Book Read Free

Blond, Black, and Blue

Page 10

by Ruth Temple Taul

  They ran to their rooms to get presents for the Connelly family. Upon opening the gifts, everyone was surprised, Caitlyn, Sarah and Isabella had the most beautiful necklaces made from the exquisite shells found on the Island the ship was marooned on.

  For Daniel and Logan, a sail boat for each of them, from shells and other materials from the Island. One of the crew from Haiti had taught them how to make many things from shells. Amber and Reid each had a collection of beautiful things they had made in the days ashore. They had brought back their sun hats they had made. It was a memory they would cherish the rest of their lives.

  Caitlyn had noticed a difference in the two children. They loved Millie unconditionally, it was obvious they felt secure at last. It showed in their faces in their actions.

  Then it was time for Daniel to show them their Disney World videos, while not being quite as exciting as a ship grounded on an island, it was a treasure to see.

  Of course Amber and Reid were so excited they got Victor and Millie to promise them a trip to Disney World too.

  After viewing these, there were the presents to give out.

  Everyone got a cup with a Disney Character on them. Reid and Amber also got a shirt and Disney hat.

  They all agreed to go as a group next year to Disney World, and to go as a group on their cruise.

  It was such a great visit, Logan almost forgot his big news.

  “Dad, may I tell everyone about our big news? Just wait till you hear this Reid. Dad is having a swimming pool built! They have already started it! Is that the greatest or what?” Logan said excitedly.

  “I’ll say it is. Will you let us come over? I’ll show you how I leaned to dive,” Reid promised.

  “It will be next summer before we can use it. I hope it is ready by then,” Logan said happily.

  Daniel said nothing, but had a very mysterious smile.

  They had enjoyed themselves so much, they hated to go home, but Sarah and Isabella had both fallen asleep.

  Later, when Daniel and Caitlyn had tucked the children snugly in bed and they had retired, Daniel was reflecting on the changes in his life since he met Caitlyn.

  He had had acquaintances before, but not really friends. not only did he have a wife and children now, he had a fantastic extended family. His house had come alive and it was now a home. He could even imagine he could hear his children’s laughter ringing down the halls. It was a satisfaction to hear, if a house could smile, he was sure this one would. He realized he was smiling himself, there in the dark. He gave a contented sigh, kissed Caitlyn on the forehead and drifted blissfully off to sleep .

  It had been dark when they had gotten home, so they had a big surprise when they saw the amount of work done on the pool the next morning.

  Logan saw it first. The first thing he did each morning was look out his bedroom window. There was usually a bird or two in the tree nearby, sometimes squirrels would be chasing each other. This morning he could not believe his eyes. While they were gone yesterday, the pool crew had enclosed the pool.

  He quickly ran to Sarah’s room to tell her the exciting news.

  “Come to the window and look Sarah, the pool is ready, how I wish it was summer so we could use it,” Logan said wistfully.

  The two excited children had a big surprise when their parents accompanied them to see the finished pool. Not only was it enclosed, it was heated!

  “Dad, you are the greatest ever,” Logan said excitedly.

  “Mom where are my water wings? I can not wait to swim in this nice warm water. I’ll bet no one in the world has a Dad like ours,” Sarah said proudly, looking up at Daniel.

  Daniel had his arm around his weeping wife. She was crying silently with the tears dropping off her chin.

  “My darling husband, what did I ever do to deserve you?” Caitlyn murmured.

  “Now sweetheart, the question is, what have I ever done to deserve you and these lovely children,” Daniel answered.

  Logan and Sarah were excitedly running around the pool discovering something new about the pool and the enclosure. They found a dressing room with toilet, shower and changing rooms. The shelves held big blue towels with the name ‘Connelly’ embroidered across the end. Two blue robes of the same blue fabric hung on a rack with His and Hers on the back.

  By the time they ran back to their parents, Caitlyn had quit crying and was laughing at their enthusiasm.

  “Wow! Dad! Come quick see what we have discovered. The area that held the pool was warm as toast. No waiting for next summer to swim here.

  “Dad, may I call Reid? I want him to come see this fabulous pool,” Logan asked excitedly.

  “We have already invited them for tomorrow. I want to see how you three get along in the water before I have other people in. Get suited up put on your water wings. I’m going to hold Isabella until she learns to swim. She’s too quick to let her run around alone.’’ he said.

  The children raced to see who could jump in the pool first. Their laughter and happy shrieks rang throughout the enclosure.

  Daniel carried Isabella into the pool, as they waded in, she was turning her head quickly back forth. When she found she could splash water, her little arms both worked at once. She giggled when the water splashed on her father and he pretended to be surprised.

  Caitlyn executed a beautiful swan dive as Daniel watched her admiringly. She swam to Daniel offering to hold Isabella, but he wanted to hold her longer.

  “Mom! That was a great dive, will you teach me to do that?” Logan asked.

  “You start by jumping off the side of the pool. When you are comfortable with that, try the short diving board only when your Dad or I are with you,” Caitlyn answered wisely.

  They were having so much fun, Caitlyn hated to remind them of school tomorrow.

  After the children were dried off and dressed, they sat around the fireplace while Daniel read them a bed time story.

  Isabella fell asleep as did Sarah. so the girls were carried to bed while Logan trudged happily up to his bed, being tired out from the pool.

  After tucking them in and kissing each one goodnight, Caitlyn and Daniel returned to the sofa in front of the fire.

  Relaxed and happy, they cuddled up to talk about the children and the new pool. They would have more fun tomorrow with Amber and Reid. The children were so good for each other.

  They realized how good life was for them. They were best friends as well as husband wife. As lovers they were constantly amazed with themselves and each other.

  As they ascended the stairway to their room, they gazed into each others eyes. Neither could find words for the unbelievable happiness that filled them both.

  Chapter Five

  THE NEXT MORNING, WHILE Daniel drove the children to school, Caitlyn received a call from a woman’s club. They were very desirous of Caitlyn speaking at their next meeting. The club’s purpose is to stop spousal abuse. Two of the members remembered Caitlyn singing at a restaurant.

  Because she had changed her name, they had a very difficult time finding her. Then someone remembered where she used to sing.

  One of them asked the restaurant owner if he had any idea where she might be. He had answers to all of her questions, so the clubs secretary was beseeching her to give a hand. They could not afford to pay her because all monies they collected were to help the battered women.

  “If I can help anyone who is being battered I would love to. However, I have three children and a husband ,I will want to discuss this with them. Will you please give me your phone number? I will call you with my answer this afternoon,” she said.

  “Mrs. Connelly, we guard this phone number and hesitate to share it until we know you are a part of the club. You understand our reason for secrecy is to protect the abused,” the secretary explained.

  “I had no idea abuse was so wide spread, of course it is alr
ight for you to call me,” Caitlyn assured her.

  As soon as Daniel returned, she explained their request to him. “Daniel, I hope you will not object to this. Just think how we will feel if we should actually help someone. We have such a great life, I know that most women will never achieve what we have, but the possibility of making a difference for just one woman makes me want to accept their invitation,” Caitlyn reasoned hopefully.

  “If you will agree to me driving you there and staying until you have finished I am all for this, but I can not let you do anything that might expose you to danger,” he replied seriously.

  “I’ve made up my mind to abide by your decision. This is a plus, I would love to have you there. If they want me to speak often, I want to do it. You can critique the program. You always have such in-depth ideas you can show me where I can improve,” Caitlyn said excitedly.

  “Set up your program we will go together, but in my opinion, you can not be improved upon,” Daniel told his wife smiling.

  At two pm the secretary called again. She was excited over Caitlyn’s answer. The following day, Caitlyn and Daniel met the secretary at a parking lot she then led them to the ‘Safe House’. The house had no address displayed and had the look of an abandoned house. However, when inside, it was well furnished. The back yard was enclosed with a stockade fence. Inside the fence was a beautiful, restful garden. The desperate women come here to heal to get a start on a new life. The home was a temporary respite.

  When the women gathered in the living room, Caitlyn was introduced as their speaker.

  After the applause subsided, Caitlyn greeted them, “Good evening ladies, I too was a battered wife, I suppose, like you, I thought the abuse would stop. Instead it accelerated until I knew my life was in danger. Actually, it was in danger all the time. Bruises from one beating would not heal before I had new ones. While I have a lot to tell you, it is also healing for you to speak up too.

  As I look over the room I see broken bones black and blue bruises. Who will be first to stand up tell her story? Yes! The lady with the broken arm - your first name please,” Caitlyn asked.

  “My name is Hannah. This is the second time I’ve had a broken arm in a year. I lost my baby last year to a miscarriage after a beating. I felt I could not leave because we live in a house I inherited from my folks. We have been married five years and I can not take it anymore. Being here is the first peace I have known in four a half years. I thank this organization for the help they’ve extended to me.”

  Hannah sat down putting her head in her hands.

  The next lady stood, “I am Lateesha,” then started crying She made two other attempts before giving up and sitting down. One of the other women put her arms around Lateesha, murmuring softly.

  Caitlyn spoke then, “Ladies, cry if you need to swear if you desire. It is part of the healing process. Before I left my husband, my bruises never healed. I have made a new life for myself and you can too. Now who else wants to give an experience?”

  A middle age woman stood up. She looked so dejected and sad, it took her some time before she could tell her story. When she did speak it was so softly she could hardly be heard.

  “My name is Virginia. I believed that I had to take whatever my husband did and be quiet about it. I believed I had to stay until my children were grown. Eventually I believed I was so worthless I deserved whatever he did. Now I may go to jail for murder because they tell me he might die. I have no memory of hitting him. I think I just went berserk. I do not care if he dies. I do not care if I go to jail. I just know I can not take the beatings anymore, I can not bear to look at him. He abused my children until they all left home. They have no respect for me either. I have nothing or nobody,’’ she said painfully

  The room was quiet, as the younger women looked at Virginia with wonder and respect.

  The next woman was in her mid thirties. She said, “My name is Allison, my bruises are not visible, but my husband of fifteen years has abused me verbally, emotionally and spiritually. I have tried to kill myself three times. I have been in a mental hospital twice. My children are in court custody and have no desire to come home. Being here with these women has helped me more than the Psychiatrist. I hope to pull my life together, and hopefully, get my children home again. I have an attorney working with me now. Thank you. ”Allison said.

  “We thank you, Allison. As we hear these stories, it gives us strength, for now, that is enough. Who will be next?” Caitlyn asked.

  “I Carlita. I tella you story. My big shot G. I. came to my village in Cicely. He aska my momma for me. We gonna get marry in New Nited States. All we do is fight. All he do is get drunk beatsa me bad. The lady I work with she bringa me here. He big summana beesh. He pull me across room by my hair and black my two eyes. Big dumb summana beesh,” Carlita fumed.

  “Ladies, do you think we need to make a plan? Take a pen and paper, write down what you want to happen. The next time I am here let us discuss what we need to do to get you where you want to be. In the meantime, take care of each other, be kind and supportive. None of you have to take abuse anymore, so from now on, it is onward and upward. If you want me back again, tell your house mother. I promise you will get help,” Caitlyn replied.

  Daniel was with the house mother when Caitlyn reached him. He was saying, “I can see my wife feels deeply about your program. Here is a check for two hundred dollars from us. I guess she told you I insist on driving her here. I will always abide by your rules of no men at the meetings. I understand it now.”

  All the way home Caitlyn was excitedly telling Daniel how happy she was to be helping these women. Now I know how Aunt Millie feels.

  The following day Caitlyn was thrilled when she received a phone call asking her to visit the Safe House once a week. She had been to enough of Aunt Millie’s meetings to have gained knowledge from her, plus she had some ideas of her own. She would try to build their dreams, let them know they were valued.

  When Jesse had her so beat down, she felt like she was trapped in a deep black hole of despair. Now, just a few short years later, Daniel had her feeling like a beloved wife and friend. She wanted that for these women.

  Chapter Six

  AUNT MILLIE WAS ECSTATICALLY happy these days, the adults had worked out a schedule of swimming for the winter. They would swim every Saturday morning.

  Reid and Amber were such excellent swimmers and divers, the Connelly children were anxious to improve their skills. The four children swam and dived most of Saturday. They were like baby seals in the heated pool.

  Daniel knew the children’s enthusiasm would lessen with time, but for now he was videoing everything they did. He knew they would grow out of this stage where the pool was new and exciting. He treasured this time with his children as he captured it all on film.

  He was aware of Caitlyn taking time out two or three times a day to stop and scribble something in her notebook. Daniel was happy for her. The weather was miserable and she had felt housebound.

  The abused women’s movement gave her an outlet she believed in. Caitlyn was prepared when she next arrived at the Safe House the following week. When she started her program she noticed two new members. One woman’s eyes were black and one was swollen shut. The other was covered with cuts.

  The helplessness and hopelessness overwhelmed her. There was so much abuse. How could she possibly make a difference. Then she remembered something a friend had said, “You can create a ripple effect, each person you help can help another and so on.”

  Caitlyn held her head up and swallowed hard. Looking over the room, she asked, “Who made a list of the way you would like your life to be? Would you please bring them to me?” Three women came forward with their list. Virginia, LeTeesha, and Allison.

  “Virginia is it all right if I read your list first?” Caitlyn asked concerned. Virginia readily agreed.

  Caitlyn read:

I would like to have my children in my life.

  2. I would like at least one friend.

  3. I want to look pretty for one day in my life.

  4. A job so I could earn a living.

  5. A place to live be safe.

  “What do you think girls, Will we help Virginia fulfill her wishes?” Caitlyn asked

  There was loud applause shouts of “You deserve this Virginia.” “Go Virginia!” “Way to go girl.” from the women.

  “Virginia, I promise to start on your list today, now let us read Le LaTeesha’s list.”

  1. For my husband, Joe, to love me like I love him.

  2. To win the lottery so I can give it to Joe, then he will not hit me again.

  3. I would like to see my Mom again. Joe ain’t letting me go back to Georgia for four years.

  4. To have one good outfit to travel in.

  5. Just to sit at my Mommas’ table again.

  “LeTeeasha, I promise to help you, starting today. Now girls let us see the things that Allison needs most,” Caitlyn said.

  1. My children. They deserve so much.

  2. A peaceful place for us to live.

  3. I would like to live in my home again.

  4. I hope Harold can not get my money.

  5. I would like to help someone here.

  “Allison, that was a beautiful sentiment. Your lawyer is already working to get your children home and to secure your finances. The only thing I can do to help you is to give you an idea of a way to help the ladies here. See me after the session please we will discuss it,” Caitlyn suggested.

  “Now to LeTeesha, my darling girl, I can not make Joe love you more, no amount of money will stop him from hitting you. What I can do is help you get to your Mom in Georgia, I am sure she will see that you’re at the table. We will discuss the clothes at the end of the session. You deserve everything on this list and we will help you get it.”

  “Virginia, your list is next. Do you have your children’s’ addresses or phone numbers? As for you wanting a friend, you are surrounded by friends. All these women are your friends!” Caitlyn said sympathetically.


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