The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance

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The Game: A Contemporary Sports Romance Page 13

by Alexia Chase


  I jump and scream. Once the shock wears off, the voice registers. Gunner. My fingers tremble, and I spin around. He’s leaning against the doorframe. “I thought everyone was gone.”

  “Everyone is.” His eyes bore into mine, and I back up, hitting the chair with the back of my legs.

  Damn it. Don’t fall for those eyes. They don’t mean anything. He was only using you as a play toy.

  He shoves his hands into his pockets, and his shoulders curve inward. As if it’s too much to keep our eyes connected, his gaze drops to the floor. “We need to talk.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I grab the paper off my desk.

  My decision’s been made. I’m too weak around him. Every time I see him, I’m going to want to be near him. To talk to him. To touch him. I’m terrified I’m weak enough to compromise all my scruples and lose myself. “I’ve got an interview packet to fill out.”

  “Don’t.” He shakes his head.

  It’s such a small movement; I can barely make it out. When his gaze meets mine, his eyes are filled with tears.

  My breath catches. The desire to comfort him floods through every pore of my body. I’ve got to get away. Now.

  “Dani.” He steps forward and grasps my upper arms. “I’m sorry I behaved like a child. I should have never spouted off about hooking up with another woman. I was hurt and angry, but that’s no excuse.”

  My mouth moves, but no words come out. “I…”

  Apologizing and admitting he was hurt has me speechless. I anticipated him blowing me off and never seeing me again. Not making it seem like he… He what? He wants to be with me. That’s too much to hope for.

  “Dani, we have an extensive network in place to make sure no one is ever late for a game. When Tony called, I’m not going to lie, I was pissed, but at myself for forgetting to set the alarm. However, there was plenty of time to make the game.”

  “So, your comment about doing something stupid, wasn’t about me?”

  He cups my cheeks. “Never. The weekend we were together was the best time I’ve ever had.” He frowns. “And then, you broke up with me. I was angry and felt like you used me.”

  “Like that would ever happen.” I snort, and my face floods with heat. Way to look like a total dumbass. But, him thinking I would use him and not the other way around is too hard to fathom. I’m the one who’s lucky to be around him.

  “Dani, the comment Dillon overheard was just me being a jackass. The only person I want is you. And to be clear, I didn’t, nor do I want to have sex with anyone else. If you don’t want me, I’ll be celibate.”

  “Really?” I arch an eyebrow.

  “Yes. I’m serious. I went for nearly two years without sex. It’s not a problem.”

  I rest my hands on his hips. “So, you want to go for two years without sex, again?”

  “Fuck, no.” He shudders. “My hand already has calluses on it from overuse.”

  “You’re crazy.” An overwhelming sense of peace floods my body.

  “When I saw you helping Dillon, I was jealous.”

  “You were jealous?” My heart skips a beat.

  “Yes, I saw black and wanted to kick his ass.” His finger rubs over my bottom lip, and my nipples instantly tighten. Don’t get ahead of yourself, little girl.

  “It would have been a horrible decision on my part because he’s a fucking beast, but I wasn’t thinking rationally.” His other hand laces through the loose hairs that have escaped from my bun, and he yanks me closer.

  The possibility Gunner wants a relationship with me has my heart thundering in my chest.

  “Dani, you’re the only woman I want in my life, and I want to be the only man in yours.”

  “Okay.” I bite my bottom lip and swallow a giddy scream of joy. We’re in my office, and now that I don’t have to leave, I sure the fuck don’t want to be fired.

  His eyes narrow into slits. “Okay? That’s all I get. I spill my guts here, and all I get is an okay?” he growls and tugs me closer until my body is flush against his hard angles.

  His cock juts out and nestles against my belly. My clit twitches, and my breath comes out in a loud pant. “That’s all you’re getting – here. We’re in my office. If I’m staying with the team, I don’t want to get fired.”

  “You’re not getting fired.” His mouth is inches from mine. “I’m the franchise quarterback. They’re not firing my…” He presses his lips together. “We’ll settle for girlfriend, for now.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and wiggle against his erection. “You think you’re above the law?”

  “Doll, the saying about writing checks your ass can’t cash, doesn’t apply to me. I can cash them.”

  “Fuck.” I chuckle and stand on my tiptoes. He’s so fucking full of shit, but I love him. Gunner Sinclair’s my boyfriend.

  His mouth settles on mine, and he swallows my moan. His arms wrap around me, and he massages my ass as if he can’t get close enough to me. It’s fine. I can’t get close enough to him either.

  My fingers drag through his hair and tug on the strands. I want him deep inside me and can barely keep from dragging us both to the floor.

  He leans back and smiles. Damn, he’s gorgeous. My heart swells with happiness. When will I believe this is real? Probably never, but I’m finally ready to enjoy the ride.

  “You’re turn.”

  “My turn?” I wrinkle my nose and give him a saucy grin. “For what?”

  “Why did you dump me? Make it good, so I don’t have to put you over my knee and spank your delicious bottom.”

  “Maybe I want you to slap my ass.” I bite my bottom lip and quiver. The thought of his hand smacking my flesh is an instant turn on.

  “Fuck. You’re dirty, and I love it, but you’re right. We shouldn’t have sex in the stadium. That’s something Tony would do.”


  “One of the break rooms the coaches use.”

  “Which one?” Now, I’m intrigued. Public sex – again? Why is the potential of getting caught such a turn on? With Gunner, I’m discovering a whole different side of myself.

  “Third door to the left.”


  “Focus,” he growls. “Tell me how you made a mistake breaking up with me.”

  I place my hands on his cheeks. He’s full of shit, but I do want him to know how much he means to me. “I was afraid I’d ruined your career and everything you’ve worked for. I would hate myself if I did anything to hurt you.”

  He raises his eyebrows and gives me a shitty look. “But you did.”

  I swat his upper arm. “I didn’t think I mattered that much to you. We were only together for a weekend.”

  “A weekend that rocked my world. I’d walk away from it all for you.”

  I stop breathing, and all humor drops from my face. “What?”

  “Dani, I’m falling in love with you. I knew it as soon as I realized I would walk away from football to keep you.”

  He’s falling in love with me. Wow. The butterflies in my belly roll and flutter. Damn it. I’m going to cry.

  Thirty minutes ago, I thought I would have to move to another state and never see Gunner again. My heart was broken, and now, all my dreams are coming true.

  I swallow as a vision of the entire city coming after me with brooms and pitchforks has my skin crawling. Yeah, so not going to happen.

  My eyes narrow into slits. “You will not quit football for me. Don’t ever breathe a word of that again.”

  “I studied physical education. You want to marry a P.E. teacher?”

  “Nope.” I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. “I fell in love with a hot stud QB. Don’t ruin the appeal.”

  He laughs, and I love the light in his eyes. I will do whatever it takes to keep him happy. Then, he sobers. “Nicely decline the interview. You belong here with me.”

  “Always.” I nod and offer my mouth to him. How did I get so lucky?
  Chapter Thirty


  As I hold her in my arms, the anxiety of hearing her say she was planning to leave the city begins to ease. I can’t imagine my life without her.

  She thinks I’m full of shit, but I wasn’t lying. It’s crazy and irresponsible, but it doesn’t matter. If she asked me to pick her or football, I’d choose her.

  I inhale the scent of her shampoo and hold her tighter. The adrenaline rush of fearing I’d never be with her again and finding out her feelings are as strong as mine has me weak.

  I twist the lock of the door and pull the shade down. Not that anyone else is around. Monday’s are our free days after a win. Everyone else is at home sleeping, eating, or getting it on with their lady. I can’t make it that far. Not to mention my sister and niece are at my place and Ashley’s at hers.

  “Gunner,” she murmurs. “Do you think that’s a good idea?” She nods her head to the door.

  “The best idea I’ve had all day. Babe, I can’t wait to make love to you. I need you.” I walk to the chair and lower down in it.

  “God.” Her eyes roll back in her head. “When you say it like that, I’d be an idiot to turn you down.” She drops her legs between the arms and the seat of her chair and rocks into my aching cock.

  My mouth sucks along the column of her neck as I massage her breasts through the spandex of her top. The damn shit hides all her curves. Not that I’m going to complain. This way, no one else knows what she’s concealing, and it’s like having my own little slice of paradise.

  I reach down and pull the fabric up her stomach. Her belly sinks in at my touch, and her chest arches forward as if she craves my touch as much as I do hers.

  When her top is removed, I frown. Her sport’s bra is another barrier to my prize.

  “Stop looking like that.” She giggles. “You look like a little boy who’s had his favorite Matchbox Car stolen.”

  “I did,” I mutter.

  “Let me help.” She grins and pulls the sports bra up.

  When her breasts bob free, my mouth waters, and I lean back in the chair, taking her all in. “You’re beautiful.” The dark circles of her areolas, and the puckered tips of her nipples beg for my attention. I drag her down to me and feasts on her gorgeous tit.

  “Please,” she moans.

  My mouth pops off her flesh. “Please, what? Harder? Softer? Don’t stop? Stop?”

  “Don’t fucking stop. Suck my nipple with your mouth and pinch the other one.”

  “Fuck.” Her play-by-play instructions has my balls aching even more. I follower her command and relish the moans and wiggling of her body over mine.

  All these years, I never knew what the appeal was of finding ‘the one.’ I’ve played the field and been celibate – neither way mattered much to me. I enjoyed sex, but nothing compares to being with Dani. She’s my equal. In and out of bed. The fact we nearly screwed it up freaks me out.

  “God, this is taking too long.” She jumps up and rips her leggings and panties down her smooth legs. My eyes are glued to her every move. I love every inch of her and can’t wait to sink my cock into her molten center.

  “Come here,” I growl, yank my pants down my thighs, and pull her down to my lap. I can’t wait for another second, either.

  When her sex is lined up over my shaft. I fist my dick and guide her over my flesh. My eyes close, and I spend a few seconds enjoying the sensation of her heat and wetness surrounding me. Her hips arch forward, and she grinds her pelvis against me.

  Motherfucker. Perfect. My hand will never be good enough, again. I place my palms on her ass and raise her up until I almost slip out and then plunge into her depths again. Her body shakes with my movements. “You’re so fucking hot.”

  “Faster, Gunner. Fuck me harder.” Her knees are pressed into the seat on either side of my hips, and she rotates her ass.

  Son of a bitch. She doesn’t have to ask me twice. I slam into her until I can’t go any deeper. Her head falls back, and she moans. The sight of her tits bouncing, and her neck exposed to me breaks something loose in my brain. I’ve got to satisfy my every need.

  The urge is primal, and I can’t stop. I repeatedly lunge into her pussy as the sounds of our panting and her sopping juices smack with each in and outward thrust.

  Every bounce of her flesh against my balls and pelvis has my body vibrating. I can’t hold out much longer. I want to please her, but I have a sinking feeling I’m not in control of anything. It’s like she’s walked into my world and turned the entire thing upside down.

  “God, yes, Gunner. Fuck me. Only me,” she cries and grabs her tits. When she pinches down on her nipples, she shudders and screams, “I’m coming.”

  “Fuck, yes.” I ground out between clenched teeth and pound into her clutching pussy. It feels like she’s sucking me off. “Fuck,” I snap out and spill my seed deep in her body.

  My head falls back against the chair as I try and catch my breath. Son of a bitch. I forgot a condom again. I grab her face and stare into her glistening eyes. “Dani, you do something crazy to me. I’m not irresponsible. I promise.”

  “What?” As she blinks, the haze in her eyes lifts a fraction.

  “I forgot a condom, again,” I sigh and pull her down to me. “I’m not intentionally trying to get you pregnant, despite what it seems like.”

  “I don’t care.” She shrugs. “I love kids.”

  I hold her tight against my chest. “I would love nothing more than to have a baby with you.”

  “Me, too.” She snuggles against my chest.


  “Yes?” she mumbles as if she’s struggling to stay awake.

  “I love you.” I run my hand over her back. I’ve always feared the words, but saying them to Dani, is easy. She’s my entire world. I can’t wait to marry her and have a bunch of babies.

  “I love you, too.” Her mouth presses against my neck. Nothing has ever felt more right.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The doorbell rings, and I jump off the sofa and run to the door. It’s only been a few hours since I last saw Gunner, but the thrill of seeing him again, can’t be denied.

  When I snatch the door open, I smile at him like a fool. One who’s completely in love, and who wouldn’t be? He’s wearing a tight white t-shirt with cut off sleeves showing off his biceps, black jogging shorts, and a backward baseball cap.

  I lean against the doorframe. “Hey.”

  “Hey, babe.” He waggles his eyebrows and drags me into his arms. “I missed you.” His mouth settles on mine, and I melt into him.

  “Yeah, it’s been hours.” Ashley’s voice drips with sarcasm.

  I flip her off without moving. I’m not about to break our embrace. My fingers comb through his hair as his hands slide along my back.

  When a pillow bounces off my shoulder, I twist and glare at Ashley. “Seriously?”

  “Yes, seriously. I’m not going to watch the two of you make out all night.”

  He throws his arm over my shoulders and shuts the door behind us. “Would you rather listen?”

  Ashley crosses her arms and gives him a saucy smile. “Well, I’m an auditory person. I’d rather listen to porn than watch it.” Her face squishes together. “That’s a lie. I also like to watch.”

  I snap my fingers. “I heard today about a new app for audio porn.”

  “No, shit.” Her eyes round as she digs into the back pocket of her jeans and pulls out her cellphone. “I’ve got to check that out.”

  “It sounded interesting.”

  Gunner twirls a lock of my hair that’s escaped from my makeshift bun. “You don’t need audio porn. You make enough noise when we’re having sex as it is.”

  I tip my head and give him a pointed look. “What about when you’re out of town?”

  “Video chat. I’ll ask Tony how to get a secure connection.”

  Adrenaline rushes through my body. Video sex? With Gunner, I’m all for it. I will
miss him when he’s traveling. The thought of watching him masturbate has my pussy throbbing.

  “You better make sure it’s secure.” Ashley grins. “We wouldn’t want everyone in the city, tuning in to your sex videos.”

  I shudder. God forbid my parents get a hold of something like that. “Gunner, I talked to my dad today. He can’t wait to meet you.”

  He wrinkles his nose. “As the quarterback of the football team, or as your love slave?”

  I elbow him in the side and walk to the sofa. “Both.”

  “Okay.” He crosses his arms and spreads his legs a few inches apart. Damn. He’s sexy even when he’s not trying to be. “How about after the game, Sunday? You all can be in the VIP suite with the other wives and families.”

  Ashley’s eyes narrow into slits. “Am I included in this little party?”

  “Sure.” He releases his grip. “Dani will want you there. Besides, Chloe and Jenna are always there. You can have a girl’s day.”

  “That sounds like fun.” Ashley clasps her hands together. “I love a party. Do you know what snacks they bring in? I’ll have to call Jenna and make sure they’re healthy. We can’t have a bunch of carbs, cheese, and loaded crap.”

  “Ashley.” I scoot over as Gunner slides into the spot next to me. “You’re a buzz kill. People go to the games to drink beer and pig out.”

  “And watch me.” Gunner flexes his pecs.

  “Of course.” Then, my jaw tightens. Shit. Thousands of screaming drunk girls going apeshit over my man. Argg. Maybe, I don’t want to go.

  “Doll, I only have eyes for you. I don’t even hear the crowd when I’m on the field. I’m completely focused on the game and what needs to be done.” He cups my cheek.

  “I’m not exactly thrilled; my boyfriend is a national sex symbol.”

  “National treasure.”

  “Lord, you’re not a movie.” I roll my eyes. He’s full of shit.

  “Someday, they might make one about me. After we win the big one.”

  “At least, your ego hasn’t deflated.” I grab a pillow and smack him in the gut. We’ve been an official couple for only four days, but they’ve been the best days of my life. I can’t imagine not being with him.


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