Hannah (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #2)

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Hannah (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #2) Page 4

by Virginia Hunter

  Just as the metal doors were closing, Dominic slid into the elevator, and crashed against the back wall.

  “Holy shit!” Hannah gasped.

  “Sorry,” Dominic breathed. He’d obviously been running. Even so, he continued to speak between gasps. “I just realized... that I didn’t get... your number.” He smiled. “I’d still like to get in touch... when I come to your hometown, if that’s alright with you.”

  Hannah stood in opened-mouth silence, not sure what to say. She thought she’d seen the last of him, but, suddenly, there he was, standing in all his perfection, right in front of her. Her mouth moved without voice until finally she managed, “Yeah. That’s okay with me.”

  White teeth flashed from that brilliant smile of his. Dominic pulled out his smartphone and started tapping. His dexterous fingers glided across the surface of the phone with practiced ease as he navigated to the correct screen.

  Plagued with self-doubt, but determined, Hannah stepped to the control panel of the elevator and pushed the button to her floor. She took a deep breath to steady herself as the doors slid closed without interruption.

  Dominic frowned in confusion. “What’s up?”

  “I have some business cards in my room,” she said, looking over her shoulder. “It has my address on it as well.” He had to know that she was running a line of total bullshit, and that he could have entered all of that information into his phone, but now that she had committed to getting him up to her room, she didn’t really care. In fact, those six years of penned-up frustration fueled her desire to throw caution to the wind. She had promised herself a good time on this trip, and she’d already let it slip through her fingers once this evening. She wouldn’t do so again—consequences be damned.

  Dominic seemed on the verge of saying something, but hesitated.

  Hannah turned her head to face the doors, hoping to silence any argument. Her tactic must have worked, because no noise, other than his strong breathing, filled her ears as the elevator rose to her floor. She could feel his gaze on her, and hoped that he liked what he saw. She definitely liked what she’d seen of him.

  The elevator slowed, making Hannah’s stomach drop. That little voice of doubt in the back of her head began yelling at her to abandon ship, but she did her best to ignore it. The doors opened onto her floor with a soft rattle, and she smirked. Too late now.

  “This is nice,” Dominic said, as they got off the elevator, and walked up to Hannah’s door. “I’ve always wondered what this place looked like on the inside.”

  “The rooms are even better.” Hannah swiped her key card. The lock clicked, and the door swung open easily. She’d left some of the lamps on, which gave the suite a warm cozy feel when they entered. Lights from the adjacent buildings sparkled like stars in the distance through the windows surrounding the room.

  Hannah dropped her purse on the kitchen counter. Kitchens in these things seemed kind of pointless, but it came with the suite so whatever. “I’ll get the card, drinks are over there.” She pointed to the refrigerator, as she walked to the bedroom. She hadn’t lied about having business cards; those were standard for trips like this. The reasons for giving him one, however, was a different matter.

  That annoying voice of reason, doubt, or whatever it was came calling back with a vengeance, warning her against foolishness. Hannah quickly grabbed a card, and went back into the living area before she talked herself out of doing whatever it was she was going to do.

  Dominic had taken her up on the offer for a drink. He stood out on the patio that overlooked the Riverwalk, sipping on a short glass of something. His posture had a casual air that spoke of confidence far beyond any that Hannah currently felt.

  “Like the view?” she asked as she joined him in the warm breeze.

  Dominic turned to look at her, the smooth curves of his face lit by the multi-colored lights from below. “I do.”

  Hannah thrilled from the intensity of his deep voice and the desire she saw in his eyes. She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. Unable to speak, she offered the card to him.

  “Thanks,” Dominic practically purred. His fingers gently brushed against hers as he took the card.

  Whether he had done it on purpose or not, the touch had been made, and the electrical warmth that suddenly rocketed through Hannah’s body was enough to drive off any self-doubts about what she had been yearning to do since she’d laid eyes on him yesterday. She stepped into him, and pressed her lips against his.

  There was no hesitation in his response as he kissed her hungrily.

  Their heated passion transformed the tingling vibration that coursed through her body into a shuddering pulse that summoned a tidal wave of moisture from between her legs.

  His hands moved over her body, probing for the zipper on the back of her dress.

  Hannah clawed at his silk shirt, tearing it from his shoulders in a frenzy. “I want you,” she moaned into his lips.

  Dominic gave up on trying to find the zipper with a growl, and instead grabbed her butt, hoisting her off the ground. He carried her inside to the sofa that could have fit five people easily. He eased her down, and took hold of the bottom of her dress. Breaking their kiss, he yanked the dark fabric over her head, and then stopped to stare at her.

  Again, she felt the heat of his gaze, but this time she watched as his eyes devoured her curves. In that moment she knew, without a doubt, that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. In her most sultry voice she breathed, “What are you waiting for?”

  Within seconds, the remainder of their clothing lay scattered across the floor, and Dominic’s face was buried between her legs, licking his way into her soul.

  The building wave of an orgasm crashed over Hannah, and she shuddered in ecstasy. Her chest heaved from exertion, but she wasn’t tired in the slightest. On the contrary, she was just getting started. I’m going to tear you apart, she thought, taking in his sleek muscled body as he rose from between her legs. The sight of him hard, spurred the raging lust within her. She pushed him onto his back, and climbed on top of him, grasping his hardness. She slid onto him, and almost came again.

  His hands were all over her body, squeezing breasts, pinching nipples, and kneading her ass. Hannah was in heaven.

  He was thick inside her when she started to grind, and, oh, how hard she came. There was no build up, it just hit her like a Mack Truck, full on. Her fingers dug into his chest as she moaned, releasing six years of sexual frustration all over him.

  Dominic let out a strangled gasp as she clawed him, but continued to thrust into her. They carried on for who knows how long, until Hannah forced Dominic to his climax with a gyrating frenzy that brought on a final orgasm for her as well. They both went rigid from the strain, calling out in ecstasy together.

  Hannah collapsed into Dominic’s arms, sighing in blissful exhaustion. She chuckled to herself. I’ll have to call Miranda tomorrow.

  Hannah yawned as she stretched out on her bed in Coven’s Grove. She smiled into her pillow, remembering her last night in San Antonio. Dominic had been amazing. So amazing, in fact, that she tingled just thinking about him. God, I’m such a sap. It hadn’t even been two days since she’d come back to the mansion, and she was already longing for him.

  The smell of hot tea helped her roll out of bed and shuffle into the kitchen. “Mmm... liquid heaven,” she mumbled, filling her favorite stoneware mug to the brim. The woody aroma of her steaming cup permeated the cozy cottage. She had missed this. She always missed the warm cherry wood and flagstone in her living room, and the heavily padded sofas and chairs that surrounded the hearth when she was on the road. That was only part of it, though. She missed the luxuries of her creations just as much. The tea leaves in her drink had been cultivated in her greenhouse over the past four years, and were close to perfection. Miranda and Rhea had told her several times that the tea was more than ready for market, but Hannah wasn’t convinced. The plants needed a bit more time to achieve the taste she was looking for.
/>   Hannah sat down at her computer table, and punched up the address Dominic had given her for the protest he and his friends were going to participate in. She took a sip of her tea as she waited for the listings to pop up. Almost there, she thought, taking in the crisp flavor.

  The screen loaded with images of Dongle Tower, the latest monstrosity to distort Oklahoma City’s skyline. Hannah had known the address looked familiar. The monolith of glass and steel towered over the other buildings in the downtown area, and had many similarities to an underarm deodorant dispenser.

  Of course, Hannah thought, shaking her head. The fracking.

  The natural gas mogul who owned the giant corporation was none other than Henry F. Dongle—a douchebag of the highest order. He’d made it his company’s mission to poison almost every water source in Oklahoma. The chemicals they were pumping into the ground was a recipe for disaster to the environment, and, by extension, the people living here. Coven’s Grove had been fighting them off for years. Before Hannah had come to Coven’s Grove, a huge repository of oil and gas had been discovered on the hundred and sixty acres Miranda had purchased some decades past. Over the years, Miranda had been able to prevent the oil companies from drilling, but their persistence never waned, and, every year, the pressure to drill increased.

  Dominic had asked Hannah if she wanted to go with them on their demonstration. She’d been hesitant at first, but now that she knew who they were protesting, there was no doubt that she would be going. Any opportunity to kick the oil and gas industry in the dick was something she wasn’t going to pass up. She just needed to talk with Miranda about it first.

  Within the hour, Hannah was dressed and sitting in Miranda’s study. She faced the enchanting matriarch with a look of confusion. “What do you mean, you don’t think it’s a good idea?”

  Miranda slowly placed her hands on the massive desk between them. “I do not want to ‘poke the hornets’ nest’, Hannah. I’m under enough scrutiny from them as it is. The last thing we need is to draw that kind of attention to ourselves.”

  “I’ll be in a crowd of people on the street,” Hannah argued. “The chances of anyone singling me out are going to be next-to-none.”

  “And you’re willing to take that gamble, and risk all that we’ve built.” Miranda waved her hand in a broad arch. “I’m not.”

  “We have to support those who are willing to fight,” Hannah countered, getting a little agitated. “We have to make a stand at some point, Miranda. We can’t hide in the shadows forever.”

  “Five years is hardly forever—”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it,” Hannah interrupted, heatedly. “I’m not going down there to chuck rocks through windows, or throw red paint on their executives. I want to see who’s on our side, connect with them.”

  Miranda glared at Hannah for several long moments. Hannah wasn’t sure if she had pushed her friend too far, and felt awkward under the matriarch’s stare. Finally, Miranda sighed as she leaned back in her chair. “I suppose you’re right.”

  Relief washed over Hannah. “I’ll be careful.”

  “You’d better be,” Miranda said. “I don’t want to lose you, or our home.”

  “We won’t.” Hannah smiled. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  “Is there anything else you want to stress me out about this morning?” Miranda asked.

  Hannah laughed as she stood. “No, not at the moment.”

  “Good. Now, out with you.” Miranda waved her hand at the door.

  Actually, Hannah had questions concerning her experience with Dominic, but, given the matriarch’s current mood, it was probably best to wait. As she stepped to the door, however, she stopped and asked, “Do you know where Alix is?”

  Miranda glanced up from the papers on her desk. “Check her cottage... and be sure to knock first.”

  Hannah smirked. “Thanks.”

  The trail to Alix’s cottage was one of the shortest from Coven’s Grove. Hannah navigated the twisting path through the forest with ease as she had done a thousand times before. The blocky, stone structure could be difficult to find, if one didn’t know what they were looking for. The cottage was partially built into the side of a hill. The roof was made of the same stone as the walls, but served as a giant flower bed, its surface covered in grass and wildflowers. She had overseen the design of each of the cottages, and had wanted them to be as natural to the environment as possible. Brody had been invaluable once again, using his mastery of woodworking to help her make her visions come to life.

  Hannah made her way around to the front door and knocked. She heard shuffling inside, accompanied by the thump of something falling.

  Eventually, the door creaked open to reveal half of Alix’s face. “Oh, hey, it’s you,” she said, somewhat breathlessly. “Give us a second.”

  The door closed before Hannah could respond. I can’t wait until Dominic gets here.

  After several more loud thumps, and what sounded like laughter, the door opened again, this time completely open. Alix stood in the doorway dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, smiling like a five-year-old. “Come in!” She stepped aside, and gestured to the living room.

  Hannah walked in, and took a seat on the sofa across from the fireplace. “Glad to see you’re still here.”

  “Thanks,” Alix replied, sitting next to her. “How was your trip?”

  “That’s actually why I’m here. I wanted to talk with you about something.” Hannah’s gaze strayed to the kitchen, catching sight of Troy digging through the refrigerator. She didn’t feel comfortable going into details about San Antonio while a man was in the room, but she did want to examine the tattoo on Troy’s chest a little more closely. “Do you mind if I take a look at Troy’s tattoo?”

  Alix raised her brow. “Yeah, sure.” She turned toward the kitchen. “Hey, babe. Mind if Hannah takes a look at my handy work?”

  “Sure,” Troy managed through a mouthful of turkey. He sauntered into the living room, and took off his shirt.

  Alix purred at him.

  “Hey, I knocked!” Hannah exclaimed. She looked at Alix, and pointed to a chair across the room. “You go sit over there,” she said, with a laugh.

  Dejected, Alix got up and shuffled away from Troy.

  Hannah got to her feet and took a closer look at the tattoo on Troy’s chest. It appeared to be like every other tattoo she had seen. “You said it glows, right?”

  “Yeah, depending on what’s happening to him,” Alix answered.

  Troy nodded. “Usually when I’m being attacked.”

  Hannah glanced at Alix. “Didn’t you say something happens to your tattoos after they’ve served their purpose?”

  “They disappear once the power I put into them has been used,” Alix said. “Did you find something out?” She leaning forward in her seat.

  “No, unfortunately.” Hannah shook her head, still looking at the tattoo. “When you said there was an aftershock, was it while you were touching him?”

  “Yeah.” Alix nodded. “I was imprinting the tat on his chest, so I had to touch him.”

  Hannah frowned in thought. “Was that the first time you’d touched him?”

  “Yep,” Alix replied. “Does that mean anything?”

  “Not sure,” Hannah said. “The best I can tell is that your innate ability merged with the guardian’s touch in some way. We’ll have to ask Miranda about it.”

  “Well, that’s a hell of a lot more than we knew before,” Troy said with a smile. “Thanks, Hannah.” He put his shirt back on, much to Alix’s disappointment.

  “You’re welcome,” Hannah said, returning his smile. She looked back and forth between Troy and Alix. “So, how do you two feel about staying here at Coven’s Grove?”

  There was a long pause before either of them said anything, and, when they did, it was both of them at the same time. “We’re still thinking about it.”

  Hannah laughed. “That’s okay. It’s a big decision.”

; The look on Alix’s face held nothing but relief. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll leave you guys to think about it,” Hannah said, and, then asked, “Alix, could I speak with you for a moment, about a woman thing?”

  Alix grinned and followed Hannah, while Troy shrugged and went back into the kitchen. They walked outside and sat on the bench swing on the front porch.

  “Everything okay?” Alix asked once they were settled.

  Hannah wasn’t sure where to start, so she just blurted it out. “I experienced Atingere during my trip.”

  “Holy- no shit?!” Alix gawked. “Oh my god, did you go into heat or what? I went freakin’ cat-ass-crazy.”

  Hannah’s cheeks flushed, and she started giggling despite her attempts to remain stoic. “Yes,” she said, reluctantly. “I lost control.”

  Alix busted out laughing. “You sound like a damn robot.” She deepened her voice, and straightened her posture, doing her best imitation of a mechanical Hannah. “I lost control.” She play-slapped Hannah on the shoulder. “You went hog wild, didn’t you? I’ve seen your type back when I was doing tattoos in the shop. I know an animal when I see one.”

  Hannah snorted accidently, and covered her mouth. “I clawed him, for God’s sake.”

  “Ha! I knew it!”

  “Stop it!” Hannah started laughing uncontrollably until she wheezed. “I’m gonna have a seizure.”

  “Okay, okay...” Alix’s face was flushed from laughter. “Give. What happened?”

  Hannah wiped the moisture from her eyes, composing herself. “The touch was like you said, except for the whole explosion thing. By the third time we touched, I couldn’t handle it anymore.”

  “I know, right?” Alix nodded.

  Hannah glanced past Alix, looking to see if Troy was near the window. She didn’t see him, so she asked, “This is kind of a dumb question, but does it ever get... less intense?”

  Alix thought for a moment. “The touch, yeah. The sex, no. In fact, the sex has gotten a bit hotter.”

  Great, Hannah thought with despair. All she needed was for the mind-blowing-sex to become even more impassioned. She had an agenda. A goal that needed to be fulfilled. She didn’t have time for this kind of distraction. Taking a breather while at a seminar was one thing, but having a full-time relationship, and with a guardian at that, was quite another. There was no doubt in her mind that Dominic was going to be a problem.


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