Boas, Gertrud
Boas, Heinrich
Boas, Marie
Bob (Margery Fulton’s husband)
Bogan, Louise
British Association for the Advancement of Science
British East India Company
British Museum
bulletins. See group “bulletins”
Bunzel, Bunny
Boas, F., with letter from
Zuñi community and
cable code
Cambridge University
Camp Taylor, Kentucky
ethnography in
Geological Survey of Canada
World War I and
cancer, pancreatic
Cato (Roman statesman)
celebrities, in anthropology
ceremonial dance (siva)
ceremonial virgin (taupou)
chastity, physical
Cheyenne tribe
Chitral, SS
Lascars on
love affair on
Christian values
Citizens Military Training Camp
Cole, Fay-Cooper
colonialism, England with
Columbia University
anthropology at
doctorate degree at
Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead, M.)
Congress of Americanists
contraceptives, morality and
Cooke, Montague C.
Coolidge, Calvin
Coontz, Robert E.
Cressman, George, Jr.
Cressman, George, Sr.
Cressman, Luther (first husband)
divorce from
jealousy and
letters from
letters to
Mead, Emily, with letter from
as priest, ordained
relationship with
sex with
Cressman, Morris
Cressman, Mrs. (Luther’s mother)
Crow tribe
culture. See also sexual conduct, of girls in American Samoa
in American Samoa
Native American
norms, as outsider
Dakota tribe
American Samoa and ceremonial
Cheyenne and Sun Dance
daydreams, suicidal
death. See also suicide
of Bloomfield, M.
of Boas, H.
from pancreatic cancer
of Sapir, F.
debate team, at Barnard College
Delson, Florence. See Sapir, Florence
Delson, Nadya
DePauw University
“Discourse on Prayer” (Benedict, R. F.)
from Bateson, G.
from Cressman, L.
from Fortune, R.
Dixon, Roland
dock strike, England
doctorate degree, at Columbia University
dream study
Edel, William
education. See Barnard College; Columbia University; DePauw University
Eichelberger, Marie
at Barnard College
friendship with
letter from
Ellis, Havelock
Emmanuel College, Cambridge University
with colonialism
dock strike
Esther (sheriff’s daughter)
ethnography. See also sexual conduct, of girls in American Samoa
Boas, F., and
Native Americans
Sapir, E., and
at American Museum of Natural History
Sapir, E., and
“Sex in Ethnology”
Etiquette (Post)
expansion, England
expeditions, American Museum of Natural History
Fa’amotu (daughter of Vaitogi chief)
Fa’apua’a (daughter of high chief in Fitiuta village)
“Feeding-the-sun with-bits-of-one’s body”
Filialosa (village girl)
“no strings attached fellowship”
with strings attached
World War I influencing
Fitiuta village, Ta’u
“flapper” girls
“Flower-in-the-Heavens” (Fusilelagi)
Fofao (village girl)
food, American Samoa
Fortune, Barter
Fortune, Reo (second husband)
dream study and
letters from
love affair with
free love
marriage and
polygamy and
Freud, Sigmund
Fulton, Agnes
Fulton, Beatrice
Fulton, Frederick
Fulton, Margery
Fulton, Ruth. See Benedict, Ruth Fulton
Fusilelagi (“Flower-in-the-Heavens”)
Geological Survey of Canada
Gildersleeve, Virginia
girls. See also “flapper” girls; sexual conduct, of girls in American Samoa
goals, anthropology
Goddard, Pliny Earle
Benedict, R. F., and
role of
Goldenweiser, Alexander
Goldfrank, Esther
good-bye gift (tofa)
letters to
Gregory, Herbert
Grinnell, George Bird
group “bulletins”
The Growth of the Mind (Koffka)
Gunther, Erna
Haddon, A. C.
hair styles, of “flapper” girls
Hardy, Thomas
Head-hunters: Black, White and Brown (Haddon)
“hoaxing” (taufa’ase’e, tausa, ula)
Hodgson, Ellen
Holden, Raymond
Holt, Arthur
Holt, Edward R.
Holt, Ruth
wedding and
Hudson (co-owner, Pagan Books)
hurricane, on Ta’u
Ibsen, Henrik
identity, of women
immigrants, Jewish
influenza pandemic
James, Henry
Janet (co-owner, Pagan Books)
Benedict, S., and
Cressman, L., and
monogamy and
Sapir, E., and
Jenks, Arthur
Jenness, Diamond
Jones, William
Jopani (cook boy)
journal entries
Benedict, R. F.
The Journal of a Disappointed Man (Barbellion)
Jude the Obscure (Hardy)
Jung, Carl
Kachina dances
Kaplan, Deborah
Koffka, Kurt
Kortheuer, Pelham
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von
Kroeber, Alfred
Lane, Charles
cable code
Native American
Sapir, E., and
from Adams
in American Samoa
from Benedict, R. F.
from Benedict, R. F., to Boas, F.
to Benedict, R. F.
from Boas, F.
from Boas, F., to Benedict, R. F.
to Boas, F.
from Bunzel to Boas, F.
with cable code
from Cressman, L.
from Cressman, L., to Mead, Emily
to Cressman, L.
from Eichelberger
/> from Fortune, R.
to Grandma
group “bulletins”
from Mead, S.
to Mead, Emily
to Mead, S.
from Newton
in Pago Pago, Tutuila
from Sapir, E.
from Sapir, E., to Benedict, R. F.
from Sapir, E., to Lowie
to Sapir, E.
Lewis, Margaret
Lilienthal, Howard
literature, adventure
Loch, Dorothy
London, Jack
love. See also polygamy
attitude about
monogamy and
love affairs
Benedict, R. F.
Fortune, R.
Sapir, E.
between Sapir E., and McClenaghan
Lowell, Amy
Lowie, Robert
Luma, American Samoa
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Manu’a, American Samoa. See Ofu, Manu’a; Olosega, Manu’a; Ta’u, Manu’a
Manu’a group
marriage. See also Bateson, Gregory; Cressman, Luther; Fortune, Reo
“flapper” girls on
freedom and
sex and
spinsters and
women and surnames after
Marx, Magdeleine
Mau movement
Maugham, Somerset
McCall, Bunny
McClenaghan, Jean
McIlwraith, T. F.
McMaster, Fannie
Mead, Dick (brother)
Mead, Elizabeth (sister)
Mead, Emily (mother)
Cressman, L., with letter to
letters to
on women, identity of
Mead, Margaret. See specific topics
Mead, Sherwood (father)
letters from
letters to
as public speaking coach
relationship with
The Measure (poetry journal)
Melville, Herman
“mental condition”
with arms, painful
concerns about
nervous fatigue
Métraux, Rhoda
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
The Mind in Sleep (Fortune, R.)
Mink, Owen
Misa (high chief of Ofu)
missionaries, Protestants
monogamy. See also polygamy
jealousy and
Sapir, E., and
morality, contraceptives and
Museum of Man
museums. See American Museum of Natural History; Bishop Museum; British Museum
Napoleon, Andrew (“Napo”)
National Research Council (NRC)
financing in American Samoa
role of
Native Americans
at American Museum of Natural History
Vanishing Tribes Project
Navy, U.S. See U.S. Navy
Nelson, Nels
nervous fatigue, “mental condition”
“mental condition” and
sex with
New Mexico. See also Zuñi community
New School for Social Research
“New Woman”
Newton, Lee
at Barnard
letters from
“no strings attached fellowship,” with financing
NRC. See National Research Council
O’Connor, Miss (night-duty nurse)
Of Human Bondage (Maugham)
Ofu, Manu’a
Ogburn, William
Olosega, Manu’a
Ostrolenk, Dr.
outsider, cultural norms
Pagan Books
Pago Pago, Tutuila
letters in
Mau movement in
racism and
social circles, judgment of
pancreatic cancer
Parsons, Elsie Clews
Pawnee tribe
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company
Pepe, G. F.
Phillips, Eleanor
physical chastity, in American Samoa
Plains Indian Hall, at American Museum of Natural History
Plains Indians
Benedict, R. F., and
Sapir, E., and
police violence
American Samoa and
freedom and
jealousy and
Sapir, E., on
Pomeroy (Father)
Pope, Eileen
Pope, Flora
Pope, Robert
Post, Emily
“prostitution complex”
Protestant missionaries, on Samoa
dock strike, England
police violence at
Proust, Marcel
public speaking
“quicksilver love”. See also polygamy
Radin, Paul
“Rain” (Maugham)
Reichard, Gladys
reservations, Native American
Rivers, W. H. R.
Rolland, Romain
romantic love
Rosenblatt, Louise
Sami (daughter of high priest)
Samoa. See American Samoa
Sapir, Edward
anthropology and
with anti-Semitism
Benedict, R. F., and
Benedict, R. F., with letters from
Boas, F., and
criticism from
ethnography and
ethnology and
family life
influence of
jealousy and
on Jung
languages and
letters from
letters to
love affair with
Lowie with letter from
McClenaghan and love affair with
monogamy and
music and
poetry and
on polygamy
relationship with
sex with
sexual attraction and
Sapir, Florence (Florence Delson)
family life
suicide attempt
tuberculosis and
Sapir, Helen
Sapir, Jacob
Sapir, Michael
Sarah (servant)
Saunders, Mr. (piano teacher)
Savai’i (hostess on Vaitogi)
scarlet fever
Schliemann, Heinrich
Seattle, USS
Seligman, Charles
with Benedict, R. F.
with Cressman, L.
Ellis on
marriage and
with neurosis
with Sapir, E.
“Sex in Ethnology”
sexual attraction
Benedict, R. F., and
Sapir, E., and
sexual conduct, of girls in American Samoa
after marriage
before marriage
Protestant missionaries influencing
questions, preliminary
virginity and
Sexual Inversion (Ellis)
Shaw, George Bernard
“shell shock”
Sibelius, Jean
Sili village, Olosega
Simpson, Louis
siva (ceremonial dance)
social circles, judgment of
Sonoma, SS
sororities, at DePauw University
Sparks (Father)
Sparks (sailor)
Speck, Frank
Spier, Leslie
spinsters, marriage and
Statent, Taylor
Stengel, Mrs. (dressmaker)
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stitt, Edward
Stopes, Dr.
of Bloomfield, M.
Sapir, F., with attempt at
Sun Dance, of Cheyenne
surnames, of women
The Swan of Tuonela (Sibelius)
Tanager, USS
tapa (bark cloth) dresses
Tapuni (prostitute)
Ta’u, Manu’a
Fitiuta village
hurricane on
relocation to
taufa’ase’e (“hoaxing”)
taupou (ceremonial virgin)
tausa (“hoaxing”)
tofa (good-bye gift)
Tufele (district governor, American Samoa)
Tumaka, Nick
Tutuila, American Samoa. See Pago Pago, Tutuila
Ufuti (host on Vaitogi)
ula (“hoaxing”)
U.S. Naval dispensary, in Luma
U.S. Navy
in American Samoa
with hurricane relief
Pago Pago station
social circles, judgment of
Vaitogi, American Samoa
Van Rossum, Miss (teacher)
Vanishing Tribes Project
Vassar College
violence, police
virginity, in American Samoa
Vision Quest
“The Vision in Plains Culture” (Benedict, R. F.)
Walters, Mr. (official, Bank of American Samoa)
Warm Springs Reservation
Wasco tribe
wedding, honeymoon and
Wesley, John
Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
When Buffalo Ran (Grinnell)
White, William Alanson
William Morrow and Company
Wilson, Helen Ripley
Wishram Chinook tribe
Wissler, Clark
Wollstonecraft, Mary
women. See also sexual conduct, of girls in American Samoa
adventure literature and
At-Home Card for
Benedict, R. F., on
identity of
marriage and surnames of
polygamy and “New”
with sexism
with social circles, judgment of
work ethic
World War I
Yakima Reservation
Zuñi, Catalina
Zuñi, Flora
Zuñi community
Benedict, R. F., and
Bunzel and
DEBORAH BEATRIZ BLUM’s interest in other cultures and faraway lands began when she traveled the world as a writer on the television series In Search Of.… Her first book, Bad Karma: A True Story of Obsession and Murder, took her on an extended journey through India. Since then she has sold story ideas for feature films, producing several, including Clean and Sober, and has worked as a writer-director of documentaries for the National Geographic Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel. She makes her home in Los Angeles with her husband and three sons. You can sign up for email updates here.
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