The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance Page 8

by Alexia Chase

  My gaze dives to the floor.

  “Dani?” He places his finger under my chin and tips it. “Look at me.”

  “Okay.” I can barely make out his features.

  “You’re beautiful. I’m not standing here with a throbbing erection for no reason. If I didn’t want you, I would go home and take care of it myself.”

  I swallow and nod. “I understand.”

  He grasps my upper arms and holds me in place. “I don’t think you do. Dani, I have supreme control over my body. I haven’t had sex in nearly two years, and I haven’t missed it. I’ve been single-minded in my determination – until you.”

  I smile weakly. “Is that a compliment or an abomination?”

  “A compliment. I couldn’t walk away from this moment if I had to. I’ve got to make love to you.”

  “Then, please do.” I jump into his arms and straddle his waist. My skirt is bunched around my thighs to where I’m inches away from experiencing ecstasy.

  He pivots on his heel and settles into the sofa. I reach down and pull the fabric of my dress to my waist and rub my sex against his hardness.

  “Dani, I want you so bad.” His hands clasp my hips and raises me.

  When I’m positioned above his cock on my knees, I fist his hardness and grab the condom, rip it open with my teeth, and roll it over his flesh inch by inch.

  His eyes are so dark I can barely see his irises as I slide over his thickness. It feels beyond amazing. I can’t think, and I forget to breathe.

  When I’m fully seated over his cock, I wiggle my hips, and he sucks in a gulp of air. Holy shit. Even though I came only a few hours ago, I’m seconds away from exploding.

  He clasps my hips and holds me in place. “Don’t move.”

  I grin, and my sex clenches down on him. I like having the power in this situation. It’s a heady feeling.

  “Shit.” His eyes slam shut, and his jaw twitches as if he’s trying to remain in control.

  I want him to lose control. To be at my mercy. Leaning down, I slide my tongue along his jawline, and when I reach his ear, I growl, “Your cock feels so good filling my pussy.”

  “Motherfucker.” He flips me over, laying me on my back amongst the cushions and slices into my core.

  “God, yes, Gunner, that feels so fucking good.” My legs wrap around his waist like a vice, and I use my back to push off the sofa and suck him deep into my sex.

  “I can’t stop. I want to make it good for you, but it feels too intense.” He thrusts in and out of my pussy with the same precision and intensity he puts into his workouts. Sweat drips down his brow, and his entire body strains for release.

  “Yees.” My head falls back, and I push into the pillows. From this position, I tilt my hips to give him the deepest penetration yet and dig my fingernails into his back. “Right there. Don’t fucking stop.”

  His dick slips out to my edge, and then, he thrusts into my hot depths. My legs tingle, and electric shocks shoot throughout my body. I’m so close to coming; every nerve in my clit is pulsing as his pelvis smacks against me.

  I hold my breath and angle my pelvis down, so the crown of his erection pierces over my G spot. With one last lunge, I’m flying. “God, yes. Gunner. Don’t stop.” I shudder as he continues to plunge into my hole.

  “Fuck.” He stiffens above me, and his hips push forward again. “So, fucking good.” He convulses and lands on top of me.

  As I try and catch my breath, I stare at the ceiling. Wow. This is one hundred times better than porn, cake, and a vibrator. I sigh.

  “Are you okay?” He shifts, rolls to the side, and pulls me against his chest.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I rub my nose against his pec and close my eyelids.

  “What were you thinking?”

  I giggle. “You don’t want to know.”

  He grabs my chin and stares into my eyes. “Yes, I do.”

  My face heats. The ceiling is sure white. That’s impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever stayed in a suite this nice. Stop stalling. What’s the worst that can happen? He thinks I’m a complete perv. Big deal. “I was thinking, this was better than porn, cake, and a vibrator.”

  He laughs and wraps me into his arms. “I don’t have a vibrator, but I’m pretty sure they have porn and cake here.”

  “Yum. Even better.” As I snuggle against him, his leg slides over mine and holds me in place.

  This is perfect. But will it last? We’re in the middle of the football season. I’m not some fancy model type. And –



  “Stop thinking. Let’s take a nap and get ready for round four.”

  “Okay.” I smile sheepishly and will my negative thoughts to take a walk for a few minutes.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I roll on my back and stare at the ceiling. The steady red blinking of the fire alarm is the only light in the room. Between the curtains, a sliver of exposed darkness indicates morning hasn’t come.

  Dani sighs and shifts in her sleep. Her body is pressed against my side, and her cold toes touch the back of my calves and her soft breath fans against my chest. I want to stay in this position for eternity. I haven’t slept in bed with a woman in years and never felt at peace about it.

  Shit. I’ve got to work out. I close my eyelids and groan inwardly. For once, I’d like to forget all my responsibilities and enjoy life. But I can’t.

  Flashes of the night before, flood my memory. The taste of her. The smell of her. The intense connection of being deep inside her is almost overwhelming. We’re perfect together.

  I tense. Will she understand I need to get up before dawn and workout? Unlike some other men, I can’t spend the entire day pleasuring her and drowning in her eyes. Past girlfriends were not as receptive to my schedule. They’d get jealous and turn bitter.

  After a point, I couldn’t handle the drama or the irritation, that no matter how thoroughly I explained my career, the women never fully grasped what I was saying – until it was too late. They’d demand I put them first, and I’d end things. My career is always first.

  “Dani?” I grab her shoulder and nudge her.

  “Hmmm?” she mumbles and rubs her nose against my neck.

  Shit. My cock jumps to attention.

  “Did you say something?” Her voice is thick with sleep and desire. She wiggles the leg between my thighs and rocks against my erection.

  Sex. The animal part of me can only think of one thing. Mating with my woman. I cup her hip and groan. Damn, I want her. How is that even possible? We’ve made it over halfway through a dozen condoms. I should be good for at least twenty-four hours.

  “Good morning.” Her tongue flicks along the column of my throat, causing me to shudder. The heat from her breath sends a signal straight to my cock, and now he wants in on the action.

  I love the feel of her mouth surrounding me. Almost as much as I enjoy tasting her and watching her body wither at my touch.

  “Morning.” I lace my fingers through her hair and lead her mouth to mine. An overwhelming sense of contentment flows throughout my body starting at my lips and radiating to the tips of my fingers and toes. Is it possible to fall in love in one night?

  When she leans back, I can barely make out the whites of her eyes as the light flowing between the curtains shows the first signs of daybreak.

  “When do you have to go in?”

  I swallow. Damn, it does only take one night. “I’m usually in by six o’clock to work out for an hour and, then, I watch film for another hour or two. We have a meeting with Coach in the early afternoon.”

  “Okay.” She kisses my lips and then slides away.

  I grab her hand and pull her back against me. “Where are you going?”

  “You need to work out.”

  I grin and waggle my eyebrows. “What’s one missed workout? I can get plenty of exercise here.”

  “Good idea.” She smacks my ass. “Get your lazy bones out of be
d, and we’ll go work out in the fitness room. Your personal trainer is at your service.”

  My eyes narrow even though she can’t see them. “I was talking about sex.”

  Her fingers trail down my stomach, causing my skin to tighten. “If you’re really good, you can have sex after you work out.”

  “Shit,” I growl and flop against the mattress. Maybe dating a person who understands my career is a bad idea.

  “Don’t pout.” She pushes off and runs to the bathroom. “Give me five minutes to shower, and we’ll head down.”

  “How about we shower together and save water, time, and – “

  “Then you,” she says as she snaps on the light and waggles her eyebrows, “need to get in here and pleasure me with those delicious hands of yours.”

  I jump up, grab a condom, and amble to the doorway. I try to act nonchalant, but it’s no use. It’s too late to hide from her what she does to me. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “I have to ask?” She grins saucily as she walks backward into the stark white bathroom.

  “You don’t have to ask. Just give me one of those pouty, come fuck me looks, and I’ll be there with bells on.”

  Her hand fists the base of my shaft as she continues to walk backward. “Where are your bells?”

  “Did I say bells? I meant balls.” I leer at her as I twist the shower handle to hot.

  We beam at each other like two loons as the water heats up. My stomach does a slow roll. Holy hell. I’m falling hard and fast.

  As we step into the shower, water cascades down her breasts, over her belly, and trails to her curls. My mouth waters and I place the condom on the shelf where it won’t get wet. “I have to taste you.”

  “Hmm.” Her eyes darken as she convulses. She grips my forearms to keep from falling. “I’m not going to complain.”

  I run my tongue across the pebbles of her nipple and then flick the nub. She arches her back and thrusts her perfect tit toward me.

  My hand slips between her folds, and I thrust deep into her core. The heat of her pussy surrounds me as the water splashes down our bodies and makes splattering sounds against the porcelain bottom.

  I slip my fingers out of her sex, and the sucking sound of her release makes my balls ache with need. A need I’m never going to be able to satisfy. Placing my fingers on her lips, I growl, “Taste what I do to you.”

  Her eyes widen in shock, but then, she flicks her perfect tongue over the tip. “You make me so fucking greedy.” She slips my fingers into her mouth and sucks down hard on the digits like she does when she’s sucking me off.

  Fuck. All thoughts of pleasing her are replaced by an intense need to be sated. I need her. “I want you so bad. You drive me fucking wild.”

  “Fuck me,” she growls, and I hoist her up until her legs are wrapped around my waist.

  Pressing her against the wall, so we don’t fall on our asses, I glide her over my throbbing shaft.

  “God, yes, Gunner. Fuck me.” She arches her pelvis forward and takes me inside her until my balls slap against her ass.

  Nothing in this world feels better than to be surrounded by her. The heat of her body sears into me, spurring my thrusts until I can’t stop.

  Our loud moans fill the interior of the bathroom and bounce off the tile. When her nails pierce the flesh of my shoulders, I lose all connection with reality. She’s the only thing I see and feel. Nothing else matters.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The number ticks up with each movement of my legs and hips. One of my favorite pieces of exercise equipment is the elliptical machine. However, after forty-five minutes, my legs are screaming.

  I hit the button and slow down my movements. My chest heaves with each intake of air into my lungs.

  “Good form.” Gunner arches his eyebrows as he releases the pulldown bar. It snaps with a clang against the machine.

  “Thank you.” I nod and run my hands over the spandex leggings he bought me. Thank you, hotel concierge. The staff here are magicians. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

  “You’re angling for being placed over my knee and getting a spanking, aren’t you?” He cocks his head to the side and gives me a pointed leer.

  “Yes, please.” My legs grow even weaker. It’s ridiculous. I’ve never been this open about sex. Hell, I don’t generally enjoy sex. Being with Gunner is an eye-opening experience. I love everything he does to me.

  He stands and walks with a cocky swagger until he’s in my space. My breath catches in my throat, and I slam the off button. Getting my face smashed in is not high on my list of activities for the day.

  “Come here, little girl, so I can spank you.”

  The low tone of his voice makes my clit twitch. Is anyone else in here? My gaze darts around the room. The gym is quiet, except for our labored breathing.

  “Doll, no one’s in here. I’m not about to have an audience with the dirty things I want to do to you.”

  “Stop it.” I smack at him, and he laughs.

  “I’m teasing. I wouldn’t take you across my lap in public.” He bites his bottom lip and gazes at me from head to toe.

  Holy cow. The way he peers at me makes my heart soar. People ogle Ashley like this, not me. Will it last? Do I want it to last?

  By Monday morning, it might all blow up in a puff of smoke when we’re back in the team gym, but I don’t want it to be over. I want him to watch my every move like he wants to devour me. Like I’m the only person he’ll ever want in his bed.

  He cups the back of my head. “In private is a completely different thing.”

  I swallow over the dryness in my mouth. “Are you into kinky stuff?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugs. “I’ve never tried it, but I can understand the appeal. With you.”

  “Yeah?” My once stopped heart thunders against my ribs, and my fingers twitch. Do I want to try something dirty? If he asks, would I? My eyes glue themselves to his lips. “Like what?”

  “We can start out slow.” He drags me against his body and his breath fans across my face. “I can tie up your wrists and your ankles. Once I have you restrained, I can lick every inch of your sweet body.” His finger trails along my jawline and then slides down the length of my neck. “Then, I can slide my cock into your tight, sopping pussy.”

  The sensation of his touch sends tiny shockwaves across my flesh. My nipples tighten until they’re almost poking through my t-shirt. Being bound has never sounded sexy. But the things he’s describing sound enticing as hell. “I can’t say I’ve ever considered it before, but you’re intriguing me.”

  “Everything about you captivates me.” He places his lips over mine and slides his tongue along the seam of my mouth.

  I moan and part my lips so he can dive inside. As his tongue strokes along the length of mine, I sag against him and hold on. Every time he’s near me, I lose another piece of my restraint. Soon it won’t matter what he asks, I’ll gladly give it. He’s searing himself into every fiber of my body.

  He groans and leans back. “What am I going to do with you?”

  I wink. “It sounds like you’ve got some good ideas.”

  He swallows but doesn’t move. “Do you mean that?”

  “Sure.” I shrug. “Why not? I trust you.” The fact we’re discussing BDSM sex and trust after one night together is mind-blowing. It’s not like I have a background in kinky sex, and we’re meeting at a sex club. Why do I trust him this soon? It should scare me, but it doesn’t.

  “Thank you.” He raises his arm and glares at his watch. “I wish I had time to express my appreciation of your trust. It means a lot to me.”

  “Gunner, you’re an amazing guy. Lots of people trust you. Your teammates depend on you. Your family thinks the sun shines out of your ass. Hell, the city acts like you’re the next coming of a dead musical legend. Why wouldn’t I trust you?”

  “Because they worship a sport’s star doesn’t equate to you, trusting me with your bo
dy. I’m playing a game. Yes, I want to be the best player I can possibly be, but that’s not the same as being intimately close to me. I don’t allow a lot of people into my inner circle.”

  “And, I’m in your inner circle?” I cock an eyebrow. I get loud and clear; we’re close together. Our bodies are touching, but does he want something long-term?

  “Dani, I really like you. I want to get to know you better. I feel like we could have something special together.”

  “I do too.” I gnaw on my bottom lip. “But what about your celibacy pledge?”

  He smirks and grabs my hips. “I think we blew that up.”

  “I don’t mean that exactly.” I chuckle. Obviously, we’ve been burning up the sheets, so he can’t claim a regrown hymen. “I’m aware we used almost an entire box of condoms.” My breath catches and sweat breaks out on my forehead. Holy shit. My eyes widen, and I blink to counter the dryness.


  “You didn’t use a condom in the shower, did you? I don’t remember you putting one on.”

  “Fuck.” His hand drops from my hips, and he stands motionlessly. “I completely forgot.” He steps back and paces the room like a caged lion. Then, he stops in mid-step. The expression on his face is a mixture of what appears to be worry, anger, fear, and something else. “Dani, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been irresponsible.”

  “Hey, it’s not just you. I was there.”

  “If you get pregnant, we’ll deal with it together.” He frowns. “That came out wrong. I don’t mean I want you to have an abortion or anything. I just meant; I’d be there. With you. I wouldn’t abandon either of you.”

  Damn, he gets better every second. “Thank you.”

  “And, I promise to be more aware of what I’m doing in the future. If you aren’t pregnant, I’m not rushing you into anything.”

  “Okay.” I stare at my feet. “I wouldn’t try to trick you into a relationship.”

  “You don’t have to trick me. I consider us already in a relationship. Unless you don’t want to be in one.” He shoves his hands into the pockets of his jogging shorts.


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