Draekon Fever: Exiled to the Prison Planet

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Draekon Fever: Exiled to the Prison Planet Page 7

by Zander, Lili

  My giddy thoughts go sober when the head of Rorix’s monster cock touches my back hole. Fuck. We’re doing this. I brace myself against the ground and try to think relaxing thoughts.

  To my surprise, he doesn’t just press in. He rubs his cock in a circle around my rosette, and I remember what Ryanna had giggled about during one of our drinking nights, after copious amounts of kunnr wine. Draekon cocks secrete a thick precum that functions as lube.

  Rorix grips my hips. The purring has begun again, and it reassures me. Relax, Sofia. You’re doing well. I take a deep breath and push out as Rorix presses in. I inhale sharply as he enters my ass, and I clench my fingers into a fist as my muscles stretch to accommodate him. Then the sensation takes over my brain, and I let him take me, my body rocking in an easy rhythm.

  Ferix’s claws run up and down my spine, making me shiver. With a grin, he slips a hand between my legs. He finds my clit and strokes it, setting off another climax that makes me cry out and squirm and clench.

  It’s too much for Rorix. He grunts as my asshole squeezes him tight. He grips my hips and pumps deeper, and with a muffled shout, he finishes.

  I’m in a warm, dark place, floating in a haze of contentment. I barely notice when Rorix pulls out, and Ferix arranges me on my side against his broad body. My muscles are like water. Someone—no, two someones—are kissing me, pressing their lips to my skin. I sigh and flop to my back, letting one kiss down my chest while the other nuzzles and soothes the sore skin at my neck. I doze off like that, held between two large bodies, drenched in the heat of their fever.



  When I wake up, I’m lying in a cave I don’t recognize. That doesn’t faze me. Sadly, this seems to be my new normal.

  But then the woman lying next to me stirs in her sleep, and every muscle in my body stiffens with shock.

  It’s Sofia. A very naked Sofia.

  Caeron, no. Please tell me we didn’t take her. Please tell me we didn’t mate. Not like this. Not when the beast possessed us. The woman who has been in the center of my thoughts for months deserves so much more.

  Rorix sits up. “We lost consciousness again,” he murmurs. “It’s getting worse.” Then his gaze falls on Sofia, and an expression of horror fills his face. “Did we…?”

  The air smells like sex. She’s naked. I nod soberly.

  She told us she’d never been with anyone before. Did our dragons care? Did we make her cry out with pleasure? Did we put her needs ahead of our own?

  I don’t think so. The dragon does not give. The dragon takes.

  Rorix goes pale. “How could they let it happen?” he asks, aghast. “Arax and Nyx, Vulrux and Dennox. Why didn’t they stop us from taking her?” He swallows hard. “Did we hurt them?”

  Just then, Sofia’s eyes flutter open, and she sits up. “Hey,” she says, sounding tentative. “How long have I been out?”

  “I’m not sure,” I reply honestly.

  “Huh.” She bites her lower lip. “Umm, this is an awkward question. Which version are you right now? Dragon or person?”

  I give her a faint smile. “The dragon isn’t in charge at the moment, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Oh good.” She doesn’t meet our eyes, and she gropes for her clothes, wriggling her shorts over her hips and pulling her tattered shirt over her perfectly round, squeezable breasts. She seems flustered by our presence, but she doesn’t ask us to leave. “I had a change of clothing in my pack, but the soldiers took it.”


  She looks up. “You don’t remember?”

  Rorix and I exchange glances, and we both shake our heads. “We mated with you, didn’t we, Sofia?” Regret coats my voice. “I’m so sorry.”

  “You are?” Her voice goes quiet. “Why?”

  It’s Rorix that answers. “I’d give anything to remember it, sweet one. I’ve ached to touch you for so long. I’ve been fantasizing about you for months, and when it finally happens…” His voice trails away. “I wish I could go back in time and do things differently.”

  As do I. But as much as I’d like to dwell on what happened, my attention has been captured by Sofia’s words. “You mentioned soldiers?” A faint memory stirs in my mind. “We saw Adrashian ships land on the prison planet.” I run my hands through my hair and stare at Rorix. My thoughts feel hazy and incomplete, and I’m so hot. So thirsty. “Do you remember when?”

  Sofia gives me an alarmed look. She puts her hand on my forehead. “You’re burning up again,” she says, looking worried and unhappy. “I was hoping…” She shakes her head. “Never mind. We really need to get my pack. Vulrux packed drugs in it for you that might help with the fever.”

  “The Adrashian ships,” I insist. “Tell me what’s going on, Sofia. Please?”

  She nods. “Let’s see,” she says. “The Adrashian ships landed the same day you left, but they had Zorahn soldiers in them. They’re looking for Raiht’vi, and they also want to round us up. The humans, I mean. Evidently, Lenox wants to see us returned to Earth so he can keep his promise that we’ll be unharmed.”

  “Don’t you want to go back?”

  “It’s complicated,” she murmurs. “Anyway. Dariux and I set out to find you, but we got captured by the Zoraken. They beat up Dariux quite badly. The two of us got taken to their camp.” She chews on her lower lip. “They have really good sensors or something. They know where the others are, inside the Dsar Cliffs. The commander, this guy called Hurux, said that his troops were going to lay siege on them.”

  As Sofia tells us this story, she starts to tremble. I wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her into my body. I will protect you, little one, my dragon growls. You are my mate. I will die to keep you safe.

  For a change, the dragon and I are in perfect alignment.

  “You set out to find us?” I ask her, astonished and touched beyond measure. “Why? We have the fever. Did the others not warn you what it means?”

  “I don’t care,” she retorts.

  “Sofia,” Rorix says gently. “We don’t remember what happens when the dragons take over. Right now, we have a few hours of awareness every day. Soon, that too will end.”

  “Yes, I know.” She lifts her chin stubbornly. “And then you’ll be lost forever. Trust me, I’ve heard it from everyone. We’re not going to let that happen. We’ll figure something out.”

  “There’s nothing that can be done, Sofia,” I say flatly. “You should go back to Earth.”

  I feel her flinch, but she doesn’t pull away from me. “No,” she says. “I’m not going to do that. Not until you’re better. Back to the story. They locked me away, but then you two appeared out of nowhere in dragon form, torched the camp, and rescued me.” She gives us a small smile. “Again. I’m like some kind of damsel in distress, and you guys keep saving me. Just like a fairy tale.”

  Did we save her? We took her. She’s kinder than we deserve.

  “And then we mated,” Rorix prompts.

  She flushes. “Yeah.”

  I ask Sofia the one thing I’ve been dreading ever since I woke up and found her naked next to me. “Did we force you?” Even asking the question makes me sick to my stomach.

  “No,” she replies at once. “No. You didn’t. I promise you. I wanted this.”

  Rorix buries his face in his hands. “You’re being kind again, Sofia,” he says, his voice low and muffled. “But tell me, how much choice did we really give you? There’s two of us, and one of you, and you are human. Your body is frail, delicate.”

  “Well, that’s flattering,” she says dryly. “Listen, you two. Cut it out, okay? I wasn’t helpless; I had a weapon. Dariux gave me a ring that could have stunned the crap out of you.”

  A small hope blooms in my heart. Could it be possible? If she had a way to subdue us but didn’t, then maybe she’s telling the truth. “He did?”

  “Yeah.” She shows us the metal band on her finger. “Evidently, if I fiddle with the hinges, boom.”

/>   There’s so much we should be talking about. We should be plotting about how to help the others. Sofia doesn’t have any clothing. No blankets either. We should be trying to find her pack. We should be thinking about food and water and fire.

  But I can’t be practical. Not now. Not when our mate is curled into me, telling me that she wanted us. That she chose us. Even though she knew about the fever.

  “Did our dragons pleasure you, sweet one?” I murmur, breathing in her distinctive spicy-sweet scent. “Did they make you moan?” I brush my lips over hers, and her breathing catches. “I want to hear you cry out, Sofia. I want to hear you gasp as you come.”

  “I’m really sore,” she whispers, even as she arches her back and moves closer to me.

  It doesn’t sound like a protest. “I’ll be gentle,” I promise. I trace the shell of her ear with my tongue, and she whimpers and shifts closer to me, her hand on my naked thigh.

  Rorix traces a slow, delicate circle over her nipple. “If you want us to stop,” he says, “we will.”

  Her eyes are cloudy with desire. “What if I want you to keep going?”



  Okay. I’ll admit something that, given everything that’s going on right now, seems incredibly petty.

  Even though I’m a virgin and I have almost no idea what I’m doing, I wanted to be the best sex they’ve ever had. I wanted them to remember me.

  Instead, I get two men that are clearly conflicted about sleeping with me.

  My first, visceral reaction is hurt. Is it too much to ask to be wanted, needed, with a passionate, all-encompassing intensity? I don’t want Ferix and Rorix to hesitate. I want them to be consumed with desire for me. Not just when their dragons are in charge. I want them to crave me all the time. The way I crave them.

  But I push back my disappointment, because the logical part of me both understands and appreciates what they’re doing. They’re facing the equivalent of a death sentence, and they’re trying to protect me from it. That’s the kind of guys they are. Honorable, ethical. The kind of guys I could bring home to my abuela. The kind of guys whose children I’d want to have someday.

  Speaking about children? Unprotected sex is a great way to get pregnant, but I can’t seem to bring myself to care.

  I want my mates. And maybe—just maybe—being with them will stop the fever and save them.

  From virgin to magic pussy healer in twenty-four hours. No pressure.

  From the light filtering into the cave, I think it’s just before dawn, which means I’ve been asleep for more than twelve hours. That’s a lot of sleep, and it’s definitely enough time for my sore muscles to heal. Good. Because the way they’re looking at me, their eyes hooded with desire, is making my insides flutter and clench.

  Rising up, I straddle Rorix’s lap. His big hands rest on my shoulders and slide down, a slow descent that thrills me. But they stop at my waist, circling it loosely. I rock forward, pressing my breasts against his sculpted chest, and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders.

  “Kiss me,” I order, and drop my mouth to his. As our lips meet, I roll against him, a slow rhythm that grinds my hips against his hard body. He responds, grabbing my ass and pulling me flush to his body, the long bar of his cock pressing against my front. “Yes,” I purr, digging my hands into his hair and kissing down the elegant slope of his neck. His body is a work of art, large and powerful, skin a tanned, gorgeous bronze. He growls and gives me a heart-stopping kiss, his tongue teasing the entrance of my mouth until I part for him, melting against his body. My pussy clenches, wet and eager.

  “Sofia.” Rorix’s hands tighten on my hips, stopping their movement. I blink, jerked from my pleasurable haze. His brow wrinkles as he studies my face. “Are you sure, sweet one?”

  “Extremely.” I’m thirty, and until a few hours ago, I was a virgin. I don’t think they realize how much practice I have at saying no. But with Rorix and Ferix, I want to say yes. Over and over again. I tug his palms from my hips and secure his arms around me. “I want this.”

  A small smile plays at the corner of his mouth. His hands slide over my bottom. “Then, my mate, you shall have it.”

  My mate. Just hearing those words sends a thrill through me.

  Strong arms lift me and lay me back. Rorix slides behind me, and I lean against him, my back against his broad chest. Ferix settles between my thighs. He looks so serious as he lifts my leg, examining the smattering of bruises I’ve collected in the events of the past couple of days. Every time he finds one, he strokes my skin with a feather-soft touch and presses a kiss against the bruise, sweet and infinitely tender. With every touch, my arousal builds until I melt into Rorix’s hold.

  This is a great way to wake up.

  The big Draekon behind me tucks me closer to his giant chest. One large hand spreads over my belly, the other teases the side of my breast.

  For a few minutes, all they do is touch and explore. I close my eyes and surrender to the sensation. Small whimpers escape from my mouth, needy and desperate. Their fingers stroke my body, strumming my arousal to a fever pitch.

  “Guys,” I gasp. “I need—”

  “Hush,” Ferix murmurs. “Let us enjoy you, little one. Let us give you the pleasure you deserve.”

  My hands clench and unclench, pressing into Rorix’s muscled thighs as his thumb circles my nipple. When I wriggle in his grasp and try to squirm away from the too-intense sensation, Ferix grips my wrists and holds them away. Pain flashes through me, and I whimper.

  They both freeze. Ferix’s hold eases at once.

  “Let me see, Sofia.” Rorix’s voice is barely audible.

  I hold up my wrist, showing them the bruises there from being held down last night. I didn’t realize I had them until now. I certainly didn’t care when it was happening, and now, the little smudges marking Ferix’s fingerprints seem like a badge of honor. A souvenir of the night I lost my virginity. “It’s okay. It’s not bothering me.”

  Then I see the horrified look on both their faces.

  “No, no, no,” I say hastily, seeing the prospect of another orgasm fade. “It’s really okay. I swear, I didn’t even notice them.” I cup Ferix’s cheek as if I could stroke his pained look away. “I promise you. I really enjoyed last night. Really.”

  He catches my hand and kisses my palm.

  I can feel Rorix’s hesitation. “I’m all right,” I say again. “Really. I’d tell you if I wasn’t.” I hold up my hand and show him the ring Dariux gave me. “Or I’d just stun you.”

  The corner of Ferix’s mouth curls up. “Would you really?”

  Rorix takes a deep breath and pressed as I am against his chest, I feel his tension drain away. “Maybe I’ll stun you if you don’t continue what you were just doing,” I threaten Ferix, smiling goofily at him.

  He laughs, a deep, amused rumble. “That doesn’t sound pleasant,” he agrees. He sucks my finger into his mouth, and I tingle everywhere. After a split-second of hesitation, Rorix returns his attention to my nipples, pinching and pulling them, making me writhe and whimper and moan. My keyed-up body strains towards them.

  “Oh, Sofia,” Ferix lifts me gently so I’m lying more on my back, my head resting on Rorix’s taut abs. “Today is about your pleasure.”

  “Works for me.” My face heats a little. Then Rorix nudges my legs apart, and Ferix lies down between them so his face is right... uh... between my legs. He’s eye-level with my pussy. No... make that tongue-level. He scoots closer until my aching pussy is close enough for him to lick, close enough to kiss.

  A gust of hot breath brushes against my folds, and my sex contracts. I try to close my legs, but Ferix’s bulk is blocking them from snapping shut.

  Then Ferix’s mouth falls on my pussy, and he feasts.

  At first, his tongue is slow and lazy, soothing the soreness in my muscles. I lean back against Rorix’s chest and sigh with pleasure as warm heat builds in my belly. This is so good. Last night, when Ferix went down o
n me, it was fantastic, but it had also felt like a prelude to penetration.

  This morning, my pleasure is the destination.

  Rorix strokes me with callused hands. Ferix’s fingers join his tongue, and he eases one long finger inside me. My muscles clamp immediately around him. So good.

  His tongue traces circles on my clitoris as he wriggles his finger inside me, twisting until he’s pressing against my g-spot. The second I feel him there, a fresh surge of wetness gushes through me. I rock back against Rorix, my legs scrambling for purchase.

  “Going somewhere?” Ferix teases, and once again, my cheeks heat. Last night, I got two growly, possessive dragons. This morning, I’m getting the men, and it’s just as good. “I don’t think so, sweet one.” He lifts my legs over his shoulders and resumes his licking, and my heels alternately drum his back or dig in. I grip his head, fingers deep in his hair, fists flexing and tugging the thick locks, wordlessly urging him to increase his pace, but he pays no attention.

  And he doesn’t stop. His tongue worships me, swiping up, down, delving inside, finding the spots that make me shudder and moan. Rorix gets involved, wrapping me in his strong arms, stroking my breasts and sides until I’m about to go mad. The scent of smoke fills the air—spicy, a bit sweet. But I’m the only one on fire.

  The rough side of Ferix’s tongue teases my clit, and all of a sudden, it’s too much. I explode, seeing stars, coming so hard my back contracts. The orgasm wracks my body, sending tingles up my spine, little runners of pleasure spreading through me. Ferix grunts in satisfaction, but he’s not done with me. He pushes his tongue deeper, thrusting into my sex, prolonging my climax.

  Time loses meaning.

  Eventually, I return to my senses. “My turn,” I tell them. I’ve never sucked a man’s penis before, but I’m eager to taste them. That orgasm was amazing. It seems only fair to return the favor.


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