Unicorn's Unease

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Unicorn's Unease Page 5

by Crystal Dawn

  “Lots of males just do it instead of talking about it. Herk never said anything either, but he was thrilled when he found out.”

  “They are only a bit alike. Herk was bad, but Julio takes the cake.”

  “Stop it. You’re making me hungry. I love cake.” Pru insisted.

  “I know what you’re trying to do. You want to cheer me up.”

  “Is it working?”

  “Maybe a little, but cut it out until the battle is over. We need to focus on the fight.” Janel directed as they entered the meeting room.

  “Let’s get started.” Herk announced when he saw them enter.

  “How will we be dividing our forces?” Jake, the human leader, asked.

  “Same as last time. Those with me will be going to Juania while Julio leads the other group. The new people have already been told who they will go with. We leave in fifteen minutes. Good luck everyone.” Herk declared as the group broke up everyone heading their own way. “No questions, Julio?”

  “Not really. I expected things to go like this. We will do our part.”

  “Good. We may catch up to the enemy yet.”

  “I certainly hope so. I must admit I don’t understand these people.”

  “Me either. They are so easily frightened into risking their lives and their families. The people I’ve seen can’t see they are doing what they fear the most.”

  Julio nodded and she could tell he was in full agreement with Herk. These people were too easy to manipulate and Hubolla was good at it. Everyone left in the room flashed to where the warriors gathered and prepared for battle. Their target was the easier of the two because it was smaller yet Herk had sent them more of the reinforcements. Janel wondered what that was about.

  It was time and those that could transport themselves did while she and the other witches took the others there. They arrived moments after the others and she looked over the sleepy town they were about to attack as light began to spread on the horizon in the east. Dawn was arriving.

  A blood thirsty war cry echoed through the night as her group converged on the town. Guards in charge of preventing an unexpected attack yelled out a warning too late. Some tried to fight while others ran away as fast as they could. She would try to save those she could. Janel sent a barrage of magic that disabled but didn’t kill.

  The shame was she only had one such wave in her. It took more magic than killing. There was often more effort involved in doing the right thing which might be why few did it. Now the fight was truly on. Those willing to risk their lives against her witches and the warriors had all engaged them. A wave of protection for her soldiers emitted from her witches.

  Next they sent out a harmful wave that hit the enemy hard. They seemed to have no witches or some so weak they had no worthwhile magic. She could see women with children trying to escape and she wished them well. In the world as it was she couldn’t imagine where they would hide.

  Something caught on fire and it spread to the houses. The screams as the people inside burned were horrible. This war had just started and she’d had enough of it. Maybe she wasn’t much of a warrior after all. A male ran out of one of the burning homes on fire. Stop, drop, and roll! Janel screamed in her head. Didn’t anyone know that?

  He finally fell when his terribly burned body no longer drew breath. A small child ran into the road right in danger from the fight all around her. Janel waved her hand and the child was brought to her. Yes, it had cost her some energy but she could do no less for the little one. The child clung to her leg and stared up at her with big eyes.

  “Easy, little one. No one will harm you here.” Janel assured.

  “My mama. My mama.”

  “Where is your mama?”

  The little toddler pointed at a burning house. Janel eyes filled with tears. The child was probably an orphan now. The fight continued as stragglers were rundown and prisoners were taken. Large pyres burned the dead enemies and the few dead of theirs were carried back to be burned in honor of their sacrifice.

  “Go home and take the little one with you.” Julio said. She was startled not realizing he was right next to her.

  “What of the others?”

  “Take most of the witches with you. Leave me three just in case. Some of my males are going back too. The rest of us will leave when the fires have burned low.”

  Janel nodded. She didn’t want to stay and the child needed care. “Gather everyone.” She directed her witches. Soon they were all around her. “I need three volunteers.”

  Thankfully, Samia and her two sisters agreed to stay and the rest of them flashed away. It was a relief to be back at the compound. She dropped to her knees next to the little girl. “What’s your name?”


  “Okay, Milly. We’re going to get you cleaned up and fed. Are you sleepy?”

  “I got woke up early.”

  “Okay then. Once we clean up and eat, we’ll go to sleep.” Janel didn’t know why, but she was tired often. Some of it might be her pregnancy, but it might also be using her magic so much.

  The only thing she knew to do was rest when she needed it. She and Milly cleaned up and dressed. Janel put the child in a T-shirt of hers and it looked like a dress. “Now let’s go find some food.” They headed downstairs where the staff was cooking food for the returning warriors.

  “Smells yummy.” Milly said. Janel got them each a plate and filled them. Milly ate like she was starving. Once they were done eating they went back upstairs where they went to bed and both of them fell asleep quickly.

  It was hours later that they woke. Seeing Milly staring at her reminded Janel of what had occurred only hours before. She found it odd that the child spoke English and didn’t asked for her family. They would have to look into things and find out if Milly had any living relatives. That would come later.

  “Let’s get dressed and we can go downstairs. Would you like that?” Milly nodded her head vigorously. It made Janel smile. Children were a delight.

  Once they were ready, they went downstairs where breakfast was being served even though it was afternoon. They had late breakfasts sometimes because it was a popular meal. Janel had fixed breakfast for supper at home once in a while.

  In the middle of breakfast, she shivered and looked around. Julio was back and he was taking the seat next to her. “I’m glad to see you eating properly.” He looked at her plate. “Who is this?”

  “This is Milly.” Milly shrank against Janel’s side.

  “Hello Milly. Is the food good?” Milly nodded. “I’ll order some then.”

  After a few minutes Milly relaxed. Julio got his food and sat back down next to her. His attention was on his food while they finished theirs. “We’re done now.” She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to tell him that.

  “I’m glad I got to see you.” He admitted.

  Janel took Milly’s hand and led her away. She went to find Pru. When she knocked on her door, it was quickly answered. “Hey there. Who is this?” Pru asked looking at Milly.

  “Her house burned down so I brought her back with me. Her name is Milly and we need to see if she has any family.”

  “They’ll need more than a first name.”

  “Maybe one of the prisoners will know who she is.” Janel speculated.

  “We’ll take a picture and have the guards show it around when they question them. You know we have several kids staying here right now. Maybe Milly would want to play with them for a while?”

  Milly smiled and nodded. “I guess she would.” Janel waited as Pru got ready and they walked Milly to the other wing.

  “This is the playroom, Milly. Why don’t you go inside? We’ll wait for a few minutes until you find someone to play with.” Pru suggested. Milly ran into the room and was playing with some other little girls right away. “Why don’t we go to the sitting room downstairs so we can talk?”

  Janel nodded and that was exactly where they went. It was a solar room set up to relax and talk with friends. A ba
r area was along the wall that had no windows because it was where the room attached to the rest of the house. Pru fixed them each a glass of herbal tea.

  As she set the cups down on the table, Pru took a moment to look at her. “What’s wrong?” She asked.

  “I hate war. It just struck me hard today. The house was on fire and Milly came running out but no one else did. I think we killed that girl’s whole family.” Janel sniffed as she fought tears.

  “You don’t know that. It also isn’t our fault. We are protecting our world. War is never easy, but sometimes it has to be fought. If we turn our backs and walk away, the fight will eventually come right to our door and we’ll lose.”

  “You truly believe that because I’m not sure what I believe. We’re fighting a ghost we can’t see or hear and definitely not touch.”

  ”There are many things like that Janel that we all know exist. You’ve seen enough to know what we’re fighting. I believe your relationship with Julio is what makes you question everything. You’re also hormonal. I know because I am too.”

  “I admit I’m getting emotional easier than I used to, but what’s happening each time we attack is horrific.”

  “It is and I can agree with that, but if we don’t stop them it’ll be much worse.”

  “What do I do? How do I go on?” Janel asked.

  “You had doubts but you went on this morning. We all are just doing what we know to be right even though it’s not easy. Work through things in your head, but if you’re not a hundred percent, I’ll send you home. If you can’t believe in the cause, you make a mistake that gets you or someone else killed.”

  “When is the next attack?”

  “A week or less. Do what you have to do and let me know your decision. Are you going to leave the girl here? You can visit her whenever you like.” Pru observed.

  “I guess I need to. She probably has family wondering where she went. I know I would be.”

  Chapter 7


  So far the battles against their enemies had been successful but his campaign to regain his mate had been hopeless. He sensed something was not as it should be, but Julio could not figure out what was different except she resisted him at every turn.

  Being away from him seemed to suit her since her skin glowed and her beauty had blossomed. It made him yearn for her even more but did him no good. He saw her often in the dining room and at least she was putting on some weight. His arms ached to hold her though she managed to evade him anytime he got close. The only bright side was the other warriors seemed to realize she was off limits and left her alone so he didn’t have to kill anyone.

  “Any luck today?” Jespers asked this every day. He sat reading that damn horoscope but not another warning had been in it.

  “No, she avoids me like the plague. I get close then she runs.”

  “Maybe your horoscope will help? What is her sign?”

  “She is Pisces as well.” Julio admitted.

  “That’s a challenge.”

  “Just tell me what it says.”

  “Okay. Your sign are leaders often high in the hierarchy, but the pressures of your position can often cause doubts and depression to one with big dreams as Pisces often has. Hold on to your dreams but remember it takes hard work to fulfill them. Don’t give up on love. Even though she may not show it, she is aware of you as much as you are of her.”

  “It’s like they are talking directly to me.” Julio was amazed. He hoped the article was dead on as it was last time. It was a shame there was no advice on the continuing war.

  “And to think you never cared for these horoscopes before.” Jespers smirked.

  “They never seemed to apply to me or give me any useful advice. Now they seem full of it or at least that one does.”

  “There she is.” Jespers whispered dramatically.

  Julio turned to look where Jespers stared. Janel had entered the room with Pru and Herk no doubt to eat supper. He and Jespers were just getting their food so the timing was fortuitous. She looked so beautiful his breath caught in his throat. Her figure was filling out with her breasts larger and her belly slightly rounded.

  Nothing would keep him from her because eventually he would claim her. Possessive feelings rushed over him as he was tempted to pick her up and carry her away. That would not go over well he was sure of it. Still, the surprise on her face if he did would almost be worth the hell there would be to pay for those actions.

  Slowing down so she would fill her plate first and sit, he watched her as she got healthy options unlike his choices. Eating right certainly looked good on her. She ignored him as much as she could then sat next to Pru. He grabbed a couple more items and quickly moved sitting next to her. Julio loved it when a plan came together especially when it moved him closer to his mate.

  “Why are you sitting here?” Janel asked.

  “Because I enjoy your company.”

  “I don’t enjoy yours.”

  “You did before and you soon will again. Just open yourself up to me and you’ll see.” Julio coaxed.

  “Not happening. Just leave me alone.” Janel ignored him again. She ate and spoke to Pru occasionally, but she refused to look his way.

  It was alright because she was aware of him and he knew it. Every 0nce in a while he bumped her lightly or brushed his arm against hers. Her frustration with him was obvious and made it almost like a game. By the time the meal was done, she was fuming.

  “Let me take your plate to the tub, Sweetheart.” Julio offered.

  “I can do it myself.” She snapped.

  “Just trying to be helpful. Sweetness.”

  Janel growled as she stomped off with her plates to drop them in the tubs. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright. She had never looked lovelier. Unable to help himself, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His tongue ran along the seam of her lips pressing until it found a way in.

  He explored every nook and cranny before dueling with her tongue. Her moan only added fuel to his fire as his hands ran over her body. She pressed against him caught up in the kiss just like he was. Their chemistry was still there regardless of what she tried to tell him. They were practically on fire when she finally realized what was happening and pulled away.

  Julio expected her to slap him or yell at him, but she just shot him a sad look, turned, and walked away. He’d felt like he was making progress until that moment. She’d knocked him to his knees with just one look. His mate, whether she admitted it or not, held his heart and his happiness in her hands. Right now it looked like her only desire was to crush it.

  “So what will you try next?” Jespers asked as they both watched Janel walk away.

  “No words of wisdom in the horoscope today?” Julio asked.

  “I haven’t looked yet.” He reached for the paper as they walked by. Opening it up he looked through it until he found what he was looking for. “Here it is. It says you must push your claim and seize your desires before you lose out for good. Take control at the battlefield and she will be unable to resist you. The battle is on the horizon and your wait will be short. What do you make of that?”

  “I believe we have an upcoming battle and when it is over, I will kidnap my mate and claim her in the ways of old.”

  “Good luck with that, Bro.” Jespers looked at him with sympathy and a touch of pity.

  “You’ll have a different view someday.”

  “I hope to learn from the mistakes you and Herk made. Ram did good from what I’ve heard.”

  It was true. Ram embraced his fate and even Knossos, his grumpy friend had given in easier than Herk or he had. Maybe horses were just naturally more stubborn than other shifters. It was hard to say since few fated mates had been found in the last hundred or so years and now there seemed to be an explosion of them especially among the witches. Had he had a suspicious nature, he would have thought it a spell. Hell, it had been a spell to find Ram for Annie. The rest so far had fallen like dominos a matter of locatio
n more than anything else.

  “You’ll probably find your mate soon so be prepared.” He cautioned his brother.

  “I hope so.”

  “Let’s go now or we’ll be late for the meeting.” Herk had scheduled a meeting every day for the leaders at two in the afternoon. It was nearly time.

  They went to the meeting room. It was also the room large meals were served in and close to the dining room they had just come from. There was a table with coffee, tea, a soda dispenser, and cookies, chips, and cupcakes for snacking.

  The room was half full meaning they were not the last to arrive. They snagged seats near Herk but Pru and Janel sat on his other side. It had been four days since the double attack. Herk had been closed mouthed about what they would be doing. Each meeting they hoped for word about what was next because things were boring around here.

  In a few minutes, the room filled up and it was time to start. “I’m glad to see everyone made it. We’ve been doing a good job in the battles we have fought. Injuries and fatalities on our side have been kept low, although it is painful for even one of ours to fall. Fighting has increased in North America. Hubolla is rising and putting more of his energies into taking control of our world. What we are doing here and now is making a difference. In the morning we will have our next mission. Turnia will fall to our determined troops.”

  “Only one target?” Jake asked seemingly surprised.

  “It is a larger target than we previously chose and will take all our troops and attentions. We will be coming at them through the only entrance as this is a walled city. The witches will attack the gate and send things over the walls. Once the gate is opened, we will move forward. It will be challenging since the gate is just large enough for a semi to go through.”

  “How big is it?” Jake asked.

  “Isn’t that a female’s question?” One of the females near Jake asked and everyone laughed except Jake who turned blood red.

  “It’s twice the size of both previous targets combined and better fortified. That Hubolla managed to turn most of its citizens is surprising.” Herk admitted.

  “Are you certain that he has?” Julio asked. Mistakes could be made and it would be a tragedy.


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