Unicorn's Unease

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Unicorn's Unease Page 3

by Crystal Dawn

  The movements he could feel warmed his heart. It saddened him that Julio was missing out on the connection to his developing young. Right now Herk felt helpless to do anything about it. It was Janel’s place to share her condition with Julio and right now she wasn’t ready.

  A few days passed as Intel came in about the communities and small towns where their enemies gathered. It was time to meet with the leaders and plan their next move. There hadn’t been much time to recover from the heartbreak of the last battle, but they had to move fast to recover the ground they’d lost by not arriving here soon enough.

  The meeting room was set up much as it had been the last time except this time it was early morning and breakfast was being served. The scent of coffee moved through the room mingling with the aroma of bacon and other breakfast foods. Everyone was at their place with plates piled high and mugs in their hands, most filled with the stronger form of coffee served here.

  Herk looked around at his leading soldiers. Each had their group they were in charge of with him being the leader of them all. Pru and Janel lead all the witches with two others helping them. Julio, Jespers, and Apollo led the horse shifters. He also had wolves, cats, and a group of humans that he was still getting to know.

  As he looked at each leader, he saw determination and a strong will that had overcome the recent losses they had been dealt. They were all he could ask for and he prayed their forces would be enough to complete the tasks set before them.

  “You all see the information that has been given to us. In the morning, we will hit the next target. We need to decide what that will be. For your consideration, the top three sites are the ones to decide between.”

  “Why not just take Amarisa? It has the highest amount of enemy activity, it is the nearest to our location, and it has an obvious weakness in its protection.” Jake asked. He was the human leader.

  “There is something about that obvious weakness that smacks of a trap.” Julio admitted. The other leaders nodded and looked at the information closer.

  “Why don’t we use their trap against them?” Janel asked.

  “How do you propose we do that?” Herk asked.

  “We have the strength to completely overrun them, but we need to use our head. Why not send in a ghost force first to test things out and be prepared to attack once they get things started?” Janel suggested.

  “That’s a great suggestion. We have enough witches to do it too.” Pru commented.

  “What is a ghost force?” Herk asked.

  “We conjure an army to attack them. It will seem real in every way but will have no substance. As long as we are within sight of the ghosts, we can make it seem as if they can move things or even attack someone.” Pru explained.

  “Why didn’t someone suggest this before?” Herk asked.

  “Because it will take all our energy and you will not have our protection when you attack later. It is draining on our magic. But if the trap is a good one, we can cut and run risking nothing but our strength for a few days.” Pru admitted.

  “To drain all our witches for days is a serious thing to risk.” Julio offered. Herk had to agree that their protection and their attacks against the enemy had saved many of their soldiers.

  That is a serious consideration.” Jake agreed and the others nodded in agreement.

  “If we decide against the first option, which of the remaining two would we agree on?” Herk asked.

  “The second option is the next best. It would be a heads on attack with the time and the direction we attacked from all we would need to decide. There are only two directions of approach. I would advise approaching from both.” Julio suggested.

  “That would be best to stop them from escaping or attacking us from behind.” Jake agreed.

  Only a handful of the leaders made any observations or suggestions. “Anyone else want to add anything?” Herk asked. “You should all add concerns you have because we are all risking our lives and those of our soldiers.” Silence ruled. “We’ll attack the second site driving our force to come in from both directions. Rest and relax, but be ready before dawn.”

  He dismissed his leaders and he hoped the morning would see them all in their top form. His wish was that the gods would give them strength and support their fight. It had been a long time since he’d prayed to the gods. They’d left long ago and gone to another place, but many believed they still heard prayers. Herk hoped it was true.

  They had their plan of action now so he dismissed the meeting. Most rushed away, but Julio, Jespers, Apollo, Pru and Janel stayed behind. “Few had much to say.” Pru observed.

  “They are putting their faith in us to make the right decisions.” Julio informed.

  “Let’s hope we don’t disappoint them.” Herk declared.

  “We can only do our best with the information we have at hand.” Apollo noted.

  “It is so soon to be going out again. Are you sure our witches are properly rested?” Jespers asked.

  “No guarantees, but they said they feel ready and that is all we can ask of them.” Pru replied.

  Chapter 4


  Janel was glad when the meeting was over. Spending time around Julio hurt her even more deeply than she had expected. Perhaps the little one protected in her belly made it worse, but should it? He knew nothing about it nor would he for a while.

  She felt strong and ready as the other witches were, even though a deep sadness over taking so many lives would be with her for a long time. The thought of being a witch warrior had always been a romantic image in her mind. Saving her kind and protecting the innocent, but now she knew it came with a price.

  It was not just a price paid by the naïve such as she was, but even the hardest most experienced warrior paid it too. Had it just been the enemy that died, the price might not have been as steep. Janel had turned away, but she knew the blood of the innocent young had cried out help that most had never gotten.

  Her hand automatically went to her tummy rubbing it and hoping this child would have a better life than the current situation suggested. She knew eventually she would have to tell Julio, but she feared how he would take the news. If he denied the child, it would hurt because someday the child would want to know about its father.

  If he wanted the child, she would have to fight him to keep it. And if he wanted them to mate for the sake of the child, it would be for all the wrong reasons. She could never go along with that. The weight of her worries deprived her of sleep and killed her appetite. Nothing was ever easy for her. When she first found Julio and felt that initial happiness, she should have known it would never work.

  Life wasn’t bad for her, it just wasn’t ever what she wanted it to be. Never the best or the worst at anything when she was young she’d grown used to being average. Her talent as a spy was what she truly excelled at yet even there Pru was the best. Still, being second to someone as amazing as Pru had never bothered her.

  Being average at most things wasn’t the worst thing she could be. At least she was never truly awful at anything she tried her hand at. In the last few years her witched skills had begun to bloom. Maybe that was why she’d believed Julio truly wanted her. Of course it had all gone to hell. Just like everything else did. Her luck was the worst of anyone she knew.

  It was almost like she’d been witched. It was a term for when a witch cursed someone. Not that she could think of anyone who had a reason to curse her. Well except for those she’d been sent to spy on. But most of them had been dealt with and wouldn’t know who she was any way. The only answer seemed to be that life hated her. Hopefully the little one wouldn’t inherit Mommy’s bad luck.

  Janel ate breakfast with Herk, Pru and the other leaders. It was early, the sky was dark with dawn still a couple hours away. She felt her power running through her now but later today she would be drained. The other witches would be as well especially Pru who had the strongest magic and used it.

  She thought of that saying, war is hell. It fit th
e current situation, but they fought only to protect themselves and their world. “Are you all prepared for the task ahead?” Herk asked looking at each of them for a moment.

  Janel nodded when he looked at her just as the others did. Taking a final gulp of her coffee, she got up ready to take her place. This time would be different. She and Pru would be on opposite sides of the town and each would be in charge of their own group. Twenty witches total, ten on each squad. They all moved to where the soldiers gathered. “Time to go.” Pru announced once everyone was there.

  Each group flashed on its own, except the witches who flashed the humans with them. They were the only ones with no magic at all in their group so they needed the help to be transported. Once they arrived, they divided each group moving to its prearranged location.

  Janel looked at the small town lying in front of them quiet in the moments before dawn. How would they know who was the enemy and who an innocent in the way? Herk stood in front of Pru at the other entrance to town just close enough they could watch him from where Janel and her group stood.

  “Followers of Hubolla, your time has come. Face us, or give up, the choice is yours.” Herk yelled.

  Males began to swarm out of the buildings with weapons in their hands. Thank the gods that the children and most of the women stayed in the houses. Maybe they would avoid the unnecessary deaths of the first battle. The swarm divided attacking both parts of their army. These males looked dirty, haggard, and miserable.

  The suspicion that many of these adversaries were not here by choice, but were being blackmailed in some way. It hurt her soul to think they might hurt those who were already being victimized. But what choice did they have?

  When the males approached she sent a sleeping spell into them first to see how it worked. It effected most but not all. The warriors cut through those unaffected by the spell like they were standing still. The first wave was dealt with and now the second wave approached.

  Sweat beaded on Janel’s brow from the energy she’d already expended. She would have to be careful not to overdo it. She sent a wave of protection to Julio and his males and that was when she realized he was leading the soldiers on her side. This time when she hit the enemy with a wave of magic it put them to sleep permanently.

  The battle was soul killing as she saw her soldiers fighting with swords and the blood ran thick on the ground as they dropped never to move again. As far as she could tell, only the enemy were falling. That was until Julio faced a group that surrounded him. He yelled loud and she sent a wave of crushing magic exempting him from its painful effects.

  Gods, she hoped he was still alive. What would she tell her young one if he didn’t make it out of the battle alive? No matter how he vexed her, she didn’t want him to die. As angry as she was at him, it made no sense but she wanted no harm to come to him.

  Now the battle was at an end. The damage wasn’t as severe as the first battle had caused. Warriors were swarming over those on the ground capturing many who were knocked out but not dead. She ran to Julio to see how bad he was but several others were checking him out already.

  “He has a bad wound on his arm, but with the proper care it will heal.” Jespers said. Janel sent a small burst of magic to him to help him along. Now she really needed to lie down.

  “What have you done, Girl?” Pru said as Janel faded into the dark.

  A headache throbbed as she struggled to wake. “What happened?” Janel asked confused.

  “You were low on energy but sent a healing wave to your baby daddy.” Pru explained.

  “Is he alright?”

  “Yeah, he’s good. Even better than you are if you want to know. Don’t do that again.”

  “He doesn’t know does he?” Janel asked.

  “No, I knew you wouldn’t want him to know. You did good, especially that wave that knocked out many of the opposing force. You limited the losses on both sides.”

  “I just didn’t want to kill everyone.”

  “By not killing you saved enough energy to keep fighting. A portion of those captured and questioned were fighting because their families were taken. We’ve recovered most of the families and they will be staying here under Herk’s protection.”

  “How will we continue to take in so many?”

  “I’m not sure we can but we are enlarging our compound to try to accommodate others.”

  “I thought you might be angry at me.”

  “Not angry. I’m never mad at you, just concerned because you used so much of your energy. You must think of the child first. If you use all your strength, the child might not survive.” Pru pointed out.

  “I know you’re right but I felt like I could do it. How do you know your limits?”

  “Usually you know yours. It’s only when you feel so much that you get confused. You have to learn to look past your feelings.”

  “I’m not sure I can.”

  “Give it time and take baby steps.”

  Janel giggled. “Now you’re being funny.”

  “Julio heard you collapsed and he wants to see you.” Pru informed.

  “I-I can’t.”

  “I’ll tell him.” Pru turned to leave.

  Janel closed her eyes and felt the tiredness and achy feeling all over her body. Normally illness could be treated and pain managed, but not the kind that came from overusing your magic. Maybe that wasn’t completely true. Someone could infuse you with their magic so yours wouldn’t have to build back up over several days. They rarely did that feeling it was more of a lesson learned if you had to suffer from your mistake.

  She wasn’t in danger and it was a lot like a bad case of the flu. That was something she’d never had and now was aware she never wanted. How did full humans ever survive all the nasty little illnesses they were vulnerable to? Witches were similar to humans often mating them so most lines had human blood in them with a few exceptions like hers. That was why she never got human illnesses and now she was relieved she never would.

  The healer, Selena, came in to check on her. “Good morning, my patient. Never thought I’d have you in here especially not in this condition.” Selena giggled.

  “Rub it in, why don’t you.” Janel growled.

  “I’m worried about you. It’s hard to press past the point of exhausting your magic. There are built in preventatives to warn you and you overlooked them all. This war will be much harder without you on the front lines, but if this happens again, you won’t be allowed in the fight.”

  “What? You can’t do that.”

  “You know I can and will if this happens again. There’s a little one to think of now. It’s not just you.” Selena observed.

  “I’ll do better. The need to help just overwhelmed me.”

  “Think first. That’s all I ask of you.”

  “When can I get out of here?”

  “You can leave as soon as you want. Rest, relax, and rejuvenate, those are your orders for now. I believe they will wait a week or so before the next battle. You aren’t the only one who stretched their strength with this fight so soon after the last one.”

  “Do I have any clothes here?” Janel asked ready to leave as quickly as possible.

  “No, but I’ll grab you a set of sweats you can bring back later.” Selena hurried a way then came back with a pile of gray sweats. “Here you go. I hope you don’t come back. You understand?”

  “Yes, no one wants to come to the healers if they can stay healthy.”

  “Exactly. Come by and see me when I’m not working instead.” Selena left to answer the call of a patient who needed her. She was a cousin too, much like Pru. A healer instead of a manager as Pru was and one of the best in her field.

  Janel sat up quickly and regretted it. Dizziness washed over her so she froze in place waiting for it to go away. Breathing in deeply, she felt better and got up slowly so she could dress. The sweats fit well and felt comfortable. It was a consideration she would have to address as the baby grew inside. Once dressed, she slipped out the
back where no one would be expecting her just in case someone was waiting.

  “I knew you’d slip out the back.” Julio said triumphantly.

  His sexy voice washed over her making her feel a harsh regret. “Why would you care?”

  “I’ve never stopped thinking of you. It was foolish to think we could just step away from each other and it would all be over.”

  “That was your choice and now it’s been made.”

  “It’s amazing what thinking you’re going to die will do for you. When my life flashed in front of my eyes, it wasn’t the rolling plains filled with herds of horses I decided I’d miss the most. You know what it was?”

  “I’m sure you’ll tell me.”

  “It was you, Janel. The time we spent together ran over and over then the future we could have had begun to fade and I realized I’d been a complete fool. Love means more than anything and I turned my back on it for a place I felt safe. Now I’ll just be hurting to be near you and my empty arms will ache for you.”

  Janel was keeping her fast pace to her rooms. Julio followed just slightly behind her talking to her about dreams and hopes. Well he’d crushed hers and now he expected forgiveness just like that? Ha! She wasn’t a complete pushover. She’d show him no matter how much turning away from him hurt.

  “So you expect me to just forgive you and put it all aside? I should just take a chance on you, just know you won’t do it again and be the bigger person here? Are you kidding?”

  “No, I know it will take some time to show you I won’t change my mind. I want to show you how I feel if you’ll let me. Just don’t close me out and you’ll see that I’ve learned what is truly important.” Julio swore.

  “I’d have to see that to believe it.” Janel declared as she reached her door and entered her room.

  She closed the door in his face and locked it. No company for her today. Going to her sitting area, she pulled a snack tray out of it and sat down picking at it. It was impossible not to think about what he’d said. Small kernels of hope tried to grow inside her but she crushed them. Believing opened you up to hurt. She’d been hurt enough, hadn’t she?


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