The Camera Lies

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The Camera Lies Page 10

by AB Morgan

  ‘Delia and I would very much appreciate your discretion. No posting on social media until after the formal announcement, please. In the meantime, eat drink and be merry.’ Raising his glass, he winked theatrically at Delia who smiled convincingly back at him and clinked her glass against his. They gave each other a kiss on the cheek to the sound of a few aaaahs.

  Good God, that was really quite nauseating. I only hope they all fell for it.

  He saw that Freddie’s new squeeze, Chloe, had travelled down from North Wales. They had wedged themselves up against a tree to explore each other’s mouths with tongues before Freddie would share her by introducing her to his old school friends. It had been mentioned that Chloe might arrive, but Konrad was impressed that she’d actually journeyed so far – just to have to go back the next morning by train to give an afternoon presentation at The Management Centre.

  He must have scored a hit there, but I wonder what Delia’s going to think of her. She’ll probably hate the sight of Chloe. No one is ever good enough for her Freddie, especially one as pretty as that, and one who is going to spend the night... Excellent.

  Handing Barney a cold beer, he sat down away from the throng.

  ‘That went well, mate. No one would ever suspect what went on behind those prison walls,’ Barney said pointing to the house. ‘I must say The Camp Commandant has some nice smelling friends but they’re all up their own arses. Posh load of twats. I do approve of Freddie’s young lady, though. What a fabulous set she has.’

  ‘Barney. You’re a dear friend but that’s my son’s girlfriend you’re perving over. She’s way out of your league. In fact, I thought she was out of Freddie’s, but I must have been wrong. Anyway, keep your voice down or they’ll hear us.’ Freddie and two of his friends had gathered to stand in front of where Barney and Konrad had perched on a low bench under a silver birch tree. The young men didn’t seem to notice them and carried on talking loudly, sending up a few supportive cheers when Chloe had been taken by Eliza to be introduced to Delia. In the absence of the two girls, Freddie couldn’t resist boasting to his friends about his conquest.

  ‘I could easily have stayed in bed with her all day on Saturday and Sunday. She has the most amazing ways of… I won’t say. You could use your imaginations, but you won’t come close. Neither of you.’ Freddie’s old school mates were staring after Chloe and Eliza as they made their way through the crowds to where Delia was holding court with the hairspray brigade.

  ‘Chloe has to be the horniest woman I’ve ever met. Ever. We must have been making a hell of a racket because someone was listening outside our hotel room. We heard them during a brief pause in the proceedings, if you know what I mean.’ Before continuing, Freddie made a back and forth pumping motion with his forearm several times. ‘We heard the floor creak really loudly right outside the door. Chloe freaked and made me wrap a towel round myself and have a look. I checked the corridor twice but there wasn’t a sign of anyone. Having lost the passion of the moment, we had to start all over again. It was worth it for round two.’

  Konrad experienced a repeat of the private shame from the Peeping Tom moment in the hotel the weekend before. Barney, however, was finding the conversation highly illuminating. With eyes as wide as they would stretch, and his mouth agape, he required a long swig of beer to regain self-control.

  ‘I’ve heard older women are less inhibited and like to bring a vibrator into the mix. Did you get that lucky?’ one of Freddie’s admiring friends asked.

  ‘And the rest!’ Freddie took great delight in listing a number of sex toys that had been used. ‘… the works. I can’t get enough of her. I could barely walk afterwards. I’m struggling now. Get yourselves an older woman, boys; it’s the only way to die. Come on, I need to get her away from my mother.’

  As the small group moved off to find Chloe and rescue her from death by Delia, Barney showered the grass in front of him with his mouthful of beer at the shock of what he had overheard. Konrad and Barney then sat in silence for a while until Barney finally spoke. ‘Do me a favour, me old mate. Get us another cold beer. I’d go myself, but the front of my chef’s apron is throbbing and I don’t want people to think I’ve stolen one of your expensive sausages.’

  During a lull in the party, when his attention was not being sought, Konrad managed to find time to contact Lorna. He was thoughtful enough to shut himself in his small home office to call her, away from flapping ears. He kept the facts simple. ‘Yeah, it’s going better than I expected. The friends and neighbours seem to have accepted the “amicable split” line, and Delia is keeping to her word. She makes a good actress, but then I suppose she always has.’

  ‘That’s good,’ said Lorna. ‘And I meant to ask, what was the upshot of your reply to that email? The one from the bloke who said he was Helena’s ex-boyfriend?’

  ‘Didn’t I tell you? Sorry, I thought I had. He sounds as if he might be legitimate. He says he left his wife and child, and moved in with Helena for a while until she forced his hand. There were no charity challenges for him. Straight-up kinky stuff. The top ten of sadomasochism by the sounds of it. She wanted to try everything she’d read about or seen on films. The poor bloke had to leave the country in the end because she threatened to blackmail him by selling everything to the newspapers. She filmed what they did, ostensibly for them to be able to watch again and again.’

  ‘Yes, but why did she turn on him? Why blackmail him?’

  ‘According to Mr Bondage – that’s my nickname for him, he’s anonymous of course and used a throwaway email account – she had set twenty sex challenges and he failed to complete them. He stopped at thirteen and she was furious. She demanded his attention and that he fulfil her wish and she saw his refusal as rejection. He called her bluff and ended the affair. A bad move on his part as it turns out, because she unleashed her vengeance and he never worked in this country again. He was a plastic surgeon. Guess what? He made her look beautiful on the outside and the inside. He remodelled her girly bits.’

  ‘What, outside girly bits, or inside girly bits?’ Lorna asked, mocking Konrad for his inability to use the correct anatomical terminology.


  ‘My word, what a sheltered existence I’ve led.’

  ‘The poor man has been relegated to turning boys into girls in Thailand.’ He decided to be brave and told Lorna about what he and Barney had overheard in the garden.

  ‘Oh, God, so not only did you behave like a dirty old man, but you were nearly caught eavesdropping by your own son. Imagine if you’d been a bit slower getting back to your room that morning. Run the other stuff past me again, what did you say they were using? I got “vibrator” but I’m not sure about the other two or three things you mentioned.’

  Konrad muttered and stuttered until Lorna laughed at him. ‘Good grief, you old prude. Try online at Ann Summers, the website will have pictures you and Barney can look at.’

  ‘Please don’t tease, Lorna. It’s been one hell of a long time and I think we should change the subject before I get on the train this minute and ravage you.’

  ‘That’s the beer talking… Change of subject coming right up. When has Josh agreed to see you and more importantly where?’

  There was knock at the door.

  ‘I’ll have to phone you back… I’ve been rumbled.’ He whispered before ending the call to Lorna.

  It was Freddie and Eliza. They had been sent by Delia, who was demanding her husband’s presence to say farewell to guests, many of whom were leaving the worse for wear, and regretting their decision to drink on a school night, as Barney called it. Most of the men had work the next day.

  Konrad was dutiful and respected Delia’s wishes, before heading back to his comfortable room at The Valiant Soldier. Freddie left him a brief text message to say he was going to catch the early train with Chloe and that they could meet up at the weekend.

  Fair play, son. Fair play.

  He hadn’t felt sad or shame-faced at the thought of maki
ng the short walk from home to The Valiant Soldier with another bag full of his belongings. In fact, he had experienced an overwhelming sense of excitement at the possibility of new beginnings and a simpler life. With her parting salvo, Delia had made sure his optimism was moderated.

  ‘Goodnight, Kon. I’ll see you tomorrow evening when you collect Eliza, but after that you’ll need to find somewhere else to park your possessions, including the hideous green monster-of-a-car. We’ll be keeping our relationship on a business footing from now on, and I’ll only see you at meetings, awards and so forth. The rest of the time we’ll liaise by email or on the phone. Got it? I don’t want you in my social circles and most importantly, Kon, you are not to rub my nose in it with that whore. I know you. You’ll be creeping off to see her at the earliest opportunity. I’ve news on that score. She’s left the area, moved away and isn’t interested in you any more.’

  ‘Thanks for that, Delia. At least I know where I stand. The golf club is all yours. I’ll stick to the pub for now. Goodnight.’

  Although Delia was obviously trying her best to appear strong, Konrad was only too aware of how vindictive she could be if she felt she was being belittled or made a fool of. She could soon turn the affections of the media in her favour if she had good reason to.

  Lorna was reassuring when Konrad called her before retiring to bed. She had always been the voice of reason for as long as they had known each other.

  ‘She’s right, of course, we will have to be discreet, so bring your best baseball caps for the weekend. With any luck, you might not need them, I think it’s going to be chucking it down so that’ll keep any nosy individuals at bay.’

  ‘Good. I want to spend time with you without having to be on constant alert. The even better news is that I’m booked in at the hotel until Tuesday. Josh Hawley and I are meeting a couple of times to sound each other out and we were going to meet in Chester, but he loves your part of the world, apparently, and has made a reservation at The Management Centre from Sunday night onwards. Naomi and the rest of their team will be holding the fort at their office, so he was quite flexible with the arrangements.

  ‘I tell you what though, he sounded an awful lot like his father, which was odd at first, but he came across as being very open to discussion. I’m looking forward to it.’

  ‘I’m sure you are. You’d better decide exactly what it is you need to know from him. Kon, listen, I’m sorry, I’d love to chat all night but it’s late and I’m tired, time for bed now.’

  The next day would be challenging, and he had decided to avoid the train for his journey to work that Friday. He had been offered use of a driver many times, and generally turned it down apart from journeys to gala dinners and award ceremonies. He much preferred a first-class carriage and a trip in a taxi to being chauffeured everywhere. However, common sense dictated that he should avoid being seen in public for a while, unless it was by design.

  He was collected the next morning in an expensive-looking Lexus driven by a cheerful Jamaican man.

  ‘Good morning, Zachary. How are the wife and children? I can’t think how long ago it was that we last had one of our chats.’

  ‘A very good morning to you, Mr Neale. It must be nearly three months since I’ve seen you. Settle back and enjoy the ride. When we get there do you want to be dropped at the front entrance or somewhere less obvious?’ Konrad knew Zachary had been briefed.

  ‘The front door is fine. Nothing to hide. As far as the public is concerned, it’s business as usual, and a personal issue being dealt with sensibly and calmly.’

  ‘Right you are, Mr Neale. Well said.’

  Konrad settled back into the comfortable seats and checked his phone. There were messages appearing in rapid succession. He looked up at Zachary, catching his eye in the rear-view mirror. ‘Here we go, Zachary. Stand by for the press interest before we get as far as the office.’

  The first message was from Hit Grit Films and Channel 7, his employers for “The Truth Behind the Lies”.

  “The announcement on social media has been well received so far. There is a request for you to give a formal press statement. Are you still happy for us to proceed with the one we prepared yesterday? Raj.”

  No problems with that one.

  Next was a supportive message from Annette in her own style.

  ‘Well done for growing balls and using them. See you soon. George and Lillian have been advised to manage reception like a fortress. Netty.”

  He smiled at the thought of George and Lillian frisking those who dared to enter the revolving doors at Marriot and Weston’s office block.

  God help them all.

  He then scrolled to the next message and froze.

  “Getting divorced. You kept that quiet. How brave of you. I suppose you think this gives me less ammunition with which to persuade you to end your search. You’re wrong. I have matters in hand and can shatter your dreams within days if you force me to. The lovely Lorna, your children, your new life, your career, and your reputation can all be taken from you. Delia will do the hard work. Withdraw your requests for information on social media, now!”

  A cold sensation swept over Konrad as Tessa’s words sank in. She was right, he was incredibly exposed.

  A tactical withdrawal is perhaps wise. Let’s see if we can calm her down a bit.

  ‘Raj, It’s Konrad Neale here. I’m not too bad in the circumstances, thanks for asking. Happy to go with the agreed wording for the formal press statement, but I’m also calling on another matter. I seem to have caused an upset regarding our appeal for information on Tessa Carlton. Can you put out on social media something along the lines of, “Thanks for all your help, but we are no longer looking for information regarding this person… blah blah blah”? You know how it goes. Also, it might be prudent to add an apology.’

  ‘Are we about to get sued?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so. There’s been a text message or two from her and she’s upset that we’re trying to find her. I’ve assured her we’ll end our search but I’ll find another way to get the information I want.’

  He thanked Raj and turned his attention to wording a reply to Tessa’s text.

  “Hello Tessa,

  I am sorry to have caused you so much upset. I can confirm that I have put in a request for the social media search to be discontinued. I hope this reassures you that no harm was intended.

  Konrad Neale”

  The reply was unsettling.

  “Coward and a liar. Remember, I’ll be watching.”

  What does she mean? Isn’t she happy now?

  ‘Everything all right, Mr Neale? You’ve gone a bit pale. Mrs Neale already turning the screws, is she?’

  Konrad nodded. ‘Something like that, Zachary.’


  ‘You are a disappointment to me, Konrad. This was supposed to be fun, but now you’ve ruined it by making things too easy. You plan to get divorced and predictably your wife has thought about the long-term benefits of your professional relationship. She thinks that if you behave like a thoughtful couple the public will continue to embrace you, and you each reap the financial rewards. Delia can stay as a business partner. How touching.

  ‘Come off it, Konrad. You can’t expect the public to fall for that load of old tosh. Delia doesn’t know you’ve met with Lorna again, does she? She’ll be outraged when she does, and then all bets are off.

  ‘You are infuriating. In the same way that you’ve convinced Delia that you care enough not to embarrass her, you have the gall to try to placate me by telling me that you have called off your media search, and yet I don’t believe you. This goes against your journalistic instincts, Konrad. All you have done is go underground. You shouldn’t take me for an idiot.’


  Konrad stepped through the revolving doors at the main entrance to Marriot and Weston’s and was almost engulfed in the outstretched arms of Gorgeous George, who had taken it upon himself to herd the subject of his affections into the lift and to
the door of the editing suite rented by Hit Grit Films.

  ‘Thanks, George, that’s good of you, but unnecessary. As you could plainly see, hordes of press photographers were not waiting to hound me, but they should be arriving any moment, so please keep vigilant in reception. See you later.’ He had again lacked thought in his choice of words.

  ‘Later? What time will you be going for lunch? I could always fetch something for you. Call me?’ George looked like a child does at a party when the arrival of jelly and ice cream is announced. He skipped back into the lift singing. “When will I, will I be famous?” This moment of joy gave Konrad the most wicked of ideas. ‘George. How would you like to join Annette and me for a spot of lunch? We’ll pick you up from reception at twelve thirty. You can help me to deal with the paparazzi if you like.’

  The screams of ecstatic delight could be heard from the top of the lift shaft.

  ‘What have you done now?’ Annette asked.

  ‘I have a cunning plan. Until then it’s business as per usual, so let’s have a quick meeting. I understand Joe and Mike have some earthshattering details to thrill us with.’

  ‘They do indeed. Coffee and a Danish await you, my lord.’

  After listening to the facts and leafing through the papers printed off for him, Konrad let out a slow whistle. ‘I’m surprised it was Matthew Hawley who killed Helena and not her own sister. What an appalling story of child abuse, care system inadequacies and parental fuck ups.’

  ‘Sickening, isn’t it? Can we use this?’ asked Mike.

  ‘We might have to check with the legal beagles first. Tessa has warned us off and declined to be interviewed. She’s been bullying me with threatening texts, so I’ve pulled the plug on our social media searches for informants. What else have you got for me?’


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