by Debra Webb
Nick gazed lovingly at his son.
Laura’s child.
His gaze moved back to the woman he loved with all his heart. A frown creased Nick’s brow. “You weren’t really going to leave Robby here and me with no clue as to how to take care of him, were you?”
She grinned. “Are you kidding? If you hadn’t stopped me before I got out the door, I was going to turn around and demand that you marry me.”
“I suppose it’s only right that you make an honest man out of me.”
“It’ll be my pleasure,” Laura murmured, before kissing Nick soundly on the lips.
Nick held his child and the woman he loved against his heart as he planned to do for the rest of his life.
Victoria looked up from her desk when a knock sounded at her door. She smiled. “Ian, come in.”
Ian Michaels crossed the room and paused before her desk. “You wanted to see me, Victoria?”
“Yes, have a seat, please.”
Ian settled his tall frame into one of the chairs in front of her desk. As always, the man looked impeccable. Dressed in an expensive black suit, he presented himself in a manner very becoming to the Agency. His job performance remained at a superior level no matter how tough the assignment. He displayed numerous characteristics that Victoria admired. “I wanted to compliment you on your work here,” she said finally. “You’ve done an outstanding job, Ian. The Colby Agency is very fortunate to have you.”
“Thank you,” he replied noncommittally.
Victoria almost smiled. Ian wasn’t one to discuss his attributes, and he had many. He and Nick shared that particular characteristic. With Nick most likely not coming back, she needed to fill his position. Victoria had never seen Nick happier, and she couldn’t be happier for him. Laura and Robby were just what he needed…what he deserved. But his absence left Victoria with a dilemma that required immediate action. Directing her attention back to the matter at hand, Victoria leveled her gaze on Ian’s. “I’m sure you know that Nick has taken an indefinite leave of absence to be with his wife and child.”
“Yes.” That gray gaze remained steady on hers.
“That leaves me without a second in charge.”
“There are several top investigators on staff. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a proper temporary replacement.”
Victoria did smile this time. “I already have.”
“What can I do to assist in the transition?” he offered politely.
“You can direct Mildred to issue a memo announcing your promotion, effective immediately.”
A hint of a smile touched Ian’s lips. “Of course.” He stood. “Is there anything else?”
“One more thing,” Victoria said as she rose to match his stance. “I’d like you to personally handle this inquiry.” She passed a thin red folder to Ian.
“Any specific instructions?” Ian glanced only briefly at the folder before meeting Victoria’s gaze.
“The contact is Lucas Camp. He’s a close personal friend. You have complete authority to handle whatever he needs.”
“I’ll keep you informed of my progress.”
“That would have been my next request.”
Ian smiled fully then, giving Victoria a tiny glimpse of just how much charm the man commanded. Without another word, he turned and walked to the door.
“Ian.” Victoria halted his exit.
He turned back. “Yes.”
“Don’t let Lucas give you any flack. He can be a bit pushy at times.”
Ian lifted one dark brow. “We’ll get along fine.”
“I’m sure you will.”
Victoria watched with satisfaction as Ian Michaels walked away. She had made a wise choice.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7163-4
Copyright © 2001 by Debra Webb.
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*A Colby Agency Case
*A Colby Agency Case