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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 16

by Jane Pearl

  Briana clapped her hands. “Yes, please Mithter Kerrigan. Show me.”

  He lifted her off of his lap as he did an ab curl to sit up. “First thing is that you need to take off your panties. Can you do that for me like a big girl?”

  Briana nodded enthusiastically, sending her pigtails bouncing wildly. “Yes I can.” She reclined on the bed and wiggled the childish briefs down her legs. Kicking them off, she turned to Liam with a grin. “I’m ready Mithter Kerrigan.”

  Suppressing his smile, Liam shimmied off his sleep pants and kicked them off of the bottom of the bed. Briana rolled over on her side and examined his turgid erection. “Oh, it is so lumpy and bumpy.” She ran a finger over its length. “Yet so soft.” She turned her head up to look at him in wonder. “How can you hide it in your pants? I didn’t see it yesterday.”

  Liam bit back a laugh and attempted to answer seriously. “It isn’t always big like this. It takes the presence of a pretty girl like you for it to become big.”

  Briana’s eyes widened even more. “So, I made it like this?”

  Liam nodded. “ would you like me to put a baby in your belly?”

  Briana nodded emphatically. “Yes Sir!”

  Liam gestured to her nightie. “You’ll need to pull that up so I can see your Kitty.” Briana gathered the fluffy material in her hands and inched it up to reveal her hairless mound. Though she’d revealed herself, she kept her legs straight and tightly held together. “Good girl, now I want you to bend your knees and move your feet apart so I can fit between them.”

  Biting her lip, Briana arranged her knees as directed. Her hairless pussy glistened in the morning light. Liam propped himself up on one elbow while reclining at her side. He used the other hand to quickly stroke his erection. “We’re going to have to fit this guy in Kitty in order for you to have a baby. Do you think you can do that?”

  Looking uncertain, Briana nodded hesitantly. “I think so Sir.” Her voice trembled a little.

  Laughter rumbled in Liam’s throat. “First we’ll stretch Kitty a little so Mr. K will fit okay?”

  Apprehension forgotten, Briana clapped her hands. “Is that his name?”

  Liam snorted. “Sure Hen.” He shook his head. “Okay, I’m gonna put my finger in Kitty. Let me know if I need to stop.” He slid a hand over her ivory thigh and delved between her sopping slit with one blunt, calloused finger. The finger ran up and down her opening before breaching her molten depths. Wow she was tight! She must be putting all of her jade egg training to work. He gradually eased the finger into her pulsating channel. As he felt it open slightly, he withdrew the finger and gradually eased in two. This was much more difficult than just one.

  Briana moaned and grabbed her teddy. “Mithter Kerrigan, I don’t think Mr. K is gonna fit.” She hugged the teddy close and closed her eyes tightly. Her vagina clenched again and eased.

  Groaning internally in frustration, Liam withdrew his hand. “If you don’t want a baby, I understand. We can just stop.” He made is if to leave the bed. A small hand grabbed his wrist.

  “No, no...I can take it. Just put it in me.” She kept her eyes screwed shut and kept her death grip on the stuffed animal.

  Relenting, Liam rolled back towards her. “Okay if you insist.” He kneeled on his knees between her open thighs. He palmed his cock and watched avidly as he slowly fed it into Briana’s tiny opening. He grimaced as the tight squeeze of her well developed cunt muscles made it almost impossible for him to breech her vagina. Briana groaned and tightened her grip on the bear. Her eyes squinched even tighter. “Still okay Bri?” She nodded sharply then allowed her thighs to drop even wider. He pumped his penis in and out slowly; gradually making his way down to the bottom of her channel. He was in the perfect spot to spill his seed. His cock lengthened slightly at the thought of actually impregnating Briana with this bit of lovemaking. With that extra bit of length he was now bumping her cervix. Briana stirred restlessly under him then stilled. He idly withdrew and penetrated just a small distance a few times. He deliberately hit her cervix with each stroke. Briana dropped her persona and started to pant slightly as her hips rose up to meet him with each thrust. Liam stopped cold. “Is this feeling okay Bri?” She dropped the teddy and grasped his forearms. “Please don’t stop Sir. It feels really good.”

  “Okay Luv. Let’s give you that baby.” He diligently stroked in and out as Briana writhed and moaned underneath him. She screamed as he pushed her knees to her chest and jack hammered her into orgasm after orgasm. He finished by jetting loads of cum into her narrow channel. Making sure that he didn’t crush her, Liam collapsed on Briana’s panting form.

  After a few breathless moments, Briana turned her head to whisper in Liam’s ear. “If that didn’t give me a baby, Mithter Kerrigan, I don’t know what will.” She innocently kissed his ear and wrapped her arms around his neck. Liam’s form shook with silent laughter. What a minx!


  Briana diligently colored away in her coloring book. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Suzanne to her right also coloring away as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Shaking her head, she picked up just the right color to finish off the picture she was coloring of a unicorn. It was a bright, cherry red to use on the flower garland surrounding his neck. Suzanne snatched the crayon out of her hand and started to use it on the flowers on her picture. “Hey! I was using that.” Briana tried to take the crayon back. Suzanne held onto it with a death grip and screamed.

  “It’s mine.” The two of them each pulled back on one end of the writing utensil. Soon they were pulling each other’s pigtails.

  “What in the world is going on here?” Simon’s voice boomed behind them. “You girls know better than to fight like common urchins. Stop at once.” The girls froze, frightened to be caught in the act. Hard hands grabbed an arm on each girl and pulled them apart. “Mr. Kerrigan, I believe that you can handle your charge?”

  “Of course I can. Come here you unruly child.” Liam pulled Briana’s arm out of Simon’s grasp. He frog marched Briana over to a chair on the side of the room. Wasting no time, Liam pulled Briana over his lap. He pulled up her simple jumper dress and pulled down her cartoon character panties. Once he had her in place, he leaned over to talk directly into his charge’s ear. “Do you understand why you are being punished Bri?”

  Briana answered through sniffles. “Yes, Sir...I fought with Suzy over a crayon.”

  A warning hand rested on her buttocks. “Is that how ladies behave?”

  Briana broke out into full sobs. “N... no Sir.”

  The hand rubbed over her ivory orbs. “Good girl. I’ll make it quick since you’ve admitted your guilt. I want you to keep count for each spank. Do you understand?”

  Sniffle, sniffle. “Yes Sir.”

  A hard hand connected with her left butt cheek. “One.” The hand connected with her other buttock. “Two.” Liam started peppering her thigh and buttocks with spanks. He never hit the same spot twice. Briana didn’t lose count though the last five of her twenty spanks were spoken between sobs. Once he was done, Liam directed Briana to stand in the corner with her skirt held up and her knickers down about her knees. A sobbing Briana complied. She stood in the corner with bright red buttocks exposed to the room. She was soon joined by a weeping Suzanne in another corner of the room. Simon had used his doubled up belt on her pert behind which had left several long, thick, dark red stripes.

  Suzanne’s punishment was more intense because she’d already earned one session of correction in the morning. Simon had discovered her using a rubber toy as a dildo when he came in to wake her up for the day. After lecturing her on the error of her ways, he’d made her lean over the bed where she received a bare bottomed spanking with his slipper. Briana and Liam had interrupted them during the punishment when Liam brought Briana to her room for a bath and a change of clothing before breakfast. Simon had waved them on as he continued waling on Suzanne’s behind. Liam dragged a gawking Briana behind him into
the bathroom. He closed the door and stood looking at her with his hands on his hips. “Suzanne’s hiding is none of your concern Bri. You need to mind your own business. I want you to strip off your nightie and knickers while I run your bath. If you need to use the potty, this would be a good time to do it.” At Briana’s embarrassed look he knew that she did need to use the facilities. “Number one or number two Luv?”

  He had to lean over to hear her whisper. “Number two Sir.” wonder she was embarrassed.

  He smiled indulgently. “I’ll just wait outside Hen. Give me a shout when you’re done.” He quietly let himself out of the room to find Suzanne standing with her nose to the corner of the bedroom. Though Simon was nowhere in sight, she held up her night garment to expose well thrashed buttocks. Crumpled panties surrounded her ankles. She must have had to shuffle to the corner in order to keep them from falling off. Liam took in the sight with a flicker of arousal. If she were his, he’d want to take her hard from behind to continue the lesson. He also wouldn’t let her orgasm. Shaking his head, he folded his arms and waited for Briana’s call. After a few minutes he heard a flush and Briana’s voice.

  “Uh, come in. I’m done.” With a smile he pushed open the door. Briana waited by the toilet with her underwear around her knees. Smiling in approval he twirled his finger to indicate that she turn around. Sighing deeply, Briana turned around and leaned over the closed toilet. Liam walked up behind her and flipped up her gown. She’d obviously wiped well because her glistening bare lips and pink rosebud were squeaky clean. Not wanting to let her off the hook, Liam grabbed a wipe and gave her a thorough second cleaning. By the time he was done, Briana was squirming in arousal. Liam slapped her cheek sharply before rising.

  “Time to strip little one. I need to give you your bath.” He ignored Briana as she doffed the gown and her underwear. She stood naked in the corner of the large bathroom while he filled the tub with warm water and bubbles. “You can get in now my love.” He gently helped her in. She slid into the warm water quickly, wincing at the soreness between her legs. Liam knelt down on the floor next to the large tub.

  “Are you a little sore from this morning Bri?”

  Briana nodded shyly while looking down at the bubbly water. Looking up at him with shining eyes she replied. “It will be worth it Mithter Kerrigan if I get a baby.”

  Smiling at her silly affected lisp, Liam impersonally started washing her from top to bottom. She blushed at his handling her body like it was an object. While cleaning his charge, Liam’s sharp ears picked up a slapping noise in the bedroom next door accompanied by the squeaking of bedsprings. Ah! Simon couldn’t withstand the invitation of Suzanne’s red hot butt cheeks after all. He smiled as he heard the springs start squeaking wildly then Simon’s heartfelt groan. He doubted that Suzanne was allowed the same release. His grin widened when Simon opened the door and pulled in a pouting Suzanne behind him.

  “Do you mind if Suzy shares Bri’s tub? She’s a little...sore...right now and could use the warm water.” Suzanne stomped in to the middle of the room. She glared at Simon as he efficiently undressed her and helped her into the tub. Ignoring her bad mood, he grabbed some soap and began to wash her from head to toe. He smiled cheerily at Liam. “I think that I’ve solved the problem of her not being a virgin. I think we’ll have to market her as a nymphomaniac. Of course, her husband will have to fit her with a chastity belt to make sure that the children are his but when she is unlocked she’ll give him the ride of his life.” He squeezed a sponge full of soapy water over Suzanne’s chest. “Isn’t that right Lovey?” Suzanne just glared through him and shifted uneasily on the hard surface of the tub. Giving her a narrow eyed look, Simon concentrated his efforts so he was exclusively ‘cleaning’ between her slender thighs. Suzanne’s glare turned to a look of outrage and then panic as she neared orgasm.

  Finally she grabbed Simon’s wrist and whispered. “Please Sir.” He eased off on his attentions and smiled at her in approval.

  “Now that is the correct way to address your Lord and Master. Imagine how happy your husband will be to hear those two words fall from your lips.” Knowing better than to show outright rebellion, Suzanne gave him a fake smile before dropping her gaze to the soapy water. The men finished bathing their charges and toweled them dry. Pulling large toothed combs out of a drawer they led the girls into the ultra feminine bedroom and set them on their respective beds between their knees. For such big men they did a good job combing out the tangles in the girl’s hair. The men then dressed their wards in matching thigh length jumper dresses with knee high socks and Mary Jane shoes. Turtle necks underneath the jumpers finished the look. By the time they were dressed, the girls’ hair was dry so their guardians painstakingly parted their tresses and created high pig tails with big ribbons on either side. Liam and Simon stood back and surveyed the adorable picture they created. Then Simon clapped his hands.

  “Okay little ladies, you’ll need to go downstairs and meet Mrs. White. She’ll serve you breakfast and watch you while we shower and get ready for the day. He leaned over to tweak Suzanne’s nose. “You had better mind and be sweet young lady or I’ll tan your hide again. Do you understand?”

  Suzanne nodded with fake alacrity. “Yes Sir!”

  Simon examined her with narrowed eyes. “I’ll take that at face value my dear.” He kissed her on the top of her head. “Be good.”


  Bri glared over at Suzy standing in her corner. If she hadn’t been so stingy with the crayons, they wouldn’t have gotten spanked. Now her bottom was bright red and it hurt! She shifted and sighed in her exposed position in the corner of the room. She couldn’t believe how Liam and Simon managed to carry on with their normal morning activities with their two chastened charges standing in full view. She could hear them chatting in a desultory fashion as they sipped coffee and read their respective newspapers. She would have stomped her foot in anger if she thought she could get away with it. Instead she continued standing with an erect posture; her fingers locked behind her neck.

  Simon and Liam exchanged amused smiles at the sighs coming from the girls during corner time. They glanced appreciatively at the visible moisture seeping down the young lady’s thighs. Obviously the humiliation of their positions turned them on. Simon raised his eyebrows at Liam and pointedly glanced down at his watch. Liam nodded in agreement. Simon cleared his throat and spoke. “Okay, you may pull up your knickers and cover your bums. Come over and sit on our laps while we discuss your behavior.”

  With sighs of relief, the girls readjusted their clothing and walked stiffly to their guardians. Liam and Simon grabbed them each by the hand and tugged them to sit on their laps. After initial bouts of awkwardness both girls soon collapsed against their men’s chest. Both men made soothing sounds while smoothing their girl’s hair. Bri nuzzled her nose in Liam’s chest and inhaled his distinctive earthy cinnamon scent. Under her lashes she shot a glare at Suzy. She hadn’t forgiven her for getting them in trouble. Suzy widened her eyes and shrugged her shoulders slightly. Noticing their exchange, the men shared amused glances. Simon shook Suzy slightly. “Little one, do you have something to say to Bri?”

  Suzy sat up on his lap and folded her hands in her lap. Looking like she was reciting poetry by rote, she apologized to her playmate. “Bri, I’m sorry for taking the crayon from you. I should have shared.”

  Bri sat up on Liam’s lap and frowned at her friend. Liam nudged her in order to encourage a response. Bri huffed then spoke. “Suzy, I’m sorry for fighting with you.”

  Suzy nodded her head gravely. “That’s okay.” She blinked rapidly then spoke as tears welled in her eyes. “You’re my friend and I don’t want to fight anymore.”

  Bri was surprised to feel tears fill her eyes too. “That’s okay Suzy.” She sniffed as a fat tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m over it.” The two girls jumped off of their guardian’s laps and hugged. The men exchanged grins as they made up. Liam leaned over and smacked Bri’s behi
nd before pointing to the play area in the corner of the room.

  “I want you to go and look and see what I got you girls. Do you see the two boxes with bows sitting in the cribs over there?”

  The girls broke apart from their hug and jumped up and down in excitement. “Presents!” They ran over to the corner and grabbed the elaborately wrapped boxes set carefully in two doll sized cribs. Exclaiming in excitement, they ripped off the bows and pulled out two very lifelike dolls from the boxes. “Oh, it is so cute!” Bri hugged her doll to her chest. It had bright green eyes and black hair. Suzy smoothed the blonde hair on her doll’s head. It had bright lavender eyes. She looked over at Liam with shining eyes.

  “I love it Mr. Kerrigan. Thank you so much!” She hugged it to her chest in an excessive demonstration of affection.

  Liam smiled indulgently at their joy. “Bring it over here and I’ll show you the secret of these dolls.” The girls skipped to his side. “Bri hand me your doll.” She eagerly gave it to him and watched with wide eyes. “Bri Luv, you know how you told me you wanted me to put a baby in your belly?”

  Simon interrupted with a bark of laughter. “From your comment, I’d guess that Miss O’Donnell is no longer a virgin?”

  Liam looked shamefaced for a moment. “Not since last night. She, uh, was very enthusiastic about the idea of my putting a baby in her tummy.” He chucked Bri gently under her chin. “Right Hen?”

  Bri nodded with bright pink cheeks. She nudged Suzy with her shoulder. “Mithter Kerrigan is going to put a baby in my belly.” She declared.

  Suzy glanced over at Simon. “I think maybe Mr. Bancroft might have tried to put a baby in my belly this morning.” Her eyes narrowed accusingly.

  Simon shrugged his shoulders languidly. “I think you’d be pretty cute with a belly full of my baby Sweetheart.” His knowing smile made Suzy drop her gaze and toe the plush Oriental rug with her Mary Jane clad toe.


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