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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

Page 6

by Alexia Chase

  I cough and clear my throat. “A lot.”

  “How many is a lot?”

  She studies the vehicles as I put the car in park. “Well, the last count I heard was five hundred guests.”

  Her mouth drops open, and my cock jumps to attention. I’m not supposed to be imagining her lips sliding over my shaft, but that doesn’t stop where my wayward mind slips to.

  “I don’t even know five hundred people.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Neither does my cousin, but that doesn’t stop the fun of big families. My mom has four siblings, so someone in here will know Fred from accounting.”

  Dani shakes her head. “This is crazy. I can’t believe Ashley convinced me to wear this dress, and now, I’m going to be flaunting my ass to everyone in the area code.” She wipes her hands on the bottom of her dress. “I’m going to kill her,” she growls.

  “Don’t hate on the dress.” All rational thought flies out the window. “You look fucking hot in it.”

  Her face flushes a deep crimson, and her head tips downward. “Thank you.”

  “You’ll be the most beautiful woman in the church.”

  “Stop.” She smacks at my upper arm. “You don’t have to go that far.”

  “I’m serious.” I cup her cheek. “Dani, you’re beautiful.”

  “It’s the dress and make-up,” her eyes are glued to my lips as she murmurs.

  “No. It’s all of you.” I lean forward and place my lips over her plump red lips. The first experiment proved her lipstick was made from sturdy stuff. This time, I’m not sure it will survive.

  She whimpers, and I’ve got to have her. To hell with any reservations I have, they mean nothing.

  Her tongue tentatively brushes against mine, and I groan into her mouth. Screw the wedding. We’ll head straight to the reception. It’s not like anyone will notice anyway.

  My hands run up her back, and I pull her closer until she’s nearly in my lap. The only space between us is the gearshift. Her fingers dig into my shoulders, and her thigh brushes against mine. “God, Dani, I want you.”

  “Shouldn’t we go inside?” Her gaze is filled with desire, and she gulps down air as if she can’t catch her breath.

  “In a second. The wedding isn’t until five o’clock.” I pull up the sleeve of my jacket. “We’ve got fifteen minutes. Why mingle when we can make out?”

  “Good point.” She grins and runs her fingers over my chest. “You’re so hot in that suit. You took my breath away when I saw you.”

  “Wait until you see me out of it,” I mumble and kiss the column of her neck.

  “Fuck,” she groans.

  My hand skates up the flesh of her thigh. She spreads her legs, and my fingers slip under the tight fabric of her dress. Even though I’m inches away from the holy grail, her heat and scent surround me.

  It’s stupid to make out in the back of a church parking lot. I’m praying the dark tint of my windows and the lack of concern people show toward others in public saves us from being discovered.

  “Oh, my God.” She grasps my upper arms.

  “Do you want me to touch you?”

  “Please,” she mews, and my cock strains against the zipper of my pants.

  How is it possible to get harder? Each movement and sound she makes has me losing all semblance of control. My fingers reach the apex, and there’s no barrier between us. My eyes widen. “No panties?”

  “How am I supposed to wear panties in this dress?” Her hips wiggle on the leather seat.

  “Makes sense.” I slip my finger inside her molten center, and she gasps. “Does that feel good, baby?”

  “God, yes.”

  “How good?” I growl in her ear and thrust deeper inside her pussy. The sound of her wetness sucking at my fingers fills the interior of my vehicle.

  “So, good.” Her eyelids are closed, and she grinds against the palm of my hand.

  For the love of God, she’s so fucking hot. The fact I’m fingerfucking her when my entire family is gathered for a wedding is not lost on me. I haven’t been this keyed up about a woman since I was fourteen years old and jacking off to a porn video.

  I slip my thumb over her clit, and she moans with pleasure, “God, yes.”

  My entire body tightens. Don’t cum in a four thousand-dollar Italian suit. I curl my fingers and slash against her G spot. Her breath is hot against my neck. Fuck. I’ve got to kiss her. To feel those plump lips against mine as she screams my name.

  With my free hand, I cup the back of her head and smash my mouth against hers. Each lunge of my fingers inside her pussy earns me a hitch of her breath. I suck each one down like it’s the essence of my survival. And, at this moment – it is. Giving her pleasure is my only purpose.

  I thrust against her tongue with the same rhythm I slip into her sex. Her response to me is pure heaven. When her legs tremble, she arches against me, and I know she’s close. “Cum, baby. Just for me,” I ground out against her lips.

  “Oh, fuck, Gunner,” she moans, and her entire body convulses against me. Pure, unadulterated heaven. I smile as I dive into her pulsating pussy. I love the feel of her body clutching me like she’s holding on for dear life.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The minister pronounces the bride and groom, husband and wife, and they face the crowd to a swell of cheering and delight. What in the hell am I doing here?

  By the time I was able to look Gunner in the face after his delicious onslaught of my sex, we had five minutes to get inside the church. We barely made it to our seats before the Wedding March began.

  We’ve spent the last hour standing, sitting, praying, and singing in a gorgeous sanctuary filled with oak wooden pews and stained-glass windows. The entire time, I’ve been waiting for lightning to strike or someone to stand in front of the congregation and announce a harlot is in their midst.

  It doesn’t help everyone is staring at us. For some dumb reason, I failed to calculate how much attention Gunner would garner, even amongst his own family.

  In unison, the crowd stands and watches as the couple marches down the aisle with the rest of the wedding party in tow.

  As one of the bridesmaids nears the last row where we are positioned, she waggles her eyebrows and winks at Gunner. Shit. Is that her? He didn’t say she was part of the wedding party.

  The woman is stunning. She has lush black hair, which is coiled into an updo with wisps cascading down from its restraints. Her eyes are almond-shaped, and her complexion is perfect with a kiss of her summer tan still caressing her flesh.

  Damn it. I’m a total three, and she’s a twelve and a half. What am I doing making out with Gunner? He could have any woman in the city panting after him.

  When the usher reaches our row, Gunner nudges me with his elbow and leans down, “Go on.”

  I shudder. Stop it. Don’t get all weak in the knees over him. He’s probably fooled around with countless women in his vehicle. It doesn’t mean he’s going to ask me to marry him. I stumble on my heel and bite back a curse.

  Gunner grasps my upper arm and holds me steady. God, I’m sweating. “Thank you.”

  “No problem. Be careful.” He lets go of my arm and places his hand in the middle of my back. The pressure is so light I can barely feel him, but I know he’s there. The heat from his fingertips burns into my flesh.

  I swallow as we approach the wedding party. All of them could be models in magazines. As I grasp each of their hands, I express my congratulations, and they dismiss me to fawn over Gunner. Even though he’s all man, he’s the belle of the ball.

  When I reach the stunning woman that was leering at Gunner, she grabs me in a bear hug. “Damn, you’re a fox.”

  “Um…” I cough and hold still as she pats me. “Thank you, I guess.”

  She steps back and gasps my forearms to steady me. “Don’t let him use that stupid celibacy pact to push you away.”

  “What?” My face must be ten shades brighter as she scrutinizes m
e. Who in the hell is this woman?

  She rolls her eyes. “I live with him. Of course, I know about his celibacy pledge. It’s stupid.”

  Holy fuck. He lives with someone, and she’s encouraging me to have sex with him? What the fuck? I step back. “Well…”

  “Gross, that’s disgusting.” She shudders. “Gunner is my brother. Dani, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Veronica.”

  “Oh…” I clutch my chest and search for Gunner. He’s three people back as the wedding party chats with him. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Don’t be.” She leans in and grins. “He’s got an entire box of condoms on him somewhere, so enjoy the hell out of him. I don’t want to see him home until morning.” She winks and dismisses me.

  O.M.G. My gaze lands on him. He brought a whole box of condoms – for me. He glances over to me, and when he sees Veronica pointing and mouthing, ‘She’s hot,’ he closes his eyes and sighs.

  “Veronica.” He pins her in place with a stern look, which appears to have no impact on her.

  She hugs him and pats his upper back. “I told her about the surprise in your pocket.”

  I groan and wish the ground would open and swallow me.

  “Damn it, V.”

  “I was afraid you’d chicken out. You need to get laid.”

  Gunner’s eyes are round as he glances to his left to see if anyone else is listening to their conversation. He turns back around and glares at her. “I’m so sorry, my sister, is delusional.” He steps back and dismisses her.

  “I see.” My eyes travel down his body and land on his pant pocket. Stop it. He probably bought a box of condoms to use on whatever woman catches his eye. Not me.

  He moves into my space and leans into my ear. “You want to skip the wedding reception and head straight to my suite?”

  His deep voice rolls down my spine, and I’m as turned on as I was in the car. Even though I’ve already had one orgasm, I want more. “God, yes.”

  He grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine. “I can’t wait to sink into your hot pussy.”

  “Oh, Lord.” I shudder and stifle a moan. His dirty talk flips a trigger in me I didn’t even know I had. I need to be with him tonight. No matter what tomorrow brings. I swallow, and my heartbeat thuds against my ribs. “I want to run my tongue over your cock and suck it deep into my mouth.”

  “Fuck.” His mouth drops slightly open, and his pupils dilate, indicating his appreciation of my words.

  Any worries I had about coming off as too aggressive disappear. I want him to be as turned on as I was in the car. I’ve been finger-fucked before, but it never resulted in an orgasm. His skills encourage me to show him I can bring him as much pleasure.

  At least, I hope I can. “Do you want me to cup your aching balls as I suck you off?”

  Please, don’t be disgusted. I’m taking a huge risk here. My fingers tremble as I wait for his response.

  His eyes narrow into slits as he digs his fingers into my back. “I’m going to take you right here if you don’t stop.”

  “Please.” I dare him with confidence I can’t explain. Maybe it’s his touch. Or, his sister’s words. Whatever it is, I’m about to lose control. I want Gunner, and I’ll do whatever it takes to have him. Even if it’s only the magic of a wedding and nothing else. I’ll handle the fallout later.

  “I want to touch and taste your wet, sweet pussy.”

  I run a finger down his chest. “As long as I get to touch and taste all of you.”

  “Baby, I’d love nothing more.” He stares at my mouth with an intensity that causes my nipples to pucker and my thighs to be drenched in hot moisture.

  “There you are.” An older woman puts her arm around Gunner’s waist, and he freezes.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  His mom. My entire body stills, and I forget to breathe. Oh, my freaking God. Please, tell me she wasn’t listening to our conversation. I twist to face her, and she beams at us like she heard every fucking word. Oh, hell.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Hello, Mom.” The ultimate cock block in a hunter green dress. I release Dani and stand back a few inches. Something about sex and my mother don’t go hand and hand.

  “Gunner.” She beams and then shifts her attention to Dani. “Obviously, I’m Gunner’s mother, Susan.”

  “Nice to meet you, Susan. I’m Dani Vaughn.”

  “Have you known Gunner long?”

  Dani shifts from foot to foot. “Not long. I started as a personal trainer for the team in June.”

  “Oh, how nice.” She glares at me. “Gunner is always so busy studying and practicing he doesn’t have time for a relationship.”

  “Mom.” I’m not sure I’m ready for where this conversation is going. I like Dani. A lot. But now is not the best time to date.

  Dani licks her lips, and my brain freezes as I watch the tip of her pink tongue move along with her mouth. Why isn’t now a good time? Mom has an excellent point.

  “Hush. I’m speaking with Dani.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” No one contradicts my mother in public. She’s sweet as pie until she’s not. Then, she’s a Pitbull.

  “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Since you both work together, you’ll have more opportunities to see each other, even when he’s working. That seems like a perfect pairing. Don’t you think?”

  “Well…” Dani’s gaze jumps to mine, and my heart skips a beat. Her eyes are huge as if she’s hoping I can save her from my mother’s interrogation.

  Could she be ‘the one’? If she is, I don’t want to push her away or wait too long. Hell, she’s not going to be single long.

  Every muscle in my body tenses. What if one of the other guys takes an interest in her? No one else is stupid enough to tell her to wait until February. If I like her, I need to stake my claim now.

  “Mom.” I place my arm around Dani and pull her to my side. “Don’t push it. We just started dating.”

  “Dating?” Her eyelids raise as she glances between us.

  “Yes.” I smile down at Dani. “Right?”

  Slowly, she nods. “Yes.”

  My mom folds her arms together over her chest. “You aren’t just saying that, so I don’t set you up with Tiana, are you?”

  “No.” I shake my head, but my eyes never leave Dani’s. I cock an eyebrow. “Do you want to head to the reception?”


  I’m not positive if she’s saying yes to get away from the conversation, or if she really wants to, but I don’t give her a chance to explain. It’s been too long since I’ve touched her. The sooner we get to the reception, the quicker I can hold her in my arms.

  “Oh, this is so sweet. Have fun.” My mom coos as I grab Dani’s hand and wrap my fingers through hers.

  The hotel is only a mile away from the church, and everyone was milling around in the parking lot, so we didn’t have an opportunity to further explore our attraction. With the other guests begging for my attention, I’m getting frustrated with being close to Dani and not being able to touch her.

  When the latest distant relative claps my back and moves on, I glance down at Dani. “Do you want to dance?”

  Her tongue flicks over her bottom lip, and she nods. “Sure.”

  I’ve never wanted someone as much as I do her. I’ve never considered putting a relationship before my career. Being a professional football player takes dedication and hours of preparation. However, for Dani, I’m beginning to want it all.

  On the dance floor, she settles into my embrace. Our bodies mold together as the music, and other couples weave around us.

  “Did you mean what you said earlier to your mom?”

  I cup the back of her head. “Yes, I do. Dani, I like you and would love to date you. I don’t know if I can be a good boyfriend during the football season, because my schedule is crazy. But I also can’t lose the opportunity to spend time with you or ask you to wait for me.”

  Her fingers rest
on my chest as we sway together. The sound of the slow song fills the space around us, and her thighs brush against mine, causing my cock to ache.

  “I’ll wait,” she says.

  Warmth spreads through me. “I can’t.” I pull her closer and place my lips on hers. Kissing her in the parking lot was safe from prying eyes. Well, mostly.

  Now, we’re standing in front of a crowd of five hundred plus people, so word will carry faster than an uncontained virus.

  Her fingers slice through the hairs at the base of my neck, and I stifle a groan. God, I want her. All of her.

  I press my fingers into the fabric of her dress. Her heat surrounds me and fills parts of me I’ve ignored for years. I’ve spent so long being obsessed with my career, a part of me has been missing – my connection with other people.

  Have I been waiting for her? My head spins as the strobe lights above us flash, and I take in the scent of her perfume. The citrus and vanilla are intoxicating.

  I tilt my head and stroke my tongue along with the seam of her lips. When she opens them to allow me inside, I grind my erection into her belly.

  Thank God the lighting is low, and the flashes of illumination don’t display my growing desire for her, because, at this point, it’s obvious. I probably can’t walk across the floor without knocking someone out.

  Her knee brushes against my aching balls, and I nearly groan in desperation. Holy shit. I’ve got to slow down before I make an ass out of myself.

  My mouth travels along her jawline until I reach her ear. “You’ve got to stop that.”

  “What?” She grins innocently at me, slides her hands inside my suit jacket, and arches her belly against my throbbing dick.

  “You know what,” I growl and try to move away from her touch, but she doesn’t relent.

  “I owe you for the car.”

  “No, you don’t.” I inhale and try to steady my erratic breathing. My heart pounds against my ribs.

  “Yes, I do.” She stares with a serious expression. Her fingers drag down my back. The pressure from her fingernails, causes my entire body to shudder in response.


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