Richard Testrake - (Sea Command 2)

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Richard Testrake - (Sea Command 2) Page 11

by Richard Testrake

  This metal was used to cover the hull to keep marine growth away from the wood. Left exposed to seawater, unprotected wood could soon be expected to become a target for barnacles, teredo worm, and other marine growth. Copper was toxic to such growth and had been used for the purpose for the past few decades.

  Mullins added, “If a sudden squall should come up while we have the ship on her side, we could well lose her.”

  After some discussion, it was decided to undertake the repair only when it was evident calm winds could be expected. There being no tide to speak of here in the Mediterranean, she would be hauled over in shallow water. along the sandy shore. It would be necessary to speed the repairs so the ship could be righted and taken back into safer waters, before bad weather endangered the ship.

  Danton continued. “We have no source of supply that I know of for the copper sheet. But, in years past, pitch was considered adequate for the purpose. Mister Ralston believes if we coat the repaired hull thickly with pitch, that should serve until we reach home waters.

  Before the ship could be careened, it was necessary she be emptied. Her guns were removed first and installed in a battery on shore. It took a massive effort to get the ship’s stores over the side and removed ashore. The water tuns did not have to be moved. The bungs were tapped and the water allowed to run into the bilges, where it was then pumped overboard.

  When the ship was quite empty and riding high in the water, tackle was used to gingerly haul the sloop over on its port side, leaving the starboard high above the sea, where it was possible to do the necessary work.

  The damage was instantly apparent, as was the cause. The bosun showed his captain the problem. The hull, where the copper had fallen away, was heavily overgrown with marine growth. Going to a copper sheet remaining, he gave it a gentle tug. It fell away readily.

  Pointing to some stubs of nails still imbedded in the hull, he explained, “Sir, this is the reason the copper fell off. These are the remains of iron nails. It is necessary to use copper nails to hold copper on to wood in sea water. If iron nails are used, the iron just rots away.”

  Mullins nodded. He thought he had learned this fact at one time, but did not understand quite why. “Why would the dockyard have substituted the iron nails for copper?”

  The bosun answered. “Sir, I expect one of the workmen found he had no copper nails left. Rather than hunt up the genuine article, he just began using some nearby iron nails.

  Once the area to be repaired was cleaned out, it was found necessary to remove some of the old wood and replace it with new.

  A barrel of pitch was found among the stores that had been landed. Pieces were dug out and placed in an iron pot. A loggerhead was laid in a fire and used to melt the pitch. The tool consisted of two heavy iron balls connected by a long bar. When heated to the proper temperature in the galley fire, one of the balls was plunged into the pot of pitch chips. When the pitch was hot and runny, it was spread thickly over the uncovered wood. The repair could not be considered permanent, but it would serve until the ship could return to England.

  The period the ship spent under repair was an idyllic one for many of the crew. Some of the men found companionship among the women of the village, and there was sadness when the time came to depart. It was a stressful undertaking to get the ship upright and afloat again. With this accomplished, Valkyrie was towed into deeper water and the loading commenced.

  Chapter Twelve

  With the ship appearing professionally warlike again, she resumed her patrol into the Greek islands. Of course, these Greek waters were under the authority of the Turkish Porte in Constantinople, now being called Istanbul. Mullins was not impressed when they met the first Turkish frigate. It seemed hopelessly old-fashioned, reminding him of ancient British warships of the previous century.

  A supercilious Turkish officer boarded Valkyrie accompanied by a Greek slave who appeared to be his interpreter. Unfortunately, the slave appeared to only know a bit of French, and no English at all. Midshipman Adolphus was brought to the quarterdeck for duty, but it seemed the version of French spoken by the interpreter was vastly different from that possessed by the prince.

  Upon learning the slave was Greek, the prince addressed him in that language, but it seemed the Greek language that Prince Adolphus was familiar with was from two millennia earlier, much different from that spoken today.

  As a result, little was learned from this exchange, and Mullins had the impression it might be wise for his ship to retire to the west.

  Deciding there would be little opportunity to meet with French warships this far east, Mullins gave orders to take the ship south. As they approached the southern limits of Greece, ship’s tops were reported ahead. There seemed to be a pair of ship-rigged vessels. As they closed, rain showers popped up between the ships, making it difficult to determine exactly what they were looking at. Eventually though, Ben Saybrooke, the foremast lookout, with the aid of his midshipman’s glass, tentatively identified the leader as a corvette. Mullins called him down so he could discuss the ship with Saybrooke.

  “Why would you say she is a French corvette, Saybrooke?”

  “Well sir, it just looks like one. Her fore and mains’l are cut very low, like the French do. I’m sure she is French.”

  “Very well, what about the other one?”

  “Sir, that’s harder to say. I’d have said she might be French too, except for the lateen rig she has on her mizzen. She looks old fashioned, to me.”

  “Maybe a Turk?”

  “Could be sir, I don’t know about any Turks.”

  HMS Valkyrie sailed closer to the pair, with no firm plans on the quarterdeck as to dealing with them. Now, it was obvious the corvette was French, sailing under that flag as she was. Her consort was definitely a third-rate but as she flew no flag, there was no way to tell if she was a foe.

  The corvette was now cracking on sail and had run out her starboard broadside. That could mean she intended to turn to starboard when she closed and fire those guns into Valkyrie. It could also mean something else, with an effort to confuse her enemy.

  She was not trying to confuse however, making her turn almost out of range. Her guns fired in a stuttering broadside, only one ball of which reached the ship. Mullins had drilled his gun crews in long-distance firing on the voyage east and had better expectations of his men. The shots, when they came, were all grouped around the corvette, with at least several reaching their target. After ten minutes of fire, the British ship was getting three balls on target as opposed to two for the Frenchman. Just as his brain calculated this data, a ball from the forward nine-pounder struck a French gun full on the muzzle and tore it from its carriage.

  The enemy commander evidently did not care for the way the fight was going and ran up some signal flags. The third-rate set more sail and began to cautiously creep up on the fighting. A few upper deck guns were run out, which Mullins decided to remain well away from. These guns could be twelve or eighteen pounder guns, neither of which he wished to pound on his ship.

  The next broadside brought the corvette’s foremast right down, giving Valkyrie the opportunity to get clear before the third-rate was ready to inflict her punishment. Turning away from the fighting momentarily, the crew had its chance to snatch a drink and renew their shot rack. The corvette also tried to edge away, but then Valkyrie went back into action again, this time against the liner. It was becoming obvious the liner was not fully armed, probably armed ‘en-flute’ with her empty gun ports reminding one of the holes in a flute.

  The nine-pound balls from the sloop-of-war were obviously not damaging the massive ship-of-the-line excessively, but her captain was learning to be cautious, so Valkyrie went back after the corvette. The fighting raged all afternoon. Mister Weems took advantage of a momentary lull to report to the bridge and announce he was nearly out of nine-pound shot. He explained he still had plenty of grape and even a little dismantling shot, which he was going to begin sending up.

her fore down, the corvette was nearly helpless and her captain gave it up first. When her flag came down, that of the liner did also. She ran up the first flag Mullins had seen on her all day, then pulled it right down again. That flag was the tricolor.

  Mister Danton took crews around to both ships to determine what needed done. The mystery of the third-rate was explained when Danton learned the Turks had loaned the French commodore one of the Sublime-Porte’s big battleships. The ship was to be used to transport hundreds of French soldiers. A junior French officer was commanding this troop transport when it engaged in combat with her British opponent.

  Since, as far as Mullins knew, the Turks were not at war with Britain, some awkward questions were going to be asked shortly. Heads were indeed likely to roll, over this episode, Mullins felt. In his bones, he had a feeling the transport would likely be handed back to Istanbul. This was far over his head though, so he would just sail his prizes to Sicily and see what transpired there.

  With much of his crew away on the prizes, the ships made their way westward. Luckily nothing interfered and the inhabitants of Palermo were treated to the sight of captured enemy ships sailing into harbor.

  After his initial interview, it was determined both Valkyrie and the corvette would sail for Britain, while the old line-of-battleship would remain in harbor until it was learned what should be done with the old relic.

  There was some discussion about the status of Valkyrie. Her repairs back on the Greek Island were made note of, and it was decided she must have a survey in one of HM dockyards. Accordingly, many of her crew was removed, being transferred to other ships. Mullins was left with a skeleton staff, just sufficient crew to sail her home.

  With delays at Sicily, then Gibraltar, it was months before Valkyrie sailed into port. The news had arrived ahead of her weeks ago and now little notice was made of her arrival. A discussion with the dockyard superintendent revealed the reports initially had HMS Valkyrie capturing a French 74-gun third rate in fair combat.

  After the press had their tumult over the news, it was revealed the ship had virtually no armament and her nationality was in doubt. The superintendent assured Captain Mullins that had he managed to return during that initial euphoria, his post captaincy would have been assured.

  Since Valkyrie needed a complete survey after the problem with her copper, Mullins was granted leave to visit his father.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mullins met with the Lord Spencer at the Admiralty in London before going on leave The first lord revealed the preliminary list of repairs the ship must undergo. He learned the ship would have an extensive refit, especially her copper. Several other ships had gone to sea with the improper nails securing their new copper, and now these ships also must be inspected.

  Lord Spencer explained why he had Mullins come to him. “Normally, in similar circumstances, the officers will go on half pay or are assigned to other ships, while the men are parceled out to where they are needed. It has been pointed out to me that you have a knack for training up crews that prove to be very useful. I believe it would be a mistake to break up your present group. However, we cannot have them idle on shore, roistering in the pubs and causing untold damage. I believe I may have a temporary use for your men.”

  The first lord paused a moment to refresh his memory, then began. “During the recent troubles at Spithead and Nore, we had a particularly brutal mutiny aboard the 28-gun frigate, HMS Felicia. This was at the time of the Spithead affair but occurred in a different port. This mutiny was kept contained and received only passing mention in the press. The first and second officers as well as some of the warrants and loyal hands were murdered before the mutiny was quelled by troops from shore.”

  “At the conclusion of that mutiny, a dozen ringleaders were hanged and many of the others placed aboard a frigate escort for a convict fleet bound for Australia.”

  “One difficulty remains. The former captain of Felicia remains alive and well in his parent’s estate in Scotland. He was away from the ship when the mutiny started. There is reasonable belief that much of the blame for the mutiny on that ship may ride on his shoulders. It was not envisioned at the time that Captain Peebles would be returned to command.”

  “Some of Captain Peebles’s friends do not see it from our perspective though. Some very powerful men have insisted he did nothing wrong and tell us he must be given a ship.”

  “With the passage of a few years, memories have dimmed and now it appears we will give this officer a ship, at least temporarily, for purely political reasons.”

  “HMS Felicia was put in ordinary after the affair, being given new standing officers. Since everyone on the ship involved in the mutiny is gone, my thoughts lead me to give him his old ship, with your crew and officers for a trial cruise of one month. Peebles will receive orders to patrol the French coast in an area where he will likely not encounter any difficulty.”

  “At the end of the month’s cruise, Felicia will return to port and your crew given back to you, while Captain Peebles’s actions will be examined.”

  Mullins was astonished. “Sir, if this Captain Peebles makes a hash of things, my officers and men will be in the same trouble as he is.”

  “Not so, Captain Mullins. Your first officer and master will both be directed to keep a special log of any event taking place on that ship. Should any difficulties arise, blame will be placed where it belongs.”

  While closeted with the first lord, he dared ask what had been the disposition of that 74 he had captured in the Med.

  Lord Spencer had to pause a moment while his mind caught up, then commenced, “Yes, that turns out to be an interesting story. It seems the French minister in Istanbul, hearing shipping was needed to transport French troops, went to the vizier in charge at the moment and arranged to either hire or transfer an appropriate ship to French ownership. During these proceedings, this particular vizier was replaced.”

  “The new official did not get the matter quite right and loaned the French one of the Ottoman warships, a 74-gun third rate. Our own minister tells us the mistake was realized before handing the ship over and her guns were removed.”

  “More political unrest took place in Istanbul and the next we hear of the ship is your capture of her. I am informed some of those missing guns were replaced by French-made ones. At present, the Turks, deeply embarrassed, refuse to acknowledge the matter. With no undertaking of ownership by them, the likely scenario seems to be she will be decreed to be a legitimate prize since she was sailing in a French convoy, commanded by a French officer, and flew the tricolor when surrendered. It may be a lengthy wait for your men to receive their prize money though.”

  “In the meantime, you may inform your officers of the task ahead of them. They must obey Captain Peebles, giving him their full allegiance. Hopefully, all will go well, and these men soon will report back to your repaired Valkyrie.”

  Mullins went back to the dockyard. Valkyrie lay offshore and lighters were removing her stores. Catching a ride in one of the returning lighters, Mullins went aboard in a somber mood. There were no Marines now, but the bosun and first lieutenant were there to greet him. Normally, he would have just invited Mister Danton into his quarters to convey the news but in this case decided to include Bosun Hendricks also. He asked the bosun to pass the word to Mister Ralston and Gunner Weems to report to the great cabin.

  Upon entering, his servant was stowing some cabin supplies. Mullins ordered him to belay that task and break out a dozen of the claret, after which he was free to take a caulk.

  When his guests were seated at table, Mullins broke the news. After telling them the entire crew, except for himself, would be transferred bodily to another captain’s ship, there was consternation.

  Danton asked, “What about yourself, Captain. Will they be giving you another ship?”

  “No John, I’ll be staying with Valkyrie. After her survey, we all will come back to her with myself in command. For now, though, you will all be serving on
HMS Felicia under Captain Peebles.

  Bosun Hendricks, ill at ease seated at his captain’s table, sat up. “Sir, I know that captain and that ship. Bloody mutiny it was and a dozen men hung, I hear. Captain got off, from what I understand, because he was ashore when the crew killed his second. The word is, Cap’n Peebles drove the crew to mutiny.”

  Mullins spent the next hour attempting to explain the reasoning for their transfer to this man’s control, with little success. The meal was completed in silence with little eaten, but all the wine evaporated.

  For the remainder of his stay aboard Valkyrie, few had anything to say to him outside of duty matters.

  When the time came for Captain Mullins to be pulled ashore, Seaman Cartright, pulling stroke oar, a most particular oarsman, managed to send a dollop of seawater right onto Mullins best coat.

  Mullins, secretly amused, thought it a most skilled and carefully planned evolution. Few others could have pulled it off, convincingly. Cartright, of course, was outraged that he and his mates were to be compelled to ship with a captain who had driven his previous crew to mutiny. He would have expected his captain to somehow come up with a plan to evade this.

  Mullins himself was of the same opinion, except he had no idea himself of how this might be done. After leaving the boat, he lifted his hat to them, with no sign of an acknowledgement.

  Left alone with his sea chest and belongings, he tossed a waterfront urchin a penny to find transportation to a nearby inn. He had no idea of where or how he was to spend the next month while waiting for the survey of the Valkyrie to be complete. While deep in thought, a carter driving a spavined nag, pulled up and loaded his kit into the cart. Mullins was transported to a waterfront inn, where he had to pay extra to have a bed that he need not share.


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