Blond, Black, and Blue

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Blond, Black, and Blue Page 2

by Ruth Temple Taul

  When Betty and the children returned home, Millie was having a cup of tea and reading a magazine. “How was the movie,” Millie asked the children.

  “Tweety Bird played a joke on Puddy Cat,” Sarah giggled. “He made us laugh and laugh and Aunt Betty bought us popcorn. It was the bestest day I ever saw.”

  “When I get bigger, I’m going to ride a horse like Gene Autry and fight the bad guys,” Logan said proudly.

  “How is our girl?” Betty asked anxiously.

  “She is sound asleep, the poor thing. I put her to bed and caressed her a little longer until she fell asleep again. She is resting beautifully. The healing has begun Betty, you are a very wise woman. The faster pleasant things enter the mind, the faster they can push bitter memories to the background,” the therapist said.

  Betty nodded to Millie, turning to the children and said, “Children, go brush your teeth and put on your jammies. Tomorrow we are going to do more fun stuff. We’re making this whole week a holiday. Tomorrow we are going to buy fishing poles for everyone and water wings for you two.”

  “Dad will get mad at all of us if we do that!” Logan said fearfully.

  “Now darling, we do not have to worry about your Dad getting angry ever again,” Betty assured him.

  “Well, that is a load off my mind,” Logan said and Sarah piped up, “Mine too,” as they scampered upstairs to get ready for bed.

  Betty looked at her friend and said, “Thanks Millie, I do appreciate your help. I’ve been so afraid Caitlyn would meet the same fate as your dear Louise. I hope it was not too painful for you.”

  “I see my daughter in every abused woman I help. I’ve dedicated my life to this work, so I imagine I will see a lot more. If I could only go back in time and change things, I could be a happy woman,” Millie said as she handed the camera to Betty.

  “I hope we never have to use these pictures, but at my age, I’ve learned you do not leave anything to chance. I also took pictures of the wreck Jessie made of the house,” Betty added.

  Millie said she must leave, so Betty went upstairs to see if the children needed help with their pajamas.

  Caitlyn was still asleep at 10:00 am the next morning when Betty left her a note that she was taking the children to get fishing poles, water wings, and some worms for bait.

  Each child got to choose their fishing poles. Sarah found one painted pink then she wanted water wings to match.

  Logan wanted a regular cane pole like the grown up men used.

  “I am growing fast Aunt Betty, so I might as well get me this grown up pole,” he reasoned.

  “Now that is a man after my own heart. He has got a good head on his shoulders. Besides we men have to stick together,” the storekeeper said.

  Logan knew he would love this man forever. He had called Logan a man and even suggested they were a team.

  The storekeeper spoke to Betty and said, “There you go, Miss Betty, a tackle box with everything you fishermen will need.”

  Betty was about to give him a scathing reply when Sarah spoke up excitedly, “You are invited to come eat fish with us cause we are going to catch lots and lots.”

  “What does Aunt Betty say to that?” Mr. Ben asked with a big smile. He had been trying to call on her since she had moved to Branford, Massachusetts, three years ago.

  “Of course you are invited, Sarah invited you did she not? We will call you as soon as we catch the fish. We have to go home now so we can dig for worms, since you do not have any,” Betty said.

  When they returned home, Caitlyn was still asleep. She had not moved since she went to bed yesterday afternoon. Betty quietly went back to the children to the job of hunting worms.

  Betty dug a shovel of dirt to put in their worm bucket. When the dirt fell apart, it had two big fat worms in it. “Look, Logan and Sarah, we already have two fatties! Let us dig here to see what we find,” Betty suggested, spreading another shovel of the rich dirt and Sarah found another one.

  “This one is mine!” Sarah squealed when she picked it up so she could admire it closer.

  Aunt Betty said, “I do not know when I’ve seen such a fine worm. That one will probably catch the biggest fish in the lake.”

  Behind Sarah’s back, Logan held up two fat worms just like it and smiled at his Aunt Betty knowingly.

  Caitlyn found them excitedly picking up more worms. They had dozens of them and some very dirty hands.

  “Mom, I’ve never had so much fun. I love it here at Aunt Betties,” Logan said.

  “Mommy, I invited Mr. Ben to eat fish with us cause we are going to catch so many,” Sarah said happily, jumping with excitement.

  “I hope you two have not worn Aunt Betty to a frazzle,” Caitlyn sighed happily.

  “Honey, we have just been catching up on lost time. We have had so much fun. Have you been awake long? Have you had lunch yet?” Betty inquired.

  “Lunch? Do you mean I slept that many hours? No wonder I feel so rested,” Caitlyn surmised.

  “Mommy, look at the fat worms I found. See how wriggly they are,” Sarah said proudly holding up a handful of worms.

  “Maybe we will just cook these worms for Mr. Ben. We’ll serve him a platter of fried worms,” teased Betty.

  The children thought that was the funniest thing in the world as they ran laughing to the house.

  “Leave your shoes on the porch and go wash the worms off your hands. Use lots of soap now. We will have lunch while your Mom has breakfast. You can tell her all about your visit to Mr. Ben’s store,” Betty suggested, smiling fondly.

  The children ran to clean up, Caitlyn making sure they used enough soap and lathered well.

  Ten minutes later Betty was making coffee and waffles. The children were sitting at the table while Caitlyn was scrambling eggs.

  “You have been busy little bees today. Just when are you cooking worms for Mr. Ben?” Caitlyn asked.

  “No, Mommy,” Sarah said excitedly, “we are going to feed the worms to the fish. Mr. Ben wants to help us eat all the fish we catch. We had to hunt the worms so we could catch the fish.”

  “I think I understand now, no wonder you had so much fun. Do you think I could go along on your fishing expedition,” Caitlyn teased.

  “Logan, I will get the poles ready and put them in the boat. The fish start biting about four in the afternoon, so we will be ready for them. Caitlyn, you and Sarah have a little rest. About three thirty we will see if we can out smart a few fish,” Aunt Betty said.

  When Logan and Betty returned to the house, Sarah was asleep, but Caitlyn was sitting in the porch swing.

  “Logan dear, will you rest on the sofa for about an hour. When you get up it will be almost time to go,” Betty suggested, and off he ran to rest.

  “I want to thank you for the marvelous massage Aunt Betty. It did so much for me and the masseuse is such a nice lady. Have you known her long?” Caitlyn asked.

  “I met her in a support group I attended. She was the guest speaker for families of abused women. Her daughter had an abusive husband a lot like Jessie but she never left him. Millie buried her two years ago. Last year she organized the support group I attended. She helps any women in an abusive relationship. She has made it her life’s work. It helps her cope with the loss of her daughter,” Betty answered her sadly.

  “I knew there was something special about her,” Caitlyn said sadly. “I’m so sorry about her daughter. It breaks my heart to hear that there are other women suffering such indignities.”

  “Honey, it was all I could do to keep from getting on my knees and begging you to get away from Jessie. I have loved you as my own child since your parents died. I have always wanted what was best for you and right for us both. People like Jessie are not right for anyone but themselves. I did not want the same thing to happen to you that happened to Millie’s girl,” Betty said through tears. />
  “I know you worried about us dear, but I could not seem to quit believing things would improve, or that each time would be the last time he would behave so badly,” Caitlyn sighed.

  “Let us embrace happy thoughts love, and drown those bad memories with some simple pleasures,” Betty answered.

  “I’m in your hands Aunt Betty, I’m also grateful to you for letting us stay here while I get my head together. I already feel like a different person To hear the children’s laughter is like hearing something foreign, you know. That can not be right,” exclaimed Caitlyn.

  “We will work it out, one day at a time honey, and we will vacation this week and do any and everything to fill the children’s minds with happiness. Next week we will get Logan back in school. I hope you will wait at least a month before you start job hunting. Do not even think about moving out this school year, one big change is enough for those babies to deal with, I think” Betty reasoned.

  The two of them talked, planned and reminisced until the children got up from their naps, wanting to know if the fish were ready to eat their big fat worms.

  “The time is just about right for them to start looking for a nice snack. Logan, will you get the drinks from the fridge? Then we will go show those fish who is boss!” Betty exclaimed.

  Everyone found their seats in the small boat, then put on life jackets and sun hats.

  Betty had Logan sit near her so she could show him how the motor started. Logan was beside himself with pride.

  “First you push this button to pump gas to the motor, then put this gear by the N. That means neutral, then you pull the rope real hard like this,” Betty explained as the motor started. “Now, we ease the gear into drive very slowly. If you start off too fast you could turn the boat over. We gradually increase the speed very slowly and turn the wheel. When you get a little bigger you will want to use the boat sometime so listen carefully. Come over here beside me and hold the wheel.”

  Logan’s eyes were sparkling with excitement and a big smile on his face he could not seem to get rid of.

  “I want you to get the feel of the boat, so very slowly turn to your right. That is perfect Logan, just hold it in that position until we make a big circle,” said Betty.

  “Look, Mom, I’m driving the boat!” Logan exclaimed proudly.

  Betty cautioned him, “You are coming full circle so stop turning the wheel, you are doing great. Now look at the tallest tree on the other side of the lake then drive straight toward it. We will stop about one hundred yards this side of it. That is my secret fishing spot,” Betty explained to the smiling boy.

  When they were almost there she said, “Start pulling the throttle back slowly until the boat stops. Good Logan, that was perfect. Now go up front and drop the anchor overboard.”

  Logan quickly and seriously did as Betty said. Soon the anchor held the boat and settled in.

  “Logan, I believe you are going to make a great sailor,” Betty said.

  ”What do I get to do Aunt Betty?” Sarah asked.

  “You, my darling, get to pick the fattest worm in the can, I’ll show you how to bait your hook,” Betty answered.

  Sarah had no qualms about handling the worms and held up a real beauty. Betty hooked the worm for her, then threw her line out.

  “Watch the red ball if it goes under water, you have yourself a fish,” Betty advised.

  Almost at once Sarah shouted, “Look Mommy, I have a big fish! I can not hold it, help me!”

  Caitlyn held the pole and pulled it near the boat, then grabbing the line, she held up a trout of about two pounds. To Sarah it seemed at least ten pounds the grandest fish ever. She refused to touch it because it was moving too much, but no one was ever more proud of their catch. That, Sarah was sure, had to be the biggest fish in the lake.

  By the time Caitlyn had put the fish in the holder, Sarah was holding another fat worm smiling ear to ear. Caitlyn baited Sarah’s hook and threw out the line.

  Betty had shown Logan what to do and he was steadily watching the float to see when it went under water.

  Again, Sarah caught a fish but this time she wanted to bring it in herself. Before Caitlyn got Sarah’s fish in the holder, Logan had caught one even bigger than Sarah’s.

  This is how the time went, with Caitlyn never getting a chance to use her pole. She was so happy to see her children so carefree. Their laughter and excitement filling the air.

  Betty finally said, “Kids, let us leave some fish for another time. We have more now than even Ben can eat.”

  “It is a good thing I invited him, huh Aunt Betty,” Sarah asked all pleased with herself.

  “Yes, darling,” Betty said grimacing. “It is a good thing. If everyone is ready, we will go home now,” as she yanked the starter rope. Nothing happened. Another yank, then another.

  After many more pulls, Caitlyn said, “Aunt Betty, let me try a few times. We cant have you working so hard.”

  It was almost dark when a deep voice very near them said, “Have you sailors run aground?”

  They were all startled because they had heard no sound, they had been concentrating on the starter and had not seen him.

  The same deep voice spoke again, “I am sorry to startle you. These sailboats glide through the water without making a sound. It looked as though you have trouble. How can I be helpful?” he asked.

  Betty was first to speak, “Captain, we are dead in the water. Could you give us a tow to shore?”

  “I can, and I will. I’m Dan Connelly at your service. We will fasten your boat aft if your first mate will hoist anchor. Then we will be on our way. You know,” he added, “I’m going to need a first mate in case we run into a squall, do you think you could spare him just until we reach land,” he asked with a wink at Betty.

  As Logan scrambled aboard the sailboat he felt nine feet tall, he was sure he was going to choke on happiness. This had to be the best day of his life, if he lived to be a hundred.

  “Sit here Matey, and hold onto this line. Keep a sharp look out on those clouds. They could mean trouble,” Daniel advised

  As they slowly sailed along, Daniel kept stealing glances at the boy. How he would love to have a daughter or son. Mumps had rendered him sterile when he was eighteen. It had grieved him ever since because he loved children. So many men did not even want their children and he would give his life to be a parent. When he had helped Logan aboard, he had not missed the bruises on his mother’s face. She had accidentally wiped off her make up when she had wiped the perspiration as she had been trying to start the boat’s motor.

  It was not any of his concern but he made up his mind he would take the boy sailing again, even if he had to take everyone.

  “There’s a mean looking cloud, Captain,” Logan said, pointing upward.

  “Good work, Matey. I hope we make land before it gets worse,” Daniel answered and turned his face away because he could not help smiling at the happiness Logan’s face reflected

  When they were near shore, he dropped anchor and jumped in the water to guide the ladies boat to the pier.

  Sarah held her arms up to him and when he picked her up, both little arms went around his neck.

  It was his undoing, she was such a cuddle he did not want to put her down. He carried her a few feet inland then turned to help the ladies unload their boat. Sarah gave a tug on his pants and when he looked down at her, she asked, “Would you come to dinner tomorrow and help us eat our fish?”

  Daniel did not know what to say, he could not refuse this sweet child. He looked at Betty questioningly.

  “If Sarah invited you, please do come, it is very important at this time, as we are taking this week to celebrate,’ she said.

  “Then, the least I can do is clean the fish, if my first mate will help me,” Daniel said, looking at Logan.

  “I will help. I do want to, I have never done
it before but I learn real fast,” Logan said eagerly.

  “That is what I admire, a man willing to learn,” Daniel said as he watched Logan’s face light up.

  ‘With the girl’s face bruised and this boy so hungry for approval, there had to be something ugly going on here,’ he thought to himself.

  Betty and Caitlyn watched Logan with Daniel. He was scaling fish like a pro having fun with it.

  While Sarah played in the bath tub, Betty was making appetizers and setting up drinks.

  Caitlyn took the opportunity to re-do her face and brush her hair. On a whim, she put her hair up in a pony tail. when she brushed Sarah’s hair she put it in a pony tail too. She had no idea what a lovely picture the two of them made as they entered the living room, both smiling.

  Daniel and Logan had brought in a large pan of filleted fish. It seemed they had become the best of buddies.

  Betty thanked him profusely for a job well done. She asked again if he would be here tomorrow night for a fish dinner and told him Ben was coming as well.

  “Let me guess, another invitation from Sarah, right?” answered Daniel, with a knowing smile.

  “She thought of it, but we all agreed,” Betty assured him. “For tonight, we would love it if you would join us for drinks. You see, we have declared this entire week a holiday, we’re packing it full of fun things. Next week Logan goes back to school,” Betty explained.

  Caitlyn and Sarah came into the room then, both of them smiling over Sarah’s excitement with the fishing trip.

  When Daniel saw them, his eyes widened and his heart gave a little flip. ‘Damn,’ he thought, ‘I had not noticed how beautiful the mother is.’

  He realized Betty was talking to him. “Just whiskey and soda, Ms. Miller, will be great,” he said.

  Logan had his orange juice in hand and sat down beside Daniel. “Thanks for teaching me so much today Mr. Daniel, this has been the best day in my whole life,” Logan said happily.

  “We will have to see if we can talk your women folk into coming to my place for a barbeque I’m having Saturday. I’ve got some puppies too and they need someone to give them some nice names. Could one of you help me with that Sarah?”


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