moan for uncle 6

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moan for uncle 6 Page 5

by Towers, Terry

  "We've spent all afternoon together, please call me Nikki."

  "You look stunning... Nikki." She glanced down at her watch. "Five minutes. Are you ready to meet with your fiancé now?"

  Nikki started to nod and froze. Shit! "I have no maid of honour!" An idea struck her as soon as the realization came. "Will you be?"

  "Ummm, ma- Nikki..." Cynthia crossed her arms over he chest and shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

  "Please." Nikki caught her gaze, her blue eyes meeting the other woman's dark ones. "It would mean so much to me."

  Smiling widely, Cynthia nodded. "I would he honoured."

  A knock sounded at the door. "Cynthia? We're ready for the bride now."

  "We're on our way," she called back and nodded her head towards the door. "Are you ready to get married to the man of your dreams?"

  A rush of emotions raced through Nikki. Love. Hope. Excitement. Anxiety. They all came crashing through her and she needed a moment to catch her breath before confirming with a nod. "I am."

  "Then let's go meet that handsome man of yours." Cynthia passed her a stunning bouquet of roses and wild flowers, picked a smaller one up for herself and then placed a hand at the small of Nikki's back and urged her forward.

  Nikki found herself unsteady on her feet. Partly because of the high, stiletto heels of her white pump and partly because of the rush of nerves flowing through her. But after several steps she found herself getting more stable. By the time she was at the door of the bridal room her stride was confident and eager.

  Opening the door, the beauty of the evening sky greeted Nikki and a sense of tranquility settled over her. She could see the gazebo roughly fifty feet away. Grant stood, tall and proud, dressed in a tuxedo, his hands clasped before him, waiting for her. It was the first time she'd ever seen him in such formal wear and the sight of him looking so distinguished put a smile on her face.

  A small group of musicians played a sweet, soft melody on a number of acoustic instruments. Upon the realization that Nikki and Cynthia had exited the building - Cynthia leading the way - they began to play 'Here comes the bride'. The sound was sweet and seductive. Considering the stunning beauty of the night sky, the soft crash of water against the cliff, and the natural beauty of the area, the soft simple version of the bridal song couldn't have been more perfect.

  On hearing the tune beginning, Grant quickly turned his head to watch her, a soft smile touching his lips which grew wider with each step she took closer to him. She was surprised to see that their wedding had drawn a small crowd of hotel guests. They kept their distance, but watched attentively.

  "I love you," he mouthed to her.

  She bit back the tears, but one managed to escape. One single shimmering tear made its way down her cheek as she closed the distance between them. "I love you," she mouthed back," causing the sparkle to come alive in his eyes as he regarded her appreciatively. There was so much love in his look that it made her weak at the knees and she had to fight to keep walking.

  As she took the final steps towards him, he extended his hand. Nikki passed the flowers to Cynthia who had taken her place as maid of honour to Nikki's left and then took Grant's hand. She was amused to find his hand was clammy when he took hers and gave it a light squeeze. Was Grant nervous? She found herself amused with the thought and would have teased him had the ceremony not begun.

  Grant Rivers nervous. Now she'd seen everything.

  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here..."

  Chapter 6

  With the ceremony and pictures taken, Grant and Nikki, still in their wedding clothes, were led to the banquet and show area. They were placed at the small two person head table overlooking the large empty lot used for the performances and dancing. Surrounding the show area were tables filled with other guests and tikki torches were the only source of light, giving the whole area a soft yellow glow.

  "The Escape Resort is proud to present to you the guests of honour for the evening. The beautiful, newly married couple, Mr and Mrs Grant Rivers!" A voice from the hidden speakers called. Grant stood pulling her to her feet beside him.

  Nikki's cheeks reddened at the cheers and applause of hundreds of strangers as she stood by her husband. Looking up at him, he seemed unfazed by the attention.

  "I think everyone here would love to see this handsome couple kiss," the voice announced.

  Oh sweet lord! Here? In front of everyone?

  Grant gave her hand a quick tug and with a soft surprised squeal she fell against his hard chest. He grinned, his eyes shining mischievously. "Shall we give the audience what they want, Mrs Rivers?"

  Her shyness fell away as she looked into his loving eyes. "I think that's a fine idea, Mr Rivers." She slipped her hands around his neck as he lowered his mouth to hers and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. The cheering increased, along with a series of whistles and whoops from the onlookers as they deepened the kiss. A shiver rushed down her spine as his tongue slipped past her lips to caress hers.

  The sounds of the crowd around them disappeared into a soft lull as she gave herself to him and the passion behind his sweet lips. This strong, courageous, beautiful man was hers. All hers.

  When Grant finally pulled away she was left breathless, her heart thumping wildly against her chest. She looked up at him, her eyes glazed over with her love and desire for him. "Do you suppose they'd notice if we snuck off," she teased.

  Laughing Grant looked out at the hundreds of eyes glued to them. "I think they might. Besides, you need to eat. You'll need the energy for the night I have planned for you, Mrs Rivers." Walking behind her he motioned for her to sit and pushed her chair in for her once seated.

  A soft tremor rocked through her and a stirring began between her legs at the thoughts of what he may have planned. Grant was seating himself when the voice over the speakers sounded again. "As most of you are aware tonight is Hawaiian night so we have a great dinner and show planned."

  Nikki glanced quickly over at Grant who gave her a smile and nod.

  "The food is now ready so our waiting staff will take you all table by table to the buffet. Please wait until your table is called before coming up."

  Grant and Nikki had already given their meal orders to the wedding planner so as the first of the tables stood to make their way to the buffet, two female servers approached Nikki and Grant with plates laden with Hawaiian cuisine and a bottle of chilled champagne.

  Both servers were stunning with dark mocha skin, long dark hair and perfect figures, accented by the grass skirts and coconut shell tops they were wearing. "Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Rivers," they said in near perfect unison as they placed the delicious smelling dishes in front of the couple.

  Nikki glanced over at Grant and was pleased to see that while he nodded his thanks to the women, his eyes were glued to her. He smiled as they locked gazes. How could a man not drool over the stunning women pouring their drinks? Even she was in awe of their beauty and charisma. But he seemed uninterested.

  "If you need anything more..." the server assigned to him stated. Nikki noticed the lustful look in the woman's eyes as she looked at Grant.

  He's married! A hint of jealousy and possessiveness rose to the surface and she took Grant's hand in hers, and glared at the server. "That'll be all thank you," she snapped.

  As they nodded and turned leaving the table a soft chuckling caught her attention and she whipped her head over to glare at Grant. "What?" She knew what.

  He chuckled a little louder as he dropped her hand, cut into his pork and raised a forkful to his mouth. He took his time chewing, swallowed and grinned. "The jealousy. It's cute. But unnecessary."

  Nikki huffed and turned from him pretending to focus on the food in front of her. However, his good humour over her outburst was infectious and she found herself also grinning over her behaviour. "I know," she finally admitted popping a piece of pineapple into her mouth. "But I have to defend what's mine."

  His laughter gre
w louder and he shook his head. "When you say it that way I completely understand."


  Once all the tables had been served and their occupants re-seated the man hosting the master of ceremonies behind the hidden speakers announced the attraction for the evening. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have secured some of the best fire performers in the world for your entertainment and pleasure. Please help me welcome your entertainment for the night!" A loud tribal beat began to play over the speakers as six performers - three men and three women donned in jeans and skin tight tank tops entered the center of the show area.

  Grant watched Nikki's reaction to the show in quiet amusement. Her eyes widened and an expression of childlike wonder touched her delicate features as the torches were lit and the show began with the performers, "spinning" the fire. Two balls of flame attached to chains whipped and whizzed around their bodies.

  "How do they not get burnt!" she stopped eating and continued to stare.

  "It's a skill." Grant stabbed at some more of the pork and thrust it into his mouth. It was cooked to perfection. Everything about the resort was perfection, which is why he wanted to take her there. After the previous weeks of worry and night terrors and stress that she'd undergone, he couldn't have thought of a better place to sweep her away to than this little island paradise.

  The wedding ceremony had been quaint. The photos he knew would be nothing short of spectacular. And she was being taken care of, which was his main concern. She'd been so stressed over the wedding and pleasing everyone and over what people were whispering about their 'relationship', that he was glad she'd agreed to them eloping. Here, they were surrounded by people who had no prejudices and were here for one purpose only - to have a good time and be happy.

  That's exactly what Nikki needed, and to a lesser extent he did as well.

  The fire show lasted over a half an hour and with each performance Nikki became more and more engrossed, practically forgetting about the food and focusing her attention on the six performers. To Grant's amusement she actually gasped when a couple of the male performers breathed fire. A loud boom sounded as a large, red and orange ball of fire extended from the tip of a torch in hand and out for close to ten feet into the air.

  "Oh-my-God!" she slapped at his arm, not taking her eyes off the men. "Did you see that! That's amazing!"

  Laughing, he nodded and topped up their glasses with more champagne. "I did and it is."

  She turned her eyes to meet his and gave him a sweet, brief smile before reverting her attention back to the show.

  Five minutes later, with the vast majority of the couples and groups finished eating, the servers busied themselves gathering up the dishes and offering cold, mostly alcoholic beverages.

  "And now we ask for the bride and groom to start off the dance section of the night," the voice over the loud speaker announced.

  Cheers, whistles and applause sounded from the group of strangers as Grant stood and extended his hand to his beloved. "Please join me, Mrs Rivers."

  Grinning, with a faint hint of colour touching her cheeks at being the center of attention once more she accepted his hand and rose from her chair. Hand in hand they made their way from the guest of honour platform and to the center of what was now to be the dance floor.


  "You know you've never really had a chance to show me what you learned taking those ballroom dance lessons," Grant commented giving her hand a quick tug. She twirled twice and landed into his awaiting arms and they began to sway to the soft, sultry music.

  He was right they never had and that had been the main reason for him taking her out on their first date; so she could have someone on whom to test what she'd learned. "Well, dear husband, we found ourselves otherwise preoccupied. Though we did dance at the hotel."

  Grinning, he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly. "But then you seduced me for the second time that night." He released her and she twirled away from him, but another tug, brought her back to him. She laughed lightly, and then yelped softly as he dipped her low.

  The tempo of the music increased and he began to lead her across the makeshift dance floor, guiding her with expert ease. Nikki doubted there being a need for a single dance lesson in Grant's arms; he had such elegance and grace on the dance floor. He took control guiding her through the steps of which, due to lack of practice, she'd grown a little rusty.

  "Oh, I doubt you could ever be seduced, Agent Rivers."

  "Oh I beg to differ. You've got me wrapped around your pretty little fingers, Mrs Rivers." He pulled her tightly to him, lowering his head and kissing the side of her neck softly, his tongue flicking at the sensitive flesh.

  A moan escaped her lips as a rush of need flowed through her. "And you I."

  She was vaguely aware that they'd stopped moving and were currently at the center of the dance floor, Grant's hand snaked to the back of her head and he urged her lips to his. The cheers and clapping broke her from the spell of enchantment surrounding her and she pulled away reluctantly.

  "Behave yourself," she scolded, wagging her French manicured finger at him.

  "On our wedding night?" he teased, pulling her tight against him so she could feel his growing erection.

  Laughing she kissed the side of his neck and then looked back up into his eyes. "Well, at least until after the fireworks."

  He growled, deep and low in the back of his throat. "Those damned fireworks can't come soon enough."


  The music ended and Grant had to admit, he was actually getting slightly tired. It had been a long couple of days and they'd been dancing for close to an hour straight, but he loved the feel of her in his arms. And the look of pure joy on her face tugged at his heart. She was happy and he would do anything in his power to keep it that way.

  Once the music ended the host of the evening came back onto the speaker. "And now for our grand finale of the evening. We have a grand fireworks display, we ask that everyone make their way to the beach area."

  "Come on," Grant tugged anxiously at her hand. He had a surprise for her on the beach. A little something he'd arranged on the telephone when he was booking their stay.

  Nikki groaned her protest. "Honey, I am exhausted." She stepped close to him, pressing herself against his body. "Maybe we can watch them from our room? It has a great view of the beach."

  Fuck! That's not going to work. He needed her on the beach; he doubted it would work otherwise.

  "I want to go to the beach. I want us to have the full experience." Damn, he was such a liar.

  "Grant, but..." His tie was already undone and hanging around his neck and the first button opened. She reached up and undid the next two buttons, and kissed his bare chest. "Besides, you don't want me exhausted on our wedding night before we get to the good stuff do you?" She glanced up at him, her blue eyes dancing wickedly.

  His cock came fully alive anxious to get on with the 'good stuff', but he pressed it down. No, he needed her on the beach so decided to switch approaches. "Please Nik, it would mean so much to me."

  Frowning she stepped away from him and sighed. "Alright, let's go to the beach."

  Hmmm, playing the sympathy card doesn't just work for women, he mused. He made a mental note of that discovery.

  As they walked hand in hand the short distance to the beach area, a number of strangers passed by giving their congratulations as they did. "I think you'll enjoy the display, I hear it's spectacular." He couldn't wait to see her expression when the show started.

  They came to the beach area and most of the other guests were already gathered and waiting. Several loud bangs sounded into the air, startling a number of the people in the crowd and seconds later bursts of red and blue filled to air. A symphony of "ohhhh's and awwww's" sounded from the spectators. Several more bangs and several more bursts of colour filled the clear night sky.

  A loud sizzle sounded to join the loud bangs and Grant stepped behind Nikki pulling her back against his front and nuzzling he
r neck. Suddenly a huge sign sitting on the beach lit up in flames.

  You're My Life and My Eternity. I Love You, Mrs Rivers.

  "Oh-my-God," her body trembled against him and he heard a faint sob coming from her. "That is-" her words broke off as she sniffed.

  "I love you, Nikki," he whispered in her ear, hugging her tight.

  "It's... beautiful..." her eyes focused on the sign, forgetting the beautiful array of colours bursting into the night sky."When did you?"

  "Well, I called in an extra special favour."

  She sniffed and giggled. "A friend of a friend..."

  He chuckled softly and placed a kiss on her neck. "Something like that, honey."

  With a sigh, her body relaxed against his. "I love you Mr Rivers."

  "Love you too Mrs Rivers."

  Chapter 7

  "See, now what did I tell you? Was that not worth taking fifteen minutes for?" Grant teased as he unlocked the front door of their private villa.

  Grinning, Nikki nodded. "Okay, you were right." She took a step into the room and he grabbed her upper arm halting her. She looked over her shoulder at him, puzzled.

  Bending he slipped his arm under her thighs and hoisted her into his arms as she laughed. "We're doing this right." Smiling down at her, he stepped over the threshold with her clinging to him, burying her face against his neck and enjoying the intoxicating scent of his spicy cologne.

  "This day couldn't have been more perfect, Grant. I'm glad we did this." The day had indeed been more perfect than she could ever have dreamed. Her concerns and worries seemed an eternity away today, especially at that moment.

  Grant closed the door behind them, locked it and then carried her into the bedroom, depositing her gently onto the bed. Someone had been in the room and filled it with white and red roses, and had turned on the stereo. A soft, seductive song was playing faintly in the background, so low that Nikki couldn't make out the words, but she could have easily lost herself in the melody had her mind not been preoccupied with what was about to come.


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