Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III)

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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume III) Page 56

by Sarah J. Stone

  He squirreled his hand under her blouse to the lacy bra holding her breasts in place. He ripped it aside, and her nipple jumped out to prick between his fingers. Natalie went insane at the touch. She flung her legs around his waist and mangled his mouth in greedy bites.

  That little morsel of flesh exploded in Silas’s brain, and the pendulous globe of warm softness cradled in his hand made him want to weep in ecstasy. It answered all his prayers and dreams. It spoke to him from heaven. It sang him songs of beauty and love and peace.

  He brought his fingers together, and Natalie squirmed on the countertop. She ground her crotch against his raging hard-on. For a fraction of a second, her gobbling kisses hesitated, and gazed past him into a netherworld of forgotten bliss.

  Silas stared back into the vacuum of her eyes, but the next minute, his own raving need pushed him toward her again. He got both hands under her shirt and pushed her bra down. He cradled both breasts in his hands, but not even that could be enough. He needed so much more of her.

  He yanked his mouth off hers and dove lower. He burrowed under her shirt until his craven mouth found her tender nipples. He sucked them and nipped them and kissed them and licked them.

  Natalie grabbed handfuls of his hair. She whipped back and forth in his arms, and the delighted mews fell from her lips. Her hips crept along the counter toward him and she pumped her body against him in time to his sucks.

  Everything she did, every sound she made and every stroke of her hands on his neck sent him into the stratosphere. He had never tasted anything so delectable as those hard little nipples. He never smelled anything so divine as the heated scent under her shirt. Those sensations and smells and touches shot straight to his cock until he couldn’t stand the pressure.

  When he swam up from the depths to find her mouth again, she tore at his pants in desperate fury. She whipped his belt open and started on his button before he realized what she was doing. She would have him open in a second. She would have her hand on his cock, right there in the kitchen. Anybody coming down those stairs could see what they were doing.

  Taking her hand away from his fly required all his strength, but he stopped her. Her eyes flew open, and the breath caught in her nose. “What’s wrong? Don’t you want me to?”

  He kissed her hand. “I want you to. I want you to more than anything, but not here. Not…” His gaze shot toward the stairs.

  All the energy died in an instant. She pulled back, and he straightened up. The bulge still stuck out of his pants, but the rabid hunger no longer drove them together. They retreated to being two people standing in a kitchen.

  Natalie slid off the counter and adjusted her bra under her shirt. She ran her wrist across her mouth and raked her fingers through her hair. Silas shifted his cock inside his pants and looked around at nothing.

  When they finished their adjustments, they came back to staring at each other. She still captivated him like never before, but he could control himself now. He bent down and gave her a little peck on the lips. “We better go upstairs.”

  He took her hand, and they climbed to the landing where the hall split off to the bedrooms. No sound came from any door. Briar and Grace were asleep. Shaw and Dana’s suite at the far end of the hall lay still and quiet.

  Natalie glanced across the landing. The door stood open there to May’s old room. A floral duvet covered the bed, and muslin curtains hung around the windows. Natalie looked back at Silas. His room lay behind him, at the far end of the hall. No one would hear or see them there.

  Natalie squeezed his hand, but he didn’t let her go. She wouldn’t go into May’s room. He had no intention of letting her go anywhere but to his room. He would finish what he started, and he would wake up tomorrow morning a married man. That’s all there was to it.

  He caught her with his intractable gaze. He wanted her and needed her, but some more powerful force decreed what they would do and when. He didn’t have to tug her hand to signal her to follow him. Destiny pushed her toward him, and he backed away before her.

  He headed down the hall to his own door, but he didn’t get inside before the unstoppable hurricane roared out of Bruins’ Peak itself to shove them together. He paused outside his door, and she blasted into his arms. Her mouth caught him by surprise, but quicker than thought, he regained control and kissed her back.

  Her weight thumped him against the door and she fell into his hands. He grasped her breast through her shirt. He squeezed her ass to hug her against him. He slipped his knee between her legs and brought it up tight into her crotch.

  She responded to everything he did. He couldn’t believe the manic lust pouring out of her. She encouraged him. She welcomed him. She wanted all that and more.

  The moment he fell against the door, she was all over him. She shoved her breasts into his hands. She sat down on his knee and rotated her hips to excite herself. She moaned into his mouth, and her tongue swirled against his teeth.

  He fumbled for the knob, and the door gave way behind him. He staggered into the room with her still stuck to his front. He clutched her against him and stumbled back to the bed. He collapsed onto his quilt, and she lunged on top of him.

  She straddled his hips, and her quick little fingers flicked open the buttons down his shirt. She pushed the smooth cotton away, and her mouth and hands descended onto his bare chest. Silas relaxed back on his bed. He had her where he wanted her. He could bide his time and let her have her way, for now at least.

  She mouthed his nipples and ran her tongue down his midsection. She kissed around his navel and buried her face under his waistband. She inhaled deep scents of his body, and that excited shuddering passed through her tense frame.

  Silas closed his eyes. He followed her down with his hands. She stroked her breasts across his taut crotch. She was all his in all her raw power.

  She climbed up on her knees and sat on his hips while she peeled off her shirt and bra. She smiled when she caught him watching her. She was enjoying this. Her breasts burst free from her bra, and she cast her clothes aside onto the floor.

  She folded forward, and he thought he’d died and gone to heaven when her breasts touched his chest. Her crinkled nipples scraped his skin, and she nuzzled her curly blonde hair into his neck. She nibbled up behind his ear and around his jaw to find his mouth.

  What was he going to do with this woman, whose feral passion matched his own? Would they ever leave this room, or would they swim in a sea of sexual bliss forever?

  She raised her head to kiss him, and his dominant nature wouldn’t lie there and relax a moment longer. He heaved over on top of her, and she sank back under his bulk. He kissed her. He could kiss her forever and never get tired of it, but he wanted to discover her other delights.

  A dreamy smile spread over her face when he unzipped her pants and slid them off her legs. A magical blush covered her cheeks, and she stretched her long naked body over his bed.

  Silas had to savor this moment. He had to imprint it on his memory so he never forgot it. In his old age, he would cherish this image of Natalie lying quiescent and receptive on his bed. She glided her bare legs together, all the way up to the nest at the top. Her breasts heaved with her breathing. Her skin glowed supple and enticing and alive.

  He stood up next to the bed. He unbuckled his belt with slow, deliberate tugs. Her pupils dilated, and her lips parted to take in a breath of air. Her eyes trailed down his chest to his hands working on his fly.

  He kicked his pants away, and his cock stuck straight out from the rest of him. He stood still for one moment longer. His body seethed with power pulsing through him. His energy coursed through him, through his muscles to his prick and out to the rest of the world.

  87. Chapter 12

  Natalie stared up at this man standing over her. She had never imagined she would be lying here on his bed, ready and waiting for him, aching for him and overflowing with love and admiration for everything he was.

  His nakedness didn’t embarrass her, and ne
ither did hers. She embraced it. She extended her arms to him, and he crawled up the bed to her. His lips closed over her mouth, and the rest of him came together with the rest of her. His chest sealed against her breasts. His legs threaded through hers. His cock folded into her engorged tissues where the wetness tingled on her lips.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, but her every cell screamed in completion at that touch all the way down to her feet tangled up with his. She caressed her thigh up his legs to his hips. The hot nectar stung her swollen insides. A bottomless ache called him to fill her up and make her happier than she could remember in her life.

  His eyes melded into her gaze and touched that part of her penetrating to her mind. Every piece of him fit into every piece of her. Their bodies left no daylight between his skin and hers.

  His iron frame rippled all down its length to the root where his cock met his hips. That rocking beat pulsed up and down against her. He drove her into the bed, but his movements only made her happy. She copied him, and their heaving motions brought them closer together all the time.

  A slight nudge told her how close he was. His cock angled up to stroke between her petals. The harder and faster he moved, the longer his slithering strokes. His shaft spread the wetness over her enflamed slit until she couldn’t stand it. She wanted him inside. That’s where he belonged.

  She gyrated her hips in a desperate effort to catch hold of him. One tiny change in angle, and he would plunge into her virgin opening. Oh, she wanted him so bad! Didn’t he know how much she wanted him, how much she craved him?

  His breath came harder. It caught in his throat every time he inhaled, but he didn’t stop. His muscles tightened all over her. His biceps strained, and his chest hardened into a steel wall down her skin.

  She couldn’t stand this any longer. She had to have him. She had to make the first move if he would not. She threw her hips into the air, and that simple maneuver brought his head right up against her dripping cavern.

  He gasped in surprise, but he couldn’t interrupt the rhythm working them together. He couldn’t stop himself, and the next beat drove him full depth into her molten hole.

  Natalie cried out in shock and pain. Silas froze, but her buried desires wouldn’t let her rest. She kicked her hips into the air again and again to pass his cock into her depths. She needed him in deep. She needed him touching her most secret territory.

  In seconds, her pounding movements caught him. He howled in agony, but she already picked up the beat and started stroking him once again. Her puffy spongy tissues overcame his surprise, and he matched her in lust-fueled passion.

  She scratched her fingernails down his back to the tight ass squeezing between her legs. She split her thighs wide open to get him as far into her as he could get. His hard cock stroked deep in to her sodden anatomy, and his frilled crest excited her pleasure spots along her channel.

  She twisted her hips to screw him in to the hilt. His pubic bone struck against her mound, and he gave a small contortion at the end of each stroke. That inner touch propelled her to the heights of ecstasy so she couldn’t get enough.

  She clawed every inch of him in desperate fury. She grabbed him and forced him into her. His shaft swelled to fill her, and her muscles gripped around it until he had to punch through to get inside.

  The long ridge under his shaft tingled over her entrance. His cock head slotted into the space where her cervix jutted into her channel. His ass clenched in her hands. Sweat sprang out on his back from the effort of his thrusts.

  Natalie bounced off the bed in her excitement to swallow him all at once. They didn’t kiss anymore. They both concentrated all their power on the task at hand. Silas bent his head behind her ear and gritted his teeth for every blasting penetration. Natalie threw her head back and gasped. She nipped at his ears and panted into his hair.

  He slammed down into her hard enough to jump the mattress off the bedframe, but she only sighed and whined louder. She heaved her thighs up around his ribs, and his cock plunged down into her foaming vent.

  All at once, thunderous bellows shattered her mind. He pressed his mouth into her ear and roared through his clenched teeth. Scorching fire shot into her through his ridged cock. The creamy mixture bubbled around his veins to dribble down her ass.

  He started to wilt, but she wasn’t finished. She wasn’t anywhere near ready to quit, not when she had lived without him so long. She threw her leg over him and knocked him on his back.

  He sank back under her. She kissed him, but her hips wouldn’t stop swirling on his shaft. She worked him into her insides. The more she twisted and turned, the more she needed him. Her juicy tissues ached for him touching every piece of her.

  The instant she got on top and took what she wanted, he burst to life again. His cock stabbed up into her, and she sat down with all her weight to strike it deep into her core.

  She kicked her legs out behind her. Wild rage and insatiable hunger incited her to push herself against him. She had to complete herself on that upthrusting spike. She had to take it all into her being. She had to reach the delirious heights of bliss on Silas’s body.

  He planted his hands on her chest and pushed her back to sit up. His sweaty skin broke away from her, and she straddled his cock with her moist embrace. Now, his shaft filled her to the breaking point. It occupied her whole awareness. It scratched that hidden itch that robbed her of her happiness for so long.

  She couldn’t break her driving rhythm. She couldn’t stop galloping to her fulfillment on his meat. It nagged her to ever-increasing spirals of dreamy rapture.

  He gripped her thighs and dragged her back and forth on his prick, but she had already impaled herself on it harder than he ever could. Her fragrant honey lubricated every particle of skin touching him down there. She glided up and down his shaft to her inevitable conclusion.

  Her head lolled back on her neck. Her spine flopped, but her hips kept doing their job. They wouldn’t stop until she screamed to the skies in blessed gladness. She sank her fingers into his chest to get a better grip, but he never complained. He would suffer any torture to give her what she needed.

  The wave of intoxicating pleasure boiled out of her soul. It streaked up her skin and through her blood and bones to explode out of her eyes and skin and hair. It touched the far corners of the world until she collapsed on top of him in sweat-stained exhaustion.

  88. Chapter 13

  Silas woke up first the next morning. Just for a moment, his mind ran through all the jobs he had to do today, and he still had no idea how long his father would last. He would have to put work on hold for the whole funeral madness. It would descend on Bruins’ Peak in a tornado of social visits and planning. It could take weeks.

  His mind skipped over the room in search of his phone. He left it in his pants pocket. Then he remembered what he did with his pants last night.

  At the same instant, Natalie stirred in the bed next to him. She rolled over in her sleep, and one milky white arm slipped around his ribs. Her warmth enveloped him, and all the tension drained out of him. He could relax. He had her in his bed. They were mated. Everything else would take care of itself.

  He turned her over to kiss her awake, and she breathed into his nose. The heat under the quilts softened her and sucked him into her aura of sexual delight. His lips plucked the delicate skin down her neck, and she rose to bring him down on top of her.

  He put his head under the covers on his journey down to the garden of rapture when a loud noise of a phone ringing startled him out of his skin. He flung the covers off and dove across the room. He snatched his phone out of his pants pocket and looked at the screen.

  When he saw the notification, he collapsed back on his pillow. He ran his wrist across his forehead in relief.

  Natalie regarded him from the next pillow. “What was it?”

  He threw the phone onto the bedside table. “It was nothing. It’s just something to do with work. It’s nothing important.”

e propped herself up on her elbow. “It may not have been something very important, but you thought it was. You wouldn’t jump across the room like that if you weren’t expecting something pretty big.”

  He bent his elbow behind his head and grinned at her. “Nothing’s more important that spending time with you.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. He should have known changing the subject wouldn’t work on her. He got himself a mate. He would never be able to hide anything from her again.

  Just looking at her confirmed his worst suspicions. She didn’t believe him. She smelled a lie, and this was only their first day together. He couldn’t start the rest of their lives on a lie.

  She turned away and sat up. She scratched her head. “We better get up. The rest of the family will be downstairs to breakfast soon. They’ll wonder where we are, and Briar will want me to take care of Grace like I said I would. Where’s your shower?”

  Silas’s heart fell into his stomach. She would walk out that door, and he wouldn’t get a chance to talk to her again, maybe for hours. Once he started lying to her, he would keep on doing it. Once he started hiding his romance with Penny from Natalie, he would keep hiding it. It would come to dominate their whole relationship. He couldn’t do that.

  He laid his hand on her back. “I have to tell you something.”

  She whipped around. The tone of his voice struck to the very center of her being. Their eyes met. He didn’t have to tell her how important this was. She saw it written on his face.

  He took a deep breath. “I’ve got a problem. I got involved with a woman online, and now I can’t get out of it. I don’t know what to do, but I don’t want to hide it from you. I need you. If we’re gonna do this, I don’t want any secrets or lies between us.”

  Her eyes widened. “By ‘got involved’, do you mean like romantically? Is that what you mean?”

  “I didn’t intend to,” he explained. “It just happened. I hired her to work on my business, and before I knew what was happening, I started talking to her about my life, and her life. It ballooned out of control. We’ve been messaging every day, and now I’m supposed to go meet her.”


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