Forgotten Lullaby

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Forgotten Lullaby Page 19

by Rita Herron

  “Sir, whoever it was came in a back window. I couldn’t see him from the car.”

  Grant cast him a furious look, then strode toward Emma. Still holding Carly, she stood up and stepped forward into his arms. He held both her and the baby, his eyes suspiciously moist.

  “You two are coming with me,” he said against her hair. And I’m not ever letting you go again.

  AN HOUR LATER, after Emma had given the details of her attack to Warner, the police escorted them to a hotel. The questions Warner had asked bothered her, in particular, who’d known she was at Kate’s? Grant, of course. Martha. And Kate. And Priscilla and Pete. Also Dan McGuire, who’d been at Kate’s earlier. But none of them would want to kill her, would they? Then she remembered her earlier suspicions about Priscilla. If Priscilla wanted Grant for herself…

  Kate checked into a separate room while Grant booked a suite for Emma, Carly and him. After they settled Carly in a crib, he turned down the bed and faced her. She tried to give him a brave smile.

  Since he’d arrived at Kate’s, Grant hadn’t left her side. He’d held her and encouraged her during all the questions, and from the expression on his face, her story scared him as much as it did her. When she’d asked to go home, he’d told her about the break-in at the house.

  Exhausted, she stumbled toward the bed. Grant caught her and pulled her to him. She wondered if she’d ever stop shaking.

  “Shh, it’s okay now, sweetheart. We’re safe here.”

  “I just want you to hold me,” she whispered.

  “I’m going to hold you, Emma, all night. I’m never going to let you go again.”

  He helped her remove her coat. Beneath it she still wore her nightgown, and he insisted she lie down, then he shucked his clothes except for his boxers, pulled her into his arms and brought the thick comforter up over them. She heard his chest heaving for air and realized he was struggling with his own emotion; she ran her hand over his biceps wanting to assure him she was fine. “I’m glad you’re here, Grant. When I thought he was going to k-kill me—”

  “Shh, don’t,” he said hoarsely.

  She squeezed his arm, then traced her finger over his cheek. She felt moisture on his face and realized he was crying. “All I could think about was Carly and not seeing her again…” Her voice broke and she felt him swallow hard against her cheek. “And you, Grant. I kept thinking that I might never see you again, that you might never know how much I love you.”

  He rocked her in his arms. “I love you, too, Emma,” he whispered roughly. “I love you, too.”

  As soon as Emma heard the words, the tension drained from her and she closed her eyes. As long as Grant loved her, everything would be all right.

  HE WAS GOING to make everything up to Emma, one way or the other, Grant thought, stroking her hair as she slept fitfully beside him. He was going to prove to her how much he loved her. She whimpered and snuggled closer and he held her protectively, the anger and fear churning together, roaring through his veins. He couldn’t sleep. There was no way, not tonight, not when he’d almost lost her. Again. If he had to quit work to keep her safe, he would. He could always find another job, but he could never fill the empty place in his heart or bed with another woman. Because there was only one woman for him. His wife, Emma.

  To hell with her memory loss. The past didn’t matter. It was the future that was important. And he was damn sure going to spend his with Emma.

  “GRANT, ARE YOU SURE you can’t convince Emma to stay with Kate again so you can make this meeting?” Priscilla whined on the other end of the phone line. “You said the police will have a guard posted at your house.”

  “I’m sure, Priscilla. Pete can handle it.”

  “I thought you hated for Pete to sit in with your clients. Do you want to lose this account to Pete?”

  “Look, Priscilla, things have changed. I almost lost Emma four times and I’m determined to not let that happen again.” He smiled at the bathroom door, wondering if Emma would mind if he joined her in the shower. “Besides, I want to spend time with her. We’re going to work things out.”

  “You are?” Priscilla sounded shocked. “You mean she’s moving back in with you?”

  “I mean we’re trying to put our marriage back together,” Grant said, uneasy with Priscilla’s attitude. Ever since Warner had asked who had known Emma was at Kate’s, something had nagged at the back of his mind. Pete and Priscilla had known. But Priscilla had been coming on to him, and she’d left angry the other day.


  “I think our marriage will be stronger this time,” he said, jerking himself back to the conversation.

  Priscilla hesitated. “Are you sure that’s what you want, Grant? You know we’d make a great team.” Her soft sigh hinted at a more personal relationship. “I wish you’d give us a chance. We have a lot more in common—”

  Grant had to set her straight. “I love Emma. She’s my wife.”

  “I see,” Priscilla said in a clipped tone. “Well, I think you’re making a mistake, Grant, but I guess Pete and I can take care of business.”

  She was miffed, Grant realized as he hung up. Maybe Priscilla had read more into their relationship than he’d intended. But he couldn’t worry about her. He had plans to make. He wanted to spend the week wooing his wife. By the time Saturday rolled around, she’d have some wonderful new memories to replace the horror of the past few weeks. And she’d be back in his bed forever. And he hoped he’d be back in her heart, where he belonged.

  “HE’S SENT YOU a carnation every day?” Kate asked.

  “Yes, isn’t it romantic?” Emma sighed dreamily, trying to focus on her budding romance with Grant, instead of the guard posted outside her door. “Monday we went to a movie. Tuesday we went to dinner at this new steak house. Wednesday we drove up to the mountains for a picnic.”

  “Wow, he’s really pouring it on strong.”

  “He said we were going to start a new memory book.” A blush climbed Emma’s throat, and she realized she was practically gushing. “What about you and Dan? How’s it going between the two of you?”

  A wry smile crossed Kate’s face. “Actually it’s going pretty well. When he found out about your attack, he was upset. But he was also worried about me. So he’s been staying over.”

  “You’re sleeping with him?” Emma asked, surprised.

  Kate shrugged. “Hard to believe, but we’re not. I’m still kind of leery, but he’s so sweet. He said he didn’t mind waiting.”

  “That’s really great, Kate,” Emma said, hugging her. “He must really care about you.”

  “It’s weird,” Kate admitted. “All this time I’ve been so jealous of you and Grant.”

  “You have? And here I thought you didn’t like me.” Grant strolled in, dipped his head and kissed Emma. She wrapped her arms around his neck and met him with enthusiasm. When they finally pulled apart, Kate gave an exaggerated sigh of disgust. “See, that’s what I mean. It’s enough to make a girl green.”

  Emma laughed, and Grant, sinking down beside her, slung his arm around her shoulders. Kate stood, her expression serious. “I know I gave you a hard time, Grant. I guess I was jaded after my divorce.”

  “I can understand that,” Grant said quietly. “I’m sorry for what Todd put you through.”

  Kate hooked her thumbs in the belt loops of her jeans. “There’s…something I didn’t tell you guys,” she said hesitantly. “You see, I found out about a year and half ago I can’t have children.”

  A soft gasp escaped Emma. “I’m sorry, Kate,” Emma said softly. “That must have been hard for you when Carly was born.”

  Kate eyed Carly’s playpen, twining her hands together. “Yeah, and Todd didn’t take it too well.” She shrugged. “Of course I must admit I fell into a depression, and I kept pushing him away. I just couldn’t be with him…then he found someone else.”

  “That’s awful.” Emma stood up and gave Kate a hug. “But it’s not your fault. He should hav
e stuck by you.”

  Kate brushed at a tear. “I see that now. Especially after watching the way the two of you have handled the ordeal you’ve been through.”

  “He was a lowlife, Kate,” Grant said, hating the man for hurting Kate. “You’re better off without him.”

  Kate nodded. “Well, I just wanted you two to know, so you’d understand why I acted so weird for a while. I even got desperate and considered adopting a baby by myself—that’s why I wanted Dad’s money.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “But I’m doing better now. And I’m happy for you two.”

  “Thanks, Kate,” Emma said, reaching out to squeeze her sister’s hand. Carly whimpered from the bedroom. “Hey, if you ever want to talk, let me know. I’m here for you, Kate.” Then she went to get Carly.

  Grant got up and put his arms around Kate. “We’re both here for you,” he said in a scratchy voice.

  “I’m really glad Emma has you, Grant. I hope one day I have a man like you.”

  The comment struck him as odd. But he patted Kate’s back, trying to be sensitive to her needs. “You’ll find someone someday. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  Her eyes got a strange faraway look. “I know. And I still may adopt a child someday.”

  “Good, you’ll make a wonderful mother. Carly sure adores you.”

  Kate smiled, the bitterness he’d sensed the past few weeks dissipating. “Thanks for saying that, Grant.” She released him and reached for her purse. “I’m going to meet Dan for dinner. I’ve decided to give him a chance. Maybe there’s one other good guy out there besides you.”

  Grant shrugged. “I hope it works out, Kate. I’m glad you’re moving on with your life. It’s the best way to get over your ex.” Kate nodded, then picked up her purse, but the snap came unfastened and the contents spilled out onto the sofa table. In the middle of the smattering of cosmetics lay a small pistol.

  Grant froze, remembering her comment to the detective about not having a gun. The bullets from the gun that had shot at Emma were from a .38. He didn’t know much about firearms, but it was possible Kate’s was the same kind. Then Kate snatched it up and stuffed it back in her purse and left so quickly he didn’t have time to ask her about it. Even stranger, she hadn’t offered an explanation.

  “I CAN’T BELIEVE you rented a carriage for us.” Emma leaned into Grant’s strong shoulder as the horse and buggy took them on a leisurely stroll around the downtown area. Moonlight spilled through the mossy trees, and the stars twinkled merrily as if promising the night would remain clear. Heat lightning streaked the sky somewhere in the distance, and Emma shivered, snuggling closer to Grant and kissing his neck.

  “This feels like heaven,” Grant said, tipping up her chin to taste her mouth.

  Emma savored the feel of his lips, the clip-clop of the horse’s hooves and the swaying of the carriage lulling her.

  “Did we ever do this before?” Emma asked, glancing around at the glittering lights of the skyline. Water gurgled and bubbled from a fountain at the entrance to the downtown park. She could imagine Carly running and playing in it in the heat of summer when she was older.

  “No.” Grant stroked the palm of her hand. “I told you we were going to create new memories. The past is the past.” He angled his head and brushed his lips across her forehead, then teased the delicate shell of her ear. “The future is what’s important. And I intend to spend it with you.”

  Tears burned in Emma’s throat, but she swallowed them back, knowing they’d had enough emotional upheaval recently to last a lifetime. Instead, she graced him with a sexy smile and kissed his finger. “I love you, Grant. Thank you for…for all this.” She gestured around her at the quaint ambience of the carriage and the romance of their evening ride.

  “I’d do anything to keep that smile on your face,” he whispered.

  The corners of her mouth lifted automatically as he tickled her neck with his tongue. “You are a devil, you know that.”

  “Yeah, and the night’s still young,” he murmured in a sexy whisper.

  Emma cupped his face with her hands and gazed into his eyes. “Make love to me tonight, Grant.”

  EMMA ROLLED OVER and turned herself into Grant’s arms, completely disarmed by the uninhibited way she’d allowed Grant to make love to her. No, she hadn’t allowed it—she’d practically begged for it.

  “That was incredible,” he whispered, nuzzling his face into her hair.

  “I can’t believe how I am with you,” she said.

  A sexy chuckle rumbled from deep within his chest.

  She pulled back and looked at him, and he kissed her soundly again.

  “I know, darlin’. Why do you think I married you?”

  Emma stared at him in shock, but the sincerity in his eyes was so sweet she hit him on the chest and giggled. “You are a devil.”

  He laughed again, rolled her beneath him and straddled her, dipping his head to kiss her. “Yeah, and the night’s still young.” Her laughter died when she felt the evidence of his arousal already jutting at her.

  The next morning Grant got up quietly and let Emma sleep. He’d given in and scheduled a lunch meeting with Priscilla and a new client, but he would come home after work. He planned to swing by the jewelry store on the way home and buy Emma a new locket. Maybe Kate could take the one from Dan. He wanted Emma wearing his.

  He found Emma stretching, her eyes still sleepy when he went back into the bedroom. “I’ll be back after lunch,” he whispered. “You can wait for me right here if you want.”

  She laughed softly. “What about our daughter, dear?”

  “Martha’s watching her. She’ll be here for a while.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him so greedily he was tempted to crawl back into bed. But if he didn’t make this meeting, Priscilla would probably come and drag him to the office. “The guard’s outside. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”

  A slight frown momentarily replaced her smile, then she nodded, and he whispered goodbye.

  EMMA FELT DECADENT sleeping in, although she admitted she hadn’t actually slept all that much. Stretching sore muscles, she pulled on a robe and went to find Carly. Grant had been so romantic all week with all his surprises, maybe she’d plan one for them today.

  She found Martha in the kitchen, washing the dishes. Kate was holding Carly.

  “Hi, sleepyhead,” Kate said. A blush burned Emma’s cheeks, but Kate simply laughed. “I came to see how you are. And, of course, to see my darlin’ niece.” Kate kissed Carly’s nose. “You know I could raise this one like she was my own.”

  Emma smiled and turned to Martha. “I was wondering if you could do a little shopping for me this morning.”

  “Sure. What do you need?”

  “I’m planning a surprise for Grant. I want to make a special dinner for us.” Emma quickly scribbled a list.

  “Would you like me to baby-sit Carly at my place?” Kate asked.

  Emma remembered Kate’s admission about not being able to have children. “Sure, if you don’t mind, Kate. But what about Dan?”

  “He’ll come over and we’ll order pizza or something.”

  “Great,” Emma said. She handed Martha the list and some cash and waved her out the door.

  “As a matter of fact, why don’t I take Carly to the park while you get dressed? Take your time.”

  “You’re a doll, Kate.” She helped Kate gather the stroller and a diaper bag, then after checking to make sure the guard was still posted outside, headed to the shower, her plans taking shape in her mind.

  Feeling more optimistic than she had in days, she took a long hot shower, letting the warm water wash away her tension. Then she stepped from the shower and gasped in horror. She was staring right into the muzzle of a gun.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “MR. WADSWORTH, your wife’s on line two.”

  “Thanks, Bernice.” Grant thumbed through his itinerary and punched the extension, surprised Emma had called. “Hey, sweetheart,
you miss me already?”

  “Grant…I’ve been thinking…”

  Her voice sounded strained, a far cry from her earlier optimistic tone. Every nerve cell in his body went on alert. “Are you all right, Emma?”

  “Yes,” she said, but the slight quiver to her voice alarmed him even more. “But I’ve been thinking about us, and it’s not going to work.”


  “I… All this tension is getting to me. I need some time alone.”

  His hand tightened on the receiver. “What are you talking about? Last night—”

  “I’m going away for a few days,” she said, cutting him off. “Please, if you love me, just let me go.”

  The line clicked into silence. A wave of hurt turned into shock, then disbelief. Things had been going so well. Why would Emma change her mind? And where would she go? Kate’s?

  Reeling with confusion, he quickly redialed his number, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor as it rang repeatedly. Dammit, either she wasn’t answering or she’d already left!

  Cursing under his breath, he slammed down the phone and headed to Priscilla’s office to tell her he couldn’t make the meeting, that he had to find Emma.

  He was surprised to see it was empty. Where the hell was she? They were supposed to meet the new client in twenty minutes. Had she said she’d meet him at the restaurant? He grabbed a notepad, then swept the top of the desk searching for a pen. Muttering a curse when he couldn’t find one, he opened her desk drawer, raking the contents until he located one. But something jutted out from the edges of a blue folder. Curious, he opened it, startled to find an old college photo of him, one similar to a picture he had at home. Odd. Where had Priscilla gotten the photo?

  Memories clamored through his head—the mutilated photographs on his floor after the break-in. Warner’s comments—the only two people you knew in college who live close by are your sister-in law and that woman you work with. He sank into Priscilla’s desk chair, his chest tight. He had to be wrong even to think such a horrible thing, but he searched Priscilla’s desk, anyway, and found a small envelope of floral receipts. His stomach churned. Were they from the florist who’d sent the dead roses to Emma? He didn’t remember. And there was no mention of what Priscilla had ordered. Was it a coincidence?


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