Capturing Charlie [Braden Security 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Capturing Charlie [Braden Security 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Dale Cadeau

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Charlie asked, breathless.

  Grant had a twinkle in his eyes. “You taste so good that I thought I would seek out more.”

  “No more, I can’t stand it.” Charlie kept pulling, but more gently on his hair.

  Grant took the hint and move his body up hers. As he did, he made sure his cock rubbed along her slit and hit her clit. Charlie gasped.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Grant said, leaning down and kissing both of her eyelids. She had closed both of her eyes at the first touch of his cock running along her slit.

  Charlie had a hard time talking, let alone thinking, and he seemed so in control. She knew if he had continued with his tasting, she would explode and wet the bed even more than she was. She was glad that the towel was still caught under her. She could feel her juices running down to her butt. Letting his hair go, she brought both of her hand up to his cheeks getting his attention.

  “I don’t think I can stand the wait. Please, Grant.”

  Grant just kept his cock sliding though her folds. “I don’t know if I want this to end.”

  “Please, Grant.”

  At her urging, Grant brought the head of his cock to her entrance and dipped in just a bit. Her heat almost scalded him. Pulling back a little, he nudged further in. The feeling when she encased his cock was indescribable. Desperate, Grant pushed hard the rest of the way in until he bottomed out on her cervix. At Charlie’s moan, he pulled back a little. “Did I hurt you?

  “No, it feels so good.”

  Grant lazily pulled almost out then slid back in. This was more than he had dreamed he would ever find. Charlie was it for him. Nothing could take her place now that he had her. Feeling her sheath clutch his cock every time he slid in and out, he knew that he wouldn’t last long. Grant tried to slow even more to keep their connection and not let it end.

  When he felt her small hand skim his sides and grab his ass, that was it. Grant lost any control that he had and pounded into Charlie. He knew he was probably being too rough, but it was as if his cock had taken control and wanted to get as deep inside of her as it could. His balls were so hard that it was painful with their wanting to explode. With one last clear thought, he reached down to her nub and rubbed it. Feeling her passage grasp his cock almost painfully and her yell of completion, he let himself go with his own grunt of completion.

  Blacking out for a moment, Grant lost touch with his body. It almost seemed surreal. Coming aware of his surroundings, he first looked down at Charlie, who had both of her eyes shut, but wore a beautiful smile on her face. Grant couldn’t resist returning her smile. He had never felt so good in all his life. Putting his hand on the bed on either side of her head, he reached down and gave her a quick peck on the nose and moved his body off hers and to the side. Before he could luxuriate in their coming together, his brain started working.

  Looking at the door, he was surprised that they hadn’t been disturbed. Charlie and he had not been quiet with their shouts of release. The door was still locked and he didn’t sense anybody on the other side, so he let himself relax into the bed. Putting a hand out, he grabbed Charlie’s hand in his and gave it a squeeze. This woman was never going to get away from him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Well, I hope Grant is taking advantage of this time with Charlie and spending it right,” Clay said as he stretched and looked away from the computer. Both Tony and he had been at it for hours.

  “Angel’s grandmother seems to think there in no danger.”

  “I wish I had the spidey senses that Angel and his Grandmother have right about now. I can’t just take her word for it. You heard the shot over the phone. This could turn into a recovery mission instead of search and rescue.” Clay ran his hands though his hair as he started pacing the kitchen.

  “Don’t give up, Clay, we’ll find something,” Tony said, putting the computer feed on pause and getting up and going to the coffee pot. Finding it empty, he threw out the used grinds, grabbed a filter, and filled it with coffee.

  Clay joined him and filled the pot with water. “I know you’re right, I guess I’m just tired.”

  Both men put the pot together and plugged it in.

  “Why don’t you go home, see Laura, wrap your arms around her, and get some sleep. Gabe will be back shortly. He never sleeps too much,” Tony said, resuming his seat in front of the computer.

  “Can’t, even if my conscience would let me. Laura is still at the hospital with Avery and Cyn. She’s not leaving there until both babies are born. All she can talk about is Avery’s little girl. I hope that doesn’t put ideas in her head. I don’t think I’ll want to talk about babies for a while after listening to James. You would think that nobody ever had a baby before.”

  “He’s just excited. Wait until he gets home and real life intrudes. The diapers, the late night feeding calls, and the lack of sleep, and you will see, he’ll be back at work fast,” Tony told him, switching the camera feed back on.

  “I thought Gabe was the one that had the sister with a baby. How do you know so much?” Clay took the chair beside Tony and pulled it up closer so he could help watch the computer screen.

  “I listened and took everything in that Gabe told me. I have to tell you, I never go anyplace without condoms in my pocket. I’m too young for that shit.”

  Clay gave him a look. “I thought you were over thirty?”

  “Yes, but in my mind a guy should at least be fifty and nothing left to do in life except repopulate.”

  “That’s kind of cynical. Don’t you want a wife and family? I know that I couldn’t think of my life without Laura now, and I do want kids someday, just not now. I don’t want to have to share Laura with anyone.”

  “I thought you two were watching the highway for the van. Not indulging in some girl talk,” Chase said as he wandered in, yawning and rubbing a hand through his hair, making it stick up on end. Walking up to the pot of coffee on the counter, he poured himself a cup of the fresh brew. Coming to the table, he plopped in a chair, took a sip of the too-hot coffee, and spit it out over the papers on the table.

  “Chase!” Clay got up with a glare and grabbed paper towels and started to wipe the table.

  “Well how did I know it was so hot? I’m still half asleep,” Chase said, leaping up and pulling his T-shirt away from his stomach.

  “Shit, now I have to go and find another T-shirt of James’s.” Chase left the room, still fanning the T-shirt away from him.

  Clay threw the wet towel away in the garbage.

  “Hard to see him as the golden boy in finance right now,” Clay said with a laugh and resumed his seat.

  Tony laughed back, his eyes never leaving the computer screen. “If the people that entrusted their millions with him could only see him now.”

  “Look!” Tony said in mid laughter. Stopping the feed, he pointed at the screen. “There, see this truck? It has been along all the routes out of town, I’m sure that it’s the one we’re looking for.”

  Clay pulled the computer nearer to him. “How can you tell? I can’t see the bumper from this angle.”

  “No, me neither, but it does have one tire with a black rim. I knew I had to find something other than the bumper to be able to identify the van. Sometimes the angle is wrong, and it was anyone’s guess if it was the right one. I studied the van until I found something else distinct about it. All the tires have a white rim, except the driver’s front tire. Now no matter what way the feed showed up it gave me another object to look at. I’m sure this is the one.”

  “Damn, you’re good. I’m glad we hired you,” Clay said, sitting back and taking a long breath.

  “Well keep that thought. We haven’t found them yet,” Tony said, sitting up and restarting the feed.

  They both watched as the truck took the I-75 North. The interstate ran the length of the state and up toward Canada.

  “Shit, there is a lot of off-shoot roads off of this one.”

d you find something?” Chase asked, dressed now in a new T-shirt as he stopped behind Tony’s back and looked at the computer.

  “Yeah, but he got off on the interstate and I know there is a lot of small towns along this path. We’ll never be able to tell where he’s going. There are no cameras on this road,” Tony said in disgust as he push back in his chair.

  “Yes, but you did say that there was a lot of small towns.”


  “Small towns have banks usually in the middle of the town at the crossroads. Nowadays no bank would be without cameras on their premises. Maybe you can hack in and have a look. I know Grant would have thought about that already and would have it done,” Chase said as he moved around the table and sat in front of his now cooled-down coffee.

  “Chase, that’s a hell of a dumbass remark to make. We know Grant could do this and I’m confident that Tony can, too,” Clay said, trying to diffuse the situation. All he needed now was Chase and Tony at each other’s throats.

  Chase picked up his cup and saluted it toward Tony. “Didn’t mean no disrespect. Just trying to spur you on.”

  Tony glared at Chase. “Now I know where you got your sharp tongue. James is just better at wording his remarks. We are a team, you know. You might need my help some day.”

  “I’m used to working alone. It will take some time to get used to working on a team. I’ll try and remember that,” Chase replied, still cocky

  Clay looked between the two of them, sending them each a glare. “For fucks sake, if you have a beef with each other, wait until we bring Grant and Charlie home. Then, by all means, you can pound the shit out of each other. But not now.”

  “Sorry, Clay. I’m being an ass. I’m just so frustrated. I can’t help feeling useless, stuck in this apartment.

  “It seems to be taking so much time to find anything.” Chase slumped in his chair.

  “Didn’t Sam teach you patience up at her training camp?” Clay asked.

  “Well, I did learn some things, but patience wasn’t one of them.”

  “That’s strange, Sam teaches some of the best techniques.”

  “Maybe in the field, but in everyday life, she taught me not to depend on anything or anybody.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the Sam I have come to know.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe you don’t know Sam like I came to.”

  “Look, why don’t you catch twenty and I will work with Tony and see what we can bring up,” Chase told Clay.

  Clay got up and stretched his tired muscles. “If you two can make nice, I think I will.” Clay wandered out of the kitchen and down the hall.

  Tony turned the computer so Chase could see the screen. “This seems to be the first town.”

  Before he could go into more detail, Clay was back with a thunderstruck look on his face.

  “What the hell happen to James’s playroom? I walked in there to use the bed. And I found the room is completely changed and now has a girly decor. All the equipment is gone and in its place is kids’ toys, a crib, and girly stuff. What happened?”

  Chase looked up from the screen. “I bought all of James’s equipment. When I heard he was getting rid of it, I snapped it up. After being at Lance’s club I thought maybe I would dabble a little more in the life.”

  “He got rid of it all? I didn’t think James would ever go vanilla. I can’t believe it,” Clay said in disbelieve.

  “Yeah, the only thing he kept was the spanking bench. I found in their room with Avery’s clothes piled on it.”

  “Well I can see him needing to keep that. He has been telling Avery that her ass would be red with all her capers.”

  “He has to wait until after the baby was born, but I think he put it in their bedroom so she doesn’t forget.”

  “And he allows her to stack her clothes on it?”

  “I think that’s Avery’s way of stubbing her nose at him,” Chase said with a grin.

  “God, I’m glad Laura isn’t like Avery. She really gives James the runaround.”

  “Yes, but he loves it. Since he met her, I’ve never seen my brother so happy.”

  “I’m still glad it’s him. Laura is quiet and doesn’t play games.”

  “Are you forgetting her kidnapping that the guys helped her set up? Brad had a great time telling me all about it.”

  “That was different, she was desperate to get me back,” Clay said smugly.

  “Sure, Clay. Go and lay down with your dreams and leave us to get back to finding Grant and Charlie.” Chase laughed as Clay turned and went back down the hallway.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After what seemed like hours, but couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, Grant turned a self-satisfied look at Charlie on the bed beside him. Noticing she had fallen asleep, Grant sat up, pulled the covers over her, got up, and made his way to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, he gave it a grin, then walked to the toilet to dispose of the condom. When he reached down, he realized that there was no condom.

  Shit, he hadn’t even given it a thought until now. He really was losing it. The grin on his face was replaced by a grimace. While he might not mind that they didn’t use one, or the consequences that could come from it, he didn’t know what Charlie would think.

  Putting the lid down on the toilet, he sat down. What or how did he tell her? It wasn’t the best time to bring up the subject. After all, she couldn’t very well go to the drug store for something, with them stuck in here. But then if he didn’t tell her, would she be pissed that he was disregarding her feelings in the matter if he didn’t say something right away?

  Grant pulled at his hair. He had never been caught in anything like this before. He was lost. Not that he was a monk, he had his fair amount of women in his life, but they were always on the same page when it came to sex. He always let it be known that his job came first.

  Charlie was the first woman that he knew his work would take a backseat to. There was something unique about Charlie. Had he found his soul mate like the other guys? Angel, Clay, and Brad had fallen like a ton of bricks for their ladies, even James walked around like he had found the Holy Grail after he met Avery. He had scoffed at James when he said his turn was next as they watched Brad claim Raven with a ring in the hospital.

  Now he knew he was just like them. Even thinking about Charlie with some other guy didn’t sit well with him. No, he had to get through this and make Charlie see that he was the one for her.

  Pushing himself up from his seat on the toilet, he took a deep breath. He knew he was just putting it off. Walking back into the room, he grabbed his pants that were on the chair. They were dry enough now to put on. Even if they weren’t, he would have put them on. He didn’t want his junk hanging out when talking about this subject to Charlie. Charlie, in her sleep, had turned on her side in the bed with her hands gripping the covers tightly to her body.

  Grant sat gently on the bed and reached out a hand and brushed the hair back from her face. Gathering his courage, Grant whispered her name.


  Charlie didn’t stir, just gripped the covers tighter to herself and sighed.

  Maybe he should let her sleep and tell her when she woke up.

  Grant almost talked himself into waiting when he thought about what he would want if the shoe was on the other foot. No, he would want to know right away. Taking hold of her shoulder, he gently shook her.

  “Charlie, wake up.”

  Charlie came awake from the most beautiful dream she had ever had. Grant had finally made love to her. She could still feel his touch. Waking at his touch, she moved a bit on the bed and looked into Grant’s big blue eyes looking back at her.

  Charlie loosened her grip on the covers and reached a hand out and brought it to his cheek.

  “It wasn’t a dream, was it?” Charlie said to him, her eyes still glazed with sleep.

  Grant took her hand in his and brought it down from his cheek. “It was a dream come true for me. But you might
not think so, after I tell you why I woke you,” Grant said with a serious expression, giving her hand a squeeze.

  Charlie sat up in alarm, pulling her hand from his. “What do you mean? Did something happen while I was sleeping?”

  “No, nothing like that happened.” Grant sat up straighter on the bed.

  “Well. What?” Charlie said, pushing her hair back over her ears.

  Grant cleared his throat. This was all his fault. How could he have lost control enough not to use protection? His father had pounded that into their head, both his brother and himself as soon as they reached their teens.

  “You know earlier when we were, well…”

  “Making love, at least it was making love to me,” Charlie said in a soft voice.

  “Yes, well, I might have forgotten something.”

  “What did you forget? I thought that you thoroughly…”

  “I forgot a condom. Not that I have any here to forget. I’m so sorry, Charlie.” He cut her off and spitted out, his face a bit red.

  “Is that all? You silly man, I have a shot every three months, so I’m covered. And don’t forget it’s my responsibility, too, not just you. I’d like to think that I would have stopped you if there was any chance that there would be consequences.”

  “Thank God.” Grant sighed in relief.

  “Well you don’t have to sound so relieved,” Charlie said in a huff and pushed her way off the bed.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” Grant said turning to watch her now standing beside the bed with her hands on her hips.

  “Well, what did you mean? We’re both adults. I’d like to think that we could work things out."

  “Sure, we would have, but if we don’t have to worry about it, that’s great, it gives us one less thing…”

  “Let me put your mind at rest, Grant. While we’re stuck here together, you won’t have to worry about that anymore.” Charlie was boiling now. She thought that they had something together. Maybe she had been fooling herself, it was just on her side.

  Charlie looked down at herself. She had forgotten that she was nude, as the towel still lay among the sheets. Turning beet-red, she reached around Grant and grabbed it off the bed. Wrapping it around herself, she hurried to the bathroom with as much dignity as she could muster.


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