Special Cowboy Menage Collection

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Special Cowboy Menage Collection Page 45

by Morgan Ashbury

  “I’ll be careful.”

  She felt the tiny opening spread, felt a single finger begin to breach that ring and sink into her. Annie never imagined when she headed West that she’d be crossing so many new frontiers.

  Grant rubbed her pussy lightly, his fingers tracing over her clit. Arousal climbed, and Annie obeyed her body’s urge to follow the source of the thrill. She undulated her hips slowly forward to meet Grant’s caress, back to enjoy Jesse’s, and groaned in response to the delicious sensations combining and swirling within her.

  Her arms came down and her hands gripped Grant’s shoulders.

  Jesse’s arm felt snug around her waist. He kissed her shoulder. “Lean forward, lean on him more,” he said. Annie had no thought but to comply, to bend forward, giving Jesse freer access to her ass.

  He began to move his finger in and out of her in a rhythm that caused a shudder to caress her spine. Grant still had his fingers inside her pussy, but because she leaned on his shoulder, his gaze no longer locked on hers. She sensed he watched what his friend was doing to her, because he shivered, then turned his head and nipped her shoulder.

  “How does that feel?” Jesse asked, his voice husky with arousal. The water continued to shower down on them, the steam swirling in the air.

  “Oh, God,” she responded. Needing more, Annie put more desperation in her motions.

  “Brace her,” Grant said as he eased her away from him to lean on Jesse. He reached up to the shelf, to where he’d put a couple of condoms.

  He put the protection on in seconds. When he stepped forward, when he spread her legs, she looked down, watched as his latex-covered cock caressed the folds of her pussy.

  He surged into her and Annie sighed in bliss. He moved inside her, pulling out nearly all the way and then pushing deep. The combination of the sensation of his thick cock caressing the inside of her pussy and the sight of it moving had her on the verge of climax in record time.

  Jesse’s chin rested on her shoulder. Knowing he watched Grant take her as intently as she did pushed her over the edge. The orgasm possessed her, every part of her, in tingling, throbbing ecstasy. Electric shocks buffeted her flesh, pebbling it, chilling her, until there existed nothing but these spasms. Wanting only to grab as much rapture as her body could absorb, she exerted muscles, closing around Grant’s cock in her pussy and Jesse’s finger in her ass, squeezing them as if to draw the essence of the climax out of them and into herself. She heard a feral noise, half grunt, half scream and realized the sound came from her.

  “Yes.” Grant grabbed hold of her hips, his control shattering as her climax triggered his. He thrust into her hard and fast, the expression on his face one of harsh concentration as he rode his own wave of rapture.

  Annie stretched back, her arms once more going above her head, this time her fingers locking behind Jesse’s neck. Jesse wrapped both arms around her, holding her secure.

  Grant braced his legs further apart, increasing the power of his penetration. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the movements of Grant’s cock and the feel of Jesse’s arms around her.

  The water turned tepid and someone turned it off. Grant’s heavy breathing bathed her face when he rested his forehead against hers.

  “Holy crap.”

  Annie sighed. “Yeah, that about sums it up.”

  He stepped back from her, then reached out and stroked a finger down her face.

  “My turn,” Jesse whispered. He moved his hand up to cup one wet breast. “But I think we should move Act Two to the bed.”

  “Good idea. I’m not sure how much longer my legs will hold me.”

  * * * *

  The reality of the three of them was so much hotter than his dreams. Stretched out on his bed, Annie rose above him. Her sexy, sultry smile warmed his heart and fired his blood. Fanning his fingers through her hair, he gripped her head and brought her down for his kiss. She was his new favorite flavor, spicy heat and cotton-candy combined.

  He stroked his hand from her head to her breasts. Her nipples—dark coral as he now knew instead of only imagined—had already stiffened with arousal. The areolas, pebbled, drew his attention, and he rubbed his finger over them.

  “I want to taste you.” Not a plea, or a request, but a declaration of intent.

  “I’m all yours, angel.” He needed her to know that whatever claims he and Grant wanted to make on her, she could make on them in return.

  Her hair brushed his chest as Annie leaned down and began to kiss him. She swirled her tongue over his nipple. He sucked in air, the jolt going straight to his groin. He’d had no idea he could be aroused that way.

  On the other side of the bed, Grant propped himself up on his elbow, intent on watching Annie, appearing totally comfortable in his own nudity.

  Jesse experienced a sense of déjà vu. Just like my favorite dream only much, much better.

  As Annie slithered down the bed, his hand trailed up her back until once more his fingers combed through her hair.

  Her breath brushed his scrotum, her tongue stroked his cock. Jesse couldn’t hold back the groan. Closing his eyes, he laid his head back on the pillow, all his focus on enjoying Annie’s eager tasting of him.

  “She’s got a great mouth,” Grant said.

  “A fabulous mouth,” Jesse agreed.

  “Mmm…never did this before you two came into my life. No pun intended.”

  The combination of the vibration of her words and her wet tongue against his achingly hard dick nearly made him climax as fast as in his dreams.

  “We know, sweetheart,” he said, needing to give her this. “We know that it’s a measure of how much you care for us and how much we turn you on.”

  Annie lifted her head to meet his gaze, her expression thoughtful. “I do care, and you do turn me on. I don’t understand it, but I do know I couldn’t be with both of you this way if it wasn’t true.”

  Annie bent back to her task, opened her mouth wide, and sucked his cock deep. Anything Jesse would have said in response to her heart-felt words was swamped as lust, sharp and heady, swamped him.

  With hands and lips and tongue she worked him hard and fast. His orgasm exploded out of him, beyond anything he’d ever experienced before, completely above all of his expectations, totally beyond his control. He felt her swallow each stream as it left his body, and when he looked down, when he could look down, the pleasure on her face satisfied him that she’d enjoyed the experience nearly as much as he had.

  His gaze flicked over to Grant. That man’s focus was Annie, and although he was hard—Jesse still found it odd that he would even look in that direction—he knew his friend’s desire wasn’t to take, but to give.

  As soon as Annie raised herself on her hands and knees, Grant moved. Both hands on her hips, he turned her, laid her flat, and buried his face between her legs.

  “Oh, God,” Annie obviously thought she’d stretch out for a short nap, but Grant’s mouth and lips, tongue and teeth, sent her climbing the ladder of heat and arousal once more. Jesse could see Grant’s tongue in her pink folds, became fascinated by the slide and swirl, the plunge and suck. Her back bowed off the bed. Her hips began to thrust against Grant’s face in short, fast jabs.

  Jesse placed an arm across her chest, just under her breasts. His action joined Grant’s in holding her fast and sure against the mattress.

  “Take what he gives you, baby,” Jesse murmured.

  Grant moved, sliding his fingers into her. Jesse knew the other man was feeling her g-spot, stroking it back and forth, just as he himself had done the other night. A wave of climax washed over her, making her jerk and shiver. Tiny feminine mews turned into rising grunts of pleasure, and Jesse felt the same satisfaction as if he’d made her come himself.

  Chapter Eleven

  “At the time, it was quite the scandal. Brian Conrad was ten years older than Beth,” Mrs. Bishop confided a week later as she perused the tray of cotton thread, slowly picking out the colors she wanted. “I can sti
ll recall the day she came over, stars in her eyes, day after the Harvest Festival. She was walking on cloud nine because Brian asked her to dance, and after that dance, though she was only sixteen, no other man in the world ever existed for her.”

  Annie’s heart softened. Mrs. Bishop seemed lost in her memories. Clearly, she still mourned her best friend, nearly eighteen years after her passing.

  “There’s a picture of the two of them hanging in the parlor at the ranch,” Annie said. “They have their arms around each other, looking at the camera with soft smiles. You can just see they belonged together. Jesse looks like his mom.”

  “Yes, he does. And he possesses her kind heart, too. But that devil’s grin and penchant for mischief? That’s all Brian. A hard worker and a sober man for the most part, was Brian Conrad. But my, could he be full of piss and vinegar when he wanted to be.”

  Annie laughed, and suspected the older woman chose that old expression for precisely that effect.

  “Jesse has shown me that side of himself. He and Grant seem to balance each other out perfectly.”

  “They’ve been practically inseparable from the first time their mothers put them together in the same play pen at Sunday school. They couldn’t have been more than a few months old. Their birthdays are only two weeks apart, they tell you that? Grant’s the older of the two.”

  Mrs. Bishop flashed Annie a smile, then handed her the spools of thread she’d selected. It only took a few moments to ring up the sale and slip the thread into a small paper bag.

  Mrs. Bishop scooped up her parcel. “Well, I’m off. Going to spend the rest of the day relaxing in my backyard, doing my needlepoint. Tomorrow, my oldest and his family are coming for dinner. Going to make pot roast. My Ernie really loves his momma’s pot roast. You have yourself a good weekend, Annie.”

  “Thanks, I will. And you enjoy those grandchildren.”

  Sometimes, it amazed Annie how well she fit into the community and way of life here in Branchton. Customers came in, but unlike the ones she’d known in Queens, these ones seemed to have all the time in the world to visit as they shopped. Once in a while, someone would be in a rush, and full of apologies for it. That didn’t happen very often. By chance or by fate, Annie had landed in a real community with real people who cared. People who made room for her, and made her one of their own in a way that seemed so easy and natural, she’d hardly noticed it happening until it was done.

  The bell over the door jingled and she looked up. Veronica didn’t often step into her store on Saturdays. Usually, she was up and off early, on her way to spend the weekend with her cousins in Laramie.

  Annie guessed she wanted to get as much visiting in while she was still assigned to the bank here. She didn’t kid herself. She liked Veronica, but the other woman wasn’t destined for a lifetime in the wilds of Wyoming. Likely, it wouldn’t be long before her sophisticated friend transferred to a new city and a new bank. If anyone had been made for climbing the corporate ladder, for bright lights and glitter, it was Veronica Ferris.

  “Hi there. You don’t usually spend Saturday in town,” Annie said.

  Veronica wrinkled her nose. “I know. Nothing against Branchton, really. But my relatives are gone for the weekend. So that leaves me at odds. I was wondering if after you closed the store, you’d be interested in having a movie night?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve already got plans. I’m going out to Jesse’s. Actually, I’m spending the night. I want to see if I can do that without anyone really noticing.”

  Veronica smiled as she waved her hand. “Don’t apologize. If given the choice between spending an evening with you or playing mattress aerobics with two handsome, hunky men, I sure know where I’d be, and it wouldn’t be perched in front of the television.”

  Annie’s face heated. Funny, but she didn’t feel this embarrassment when she was with her men. Her men. She really liked the sound of that.

  “Thanks. Maybe we can, you know, plan something for next weekend. It has been awhile since we’ve had a movie night.”

  Veronica’s smile seemed different for just a moment. Then she nodded. “Yeah, maybe we can.”

  As the bell jingled following the other woman’s departure, Annie wondered if there was something bothering her friend. She seemed a bit distracted the last couple of times they’d been together.

  She’d ask her when they went for breakfast on Monday. Since Veronica had agreed to keep her confidence, the least Annie could do was return the favor.

  That’s what friends were for.

  * * * *

  Part of the old fence line still stood, where their grandfathers first erected it when they’d established their ranches in the late nineteenth century. It stretched for about a quarter of a mile in this east-west direction, before ending at the north-south boundary line.

  Grant had spoken to his parents on the phone last night, and one of the things he asked his father about was this fence line. He wanted to take it down. Actually, he had something else in mind for this spot. He couldn’t share that with the parents yet.

  “Hell, son, it’s your ranch.” His father had laughed when he’d said that.

  Grant countered, “Yes, but this is still your home.”

  In fact, the two-bedroom grandparent’s house, the original ranch house his grandfather built, still stood waiting to be used when his folks, or any family, came to visit.

  “Yes, it is. And when we come and visit at Christmas, we’ll admire all your changes and innovations. Just as my father did mine, from the dining room table, when you tell me about them.”

  “Been thinking about this spot,” Grant said now to Jesse.

  The two men sat side by side on horseback. The sun had begun its afternoon descent. Their work day was done. In truth, only the most essential chores were done on Saturday. They’d taken to giving the crew both weekend days off, unless something demanded immediate attention.

  “Yeah? What have you been thinking?”

  “It’s a pretty spot.”

  Grant watched as Jesse looked around. From where they stood, looking to the west, the trees that lined the creek where they’d taken Annie for their picnic two weeks ago Sunday were visible. Two creeks meandered within a short distance of this spot. The land here had a slight roll to it, so that it seemed maybe there might have been a ridge at one point, but that the streams that had once been rivers when the land was new had worn it down.

  “It is a pretty spot. Nice views in every single direction. That’s important”

  Grant smiled. “So you’ve been thinking the same thing I have.”

  “When have we ever not thought the same thing?”

  “Never any time important,” Grant conceded. He turned his eyes back to the land. “It wouldn’t be too difficult building here. There’s lots of shade, and any trees planted would likely grow.”

  “Not too far from the road, either. Carve out a lane, maybe two.”

  “One branching off yours and one off mine.” Grant nodded. “It wouldn’t have to cost that much, all in all. We’re both kind of handy, and for what we can’t do, we know those who can. Not much about this would be difficult, except maybe one thing.”

  “Annie.” They said her name in unison, then laughed.

  “It’s probably way too soon to speak to her about this,” Grant said. “She has it in her head that what we have together, the three of us, can’t last.” Then he looked at Jesse. “I just needed to see if you were of the same mind.”

  “I don’t want another woman,” Jesse said, quietly. “I was pretty sure I was all the way in love with her before we made love.”

  “Yeah, that about sums it up for me, too. I figured if we built her a place out here, then her comings and goings and ours wouldn’t be subject to gossip. In fact, we could actually all live together. Folks might talk some in town, but likely not to her face, or ours.”

  “Nobody’s damn business what we do, but yeah. Our relationship is a little out of the box, so it’s probably a g
ood idea to provide Annie with the means to protect her privacy.”

  Grant nodded, satisfied. He took one more look at the views, then clicked his tongue at his horse to get the animal to move. “I wonder how long it’s going to take until she can accept that we’re in it for the long haul?”

  “Of the two of us, I’m usually the impatient one,” Jesse said, sidestepping a direct answer.

  Grant chuckled. “I know. Never felt this kind of antsy feeling before. Don’t like it much, I can tell you.”

  “Well, shit, man, don’t go off half-cocked.”

  Grant jerked his head around to look at his friend, who at the same time realized what he’d just said. They burst out laughing, causing their horses to fidget.

  “I’m going to head on home and shower,” Grant said, wheeling Sandstone around to face the north. “I’ll be over after that. Anything you want me to bring for tonight?”

  They’d pretty much decided to keep their time with Annie at Jesse’s. That way, there was less opportunity for tongues to wag. But Sunday, they were going to have dinner over at his place. He’d asked Rosa, his housekeeper and ranch cook, to prepare a dinner for the three of them.

  “No, Homer, I think I have everything covered. And just so you don’t go feeling all inadequate, I thought we’d just heat frozen pizzas for dinner tonight.”

  “Well, thank you, Molly. I do appreciate the gesture.” And he might, or might not, tell his best friend that he was taking cooking lessons on the sly.

  * * * *

  Rick Rutherford kept his hat pulled down and his sunglasses in place as he drove down the main street of Branchton, Wyoming. He’d flown into Cheyenne early this morning, after a trip that had begun Thursday afternoon in Buffalo. He rented a car and drove to Laramie, where he checked into the cheapest motel he could find. There he’d crashed for a couple of hours. He was still dead tired, but figured he could sleep later. It had taken him a week to get things together, scrape up the money, figure it all out. But he was here, finally, and now that he was he sure as hell couldn’t see the attraction.


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