Tempting Her Best Friend (A What Happens in Vegas Novel) (Entangled Lovestruck)

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Tempting Her Best Friend (A What Happens in Vegas Novel) (Entangled Lovestruck) Page 7

by Maxwell, Gina L.

  What she didn’t want to admit was the underlying sense of rightness that came with Dillon touching her so intimately, as though everyone else had been mere stand-ins for the real thing: him.

  “Then we’re on the same page,” he said. “Green light stands.”

  Alyssa couldn’t have responded if she’d wanted to. Thick fingers returned to her swollen core, pushing aside her thong and probing her deep. Her moan was as much from pleasure as it was from frustration. She’d have to be crazy to want him to stop. This time or any other, if this is the kind of magic he worked on her.

  But this was Dillon. The last thing she wanted was for things to be awkward or complicated. If they did this, Alyssa didn’t think she’d be able to act cavalier when he continued his trysts with other women. The idea of being part of a harem didn’t sit well with her.

  On the other hand, she thought as his lips trailed kisses down her belly and over her mons, he never said she couldn’t use the red light later if she wanted. They’d already crossed a very big line. It’s not like stopping now would alleviate any potential embarrassment. So, along those lines, maybe she should let go just this once and enjoy the ride. Pun intended.

  Dillon sat back on his heels, lowered his chest to the bed, and as his eyes burned into her, he held the scrap of silk aside and laved a wide path through her wet folds. She inhaled sharply and her hips bucked off the bed of their own volition from the bolt of lightning that shot straight through her and fried half her brain cells.

  “How’s that for nice?” he asked with a wicked gleam in his eye.

  Oh, shit. Apparently she was about to become intimately acquainted with the Mr. Hyde version of sweet, easygoing Dillon Alexander.

  Using one large hand to anchor her hips to the mattress, he used the fingers of his free hand to tease through her as his tongue worked her sensitive clit. Flicking, licking, sucking. Petting, stroking, tugging. She wanted to rock into him, clutch fists of his hair, and hold him against her. But all she could do was arch her back and turn her head back and forth between her upstretched arms.

  Her brain and body got their signals crossed and she couldn’t make sense of anything. Even with all the pleasure she still felt empty, her channel clenching on nothing but air. It was too much and not enough. She wanted him to stop, to move on, to take things to the next level before this level killed her.

  “Please,” she said, practically trembling. “I can’t take it anymore. I need…I need you inside of me.”

  He let out a mix of a growl and groan that hummed vibrations through her swollen nub and caused her to make a similar sound. Finally, he gave her a reprieve and lifted up to untie the strip that held her bound hands to the bed.

  As though drawn by an unseen force, her hands reached down and closed around his hot length. But he hissed in a breath and snatched them away before she had the chance to explore and revel in her discoveries.

  Worried she’d somehow hurt him, she glanced up and offered a quick apology. “I just wanted to touch you.”

  Smiling, he leaned over and kissed her. Every stroke of his tongue lessened her concern until she finally relaxed into the kiss and matched him need for need. It was some time later when he at last broke away, allowing them to drag much needed air into their lungs.

  “Believe me, I want your hands on me more than anything,” he said with a sly grin. “But I won’t last more than five seconds if you so much as attempt to give me a handjob, much less anything else.”

  “Oh…” If she’d been gifted with the instinct for flirting like most women, she would have come up with a sexy retort for that. As it was, she had to stop herself from rattling off statistics of premature ejaculation for a virile man of his age, which made his statement unlikely. She swallowed nervously. Yep. Better to stick with “oh.”

  “Yeah, ‘oh,’” he said with a soft chuckle. He reached over and snagged a condom from the nightstand before rising up to sit back on his heels. She was vaguely aware of him using his teeth to tear the end off the foil wrapper, but the chiseled contours of his body had stolen her desire to focus on anything else.

  Pulling herself into a sitting position, she raised her hands. His motions stilled. His broad chest heaved as he watched and waited. The well-defined muscles jumped at the first touch of her fingertips. She trailed them over his pecs, followed the light dusting of hair that tapered to a V at his sternum before disappearing. Her fingers undulated over the shallow blocks of his abs and she watched in fascination as they rippled under her attentions.

  Unable to stop herself, she leaned forward and trailed open-mouth kisses over his stomach and the delicious lines of his obliques. One of his hands plunged into her mass of hair and clenched tight with a low groan. “Fuck. You’re torturing me, Aly, you know that?”

  She had an inkling, but to hear him say the words gave her a surge of female empowerment she’d never felt before. None of her past partners had ever reacted like this. Like a base need for her was eating at them, and it was only a matter of seconds before they lost all control.

  With her hands still resting on his lower abs, she lifted her head and peered up to meet his hot gaze. “Your body is amazing,” she said. “It’s a shame you keep it hidden all the time. You should show it off more often.”

  He released the hold on her hair for a softer touch on the side of her face. “I could say the same to you.” She lowered her eyes and knew a flush probably had colored her from chest to cheeks, but he guided her face back up. “I mean it, Aly. I look at you and completely lose myself. You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “Thank you.” And she meant it. She soaked up the compliment like a sponge. It spread through her, filling in the cracks that had formed from going too long without the attention of a man.

  “Now,” he said, holding up the condom, “let’s get this taken care of so I can show you how beautiful you really are.”

  “Allow me,” she said, plucking it from his fingers with a shy smile. Alyssa returned her focus to his unflagging erection and smoothed the condom down his length, inch by inch. She bit the insides of her cheeks to hide her amusement at the strained noises he made. If she took an exorbitant amount of time completing her task, it was purely coincidental.

  As soon as she finished, he muttered a relieved, “’Bout damn time,” and ripped her panties from her body.

  Before her next breath, Dillon used one hand to grab the strap between her wrists and haul her arms up as he pushed her back to the bed. With him over her again and settling his hips onto hers, she felt a new rush of warmth in her center.

  Holding himself up with the arm keeping her hands above her head, he guided himself to the opening of her sex. A single thrust had him completely seated inside her. Eyes slammed shut, she threw her head back and arched into him. He filled and stretched her in a way that felt perfect and right, and for a split second, she worried how long the inevitable sense of loss would plague her in the aftermath. She knew the rules. He wanted her on a temporary basis, then back to being just friends. An ache was already forming a knot in her chest, pulling her from enjoying each delicious slide of his body against hers.

  “Aly, look at me.”

  The gravelly command pulled her back into the moment. Back to where their bodies pressed flush and their shallow breaths mingled. Back to him.

  He stared down at her with the intensity of a man who knew what he wanted and knew he would have it. But underlying the male bravado was something else, something…less.

  “I don’t want you closing your eyes and picturing some other guy. I want to watch you come apart in my arms and see the recognition on your face of who did it to you.”

  “Believe me,” she said, giving his thick cock a squeeze with her inner muscles and eliciting a delicious groan from his lips. “You’re already leagues above anyone I could conjure from memory or imagination.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Burying his face in her neck, he withdrew almost completely t
hen pushed his way back in. A small gasp escaped her. “I like the sound of that, too. Every noise you make gets me that much hotter.”

  Dillon started a torturous rhythm—slow and steady and enough to make her crazy. She tried rocking her hips to set her own pace, but he only pinned them down with his and continued to take his sweet damn time. It was the slowest build to an orgasm in the history of sex. For once, she wasn’t going on facts or statistics, but simply on how she felt. She couldn’t imagine anyone balancing on a knife’s edge for so long and living to tell the tale.

  Sweat covered their bodies. Their breaths, labored and loud, filled the air around them. Every nerve in her body was alight with the electricity crackling between them, making her hypersensitive to every touch, every kiss. Her core was knotted with the promise of climax. Close enough to be hers, yet far enough to feel impossible to reach.

  “Now I know why…the French call it…la petite mort,” she said between his thrusts.

  “Why’s that?”

  “’Cause you’re killing me. Slowly, I might add.”

  “Killing you, huh?” She felt his lips turn up in a smile against the shell of her ear before he nipped at her lobe and whispered to her, “Then I promise you it’ll be the sweetest of deaths, Aly.”

  His strained, raspy voice revealed what precious little hold he had on his control. If she didn’t do something to make him lose it soon, she wasn’t sure the whole “death” thing would be a metaphor anymore.

  Alyssa pulled her hands down and pressed on his chest until he braced himself above her with straight arms. She almost lost her focus at the sight of his abs rippling with each rock of his hips, but her body’s need rode her hard, reminding her of her mission. There was just enough slack between her wrists that she was able to plump her breasts and pinch her nipples. The small bite of pain zinged straight to her clit. She arched into her own touch and repeated the light tweaks with moans of pleasure.

  “Holy fuck,” he growled. The visual titillation arrested his gaze. Unblinking with full dark pupils, Dillon hooked one of her legs over his shoulder, opening her more than she ever thought possible. “Now who’s killing who?”

  She didn’t have the breath to answer as he finally and blessedly picked up the pace and pushed her infinitesimally closer to orgasm with each exquisite assault. Her hands abandoned her breasts to loop behind his head and fist chunks of his short hair.

  Faster and faster they moved together, him pumping inside her and she rocking up to meet him halfway. Her vision started to blur at the edges until all she could see was the ruggedly handsome face above her. So much like the friend she’d known her whole life, and yet so very different. As her brain struggled to reconcile the old and the new, her body shorted everything out that wasn’t necessary for surviving a tactile flood of epic proportions.

  She vaguely heard herself repeatedly begging for “more” sprinkled with the occasional commands for “faster” and “harder.”

  Alyssa had never been one to talk during sex. She’d always thought it was because she wasn’t one to lose her composure, even in the bedroom. Apparently she’d just never been given the proper inspiration.

  “Tell me this doesn’t feel incredible, Aly. Tell me you don’t want to do this again with me.”

  He was asking the impossible, and he knew it. She could no more tell him those things than she could tell him she hated him. Because none of it would be even remotely close to the truth. It did feel incredible, she did want to do it with him as often as possible, and she loved Dillon more than she had any other man in her life.

  “Dillon,” she said with a needy whimper. “Please…”

  “You have no idea what it does to me to hear you say my name and beg for release.” Slipping a hand between them, he used the rough pad of his thumb against her swollen clit and said, “Go ahead, sweetheart. Let me feel you come around me.”

  After circling the edge of her orgasm for so long, the direct stimulation was like driving the final spike of pleasure through her center to sever the last vestige of her sanity and control.

  Her body bowed off the bed, and she cried out as a fire spread from her center and consumed her in seconds, its heat pulsing in waves over her flesh.

  With an animalistic growl, Dillon followed her into oblivion with one final deep thrust, then grunted as he spilled himself into the condom with shallow strokes.

  Some time later, he gently lowered her leg to the bed and rolled them so that she lay on top. Completely sapped, Alyssa sprawled unashamedly across his chest as she waited for her heart rate to return to normal. She floated somewhere between reality and dreams, or maybe it was a place of limbo where the line that separated them began to blur. Either way, she was content to just be for a while, without her brain doing its usual hamster-wheel thing.

  Dillon swept the hair away from her face and tilted her chin up to place a soft kiss on her lips. “Give me the weekend to show you how easy this can be between us. To convince you to come to me when you need this instead of going to someone who doesn’t even care about you. Then if you still want things to go back to the way they were, I won’t fight you on it. Deal?”

  She’d already passed the point of no return with him. There was no going back to when she didn’t know what it felt like to be filled and consumed by him. And now he was offering her a whole weekend of indulging in the best sex she’s ever had with no strings and no worries.

  Suddenly she felt like a novice gambler who won on her first pull of a slot machine. On the inside she screamed and clapped and jumped up and down in disbelief. But thanks to her depleted energy and what little remained of her pride, she merely offered him a lazy smile as she peered up from hooded eyes and said, “Deal.”

  His full lips curved up and his dimples winked at her from under the scruff of his beard. “Jackpot.”

  After what she’d just experienced, Alyssa couldn’t have said it better herself.

  Chapter Six

  Dillon woke with the sun streaming across his face. Squeezing his eyes shut, he rolled away from the sadistic ball of fire that had pierced through one of the best dreams he’d ever had. One where he’d finally made love to Alyssa for hours, worshipping her in every way he knew how, until utter exhaustion eventually claimed them both.

  Settling on his side, his arm brushed something warm and soft, and all at once the memories of the day before—hopping a plane to Vegas, donning a Tarzan costume, and carrying Alyssa to her room—rushed through the morning fog like an early morning train.

  His eyes snapped open to find her still asleep next to him, on her stomach with the side of her face smashed into her pillow that her arms had in a decent chokehold. Her long blond hair had apparently staged a coup while she slept, taking advantage of her unconscious state to rebel from her usual no-strand-out-of-place style. It lay in every direction, even trailing a thin web across her smushed face.

  Grinning like a fool, Dillon carefully brushed the insubordinate hair back where it belonged. He loved that she wasn’t one of those women who slept like mannequins, unmoving and silent with their fake lashes still in place and hair pulled neatly over one shoulder. That she was messy, and oblivious, and snored on every third breath was refreshing and oddly sexy.

  After propping his head in his hand, he slowly pulled the sheet down until he exposed every inch of her above her thighs. Creamy skin practically glowed under the sun’s rays as he drank in every curve of her body.

  When looking became inadequate, he used his fingertips to trace down her spine and the shallow dip of her lower back, over the rounded globe of one cheek and back up the other side. Across the slight flare of her hip and into the slope of her waist on his way up her side. His mouth went dry and his cock stirred when his thumb lightly traced circles on the side swell of her breast as he remembered how sensitive they’d been beneath his tongue.

  “Mmm…” Alyssa stretched on her belly, her arms reaching overhead and her back arching as she raised her hips off the bed brie
fly. Relaxing once again, she opened her eyes and gave him an impish grin. “Good morning.”

  “Something tells me I’d enjoy watching you do your morning yoga routine.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, except I read that clothes actually inhibit your full range of motion. Turns out naked yoga is the best kind.”

  She laughed, her morning voice sounding raspy and sexy as all get-out. “Considering the workouts you put me through for several hours last night, I think I’ll skip my usual yoga routine today.” Sitting up, she winced and hissed in a quick breath. “Whoa. I’ll be lucky if I can walk without difficulty.”

  Dillon sat up and cupped her face with one hand. “You sore?” A pale pink flushed her cheeks. “Damn, I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, glancing up beneath dark lashes. “It’s the good kind of sore.”

  A primal sense of pride, caveman though it might be, filled his chest and satisfied him more than getting hard-earned praise from his father on a job well done. It was then Dillon realized he could care less what the rest of the world thought of him as long as this woman continued to look at him like he hung the moon.

  “I’m going to run you a bath with some bath salts I saw in there earlier. It’ll help with your soreness. Then when you’re done, how about we go grab some breakfast and see what there is to do in this crazy town?”

  A twinkle sparkled in her eyes and her wide smile melted his insides. “That sounds fantastic.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  With a yawn she said, “And I’ll be right here.”

  He chuckled and forced himself to leave the warmth of the bed and head to the bathroom. It took about ten minutes to fill the large garden tub with warm water and sprinkle in the lavender bath salts. And all ten minutes Dillon grinned like a damn fool. He couldn’t remember a time when he felt so content and happy.


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