Take My Dress Off

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Take My Dress Off Page 15

by S. Gilmour

  “Baby, you’re cold. Let’s get out.” He lifted me out of the water and set me onto the edge of the pool. I was exhausted, boneless, and waterlogged. I watched the muscles in his arms tighten and relax as he lifted himself out of the pool. He wrapped a towel around me then himself. When I stood up the grass and sky started to spin around me and merged into one. I grabbed his elbows for balance.

  “Whoa, easy there,” he called and scooped me up. I clung to his neck as he carried me back to the guest house.

  “When’s the last time you had anything to eat?” He sat me down onto his bed. I shrugged. He went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water and a banana. “You can’t mess around with this blood sugar thing, Paige. What if you pass out while you’re driving? Or while we’re um…” His cheeks reddened.

  I nodded and took a bite of the banana. I couldn’t stop shaking. I didn’t know if it was from being chilled, the lack of water or food but whatever the reason, it was embarrassing. What we had just done in the pool was embarrassing. He sat down next to me and lifted the water glass to my lips. “Drink,” he ordered.

  “You don’t need to take care of me.”

  “Yes, I do. Drink.” I finished the glass and looked up to him.

  “Good girl,” he said and patted me on the back. “Now let’s get you warmed up.” He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. “C’mon,” he called. I finished the banana and walked into the bathroom. His wet board shorts were crumpled in a heap on the tile floor. I could see his body outlined behind the shower curtain. “Paige?” he called.


  “Get in, it’s warm.” I had never taken a shower with a guy or anyone for that matter. I hesitated and listened to him hum as steam spread across the mirror. “Sometime today, Paige,” he called out.

  If I wanted intimacy this was one way of getting it. I slipped out of my wet bikini and stepped into the shower. He was leaning back into the spray, rinsing white bubbles from his hair. My eyes followed the bubbles as they snaked around his neck, down his strong shoulders and onto his chest, over his groin and down his legs. I raised my eyes back up to the deep V of his groin, the light dusting of copper hair that ran from his navel to his pubic area. I had never really studied a naked male body before. He was beautiful, so strong and completely, totally, male.

  He opened his eyes and smirked. “You’re checking me out.” I felt my cheeks redden and I crossed my arms over my breasts. “That’s not fair,” he laughed and pulled me to him. He tipped my chin up, his green eyes soaking into mine. “You like what you see?” he asked with a low growl.

  I reached up behind his neck and raised myself onto my tiptoes. “You’re beautiful,” I whispered and pressed my lips to his throat.

  “Watch it, you’re going to get dizzy again.” He turned me away from him and grabbed the shampoo. He squeezed the thick white liquid into his palm and massaged it onto my scalp. I let my head rest against his shoulder as he worked the bubbles through my long hair. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he whispered into my neck. He stepped back and pushed me under the spray, his fingers in constant motion as the shampoo released down my body. Next, he rubbed conditioner between his palms and raked his hands through the long strands, spreading his fingers apart as he got to the tangled ends. Each time a section of hair released from his grip it would slap against my breasts, causing my nipples to harden and tingle. No one had washed my hair with such care, such tenderness. I pressed my back into his chest as his soapy hands covered my breasts. He caressed in circles, running his hands over my nipples and squeezing them between his fingers.

  “I love your breasts,” he whispered against my neck. “I love when they rise under my touch. Does it feel good when I rub them?”

  “Mmm.” I couldn’t talk, I could barely breathe. It was so hot in the small confines of the shower and Chaz was making me hotter.

  “Can you come like this?” he whispered.

  I leaned my head back and looked up to him. His eyes were closed, his lips slightly parted, the stream of water spraying on his neck. He looked so sensual and he was breathing as hard as I was. I reached up and wrapped my hands around his neck as he continued to massage my breasts. A constant throb settled between my legs, the pressure becoming increasingly unbearable. I needed to be touched. I let out a whimper as his hand traveled down lower and gently rested on my pubic bone.

  “Please,” I begged.

  He continued, his finger sliding into me.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispered. I cried out as his fingers explored. My knees buckled and he caught me under the arms, sliding me up against his chest. “Breathe,” he murmured and kissed down my neck. “You can’t hold your breath like that or you’re going to pass out again,” he breathed into my cheek. He pushed my chest up against the cold wall of the shower and I flattened my palms against the tile, his desire pushing up against my ass as I steadied myself. I reached behind for him and arched my back in anticipation. “Paige,” he cried.

  He quickly ducked out of the shower and I heard drawers opening and slamming shut. He sheathed himself quickly and I held my breath as he ran his hands down my back and pushed his hard length into me. “You feel so good,” his voice caressed against my neck. He pulled on my hair as his other hand settled on my hip. With slow thrusts he claimed me. I braced myself against the wall, delighting in the delicious burn of being stretched so achingly slow. I couldn’t help but press back against him, soaking in his warmth as I tightened in pleasure around him. My muscles tensed as he increased the tempo and I moaned into the cold tile. It was so hot, the steam was smothering, and I took deep breaths. I pushed against the tiles as he gripped my hips, steadying himself as he thrust behind me. “Fuck!” he groaned and slipped out of my body.

  “No…stay with me…”

  He snapped the rubber off and it fell to the floor. I straightened my arms against the wall as he pushed and released onto my back. “Oh God,” he called out as the weight of his body transferred to mine. I reached behind for him, I was slipping, slipping…

  “Paige. Paige, wake up.”

  Someone was calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to focus. Long golden legs wrapped around mine. I tried to sit up but something was holding me back.

  “Easy now.”

  “What happened?” I whispered.

  “You dropped like a ton of bricks.” He leaned his chin on my shoulder. We were sitting on the floor of the shower, his body wrapped around mine. I leaned my back against his chest for support.

  “Do you faint a lot?”

  “Once in a while,” I slurred.

  “You really scared me.” He kissed my cheek. “Maybe we should call Maddie?”

  “No.” I struggled to sit up. “I’m fine. I just need to stay hydrated, especially in this heat. Help me up?” He held onto my hips as I steadied myself.

  “Okay? Dizzy?” His eyes scanned back and forth over mine. He handed a towel to me and I tightened it around myself as he wrapped one around his waist.

  “I think I’m fine now.”

  He led me to the bedroom and I sat on the bed as he refilled my water glass.

  “You’re going to give me a heart attack, Paige,” he said and handed me the glass. “Between the sex and the fainting, my days are numbered.”

  “I could stop both of those if you like,” I smiled over the rim of the glass.

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  It ended up being Linda Owens who took Danielle to Tijuana that Friday. I offered to drive her but part of me was relieved because one: I didn’t want to drive to Tijuana and two: the whole thing freaked me out. She told her mom we were going to the movies and she was spending the night at my house. She arrived at my house around five-thirty and when Maddie came home I told her that Danielle got food poisoning from an omelet at Bob’s Big Boy and needed to rest.

  Danielle’s dark hair contrasted against her pale skin and lips as she rested in
my bed. I brought her Seven Up and gossip magazines but she wasn’t interested in either. I didn’t ask her how it went and she didn’t volunteer any information. She slept through most of the evening except to wake up for pain pills.

  “Here, eat this,” I said and put a bowl of chicken soup next to the nightstand.

  She opened her heavy eyes and looked up to me. “I don’t have the flu,” she half-smiled.

  “I know but you need to eat something.”

  “I’m too tired.” She brought the pink hot water bottle out from under the sheets. “Would you mind filling this up again? These cramps are awful.”

  As I walked down the hall to the bathroom I could hear the TV blaring from Maddie’s room. She must have fallen asleep. I waited for the water to get as hot as possible and slid the mouth of the water bottle under the faucet. I wrapped it in a towel and cradled it to my body as I walked back down the hall.

  “How’s she feeling?” called Maddie from the doorway of her bedroom.

  “Her stomach is killing her. I’m hoping this will help.”

  She stepped in front of me and blocked the hall. “Why didn’t she go home?”

  “No one’s home at her house and she doesn’t want to be alone.”

  Maddie tucked her auburn hair behind her ear and didn’t move, her gray eyes searching my face. I tightened the hot water bottle to my chest, praying she couldn’t tell I was a big fat liar.

  “Tell her to take a hot bath. That will help.” I nodded and she stepped back into her room.

  Danielle had fallen asleep so I put the water bottle on the floor and gently inched my body onto the bed next to her. She whimpered and rolled over.

  Chaz answered on the first ring. “How’s she doing?”

  “Okay, I guess.” I looked over to her. She was really sweaty, her hair stuck to her cheeks and forehead. Chaz talked about the golf tournament he had tomorrow as I reached down to brush Danielle’s hair from her face. Her pale skin was on fire and she had a moist sheen on her cheeks.

  “Danielle’s burning up.”

  “Is she taking the pills?”

  “I think so. She’s all bundled up, she said she was cold.” I shifted my weight and pulled the sheets from her. Something caught my eye. There was a huge red spot underneath her and blood soaked up her t-shirt!

  “Oh my God!” I cried. “She’s bleeding everywhere! I gotta go…” I said and hung up on Chaz. “Danielle!” Her eyes fluttered open. “You’re bleeding!” She scooted herself up the bed and looked down between her legs. Then she started screaming.

  Maddie ran into the room. Danielle stepped out of the bed and tried to stand. Blood ran down her legs, pooling into her tube socks and soaking into my pink shag rug. She whimpered and grabbed her abdomen then withered onto the floor.

  “Call 911!” yelled Maddie.

  I grabbed my phone from the bed and called, scooping Danielle’s head into my lap as Maddie disappeared down the hall. She came back with an arm full of towels, rubber gloves, and a box of gauze.

  “Food poisoning, huh?” she glared at me as she slipped on the gloves. She cursed and called to Danielle to wake up.

  “What’s happening?” I cried. I patted Danielle’s face but she didn’t respond.

  “She’s hemorrhaging!” She slipped the towel underneath her. “She had an abortion, today?” Her gray eyes challenged mine.

  “Yes,” I whispered as I blinked through my tears. Maddie unrolled the gauze and her gloved-hand disappeared between Danielle’s thighs.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Packing her, she’s got to clot or she’ll bleed out!” When she finished she wrapped the towel around Danielle like a diaper and held her hand between her legs.

  It seemed so long but finally we heard the sirens approaching.

  “Go flag them down!”

  I ran outside and the ambulance pulled up next to our house. Dogs barked and porch lights flickered on. Two medics loaded down with gear ran into the house. I stayed out of their way and waited in the living room. The hushed tones from the medics and Maddie competed with the loud squawking of the medic’s radios. Another medic brought in a gurney and Danielle was strapped and loaded in no time. Many neighbors had gathered in the street, curious as to what was disturbing their sleep.

  “C’mon,” called Maddie as she slammed the front door shut behind us. I followed her to the car. The ambulance sped away and we backed out of the driveway.

  “Her mom is home, by the way,” said Maddie as she shifted the BMW into gear. “She’s on her way to the hospital.”

  I nodded and kept my gaze on the road.

  “I can’t believe this, Paige. Did you have a hand in this?” she shouted. “Did you take her to that chop-shop in Tijuana?”


  “But you offered to hide her out. You thought she’d just sleep it off and be ready to go to the mall tomorrow, huh?” I didn’t reply. I didn’t know what to say.

  Ms. Russo, Maddie, and I waited for what seemed like forever in the waiting room. The doctor explained that Danielle had to have a D and C or dilation and curettage because she had developed an infection. Then Maddie and I waited while Danielle was in the recovery room. I briefly saw her as she was wheeled to her hospital room but she was out of it. I dozed in the waiting room while Danielle’s mom and Maddie were in the room with her. I prayed that her mom didn’t blame me and would let me see her when she woke up.

  Strong hands curved over my shoulders.

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Chaz,” I sighed, relief flooding over me. I stood up to hug him and locked eyes with Donny standing behind him in faded black jeans and a black leather jacket.

  “I don’t know. What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

  “I got so scared when I didn’t hear back from you,” mumbled Chaz into my hair as he stroked down my back. “I went over to your house and spoke to your neighbor.”

  “Danielle’s going to kill me if she knows you’re here.”

  “I’m not leaving until I see her,” said Donny sitting down in an orange plastic seat. He leaned his elbows onto his knees, resting his chin on his hands. His eyes were bloodshot, his face lined with worry. I sank into Chaz’s embrace, his clean scent comforting me as I buried my head into his neck. He was my prince, always coming to my rescue and making everything better.

  “What happened?” asked Chaz.

  “She was bleeding so much.” I shook my head as the frightening memory returned. “Maddie had known exactly what to do.”

  “Thank God Maddie was home. She saved her life!” Chaz said.

  Donny rose from his seat and started pacing. “What the fuck was she thinking? I’m gonna kill that fucking Shane Davis.”

  “Donny, sit down,” said Chaz calmly.

  “Shane doesn’t even know about it, Donny, and he’s not going to,” I glared. “You’re not supposed to know either.” I turned back to Chaz and whispered. “I can’t believe you told him, Chaz. What the hell?”

  “He was with me when you called. Besides, you know how much he cares about her.”

  Maddie came out of the room. It was strange to see her in the hospital without her usual uniform of green scrubs. “She’s conscious and stable.” She looked over to Donny and Chaz. “Hey guys.”

  Donny rose out of his seat. “I want to see her.”

  “You can, Donovan.” Maddie glanced at her watch. “In about eight hours.”

  “Oh c’mon, Maddie,” Donny pleaded. “I just need to see her for a minute. Can you drop the hospital bullshit? I need to know she’s okay.”

  Maddie pursed her lips and looked up and down the hall. “Okay, but make it quick.”

  I walked quietly into the room and pulled back the annoyingly cheerful floral curtain. Danielle looked so small in the metal bed. An IV was taped to the top of her hand, a plastic clip stuck to the tip of her finger. Ms. Russo was in a chair next to the bed. She smiled at me and nodded. That was a good sign.

p; Danielle raised her eyes up to mine. “How ugly is this gown?” she smirked.

  I sat on the bed next to her. “At least you haven’t lost your sense of humor.” I chucked her under the chin. “You scared me to death you know.”

  “I know,” she rolled her eyes. “Holy shit.” Her eyes widened as she looked over my shoulder. Donny marched in, Chaz followed behind.

  “You always have to be the center of attention, don’t you, Dan?” said Donny leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  “Tell my appendix,” she laughed. “Actually, you can’t. It’s gone.” Chaz and I traded questioning glances.

  “Your appendix?” asked Donny.

  “Yes, I had appendicitis.”

  Donny looked back to me and I shrugged.

  “Well, you didn’t need it anyway, right?” said Chaz stepping forward. “Get some rest. I’m glad you’re okay.” He patted the outline of her leg under the pale blue blanket and stepped back. Donny picked up her hand, pressing her palm to his cheek. “I’ll come see you later, can I bring you anything?”

  “Cherry limeade from Rocket’s?” she smiled, her pale face brightening.

  He kissed her palm. “You got it. Rest up, honey.”

  I said goodbye to Ms. Russo and the boys nodded to her as we left the room. We huddled outside the door.

  “So this is how we’re going to play this?” asked Donny. “Pretend she had appendicitis?”

  “Yes,” said Chaz as he squeezed me to his side. “It’s her secret to keep.”

  Donny looked over to the nurse’s station where Maddie was chatting. “Dan doesn’t realize she’s in the fucking obstetrics wing? Whatever,” he said and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Let’s get out of here. Hospitals creep me out.”

  “Me too,” said Chaz and I squeezed his hand. It hadn’t been that long since he had been here on that horrible day with his dad. He glanced around the room at all of the other people in the waiting room. Some were watching the TV overhead, some reading or sleeping, and some just staring into space, waiting. His eyes settled on mine. “Want to come over?” he asked.


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