A Christian Christmas (Book #1 Andersen Brothers series)

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A Christian Christmas (Book #1 Andersen Brothers series) Page 9

by Pat Simmons

  Christian instructed his riders to go inside while he unloaded the boxes of blankets, socks and stuffed animals. It took two trips, but he didn’t want Joy, Mrs. Thomas and the children out in the cold to help him. In some rooms, he had to hold his breath because of the odors as a result of the staff not attending to the residents’ hygiene.

  Shane stole many of the female’s hearts with his fake shyness, but big smile. The children sung a few choruses of “Joy to the World,” “Silent Night” and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” sometimes off key. That didn’t stop some of the seniors from asking for an encore.

  When they were about to visit the last room, a nurse advised them that the resident was very sick and near death and that it might not be a good idea for the children to go in. “Would it be okay if we prayed for him outside his door?” Christian asked, and the nurse consented.

  With bowed heads, he began to pray. Even the workers from the Humane Society paused in the hall. “Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for this day. We ask that You stir up Your gifts in this place. Heal those who are sick. God, rewire the minds of the residents to remember their loved ones and give the staff patience to do their jobs and most of all look on…” He paused not knowing the resident’s name.

  “Mr. Addison,” someone said behind him.

  Christian nodded and continued, “Look on Mr. Addison’s condition. Life and death is in the power of Your tongue. It’s You who are responsible for our lives. Have mercy on him and please forgive his sins. And if it’s Your will to raise him from his bed, do so in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  Others mumbled Amen and returned to their activities. The small children were running out of steam, so Christian decided it was time to leave. The staff and residents thanked them as they headed back to his SUV.

  “Mr. Andersen, do you think God is going to heal Mr. Addison?” Bethani asked from the backseat.

  He shrugged and glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “When we ask God for something in prayer, if we don’t believe He can do it, then we shouldn’t ask. We’ll have to see what the Lord’s will is. Some miracles come by fasting and praying.”

  Joy reached over and laid her hand on top of his. “I’m willing to fast again.”

  Thank God Christian was stopped at a red light, because he couldn’t pull his eyes away from Joy’s face. Her readiness was more than some who attended church faithfully. Yes, he was definitely in love with her.

  “Okay,” he whispered.

  “Me too, Mr. Andersen,” Bethani said.

  “Count me in as three. Of course, you’ll have to tell me when and for how long,” Mrs. Thomas joined in.

  Christian drove off with a grin. “Well, I guess we’re a praise team on wheels.” As they laughed, Bethani began singing Christmas carols, and they sang all the way home.

  Chapter 18

  Joy was running out of time. She couldn’t believe she had become so busy she hadn’t finished the last of her own Christmas shopping. Christian offered to take her, and was on his way to have breakfast with her and the children before they left. She smiled when the doorbell rang. Glancing at the clock, Joy noted that he was early.

  She heard Bethani ask who was at the door and then scream, “Daddy!”

  Daddy? Quickly drying her hands, Joy frowned. She hadn’t heard from her brother-in-law in months. Walking out of the kitchen, she blinked. Langston stood with bags filled with gifts.

  About time, she griped silently. Before Christian came into her life, she would have chewed him out royally for his irresponsibility, but she was just glad to see him for his children’s sake.

  “Hi, Joy, I hope you don’t mind me showing up without calling.” He grinned, but the merriment didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Langston, you’re always welcome to see your children.” Joy returned his fake smile. “Come on in and have a seat. I’m making breakfast. There’s plenty.”

  “Nah, I just dropped by. I have Mildred and the kids in the van,” Langston said, speaking of his stepchildren. He glanced around. “No tree this year?”

  “No, Daddy, we built a house for Baby Jesus,” Bethani explained as Shane began to pick up his toys around the manger and show them to Langston.

  His father looked disinterested. “Well, where should I put the gifts?”

  “You can’t put them on the garland, Daddy,” Bethani said. “Those are the gifts for Jesus.” She pointed to a corner nearby for Langston’s gifts.

  He seemed baffled about the absence of a tree. Too bad, Joy thought, returning to the kitchen. Joy heard excited voices and screaming. Her brother-in-law must have wowed his children with some gift.

  Seconds later, she felt strong arms around her waist. Christian. Joy was aware of his presence, if that was possible, before he touched her. She relaxed against his chest, content as he planted a soft kiss on her neck. “Hello, my Joy to the world.”

  Turning in his arms, she rewarded him with a brief kiss, mindful of the children in the other room. Christian shook off his coat and washed his hands.

  “So, I’m assuming that’s Bethani, Darla and Shane’s father.”

  Joy nodded. “Yep.” They were silent in their thoughts. When Joy was about to speak, Langston came into the kitchen where she formally made introductions.

  “So you’re Mr. Christmas.” Langston scrutinized Christian from head to toe. A range of emotions played on his face that Joy couldn’t decipher. He cleared his throat and faced her. “Ah, Joy, things are tight—”

  “No kidding.” She had to say that. She would have twisted her mouth, cranked her neck and rolled her eyes, but Christian took her hand and squeezed it. Immediately, she calmed down.

  Langston sighed and then finished. “I’ll try and send something after the beginning of the year. I’ve got to go.” He hurried out of the kitchen. Joy heard the children say good-bye. Shane would sometimes cry the few times Langston left when he did decide to visit, but not this time.

  Joy faced Christian. “Thank you for stopping me, because what I would’ve said, I would have been repenting for a lifetime.”

  “Thank God, babe. Jude 1:24 tells us Jesus can keep us from falling and present us faultless. Remember that verse. It’s a great way to reduce sin calories and keep you from repenting.”

  “I’ll remember,” Joy said softly, not wanting to disappoint him. Turning back to the stove, Joy stirred the rice, although it was ready, to calm her wayward thoughts. “It’s just Langston has no idea how much I’m struggling. Evidently, he’s fooled by the size of my house, my SUV, and the number of business suits I possess—all that mattered to me before Regina passed.”

  “You know you could take him to court for child support,” Christian offered, moving closer.

  “Yes, I could and he would say the children are his and he could take them to live with him and his new wife. Bethani said Mildred is mean and even hit her once in front of Langston and he did nothing. I’m not a violent woman, Christian, but I was ready to give that woman a beat down where she wouldn’t have been able to get up.” She exhaled and blinked to keep from crying. “We’ll make it, even if I have to get a one-room apartment.” The floodgates erupted. Joy dropped the fork to cover her face, but Christian turned her around and engulfed her in a hug.

  “I’m not going to let that happen. I love you, Joy, and I’ve been in love with you for some time. I love your children, too—all of them. God has a plan, and every trial in our life has a purpose. Come on.” He gave her a tight squeeze, then rubbed her arms. “Let’s eat so we can get this shopping done. It will do you good to get out.”

  Joy sniffed to compose herself, but she wasn’t ready to leave the cocoon of his warmth and strength. She snuggled her face deeper into his chest and inhaled his cologne. Then she felt tiny arms hugging her legs. When Joy opened her eyes and looked down, the children were encircled in a group hug. Jesus, please make a way to keep us together in Jesus’ name. Amen, she silently prayed.

  The conversation around the table w
as lively as Langston’s name was barely mentioned. The focus was on the gifts for Baby Jesus that came recently in a basket. After everyone finished eating, Bethani watched the children as Christian helped her restore the kitchen.

  Not long after breakfast, Mrs. Thomas arrived to supervise Bethani’s first attempt at babysitting for hire. It was comical as she tried to organize her siblings and cousin as if they were in a police lineup.

  “While Auntie and Mr. Andersen are gone, I’m in charge. You are to obey me and if you want anything, you must ask permission…”

  Christian and Joy exchanged amused glances on their way out. Mrs. Thomas winked and waved them off. Once they were in Christian’s SUV, the couple burst out laughing. “When we come back, I bet my niece will have made all three take a nap.”

  Christian agreed, chuckling, then teased her about her list and sales ads.

  “Leave me alone.” Joy faked a pout. “Indirectly, it’s helping my budget that we’re celebrating Jesus’ birthday bash this year. That way, I won’t feel bad giving the children less gifts. In Jesus’ honor, I’ll use the bulk of my money to donate to charity, speaking of which, how are the donations going with your charity?”

  “We took a big hit at first, but the media blitz helped pull the numbers back up. We’re still down from last year, but God will provide all of our needs. It’s so important for us to remember Philippians 4:19.”

  “That’s the only scripture I really know.” Joy glanced at the window, hoping that God would supply all her needs according to His riches in glory. Joy only hoped He would show up soon.

  Chapter 19

  It was the night before Christmas, and all through Joy’s house, not a child was stirring as they anticipated Baby Jesus making His appearance. Colorful lights were strung throughout the room with care. Religious Christmas music played softly as Christian read from the Bible the story of Christ’s birth. By the time he finished the couple of chapters, the children, except for Bethani, had fallen asleep. Christian stood to leave. “Well, I guess I’d better go.”

  Bethani’s disappointment must have mirrored Joy’s, but her niece spoke first. “You can’t, Mr. Andersen. Jesus hasn’t been born yet and the real big gifts in a basket arrived today. Can’t you wait until midnight?”

  When Christian looked to Joy for help, she sided with Bethani. “It’s your Christian Christmas, so you might as well see it through. Plus, you said your church service doesn’t start until ten tomorrow morning. The children and I plan to be ready.”

  Christian kissed her palm. “Anything for you, Miss Knight.”

  Happy beyond measure, Joy sighed. “Thank you. Bethani and I are going to put these little crumb snatchers in bed and we’ll be back.”

  “Then I’ll put a few more logs on the fire—just enough for a few more hours until it’s time for me to leave.”

  “Okay.” Joy scooped Shane up into her arms. Bethani nudged the girls awake and guided them upstairs. Joy had hoped for some alone time with Christian, but Bethani took the whole Christian Christmas to heart. Joy returned in no time and cuddled next to Christian on the sofa. Bethani had not made it back downstairs yet. “Christian?”

  “Yeah, babe?”

  Looking into his eyes, she made a confession. “I love you.” Her reward was a soft chaste kiss. “Not because you rescued me in the checkout line, delivered extra food…and I know you were behind the scenes of making sure I could stay in my home. Thank you. I was prepared to accept my fate and move, but you changed that.”

  Rubbing his jaw, Joy smiled. “I love you because you are truly about God’s business and making His works known and not a secret.” She kissed him quickly as Bethani’s foot hit the top stair.

  “Joy, you can give me credit for everything but your house. I wanted to help, but it was the same time as the fallout with the Charity for Kids fiasco, so I couldn’t. The times you and I fasted and prayed for others, I was fasting and praying for you, babe. That was all God, not me.”

  He lifted his hand and made a Scouts Honor pledge with three fingers. Joy’s heart leaped. “What?” She choked with emotion. All this time she thought God had not answered her prayers. “You had nothing to do with the bank forgiving my past due amount and refinancing my loan at a lower rate? Oh my God.” Joy covered her mouth as her eyes blurred and a tear fell. Philippians 4:19—the Lord had had indeed stepped in and caused the loan department to forgive her late fees and past due amount. They gave her a fresh start with a lower interest rate to give her a manageable monthly note. Yes, God was good.

  “Auntie, are you okay?” Bethani asked, concerned.

  Nodding, Joy struggled for words. “I’ve already received my Christmas gift.”

  Bethani grinned. “Yay. I’m waiting for Jesus to give me mine!”

  Christian stood and pulled Joy to her feet. “While we wait for midnight to get here, why don’t we just thank Him and praise His name for what He’s already done? The Bible says in Psalm 22 that God’s presence stirs in the midst of praise.”

  “Yeah.” Closing her eyes, Bethani lifted her face and stretched out her arms as if she was welcoming a downpour.

  Mindful of the sleeping children upstairs, Joy’s praise was low key until it seemed to leap from her belly and out her mouth. In the background she heard Bethani thanking Jesus until her words were no longer understandable. Christian was praying in the same manner as she had grown accustomed, then she heard him say, “Repent, repent, so God can fill you with His Spirit.”

  Taking heed, Joy cried out to the Lord to forgive her for her thoughts and everything else. She didn’t realize how long she had prayed or that she drifted to the floor—she was only aware of Christian helping her to her feet as she leaned on him.

  “Sometimes, praying takes all your physical strength,” he whispered in her ear.

  As her lids fluttered open, the empty manger seemed to beam from the surrounding colorful Christmas lights. She looked into Christian’s eyes—they were sparkling, too—then looked to Bethani. She rushed over to her niece who was still speaking in a foreign language as tears streamed down her face. She was jumping up and down in an almost hysterical manner. Concerned, Joy was about to reach out, but Christian stopped her.

  “Bethani’s fine, baby.” His tender smile instantly relaxed her. “Jesus has landed in our presence and given Bethani the first gift. Your niece just received the Holy Ghost and is speaking in unknown tongues to God as evidenced in the Book of Acts.”

  She heard what Christian was saying. Still a bit disoriented, Joy stayed rooted in her place, mesmerized by the aura that seemed to encircle Bethani. God whatever she has, I want it. Fill me with your presence, too. Instantly she experienced another moment of feeling overpowered. As she felt weak in the knees, Christian’s strong arm guided her to the sofa.

  A vision of Christ’s bloody face as he hung on the cross appeared. The sight made her so sorrowful that she began to cry. A strong presence engulfed her as the sound of a fierce wind seemed to blow right through her.

  As some strength returned to her body, words—more like audible sounds—spilled uncontrollably out of her mouth. Jumping to her feet, like Bethani, she began to praise God. What was coming out her mouth was a foreign language she hadn’t learned. It wasn’t so much the tongues that captivated her, but the power she felt she possessed.

  Christian remained at her side. “That’s right, sweetheart. Praise Him, for the Bible says in John 7:38, ‘He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.’ Let it flow.”

  Finally, Christian guided her back to the sofa where she continued to praise the Lord until her spirit was quieted. When she opened her eyes, the triplets were staring quietly. Christian clapped his hands. “Okay, let’s open the gifts.” They immediately came to life.

  Reaching for the largest box marked Baby Jesus, the children helped Bethani untie the ribbon. They heard a muffled cry inside, so they hurried and tore away the gift paper. When Betha
ni opened the lid, the crying grew loud as she lifted the doll in her arms.

  Joy patted her chest as her heart pounded with excitement. For a second, she actually believed it was a night of miracles with Baby Jesus making an appearance. Turning to Christian she stared at him speechless until she blinked. That’s when it struck her that she must have looked a wreck. Jumping up, Joy hurried to the bathroom to freshen up her face and run a comb through her hair. It might be late night, but that was no excuse for her to look scary. Approving her reflection in the mirror, she admitted, “Indeed, this is a Christian Christmas I have never experienced before.”

  Chapter 20

  Christian stared at the anatomical doll. He was just as surprised as everyone else in the room. His intern had outdone herself. She had marked the largest box as open first. The life-like baby added realism to the event.

  The children were fascinated with the Baby Jesus doll as Bethani was carefully placing one of her custom-designed diapers on the doll. When Joy returned, Christian smiled and reached for her hand. It was almost twelve-thirty. He needed to get home, and the children needed to get back to bed if they all were going to make service later in the morning.

  “Mr. Christmas, can we open all the gifts now?” Jada asked.

  “How about we open a few of Jesus’ gifts,” Christian suggested.

  Taking turns, each child opened a box. Christian read Darla’s note. “I love you, signed Jesus” as she played with a kiddie necklace.

  “I go to prepare a place for you.” Joy read Shane’s note when he opened another box marked for Jesus. Shane grabbed the three crayons and picture of a palace to color. Joy moaned. “Lord, he is definitely going to need supervision.”


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