The Cattle Barons' Submissive

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The Cattle Barons' Submissive Page 8

by Jane Pearl


  “Briana, someone is here to see you!” Briana could hear Gina’s voice from the front of the restaurant. Finishing up the salad dressing she’d just made, Briana placed the plastic container in the industrial refrigerator and smiled at Rosie.

  “Looks like I’m needed up front.”

  Rosie waved her out of the room. “It’s time for you to be off anyway.” She looked at the clock. “Harry should be here any minute to take over.”

  Briana took off her well used apron and dropped it in the restaurant laundry basket on her way to the front of the pub. She could hear low Irish tones then Gina’s uncharacteristic giggle. Rounding the corner she stopped short to see Connor chatting companionably with the waitress.

  Connor turned to her as she walked to them. “Ah, here she is. The lady I’ve been waiting for.” His accent was deliberately broad which for some reason sent Gina off into another fit of giggles.

  Fixing Gina with a stern look, Briana turned to Connor and folded her arms. “Liam, you don’t need to give me a ride home today. I have my car with me.”

  Connor looked at her in puzzlement for a moment then his face cleared. “You know I want to spend the evening with you Darlin’’. I’ll follow you home and visit with your folks while you get ready.”

  Briana crossed her arms and looked at him while tapping a boot clad toe. “I could meet you somewhere...” She lifted a brow inquisitively.

  Connor tilted his head. “I don’t think so Luv.” He leveled a no nonsense look at her and crossed his arms as well. Realizing that he wasn’t going to budge, Briana lowered her gaze.

  “I’d better go get my coat and purse.” She muttered to Connor’s toes. She gave a start as strong fingers lifted her chin. Wicked dark blue twinkled down into mutinous green.

  “That’s what I like to see Darlin’’.” He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “My woman submitting sweetly to my will.” He dropped a light kiss to her lips then turned her and gave her a small slap on the ass. “Gather your things Bri. I’ll be here waiting for you.” Fuming, Briana marched to her office and gathered her belongings. She poked her head into the kitchen.

  “I’m on my way out Rosie.” She nodded her head at the sandy haired man standing next to the cook. “It’s all yours Harry. Give me a call on my cell if you have any problems.”

  The night manager gave her a small wave. “Don’t worry Briana. I’ve got it under control.” Briana shook her head and smiled at his enthusiasm. The former bus boy had turned into a very responsible adult. He was probably the reason why the business had managed to survive so far. “I know you do. Thanks.” She wiggled her fingers at them. “Ta, ta. I’ll see you tomorrow morning Rosie. Don’t stay too late tonight.”

  “Don’t you worry yourself about that Briana. I’ll be heading home soon.” The Irish cook waved a sturdy arm at her. Her freckled face was flushed from the heat in the kitchen. Springy faded blonde curls sprouted out from under the simple white chef’s beanie cap she wore while working. “Though I might have a pint before I go.”

  “It’s on the house Rosie. Enjoy.” Briana turned around and walked back out to the front of the pub to join Connor. Slipping her hand in the crook of Connor’s arm, she looked up at him. “I’m ready to go Liam.”

  Connor covered her hand with his. “Okay Luv.” He looked up at Gina. “Nice to meet you Gina.”

  Gina blushed and fluttered her eyelashes. “It is nice to meet you too...Liam.” She simpered. Briana rolled her eyes. The Kerrigan brothers had another conquest! Tightening her grip on Connor’s arm, she tugged him toward the exit.

  “Bye Gina.” She threw over her shoulder as she dragged her man out the front door.


  Connor looked down at her in amusement. “What was that all about?”

  Briana looked up with innocent eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean calling me Liam. Dragging me out of there.”

  Briana shrugged her shoulders. “I figured that it made more sense that I’d be going home with Liam than you. I’m assuming that you two don’t want your sexual peccadilloes bruited about town...”

  Connor nodded slowly. “That makes sense. I’m glad you thought of it.” A grin twisted the corner of his mouth. “And dragging me out of there?”

  Briana’s cheeks pinked slightly. “She was one step away from forming your fan club. I figured that I’d better intervene.” Connor burst out into laughter. Briana could see a flash of his strong, white teeth as he gave in to merriment. Her pussy clenched. The arousal that had been brewing since their lunch flared back to life. “There’s my car. I’ll see you back at my parent’s house.” She abruptly dropped his arm and walked briskly toward the vehicle. Connor looked after her in bemusement then shook his head while walking to his own car.


  Briana quietly closed the front door of her parent’s house behind her as she entered the foyer. She didn’t want her parents to see her flushed cheeks and rumpled hair. She tip-toed to the base of the staircase and gingerly made her way up to her room. Flopping back onto her bed, she relived the evening with Connor.

  He’d been able to play the role of Liam perfectly with her parents while she changed into new underwear and freshened up her makeup and hairdo. On the drive to the restaurant, Connor had instructed her to rub herself for the requisite five minutes. She’d complied with a resigned sigh. At least she had a fresh set of panties! She’d been able to resist orgasm for which Connor had complimented her extravagantly. After parking, he’d walked around to her side of the vehicle and helped her to stand on unsteady legs. Placing a stabilizing hand at the base of her spine, he lifted up her left hand and kissed the finger tips. “Best perfume in the world Luv.” Briana blushed when she got his meaning. His knee slid between her legs and his mouth lowered to gently kiss her palm. Briana was appalled to realize that she was subtly rocking her mons against his thigh. A low moan escaped her throat as she pressed her greedy clit on the muscular limb. A chuckle sounded in Connor’s throat. “Not yet Darlin’’.” He gently set her away from him. “We’ll decide when you come.” Briana’s cunt lips clenched in vain. She’d never been so needy for penetration. The dull ache between her legs intensified at his refusal.

  The rest of the evening had gone by quickly with Briana and Connor renewing the friendship they’d shared many years prior. When Connor dropped her off at home, she’d been relieved then frustrated when he caught her close and kissed her thoroughly in the front seat of his pickup truck. By the time he was done, she’d made needy mewling noises in her throat while grinding herself on the edge of the leather seat. He’d set her back with a groan and patted down her rumpled auburn curls before cupping her cheek. “Time to go in Bri. Oh, before I forget.” He reached into the back of the club cab and grabbed a large zip locked bag. “Wear this while you’re sleeping this week.” At her puzzled look he explained. “Liam and I have both slept in this shirt. It has our scent.

  Briana took the plastic bag from him with a questioning twist to the corner of her mouth. “O...okay.”

  Connor smiled at her skepticism. “It’ll ease your transition...promise.” He rubbed her cheekbone with a calloused thumb then dropped a hard kiss to her lips. “You’ll see Liam tomorrow. I’ll be working the ranch.” Meeting his eyes with hers Briana nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll see you Wednesday.” Connor nodded.

  “Til Wednesday.”

  From her position on top of her bed, Briana could see the camera attached to her laptop. She reluctantly pushed herself up to a sitting position and opened the laptop cover. The computer whirred as it woke up from sleep mode. She placed her soiled clothing into the laundry hamper in the corner of her bathroom and walked back to the bed naked except for a pair of black bikini underwear. She lifted up the zip lock bag and opened the slider on the top. She hesitantly opened the bag and lifted it under her nose. Yep she could smell Connor’s musky scent with undertones of cucumber. She lifted it again and sniffed.
Her memory was sparked by a very familiar scent. It was earthy with a slight cinnamon tinge. Liam’s essence permeated the fabric. She grabbed the garment out of the bag and brought it up to her face. smelled like security and oddly enough sex. Her thighs clenched as a primitive part of her brain recognized the sensual stimuli represented by the pheromone drenched garment. She could now see why her employers wanted her to wear the shirt. She pulled it over her head and climbed into the bed. Picking up the phone on her bedside table she quickly entered a text then rested back on the pillows with her legs spread apart. It was show time. She reached down between her legs.

  Chapter Four – Anticipation

  Briana placed the last of her clothing in the box on top of her bed. Looking around the room that had been her childhood bedroom, she sighed deeply. The last time she’d left home it had been to run from the Kerrigan twins. This time it was to run to them. She idly pressed her mons against the corner of the box and rotated her hips in order to get maximum pressure upon her engorged clitoris. She soon had to stop and breathe through her arousal. It had become easier as the week wore on to deny her climax. Unfortunately, this self denial had resulted in a simmering low level arousal that interfered with her ability to function in daily life.

  The day after her date with Connor she’d diligently followed her employers’ instructions resulting in drenched underwear when she showed up with Liam’s lunch. He’d ushered her into the room and gave her an introduction as far as what to expect from him during their lunchtime interludes.

  “Briana Darlin’’. This looks delicious.” Liam lifted the cover on the takeout box containing corned beef and roasted root vegetables and cabbage. He shut the cover and looked at her with lambent eyes. “You are beautiful as always my dear.” He reached out a hand which she took with downcast eyes. Pulling her face to his level, he dropped a kiss to her pouting lips. “Set up our food and we’ll eat. Then I’ll immerse myself in your loveliness.” Shaking her head at his blarney, Briana briskly set out a plate and silverware from the pub in front of Liam. She efficiently transferred the corned beef and roasted vegetables to the sturdy earthenware plate. Smiling warmly, she set the fork and steak knife next to the plate setting.

  “Can I get you anything else Sir?” She looked down intently at Liam as she made her request.

  “Nope, the only thing I’m missin’ is you my Darlin’’.” Liam pulled her down upon his lap. Smothering a squeak, Briana settled her buttocks on the top of Liam’s muscular thighs. Like his brother, Liam fed her attentively while feeding himself. Once they’d finished, he wiped her mouth carefully then threw down the soiled napkins. “Well.” He took a deep breath. “It’s time for your midday session. I think we’ll move it to the sofa if that is okay with you Luv?” Under his intense dark blue scrutiny, Briana nodded her head in agreement. She really hoped that he’d let her come.

  “I want you to remove your clothing before we start.” Liam moved to the comfortable couch against the far wall of the room and sat while looking at her expectantly. Briana looked at him in askance. At his raised brow and stern look she quickly obeyed. A light flush covered her cheeks as she unbuttoned her black cardigan with shaking fingers. She set the sweater on the top of Liam’s desk. Looking down, she skimmed off the matching black knit top. This left her wearing a shell pink bra trimmed with ivory lace and a dark grey pencil skirt. Reaching behind her back, she unzipped the skirt and shimmied it down her curvaceous hips to pool on the shiny hardwood floor. She stood with her head bowed and arms crossed over her breasts. Her ivory skin glowed under the pink of the bra and matching panties. Black knee high boots finished the picture. “Take off the bra. Leave the boots and underwear.” Briana’s nipples tightened at his words. She quickly obeyed then covered her bare breasts again with shaking hands. “Don’t cover yourself in front of me.” Liam’s voice was like a whip causing her to jump. She dropped her hands with alacrity. “Good girl. Now come here.” She slowly walked to stand in front of him. Her breasts jiggled in the slightly cool air. She’d never felt more naked than at this moment standing in front of a fully clothed man. “Gorgeous Darlin’’. You’ve filled out well. No longer a girl. Definitely a woman now.” His silken brogue caressed her skin. “Come closer and straddle me. Show me your beautiful breasts.” She awkwardly rested one knee then the other next to his legs on the cushy surface. She looked at him for guidance. “Kneel up in front of me. Place your hands behind your head.” She balanced on her knees and placed her hands at the base of her skull. She automatically cast her eyes down while she waited for his next order. This close to Liam she could catch his distinctive earthy scent. She was embarrassed to feel fresh fluids permeate the crotch of her lacy pink lingerie. After a long silence, Liam ran calloused fingertips gently down her sides from armpits to knees. Briana broke out in goose bumps and her nipples peaked almost painfully. “Mmmm...still so responsive.” Liam murmured as he gently lifted one breast then the other with his hand. The other hand skated down her front to gently rub over the dusky cleft visible under the delicate material of her panties. Briana’s breath caught in her throat at his caresses. It felt odd to be handled by him like an object but her weeping body didn’t seem to mind. A low moan sounded deep in Briana’s throat. Liam rumbled with laughter. “I’m glad that you like this Darlin’’.” Hard hands gripped her hips. “Move closer.” Briana shuffled until her knees butted up against the back of the sofa. “Place your hands under your breasts and offer them to me.” Frowning in puzzlement, Briana complied. Leaning forward, she lifted both breasts up. “Mmmm....perfect Darlin’’.” She jumped as Liam’s mouth engulfed her left breast. His hot, moist mouth felt incredibly warm in the chilled air of the room. After sucking strongly for a few seconds he released the ivory orb with a pop. “Wrap your arms around my head.” Briana complied leaning forward so her breasts now dangled in front of Liam’s face. “Mmmm...” His lips captured the other breast. Briana was surprised to feel him take much of her breast in his mouth including the areola. He began to suck in earnest. Cradling his skull, Briana was hit by a zing directly from her breast down to her needy pussy. Oh! She subtly ground her hips against Liam’s torso. Liam released his suction and looked up at her flushed face. “Rub all you want Darlin’’. Just remember you can’t come.”

  Briana pouted but nodded in agreement. “Yes Sir.” She sighed in resignation as Liam locked his lips on her pink tipped orb once again.


  Briana collapsed against the wall of the stairwell. She fanned her face with her hand. Taking a physical inventory, she noted how incredibly sore her nipples were. They’d been especially sensitive rubbing up and down against the material of her knit top as she walked down the stairs. After sucking both breasts for what seemed like forever, Liam had ordered her to put on her bra. After she’d arranged the cups, he folded both of them down so they still supported her chest but didn’t cover the erect dusky pink crests he’d teased into life. He’d sat back with satisfaction regarding his handiwork. “You won’t be able to forget me any time soon today my love.” His hand rubbed up and down over her fabric clad buttocks. “Still a little sore from Connor yesterday?” She nodded shyly. He erupted into laughter. “So between your achy buttocks, sore nipples and needy little clit you aren’t going to be able to move today with being reminded of us.” Satisfaction lit his face.

  Now walking slowly down the stairs, Briana frowned thinking of his smugness. He’d been right, the bastard! She could feel how completely the Kerrigan brothers had staked their claim on her body every time she moved. What really chapped her was that they hadn’t even had sex with her yet but she felt thoroughly owned.


  Shaking her head in chagrin, Briana picked up the top box and carried it to the door of her bedroom. She stepped back in surprise as it swung open. Liam sauntered through the door closely followed by his brother. “We’ll get those for you Darlin’’.” Liam cupped her cheek and dropped a hard kiss to her lips before grabbing the
box. “Go make your goodbyes to your folks.” She turned from him in a daze to continue out of the room.

  Connor caught her hand and pulled her to him with his other hand at the back of her neck. After claiming her lips in another kiss, he pulled back and looked into her eyes intently. “Are you ready for us Luv?” A blush touched Briana’s cheeks as she nodded then dropped her eyes. A low laugh rumbled in Connor’s throat. He gathered her close against him while laughing. Briana could feel his chest rise and fall as he expressed his amusement. She snuggled in a little closer to inhale his masculine scent. A strong hand wrapped in her hair and pulled her head back. Dark blue eyes danced down at her. “We’ll get your stuff packed up for you. Go on ahead.” His hands grasped her shoulders and turned her out the door. A sharp smack to her buttocks propelled her down the hallway. Holding her stinging bum, Briana turned around and shot a furious glare back at Connor. He winked mischievously then turned back into her room.

  Briana hurried down the stairs and walked into the living room. Her father waited in his chair. He picked up the remote and turned the sound down on the television as she entered. Briana walked to his side. “Just wanted to make my goodbyes before I leave.” She caught her father’s right hand in hers. She lifted the frail appendage up to her lips and kissed it delicately. “I’ll miss you Dad.”

  A fond smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “I’ll miss you too me Darlin’g.” He tugged her hand down to his own lips and dropped a quick kiss on it. “I can’t believe that Liam is stealing you away from us.”


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