Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2)

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Loving the Best Man (Friends & Lovers Book 2) Page 6

by Jaye Diane

  “Yeah-” Allison began.

  “Yes,” Linc cut her off. “We walked down the aisle together.”

  “She’s his girlfriend,” Allison said, winking at him.

  His parents quietly stared at him and he could feel the flush running up his neck and infusing his cheeks. He wanted to strangle his sister. She stared at him innocently before winking again.

  “Is she really your girlfriend?” Audrey asked. “She’s very pretty.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” Linc denied again.

  “What are you up to, Allison?” Lawrence asked, sipping from his glass.

  “I just don’t think Linc should be keeping her a secret,” Allison shrugged nonchalantly.

  “What I do in my personal life is my business,” Linc said, annoyed. How had their calm dinner turned into this interrogation?

  “So she is your girlfriend.” Lawrence looked confused.

  “I’m working on it,” Linc admitted. “What’s it to you, Ally?”

  In response, his sister started laughing. Her daughters looked at her before going back to their game.

  “I knew she was special,” Allison said, “I just wanted you to admit it.”

  “Really, Allison,” Audrey huffed, “Leave your brother alone.”

  Allison laughed again and Linc picked up his drink and had another sip. The truth was slowly starting to come out thanks to Grace and now his troublemaking sister. He hoped that it wouldn’t get back to Emerald that his parents thought they were some kind of couple. He knew that would definitely run her off and he wouldn’t be able to handle it if something like that happened.

  Chapter Four

  “Damn,” Devin said later that night.

  Linc had him on Bluetooth over the car’s speakers as he sped home, knowing that Emerald would be coming over to his apartment soon.

  “I can’t believe all of this happened in a week.”

  “I can’t either,” Linc said, stopping at a red light. He didn’t live far away from his parents’ house but he’d driven out of the way to a liquor warehouse to stock up on wine. He always kept wine at home but he’d gotten some to bring to Christmas dinner, which was little more than a week away.

  “I kind of had a feeling that you had a thing for Emerald,” Devin went on, “But then you’d be seeing some other chick and I’d think I imagined it.”

  Linc had had more than his share of one-night stands as well as girlfriends. But he was starting to think that he’d bounced around so much because he’d been trying to settle but could never settle for long.

  “Please don’t say that around Robyn. Women tell each other everything.”

  “Relax.” Devin laughed. “She’s taking a bath.”

  “Okay,” Linc said with a sigh. He shook his head when Devin laughed again. “Can you stop enjoying this so much?”

  “I’m sorry,” Devin said, sobering. “If the roles were reversed I wouldn’t want you laughing at me.”

  “But I probably would anyway,” Linc admitted wryly. He had teased Devin a little when he’d found out about Devin’s relationship with Robyn. It had been nearly a year before and Devin had been trying to get Robyn back. They’d made up and gotten engaged soon after.

  “I know.” Devin cleared his throat. “Not to sound like an ass but do you think you have a real chance with her?”

  “Yeah, I do,” Linc answered, unoffended.

  “Then go for it. Just be patient.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do.”

  He spoke to Devin for a few more minutes but hung up as he parked the car. He rushed into his building, greeting William the doorman, as he went. He put the wine away and changed out of the suit that he’d been wearing all day. He’d put on sweatpants and had just pulled his T-shirt over his head when he heard the bell ring. He hurriedly put the shirt on the rest of the way as he walked to the door.

  She rushed in and pounced on him, knocking him back against the wall and taking his breath away with a searing kiss. He regained his footing, her tongue doing crazy swirls inside his mouth all the while, and somehow made it back to the door to close it then lock it.

  He yanked her coat from her and threw it on the floor. She wound her arms around his neck, her greedy mouth barely giving him time to take in air. When she finally let him go, he laughed.

  “Somebody’s eager tonight.”

  “Yeah, you could say so,” She planted kisses on his neck, sliding her tongue across his Adam’s apple as she did.

  His erection already intense, he scooped her up and carried her to his room, dropping her onto the bed. She kicked off her boots then unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. He took the hem of her jeans in his hands and pulled them down and off her legs. She got out of the bed and pulled her shirt over her head, flinging the shirt across the room.

  He stood still, admiring her in her matching baby blue panties and bra. The slight swell of her stomach and curve of her thighs almost made his mouth water. He quickly stripped, dropping his clothes where he stood.

  A wicked smile came to her face and she pushed him down on the bed before straddling him. He opened his mouth, ready for her hot wet kiss, and took her ass in his hands. Their tongues wove together and he squeezed her ass, loving how soft yet firm it felt in his hands. He raised his hips, rubbing his erection against her center and she whimpered. That one sound drove him over the edge and in his urgency to get her panties off, he tore them.

  She didn’t seem to mind, wriggling quickly out of them as he hurriedly put a condom on.

  When she sank down on top of him, he could have sworn he saw stars. He closed his eyes and gripped her hips, enjoying the sweet torture of her lovemaking. She panted deeply, moving faster and faster until he felt her stiffen and cry his name. She trembled from the force of her climax and whispered his name again.

  Sitting up with her, he turned over so that she was beneath him and drove into her as fast and as hard as he could. Their bodies were already slick with sweat but he was scarcely aware of anything other than the feel of being inside of her and having her around him. He felt another orgasm hit her and finally went over the edge too. The only sound in the room was their ragged breathing and it took him a couple of minutes before he could get up and get rid of the condom.

  When he came back to the bed, she was curled against his pillows, her eyes closed and a smile on her face. He got back into the bed and pulled her against him, closing his eyes as he cupped her ass again. She nuzzled her nose in the curve of his neck, apparently getting comfortable.

  Laying there with her, he felt a contentment that he’d never known before. This was where they belonged and how they belonged. He’d promised himself that he wouldn’t rush her, that he’d go at her pace. But in that moment he felt he’d do anything - not just to make her stay the night- but to make her stay.

  Emerald parked her car in the Marley’s Gym parking lot the next day and looked at her watch. She only had a little while before she had to be at the Phillips home so she knew she had to make this a very quick visit. Surprisingly, although she was shaking, it wasn’t from fear. It was from anger.

  There had been another note waiting for her that morning. It had been slipped under door. She was sick and tired of being threatened. She was going to give Marley a piece of her mind and let him know that he was not scaring her.

  She walked into the gym lobby and went straight to the counter. Her old coworker, Larissa Banks, looked away from her computer screen, her surprise evident.

  “Emerald, hey!” She said loudly, squirming on her seat.

  “Hi,” Emerald said stiffly. She and Larissa had never been close and the fact that Larissa had replaced her didn’t sit well with her. It didn’t make her feel better to think that Larissa was probably Marley’s latest victim. The man couldn’t keep his hands to himself and definitely had issues keeping his dick in his pants.

  “The boss in?” Emerald asked when Larissa silently watched her while twisting her red hair between her fin

  “Y-yes,” Larissa answered. “But you need an appointment-”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit,” Emerald muttered, looking the other woman in the eye before stalking past the counter to the office. Without knocking, she walked in.

  Evan Marley sat at his desk, all two hundred pounds of him shoved into a bright blue jogging suit that was probably a size or two too small. He raised a fine blond eyebrow at her intrusion but didn’t otherwise react.

  She stomped over to his desk and balled up the note, throwing it at him. He sat up in his chair and frowned.

  “I don’t need your pathetic notes and messages,” Emerald said, slapping both her palms down on the desk and leaning over to glare at him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes you do know what the fuck I’m talking about.” Emerald lowered her voice. “Leave. Me. Alone. You couldn’t have me then and you can’t have me now.”

  “Get out!” Marley yelled. “Larissa, call security!”

  “Your little scare tactics won’t work. So I suggest you quit while you can. The cops are investigating and it’s only a matter of time before they come knocking on your door. What will Daddy think of that?”

  “Get out, bitch!” Marley yelled at her again.

  “Just try me,” Emerald said quietly, wishing that she could reach over and punch him in his smug face. “Try me one more time and I won’t be so nice on my next visit.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Marley asked, standing up with a sneer on his face.

  “Yeah,” Emerald said, “As much as you’ve been threatening me.”

  “You crazy bitch,” Marley exclaimed.

  A security guard ran in and Emerald turned to see who it was. It had to be a new guy because she didn’t recognize him. He moved towards her and Emerald scowled.

  “Miss, you need to leave.”

  “Don’t touch me!” Emerald said, balling her hands into fists. She looked at Marley. “You’d better keep your ass away from me!”

  “Nobody gives a fuck about you, you dumb bitch!” Marley’s voice had always been an annoying, nasally whine. It was much worse when he yelled. “Get her out of here, Hugo!”

  The security guard grabbed both of Emerald’s wrists and in a split second, she raised her knee up and smashed it into his groin. He keeled over, howling.

  “You son of a bitch, I told you don’t touch me!” Whirling, she stomped out of the office and paused at the counter where Larissa stood standing as still as a statue. “Good luck dealing with this scumbag. You’d better get out while you can.”

  Larissa stared at her with wide green eyes but said nothing. Emerald rushed out.

  When she got back to her car, she was shaking so much that it took her several tries to even get into her car. She started it up and drove cautiously, the adrenaline making it difficult to keep her hands steady. After a few blocks, she decided to pull over, her shaking, sweaty hands sliding across the wheel.

  Her cell phone rang and she looked at the Caller ID. It was Lincoln. She smiled in relief and answered the call.


  “Hi,” He said warmly, and goosebumps instantly rose up all over her flesh.

  “What’s up?” She asked, her entire body on alert. In only a week, she was so attuned to him. If it wasn’t so alarming it would be amazing.

  “Just making sure you’re coming to dinner.”

  “Of course I am. I’m on my way home to get dressed now.”

  That was greeted with silence and she knew he wanted to ask where she’d been but he held himself in check.

  “I had some errands to run,” She said, which wasn’t a complete lie. Before she’d gone to Marley’s Gym, she’d done errands at home. She’d cleaned her entire apartment from top to bottom.

  “Okay,” He said, sounding cool. Too cool, if she wasn’t mistaken. “So I’ll see you in a little while?”

  “Yeah, see you later.”

  They hung up and she leaned back in the driver’s seat, closing her eyes for several seconds. Her reaction to him was something that she’d never felt with anyone in her life and she didn’t know how to deal with it at all.

  When she’d gotten to his apartment the night before, she’d attacked him. And although she’d never been shy about sex, she’d never been that aggressive before. All of this was so new and scary.

  She didn’t know how long she sat in her car just thinking about Lincoln before she snapped her eyes open and looked around. It was beginning to snow and she got back onto the road, realizing that probably due to the erotic thoughts of Lincoln, she’d calmed down. As usual, he was a complete and much needed distraction and she allowed herself to smile.

  She’d finally confronted Marley. She and Lincoln were enjoying each other. Her best friend was finally back. Things were looking up and her mood was brightening. She parked her car on her street, doubting that he’d have the balls to make another move now that she’d made it clear she was on to him.

  She dressed quickly in a fuchsia blouse with a scooped neckline and black designer jeans. Stepping into black flats, she went to the mirror and decided to put a little makeup on. She only put on eyeliner and blush, knowing that if she over-did it, Robyn would see right through her.

  She did want to impress Lincoln; it was becoming very clear that she cared too much about what he thought. But no one needed to know that, not even her best friend. She put her coat on, then reached for her bag and went out to her car.

  There was basically a party in full swing when Emerald arrived at the Phillips home. Quintin and Marjorie Phillips lived in Elizabeth, a town that wasn’t too far from Jersey City but far enough, Robyn always said, that she had some space.

  Their house was basically a tall brick mansion. It had at least a dozen bedrooms, some of which they’d added over time. It made it convenient when they had a lot of guests, which they tried to do very often. Emerald had been a guest in their home many times, herself.

  As usual, they’d gone all out for Christmas. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of twinkling lights all over the house.

  Growing up, Robyn and her family had lived in a much smaller, modest home, but Emerald had always felt welcomed. She felt like a member of the family.

  She greeted everyone with hugs, acting like Lincoln’s hug meant as much or as little as the hugs she received from everyone else. She could feel everyone staring at them when they hugged but she ignored them and quickly let him go to hug the next person.

  When she hugged Grace, she discreetly pinched her arm while smiling broadly. Grace glared at her before rubbing her arm and walking off. The hugs dragged out since nearly every immediate Phillips and Jamison family member was present.

  Emerald admired the tall Christmas tree and coziness of the fireplace as she sat down on one of the sofas with Robyn.

  Robyn, who already had a gorgeous caramel latte complexion, was even darker after a week in Jamaica. She had that happy newlywed glow and Emerald was so glad for her. Devin was golden too, even darker than his usual olive complexion. Their honeymoon had been good to them and Emerald was only slightly envious of how laid back and content they were.

  They talked about the sights they’d seen and shared photos that they’d taken in Jamaica before Marjorie, Robyn’s mom, pulled out the wedding album. Emerald winced at a couple of pictures that made her look a little weird but overall the photographer had taken gorgeous pictures.

  Carol, the Phillips cook and maid, announced that dinner was ready to be served and they all made their way into the dining room and the large table that was there. Emerald found herself seated comfortably with Robyn on one side of her and Robyn’s niece, Whitney, on her other side. Grace sat across from her and she didn’t resist frowning or sticking out her tongue whenever Emerald looked at her.

  The entire dinner was extremely loud and noisy so it seemed that everyone missed Grace’s antics. Emerald had her own turn sneering at her friend when she thought that
no one was looking. The pinch was meant to convey how annoyed she was with Grace for getting everyone speculating about her relationship with Lincoln. From the way Grace kept glaring, Emerald knew that she’d gotten the message.

  As Emerald ate she glanced down the table at Lincoln every couple of minutes. He was seated with Devin and they were deep in conversation. She wished that Lincoln was sitting next to her but since most people were only speculating about what was going on between them and didn’t actually know, it was better that they sat apart. She wasn’t ashamed of having a purely sexual relationship but in a family as pure and old fashioned as this one, it definitely wasn’t something to brag about.

  “He keeps staring at you,” Robyn whispered when dessert was beginning. She now had Olivia, who’d woken from her nap, on her lap.

  “So?” Emerald shrugged, feigning nonchalance when she was actually thrilled about it.

  Robyn wasn’t fooled. She leaned close and whispered, “That must be some good nookie you’re giving him.”

  “Oh, it is,” Emerald said seriously, trying not to laugh.

  “A part of me still can’t believe it.”

  “Now’s not the time for this conversation.”

  “Okay,” Robyn replied simply, nuzzling her daughter’s neck. Olivia grinned a wide baby grin, looking adorable in a little red Santa dress.

  Emerald looked at all the cake, pie and ice cream that was placed on the table and knew she’d never be able to eat any of it after all the steak and seafood she’d just consumed. She excused herself and went to the kitchen to ask Carol for a coffee.

  Grace followed her to the kitchen.

  “You hurt my arm, you bitch,” Grace complained, causing Carol, who had very pale skin, to turn bright red.

  “That’s what you get for starting trouble,” Emerald said, sparing Grace a glance before turning to Carol and saying “Can I have a coffee please? Black one sugar.”

  “Of course,” the older woman replied, apparently relieved that Grace and Emerald weren’t actually angry with each other. She walked towards the coffee maker, which was already brewing, and poured a cup.


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