was doing to her? Didn’t he understand how much she needed him right now?

  He must know. He had to know. He never took his eyes off of her face, which was twisted in rabid lust. He heard every whimpering sigh when he danced his tongue up her middle and snapped her bra with his teeth. Oh, if he would only go an inch farther, another inch to one side or the other to nibble her nipple, she would erupt in sweet release. If he would only drop another tiny way below her waist, she would reach her full completion in his simmering mouth.

  He didn’t do it, though. He observed all her heaving contortions. He studied her actions and reactions to everything he did. He discovered every responsive zone of her anatomy. When he finished his meticulous study, he straightened up to view her from high above.

  She sobbed under her breath, but she couldn’t look away from his fierce glaring eyes. His majestic dominance enthralled her beyond anything she had ever imagined possible. Whatever he did sent her spinning in dizzy ecstasy into a sea of rapture.

  She was here, in his room. He was undressing her on his bed. Nothing stopped him from taking her to her limit. No one knew, and if they did, they couldn’t intervene if they tried. He was her mate. She belonged to him for all time.

  Even having him standing there above her titillated her every nerve like never before. His eyes caressed her all over. She rose to the grazing touch of those eyes the same way she seethed under his hands. If she could only lie stretched out for his inspection for the rest of her life, she would die happy.

  He bent down and took hold of her ankles. He hauled her to the end of the bed and, at long last, his hands grasped hold of her waistband. With one easy flick, he unfastened the button holding them on.

  Eden’s heart stopped. He was doing it. He was going through with this. He hooked his fingers into her waistband and dragged her pants off. He stripped them away from her legs, leaving her bare below the waist. Her thighs, her ass, and her sopping wet lips stared up at him in shock.

  He tossed her pants behind him and retreated to his place where he regarded her with tempestuous desire. His chest strained when he breathed. His muscles jumped and flexed with every move he made. He fixed his eyes on her exposed body.

  For an instant, they stayed transfixed by each other. She delved into the bottomless depths of his brooding dark eyes and saw the same bald truth written there. This was her mate. This was the man set aside to fulfill her life’s destiny. If she couldn’t find comfort and satisfaction in him, she couldn’t find it anywhere.

  In that moment, all her fear and anxiety and tension drained away. She no longer shrank from him. She wanted him to see her exposed, vulnerable, and ready to receive him. She wanted it so bad that the space holding them apart cut her to the quick. She would do anything to get him and hold him and keep him for her own.

  He bent forward without breaking the eye contact between them. She watched his full lips come to rest on her knee. He dragged his mouth up her sensitive inner thigh until the excited shudders quaked through her. He left a trail of saliva on her brown skin until he delivered one butterfly kiss to her heaving wet mound.

  She cradled his head in both hands and fought for every breath. His mouth filled her with more delicious pleasure than she ever dreamed in her wildest fantasies. The warm liquid steaming on her skin traveled up to her quivering tissues. Her nectar oozed between the leaves to quicken her still more.

  He hugged her hips against his chest and spread his long form on the bed between her legs. She laced her limbs around his chiseled torso. He infused her with warmth and burning passion. His eyes bored into her heart to awaken all her desire for him.

  Her mons twitched in aching anticipation for the next kiss. He hovered there for eons before he descended to brush his lips across her hair. That tickling sensation sent shockwaves through her until her whole being screamed for him.

  He kissed closer, closer. He puffed his breath against her delicate flesh until she mewed in agony. Oh, she wanted this so much! She wanted him down there. She wanted to reach her fulfillment on his mouth, on his fingers and body and skin.

  He gave her one more kiss, but this time, he didn’t rise. He glanced down focused on her ripe fruit. He maneuvered his lips between her petals, and slithered his wicked tongue inside.
br />   She rocked and heaved at the unstoppable intensity of the feelings ripping through her. She bucked her pelvis against his face, but nothing he did could ever be enough. His tongue lashed her to rapid convulsions. His lips sucked her hotter, and he forked aside her dripping foliage to plunge his fingers into her depths.

  What had her life been before this moment? She had to love him and seize him for her own before she could understand such bliss existed in the world. And to think thousands upon millions of NightShade lived like this every day. NightShade found their mates. They slept and loved together in their houses and apartments. They raised children, and it all started here, in this heavenly togetherness.

  She would live like that, and she would never stop loving him. Even after they spent themselves in rapturous delight, after they left this room to return to the normal world of everyday life, they would remain locked together like this.

  He munched harder. His tongue swirled faster through her hungry tissues. She moaned out loud. She wanted it so bad. She couldn’t hurl her hips at him fast enough to keep up with the mounting waves rising out of her soul.

  He worked his fingers through her glorious channel. He pumped the creamy honey out of her until the fragrant vapors filled the room, but it wasn’t enough. She yearned for so much more.

  His eyes drilled into her from down below. Only his eyes and nose remained visible above her pubic bone. They locked together in that magical gaze.

  She couldn’t take any more. She couldn’t stop the freight train rushing at her from far away. It would destroy her any second now. She tightened her fingers around his neck and scalp, but she couldn’t get any protection from him. The harder she bucked, the faster she plunged, the harder he worked to drive her there. He was her tormentor and her savior, all at the same time.


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