Serials to Graphic Novels

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Serials to Graphic Novels Page 38

by Catherine J Golden

  “Ask Mama”; or, The Richest Commoner in England (Surtees)

  Augustyn, Brian

  Austen, Jane: Austen mania; Emma; graphic novel adaptations of; life and habits; nineteenth-century illustrated editions; Northanger Abbey; Pride and Prejudice; Regency author; Sense and Sensibility

  author-illustrator: in children’s literature; in graphic novels; in the Victorian illustrated book

  Awano, Érica

  Ballantyne, R. M.

  Barham, Richard Harris

  Barnaby Rudge (Dickens)

  Barnard, Fred: artistic training; Household Edition of Dickens; original illustrations for David Copperfield; refashioning of Browne’s Copperfield illustrations

  Barron’s Graphic Classics: adaptation of Jane Eyre; adaptation of Wuthering Heights; classic novel adaptation

  Batman Noël (Bermejo): connection to Dickens’s A Christmas Carol; original Victorian-themed graphic novel

  Beardsley, Aubrey

  Beatrix Potter’s Gardening Life (McDowell)

  Beatrix Potter: The V&A Collection (Hobbs and Whalley)

  Beckett, Gilbert à

  Beer, Gillian

  Beerbohm, Max

  Bendis, Brian

  Benjamin, Walter

  Bentley’s Miscellany

  Bergson, Henri

  Bermejo, Lee

  Bewick, Thomas

  Bible: fine bindings and illustrated Bibles; importance to literacy; literary references to; prominence in Victorian home; stage prop in illustrations

  Blake, William

  Bland, David

  Bleak House (Dickens)

  block book


  Book Illustrated: Text, Image, and Culture, 1770–1930 (Golden)

  Briggs, Asa

  Bristow, Joseph


  Brock, Henry and Charles

  Brontë, Charlotte

  Brontë, Emily

  Brontë sisters: graphic novel adaptations of; psychological and supernatural elements in source texts

  Browne, Hablot Knight (pseud. Phiz): assuming post as illustrator of Pickwick; “The Discovery of Jingle in the Fleet”; “The Dying Clown”; “Mr. Pickwick in the Pound”; “Mr. Pickwick Slides”; separation from Dickens

  Buchanan-Brown, John

  Bulaq Press

  Bunyan, John

  Burdett-Coutts, Angela

  Burne-Jones, Edward

  Burningham, Hilary

  Burns, John M.

  Burrows, Alex

  Burstein, Mark

  Buss, Robert

  Butler, Nancy

  Caldecott, Randolph

  Campbell, Eddie

  Campfire: adaptation of Alice in Wonderland; adaptation of Oliver Twist; adaptation of Pride and Prejudice; classic novel adaptation and

  Can You Forgive Her? (Trollope)

  caricature-style illustration: akin to tableau (tableaux) style; comic appeal of; criticism of caricature style; defense of caricature style; definition of; popularity of; refashioning of caricature style; in relation to realism; stage adaptation; theatricality of

  Carracci, Annibale

  Carroll, Lewis: author-illustrator; caricature style; collaboration with Tenniel for Alice in Wonderland; as photographer; real name (Dodgson)

  Caxton, William

  Cerquiera, David

  Chanoinat, Philippe

  Chapman and Hall: Household Edition of Dickens; marketing of Pickwick; relations with Dickens; relations with Seymour

  Charles Dickens and His Original Illustrators (Cohen)

  Charles Dickens and His Publishers (Patten)

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  Chesterton, G.K.

  children’s literature: author-illustrators of; growth over the nineteenth century; leading illustrators of; role of illustration in

  Christmas Carol, A (Dickens): graphic novel adaptation of; John Leech’s illustrations; popular holiday gift

  cinematography: impact on serial fiction; Meliès and

  Classical Comics: adaptation of A Christmas Carol; adaptation of Jane Eyre; adaptation of Wuthering Heights; Original Text; Quick Text American; Quick Text British

  Classics Illustrated: Kanter and; publisher’s original name. See also Kanter, Albert

  Cleere, Eileen

  Clytemnestra (Guérin)

  Coburn, Alvin Langdon

  Cohen, Deborah

  Cohen, Jane R.: on Pickwick; on rise and decline of illustrated book

  Cohen, Morton

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

  Collins, Mike

  Combe, William

  Comedy, Caricature and the Social Order, 1820–50 (Maidment)

  comics: Classics Illustrated (Classical Comics); connection to serials; criticism and defense of comics; father of modern comics (Rodolphe Töpffer); relation to graphic novel

  Comics and Sequential Art (Eisner)

  commodity culture: multiple versions of a popular title; putting objects on display; stimulating the rise of the illustrated book. See also material culture

  Cook, Eliza

  Cooke, Simon: on caricature; on Du Maurier; on the illustrated book; on Sixties artists

  Corzine, Amy

  Coutts, Henry

  Crane, Walter

  Cranford (Gaskell)

  Crimean War

  Cruikshank, George: artistic importance; artistic limitations; caricaturist; claim of authorship of Ainsworth’s and Dickens’s works; connection to Thackeray; “Fagin in the Condemned Cell”; The Ingoldsby Legends; Jack Sheppard, “The Jew and Morris Bolter Begin to Understand Each Other”; “The Last Chance”; “The Meeting”; “Oliver Amazed at the Dodger’s Mode of ‘Going to Work’”; “Oliver Asking for More”; “Oliver Introduced to the Respectable Old Gentleman”; Oliver Twist; plates for Life in London (with R. Cruikshank); Points of Humour

  Cruikshank, Isaac

  Cruikshank, (Isaac) Robert: caricaturist; “Hot Work in China”; plates for Life in London (with G. Cruikshank)

  Cruikshank-Phiz era (1830–55)

  Crystal Palace. See also Great Exhibition of 1851

  Daily Life in Victorian England (Mitchell)

  Dalziel brothers, George and Edward: The Brothers Dalziel; D. G. Rossetti’s criticism of; role as engravers; role as illustrator (E. Dalziel); role as publisher; The Victorian Era Exhibition and

  Dark Horse

  Darley, F. O. C.

  Darton, Harvey

  Dauvillier, Loïc

  David Copperfield (Dickens): Browne’s illustrations; Dickens’s favorite book; Household Edition with Barnard’s illustrations; “Traddles and I, in Conference with the Misses Spenlow”

  DC Comics: Batman Noël; classic novel adaptation

  “Defining Illustration Studies: Towards a New Academic Discipline” (Goldman)

  Deloye, Olivier

  Denslow, W. W.

  Dickens, Charles: Angela Burdett-Coutts and; Barnaby Rudge; Bleak House; A Christmas Carol; David Copperfield; Dombey and Son; Hogarth and; Household Edition of Dickens; The Mystery of Edwin Drood and; Nicholas Nickleby; Oliver Twist; Our Mutual Friend; The Pickwick Papers; scandal with Cruikshank; scandal with Seymour; Sketches by Boz

  Dickens Picture-Book, The (Hammerton)

  Dickens’s Dream (Buss)

  Dictionary (Johnson)

  Dispossession (Trollope and Grennan): adaptation of John Caldigate; Courir de lièvres and; reception in the Francophone world

  Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See Carroll, Lewis

  Dombey and Son (Dickens)

  Doyle, Richard: as a caricaturist; illustrations for Thackeray’s The Newcomes

  Du Maurier, George: artistic training; association with Harper’s; author-illustrator; career as illustrator; History of Henry Esmond; “The Illustrating of Books From the Serious Artist’s Point of View, I and II”; influence of the caricaturists on; loss of vision; The Martian; Peter Ibbetson; praise of the caricaturists; Punch career; Sixties artist; Svengali (his most famous ch
aracter); Trilby; Trilby-mania; Wives and Daughters

  Dürer, Albrecht

  Dynamite Entertainment: classic novel adaptation; The Complete Alice in Wonderland; publishing format

  Early Victorian Illustrated Books: Britain, France and Germany (Buchanan-Brown)

  Eastlake, Charles

  Egan, Pierce

  Egg, Augustus

  Eisner, Will: author-illustrator; Comics and Sequential Art; A Contract with God, and Other Tenement Stories; Eisner awards; Fagin the Jew; father of the graphic novel; Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative; popularizing the term “graphic novel”; The Spirit

  Eliot, George: The Mill on the Floss; Romola

  Eliot, Simon

  Ellis, Robert

  Engen, Rodney

  English Common Reader, The (Altick)

  English Illustration: ‘The Sixties,’ 1855–70 (White)

  Emma (Austen)

  Eragny Press

  Ernst, Max

  Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank, An (Thackeray)

  Evans, Mary Ann. See Eliot, George

  Everitt, Graham

  extracting. See also Reid, Forrest; White, Gleeson

  Fagin the Jew (Eisner): connection to Oliver Twist; Dickens’s correspondence with Davis on anti-Semitism; response to Dickens’s Jewish stereotype; response to The Spirit; revision of Cruikshank’s conception of Fagin

  Far from the Madding Crowd (Hardy)


  Feltes, N. N.

  Fildes, Luke

  fin-de-siècle illustration

  Finger, Bill

  Fisher, Judith

  Fleet Prison

  Forster, E.M.

  Forster, John

  Framley Parsonage (Trollope)

  Frith, William Powell

  Furniss, Harry

  Gaiman, Neil

  Gardham, Julie

  Gaskell, Elizabeth: Cranford; Mary Barton; North and South; Wives and Daughters

  General Post Office, One Minute to Six, The (Hicks). See also Post Office

  George III (King of England)

  George Cruikshank’s Life, Times, and Art, Vol. II (Patten)

  George Du Maurier (Kelly)

  Gibbons, Dave

  gift book

  Gillray, James

  Gilpin, William

  Gleyre, Charles


  Goblin Market (C. Rossetti and D. G. Rossetti)

  God’s Man (Ward)

  Golden, Catherine: “Beatrix Potter: Naturalist Artist”; Book Illustrated: Text, Image, and Culture, 1770–1930; Images of the Woman Reader in Victorian British and American Fiction; Posting It: The Victorian Revolution in Letter Writing; “Turning Literature into Life: The Romantic Fiction of George Du Maurier”

  Goldman, Paul: on caricature; on Du Maurier; on illustration studies; on Millais; on Sixties artists

  Gombrich, E. H. and E. Kris

  “Good Samaritan, The” (Millais)

  Grahame, Kenneth

  Graphic Canon, The (Kick)

  graphic classic: definition of; heir of the Victorian illustrated book; publishers of graphic classics

  graphic novel: author-illustrators; collaboration between adapters and artists; comics; definition of; Eisner (father of the graphic novel); features of; popularity in Francophone world; similarities to the Victorian illustrated book; vocabulary of

  graphic satire and caricature

  Gravett, Paul

  Great Exhibition of 1851: C. Brontë’s view of; consumer culture; Crystal Palace; importance of; Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue; photography in; popularity across social classes; Prince Albert and; Queen Victoria and. See also Crystal Palace

  Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations 1851. Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue. By Authority of the Royal Commission. In Three Volumes. See Official Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue

  Greenaway, Kate

  Grennan, Simon

  Guérin, Pierre-Narcisse

  Gutenberg, Johannes

  Haggard, Rider

  Hammerton, J. A.

  Hancher, Michael

  Hardy, Thomas: Far from the Madding Crowd; illustrated works; single-volume publication; Tess of the D’Urbervilles

  Harper & Brothers

  Harper’s New Monthly Magazine

  Harthan, Jonathan

  Harvey, John Robert: on Browne; on Cruikshank; on Du Maurier; on illustration and the modern novel; on Pickwick; on Thackeray; on Victorian illustration

  Heer, Janet

  Helfand, Lewis

  Heller, Deborah

  Helsinger, Elizabeth

  Henty, G. E.

  Herkomer, Hubert von

  Hicks, George Elgar: artist of contemporary life; General Post Office, One Minute to Six

  High Victorian era

  Hill, Jonathan

  Hill, Richard

  History of Book Illustration, A (Bland)

  History of the Comic Strip, Vol. II, The: The Nineteenth Century (Kunzle)

  History of the Illustrated Book, The: The Western Tradition (Harthan)

  History of the Writings of Beatrix Potter (Linder)

  Hobbs, Anne

  Hogarth, Catherine

  Hogarth, William: graphic satire and caricature; heirs (Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshank); importance of; Industry and Idleness; Marriage à la Mode; influence on Ainsworth and Cruikshank; The Rake’s Progress


  Houghton, Walter

  Household Edition of Dickens: Academy-trained artists; Barnard as illustrator of David Copperfield; Mahoney as illustrator of Oliver Twist; popularity of; publication formats

  Household Gods (Cohen)

  Housman, Laurence

  Hughes, Arthur

  Hughes, Linda K.

  Hunt, William Holman


  Illustrated Book, The (Weitenkampf)

  Illustrated London News, The

  “Illustrating of Books from the Serious Artist’s Point of View, I and II, The” (Du Maurier)

  illustration: author-illustrator; caricature-style; definitions of; fin-de-siècle developments; history prior to 1830s; realism

  Illustrators of the Eighteen-Sixties (Reid)

  Industrial Revolution

  Ingelow, Jean

  Jack Sheppard (Ainsworth): bestseller; biography of Sheppard; Cruikshank’s illustrations in; Newgate novel; Oliver Twist and; serialization of; theatrical adaptations

  Jackson, Arlene

  James, Henry: “The Art of Fiction”; on Cruikshank; on Du Maurier; photographic frontispieces and; The Portrait of a Lady; A Small Boy and Others; view of book illustration

  Jane Eyre (C. Brontë): Eichenberg’s illustrations; graphic novel adaptation; source text

  John Caldigate (Trollope): connection to Barnaby Rudge; graphic novel adaptation (Dispossession); illustrations by Grennan; illustrations by Mosley; plot of

  Johnson, Dan

  Johnson, E. Borough

  Kane, Bob

  Kanter, Albert Lewis: biography of; Classics Illustrated. See also Classics Illustrated

  Kaufman, Richard Frederick

  Kelly, Richard: on Carroll; on Du Maurier

  Kelmscott Press

  Kemble, E. W.

  Kerker, Milton

  Kick, Russ

  Kieth, Sam

  King, Stacy

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Knight, Charles

  Kooistra, Lorraine Janzen: The Artist as Critic; Christina Rossetti and Illustration; Poetry, Pictures, and Popular Publishing

  Kriegel, Lara

  Kunzle, David

  Landow, George

  Lane, Lauriat

  Lane, Margaret

  Laocoön and His Sons (Lessing)

  League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The (Moore and O’Neill)

  Lear, Edward

  Lear, Linda

  Leech, John: caricature-style illustrator; A Christmas Carol; The Ingoldsby Legends; re
lationship with Du Maurier; relationship with Surtees

  Leighton, Frederick

  leisure time

  Lemire, Jeff

  lending library. See also Mudie’s Select Library

  Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

  Levine, David

  Library Jokes and Jottings (Coutts)

  Life in London (Egan and G. and R. Cruikshank)

  Linder, Leslie: The Art of Beatrix Potter (with E. Linder); A History of the Writings of Beatrix Potter; The Journal of Beatrix Potter

  literacy: the Bible’s role in; education and; nineteenth-century literacy rates; Penny Cyclopaedia and Penny Magazine to promote; Penny Post as stimulus for; reading pictures; serialization as stimulus for; Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge

  Lovell-Smith, Rose

  Lund, Michael

  Macrone, John

  Mahoney, James: artistic background; original illustrations for Oliver Twist; relation to graphic novel adaptations of Oliver Twist; refashioning of Cruikshank’s illustrations for Oliver Twist

  Maidment, Brian

  Malory, Sir Thomas


  Martian, The (Du Maurier)

  Marvel Comics: adaptation of Austen; adaptation of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice; adaptation of the classics

  Mary Barton (Gaskell)

  Masereel, Frans

  material culture

  Maxwell, Richard: on Scott; on the Victorian illustrated book

  McCloud, Scott

  Meade, L. T.

  Meisel, Martin

  Méliès, George

  Mesmer, Franz Anton

  mesmerism. See also Mesmer, Franz; Svengali

  Meyer, Susan

  Meyer, Susan E.

  Meyers, Janet

  Meyrick, Robert

  Millais era (1855–75)

  Millais, John Everett: B. Potter and; Dalziels and; “The Good Samaritan” and other parables; fame as an artist; illustrator of Trollope; Millais era; Music Master; Orley Farm; prolific book illustrator; R. Potter and; Sixties artist-illustrator; skill in drawing women; Tennyson’s Poems (Moxon edition). See also Millais era; Millais school

  Millais school (1855–75)

  Mitchell, Sally

  Modern Illustration (Pennell)

  Modes of Production of Victorian Novels (Feltes)

  Moore, Alan: collaboration with Gibbons; From Hell; League of Extraordinary Gentlemen; The Watchmen

  Moore, Annie Carter. See also Potter, Beatrix

  Moore, Leah

  Morris, Frankie

  Morris, William: Arts and Crafts movement; Kelmscott Press

  Moser, Barry

  Mosley, Francis

  Mudie’s Select Library

  Muir, Percy

  Mulready, William

  Music Master, The (Allingham)

  Nagulakonda, Rajesh: Alice in Wonderland illustrations; Oliver Twist illustrations; Pride and Prejudice illustrations


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