Foxe Den 2: A Skykler Foxe & Friends Summer Vacation (Skyler Foxe Mysteries)

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Foxe Den 2: A Skykler Foxe & Friends Summer Vacation (Skyler Foxe Mysteries) Page 8

by Haley Walsh

  “True, horse camping is a bit easier. The horses carry you, and the mules carry the luggage.”

  “But then your butt hurts…and not in a good way. You really are a mountain man. Are there any kinds of sports you don’t do?”

  “Tried surfing a few times, but didn’t really care for it.”

  “You quitter.”

  The cracker package hit Skyler on the back of his head. “Oh, sorry,” said Keith, without any apology in his voice.

  They feasted. At least it all tasted good to Skyler after that workout. Keith had told him that the initial switchbacks were the hardest part. But there was still climbing to do. Just more gradual.

  Skyler looked around. This was more like it. Trees. And the silence descended again. He watched Keith tear off a piece of jerky and chew. Keith didn’t seem to mind the solitude. Skyler didn’t mind it to a point. But every time he thought about how alone they were, it gave him a little shiver. What if something happened? How would they get help? He hoped his phone had some bars, but he was loath to check. He didn’t want the battery to run down in case they really needed it.

  “Do you hear that?” said Keith quietly.

  “What?” asked Skyler, suddenly alert and tense. Wolves? Did he hear wolves? Cougars? Oh God. Bears?

  “The wind in the trees. That’s the most peaceful sound in the world.”

  Skyler fell back against his pack, tension easing. Jeez. Give a guy a warning! But then he did listen. It was a shush-shush through the pine needles, waving the boughs. He could hear it coming, whoosh through the trees above, and then move on. He supposed with all his tension for the past few months, Keith needed some decompression. Skyler supposed he needed it, too.

  They finished their lunch, peed against a pine tree together, and resumed their trek.

  It wasn’t long till those two hikers from earlier came tromping back toward them, sour looks on their faces.

  Keith winked. “Told ya.”

  And a few paces more and they came upon the ranger.

  “Good afternoon, gentlemen. Do you have your permits?”

  “Right here,” said Keith, and pulled them from a pocket in his shorts.

  The ranger was dark-haired and square-jawed. He was handsome, too, in his khaki shirt and Smokey Bear hat. He reminded Skyler a little of Keith. “I see you have fishing gear,” he said, nodding his head toward the fly rod sticking out of Keith’s pack. “Can I see your fishing license?”

  Even out in the wilderness, Skyler mused, the wheels of government still turned. But he knew it was more about preserving what was here. Those two hikers didn’t know the rules and might have started a fire or left their trash along the way. It wasn’t as if he and Keith weren’t already picking up the trash left by others either by accident or by careless disregard.

  The ranger smiled, tipped his hat, and said, “Have a nice day.”

  “Thank you!” said Skyler. What must it be like to be one of those guys? He voiced that to Keith.

  “I even considered that as an option when I couldn’t play ball,” said Keith.

  “Wait. You were thinking of becoming a forest ranger? You’d be wearing that uniform and the hat.”

  “That’s right, Skyler. I was considering it just for the hat.”

  “No, but really? You like camping that much?”

  “It’s more than camping. Conservation, law enforcement, working with people, being out here. There was a lot to recommend it.”

  “But you didn’t ultimately choose it.”

  “It seemed like a little too much solitude. And a little hard on relationships.”

  “I wonder how many gay forest rangers there are.”

  Keith shrugged.

  They talked little as they hiked. Skyler didn’t find that he minded it. He could be in his own head and still look at the scenery. It was late in the afternoon when they finally got to camp.

  And just as Skyler was getting used to the idea, Keith told him that this was only the first camp. “You mean there’s more hiking tomorrow?”

  “Yup. We have a ways to go to get to our final camp. The journey is the destination.”

  Skyler rubbed his shoulders. I wish this journey came with a masseuse.

  As it turned out, some others arrived and the camp was not entirely solitary, which made Skyler feel a little better, not so lonely. They looked like a group of Germans, at least that’s what the accent sounded like to Skyler. They waved to him, and Skyler waved back. Fortunately, they went to the other side of the camping area and began setting up their tents.

  Keith set up their small dome tent in no time, and Skyler got a look at the tiny camp stove in action as Keith boiled the water for their dinner.

  “So what’s on tonight’s menu?” he asked, getting comfortable on a towel-draped bolder.

  “How about beef stroganoff?”

  “Lovely. Shall I set the table?” He looked around for a suitable rock.

  “Actually, we can eat right out of the packets. We just pour in the hot water and it reconstitutes.”

  “Yummy,” said Skyler, trying to sound upbeat.

  “How about some coffee, too? I was able to get the Ethiopian you like. It’s instant, though.”

  “That should be…interesting.”

  Once the water boiled, Keith poured it into a packet of freeze-dried food, stirred it about with Skyler’s fork, and handed it to him. “There you go. Just like mother used to reconstitute.”

  Skyler took the packet and looked inside. “Yeah, my mother’s a reconstituter from way back.” He scooped some on his fork and took it delicately between his lips. Surprisingly good. “That’s not bad.”

  “Some are better than others, but this is a favorite the world over. They’re doing a better job these days. Tomorrow it’s pepper steak for dinner.”

  “Really? Wow. I feel like an astronaut.”

  “How are you feeling, though? Okay?”

  “Sore. But okay. A little light-headed, maybe.”

  “Drink more water. The altitude’s a killer on your energy.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  They ate, and Keith talked about some of his other trips with his dad and brother. He liked to fish and the way he talked about it, Skyler thought he might give it a try after all. As long as he didn’t have to gut anything.

  Once they were done with dinner and had brushed their teeth, Keith packed up all their food, toothpaste, odorous sundries, and dinner trash, and put it in a plastic container. “Time to pop this in the bear box. I think it’s down in the meadow. Coming with me?”

  Skyler snapped to his feet. No matter how tired he was, and he was tired, he didn’t want to be left alone. “Sure. I want to see this fabled ‘bear box’ for myself.”

  “It’s not that exciting.”

  They tromped down the curving trail that led down to a wide meadow full of silvery gray grass surrounded by pines and scrub. Skyler watched as Keith pulled the hidden levers to open the brown-painted metal container. It was chained to the ground with two sturdy metal links. The other campers had stashed their stuff in there already and Keith shoved some over to put their things in there. When he closed it up the lock automatically set.

  “Have you seen many bears when you camp?” asked Skyler, examining the clever lock that a bear couldn’t undo unless he had opposable thumbs.

  “Oh yeah, all the time.”

  He looked up. “R-really?”

  “Yeah. Don’t worry. If you encounter a bear just let him go on. If he looks like he might charge get as big as you can and wave your arms. Look threatening.” He glanced at Skyler, at his five foot five frame. “Well, do your best.”

  “I have no intention of encountering a bear.” He followed Keith back to camp.

  “No one has any intention of encountering a bear. They just show up. This is where they live, after all. You just have to be sensible about it. That’s why anything that could possibly be construed as food is locked away.”

  “Deodorant?” />
  “What might be pine fresh to you smells like dessert to him.”

  “I really didn’t think about bears,” Skyler grumbled.

  Keith’s arm was around him. “You’re not scared of bears, are you, Skyler? I thought you liked animals.”

  “I like Fishbreath, but cats and dogs are about my speed. Not predators that can tear my throat out.”

  He squeezed. “You’ll be fine.”

  They both sat at their camp, watching the last of the sun as it disappeared behind the trees. “I’m feeling worn out,” said Keith standing up. “Are you ready for bed?”

  “Yeah. For sleep. I think you were right. I don’t think I could do anything tonight.”

  “That's okay. I’m pretty beat.” He unlaced his shoes and tossed them and his socks into the tent. He stood and unzipped.

  “Wait,” said Skyler, glancing back toward the group of Germans just beyond the trees. “Are you getting undressed outside?”

  Keith gave one look at the tiny dome tent and returned his gaze to Skyler. “Do you suggest I do so in there?”

  “Oh, well…” Skyler shrugged. To new experiences! Besides, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t been half-naked outside before. In an alley, maybe. With someone sucking his dick.

  His trousers and shirt were soon gone but he noticed Keith left on his underpants. Skyler did, too, and they both crawled inside. Skyler slid his legs into the slick sleeping bag and lay down…on every rock in the sierras, it seemed.

  “Did we forget to put the pad down?”

  Keith rolled over and looked at him in the dark. “No. I'm afraid that’s how it is with padding.”

  “I will never bitch about our pioneer ancestors again.”

  “I know it’s a bit rough, sweetheart, but…we’re together.”

  Keith’s smile actually brightened the little tent. Skyler reached up and dragged him down for a kiss. Keith dropped his head to Skyler’s neck and nuzzled. “Love you, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  Skyler was content to rest his head against Keith’s chest. Until his hands began to travel. Soon they were traveling southward and he groped Keith’s considerable bulge.

  “Hey,” said a sleepy Keith. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  “Just…checking things out. Making sure you’re okay and all.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah. I was just wondering if you tasted different in the mountains.”

  A slow smiled curled Keith’s lips. “Well, nothing like a little experimentation to get your answers.”

  “Maybe…we can both experiment together.” Skyler extracted himself from the bag and crawled toward Keith’s feet.

  Keith chuckled and slipped his legs from the sleeping bag. He peeled his shorts down, revealing a burgeoning erection. “This what you’re looking for?”

  Skyler pushed down his own shorts and hefted his hard cock. “There happens to be another one handy.”

  And before Skyler could make another flip remark, Keith swooped in and closed his hot, wet mouth over it.

  “Oh!” Skyler squeaked. “All righty, then.” He scooted closer to Keith’s groin and took the man’s cock into his mouth, moving his tongue back and forth over the underside, and sucking on the upstroke.

  Keith sighed deeply above him. Skyler went at it with enthusiasm and energy he didn’t know he had, but it was distracting when his own dick was getting similar treatment.

  They both worked each other, leisurely at first, but more intently once they both reached the point of no return. Skyler didn’t think he was going to last before he finished off Keith. The sensations of the man’s skilled tongue and mouth were proving too much for him and when Keith pushed a finger between his ass cheeks and rubbed, Skyler tore his mouth off of Keith’s cock as he muffled his cry and came, unloading down the man’s throat. He took a deep breath and grabbed quickly onto Keith’s hard meat before he lost his orgasm completely and sucked hard.

  Keith lost it almost immediately and Skyler rode the last of his own orgasm while swallowing down his boyfriend’s jizz.

  He pulled off and licked his lips. “Oh yeah,” he said, and pulled up Keith’s pants, covering him up again. He gave that softening dick a pat, pulled up his own shorts, and maneuvered back into the sleeping bag.

  “You are full of surprises,” rumbled Keith’s voice above him.

  Skyler smiled, took a jizz-flavored kiss from Keith, turned over, and spooned against the man.

  § § §

  Sometime in the night, Skyler awoke. There was a booming sound in the distance. Not thunder. But something odd…

  “What is that?” he whispered.

  Keith stirred and took a moment to listen. “Shit. I can’t be certain, but I think that’s our bear box.”

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “I mean I think that bears are trying to break into it and are rolling it in the meadow.”

  “Wait a minute. That thing was chained down. I saw it.”

  “And bears are pretty strong. Let’s just hope they can’t get it open or this will be a very short trip.”

  Skyler laid back, eyes wide open and fully awake. Back and forth, the huge metal container rolled and rolled, like some strange Washington Irving-like bowling game. “I can’t believe this. There are really bears out there playing hockey with our food?”

  “Survival of the fittest.” Keith yawned. “Can’t do anything about it tonight. Just go back to sleep.”

  “Go back to sleep? With bears out there?”

  “Skyler they’ve been out there all along.” Maybe he saw the horror on Skyler’s face, so he added. “But, uh, most are very nice bears, like Pooh and Paddington. Just…bigger. Go to sleep, Skyler. We have a long day ahead.”

  Sleep? Sleep was now the farthest thing from his mind. He cringed, listening to the rolling of the metal box. After a long, long while, it finally stopped. But their stopping meant one of two things. One: they managed to get it open and were eating all their food, or two: they had given up and were coming after the campers!

  He jumped when the side of the tent rippled. Oh God! What would his mother think? Mauled to death. An ignoble end. He drew the edge of the sleeping bag up to his chin and watched helplessly as the tent rippled and was poked from various points. Great. A herd of bears!

  He was ready to bury his head entirely into the sleeping bag when he suddenly realized that the wind had picked up, and all that rippling and poking in the tent wall was only wind and not the snuffling of bear snouts. He snatched a glance at Keith but he was calmly snoring, long lashes resting on his ruddy cheeks. Shit. He had almost made an idiot of himself. Good thing he hadn’t said anything.

  He tried to get comfortable. Would this night ever end?

  § § §

  Skyler awoke slowly. God but he was tired. He hadn’t slept much last night, what with the rocks in his back, his sore muscles, and worrying about bears eating him. But when he turned over…no Keith.

  He scrambled out of the sleeping bag and unzipped the tent, blinking at the sunshine. Where had he gone? He couldn’t leave Skyler alone in this wilderness? Why had Skyler ever agreed to go on this death march? And now he was feeling kind of funky, too.

  Keith appeared suddenly from the trees, sauntered toward the tent, and bent down to look at Skyler. “Finally awake?”

  “What do you mean ‘finally’? I didn’t sleep a wink all last night.”

  Keith wore a skeptical expression but he kept his comments to himself.

  “And just where have you been?” asked Skyler, struggling to pull on his trousers. They seemed particularly stiff and cold this morning.

  “Well, you know that thing that bears do in the woods? So do people.”

  Skyler stopped, suddenly wide-eyed. Well fuck. He hadn’t thought this whole camping thing through, apparently.

  But speaking of bears…

  “What about our stuff? Did the bears eat it?”

  “I was just about to go find out. Want to com

  “Yes, just let me get my shoes on.”

  Skyler stamped on his boot, tied it quickly, and followed Keith down to the meadow. Where the bear box had been, only a pair of broken metal rings remained. “Shit,” said Keith. But like any good tracker, Keith followed where the meadow grass was bent down. He wandered through the meadow, found a fallen tree, and climbed atop it, looking around. He shot a hand forward. “There it is. Damn, they got it far.”

  Skyler tromped through the grasses and wildflowers till they were nearly across the wide expanse. There was the battered bear box. At least it was still closed up tight. “Here, Skyler, help me turn it right side up.” Skyler got on the other end and heaved. He looked at the claw scratches left in the paint, running his own fingers where the claws had been.

  “Shit. That is one big animal.”

  “Yeah, it was probably just the one bear working on this last night.”

  “One?” Skyler had felt how heavy the box was. “Damn.”

  “And here’s our food. Ready for a hearty breakfast?”

  “I guess.”

  “You guess? Growing boys need their protein.”

  “I got mine last night. And anyway, I just feel a little meh this morning.”

  “Do you have a headache?”

  “Why do you keep asking me that? I’m fine. Just tired and a little icky, that’s all.”

  Keith looked off into the distance. His face was pensive. “We could…stay at this camp for a day. It won’t put us too far off schedule. Let you get acclimated.”

  “You mean no hiking? That sounds good to me.”

  They relaxed, and Keith regaled him on the wonders of nature around them, explaining what each peak was called and how far away. But even as Skyler relaxed he felt worse and worse. Achy, a pounding headache, and generally lethargic.

  Keith prepared a hot lunch of spaghetti in a pouch and handed it to Skyler, who took one look at the reconstituted noodles and sauce and set it aside on a rock. He dutifully drank the water, popped a few more Tylenols, and kicked back, closing his eyes.

  Keith hiked up to the rocks above them and began witling a stick.

  Skyler thought he might have dozed. The raucous call of a Steller’s Jay woke him and then he heard the sounds of a plastic packet crinkling. He opened his eyes, thinking Keith had returned, but when he turned his head, a fat, furry creature was feasting on his lunch out of his packet of spaghetti.


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