Shared by the Firefighters: An MFM Firefighter Novella

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Shared by the Firefighters: An MFM Firefighter Novella Page 7

by Eddie Cleveland



  “Can I help you carry any of that to your car?” I offer to help an elderly lady who just purchased one of Kelly’s intricate vases.

  “Oh, no. That’s okay, dear. My grandson here will help me. Won’t you, Tyler?” She turns her wrinkled face to the gangly teenage boy.

  “I guess.” He shrugs.

  “Thank you, dear.” She pats him on the hand and he pulls away, quickly looking around him to make sure no one saw the affection.

  Ahhh, those awkward teen years. I remember the acne and hormones well. And I don’t miss any of it. I watch as Tyler clumsily lifts the vase and follows his grandmother out of the store. There’s a decent chance that vase will never make it to the car. I hope I’m wrong.

  I gaze around at the thinning crowd that remains in Kelly’s new shop. It took some work, but she finally had her grand opening today. I’d say it was a success. It’s not like there was a line of customers waiting at the door just clamoring to get inside this morning, but it has been a steady stream of people checking out the new place all day.

  “You must be pretty proud of yourself.” I brush my fingers down Kelly’s arm and she smiles up at me.

  When she looks at me like that, under the heavy fringe of her dark eyelashes and blinks her wide eyes at me, I want to tell everyone browsing her pottery to take a hike and lock down the store. Even though Zach and I just shared her this morning, my body is already throbbing with a need that only she can fill.

  “I am.” She blushes. “I never expected so many sales on my first day. It’s actually kind of amazing.” Her tone is hushed, like she’s in awe of her success.

  “I’m sure it will only get better too. It’s funny how when you’re following the path you’re meant to be on, things just click into place. I’m proud of you, babe.”

  Her rosy hue deepens and she looks down bashfully. “Thanks, Desi. That means a lot to me.”

  “We’re going to have to get some wine and celebrate when you close up.”

  “Already one step ahead of you, man,” Zach interrupts. “I went and got some champagne at lunch. Once we’ve cleared out the last customers, I’ll pop the cork and get the bubbly flowing.” He grins.

  “Well, it looks like we can get into that anytime now. Look.” Kelly points to the last couple of people clearing out of her place. “Quick, let’s lock the door and flip the sign. I’m more than ready to call it a day.” She nods at me.

  I cross the floor and get the place locked up. Turning back toward the shop, I can’t help but let my eyes wander over all the pottery pieces again. I helped Kelly set up these shelves and tables and gave her a hand unpacking each of these works of art and I still can’t stop staring at them. It’s incredible how much talent she has. I lift up a mug she just made, one that has an engraving of a mother holding a newborn child. The serene bliss on the mother’s face is beautifully carved in. It’s a true artist who can capture emotions so authentically like that.

  “Let’s get this party started,” Zach interrupts my thoughts.

  I glance over and watch him sweep Kelly off her feet like a beautiful bride. He marches her out the door that connects her shop to her house and I flick off the lights as I follow them out.

  Zach bypasses the kitchen and tries to head straight down the hall to the bedroom.

  “Hey, what about the champagne?” Kelly laughs.

  “Right, right.” He stops and wheels around. Back into the kitchen he carries her, managing to keep her in his arms while he opens the fridge door and grabs the bottle.

  “Desi, would you be a doll and grab the glasses?” He uses a fake, high-pitched voice that cracks Kelly up.

  “Sure thing, my pet.” I play along and open the cupboard, grabbing three for us.

  Within seconds, the champagne is popped open and we’re all lounging on the bed, sipping at it.

  Kelly takes a small sip and then giggles. “It tickles my nose.”

  “That’s how you know it’s the good stuff.” Zach gulps his glass down like he’s slurping from his water bottle at the gym.

  “Too bad it’s wasted on a Neanderthal like you,” I mock him. I hunch over, acting like a caveman and scratch the top of my head. “Mmm, Grok like champagne.” I pretend to pick some lice free from my hair, examine it, and then eat it.

  “Oh, right, I forgot I was drinking with Mr. Wine Expert. You think booze is just for sniffing and sipping. What can I say? We don’t all drink with our pinkies in the air.” Zach sniffs.

  “That doesn’t even make sense. People raise their pinkies when they drink tea, not champagne.” I shake my head.

  “You’d know,” he says it like an insult.

  “Yeah and you wouldn’t,” I shoot back. “I forgot that there’s no etiquette classes for human raccoons.”

  “Guys, guys, relax.” Kelly laughs and gently bumps her shoulders into each of us. “I love that you’re such a great cook and you know all about the finer things.” She smiles up at me. I puff up with pride, happy she’s taking my side. “And I love that you’re so chill and just enjoy things for how they are.” She smiles at Zach, evening the score.

  “Well, it’s not about us anyway.” I look down at my glass and take another sip as Zach rolls his eyes at me. “It’s about you. Congratulations on your grand opening. I’m so proud of you. You had a dream and you went for it.” I hold up my glass and Kelly clinks hers against the side.

  “Wait, let me pour some more.” Zach reaches over for his empty champagne flute and fills it to the top. “Let me get in on this.” He holds his glass out to ours and we all tap them lightly together.

  Each of us takes a long drink in silence. I drain what’s left of my drink and set down the empty glass on the bedside table. “You know, you really are the whole package.” I let my eyes rest on Kelly. “Smart, beautiful, fucking sexy as all hell and a talented artist to boot. You’re just incredible.” I reach around her head, threading my fingers through her long, dark hair, and pull her into a soft, slow kiss.

  Our mouths slowly drift open and our tongues collide in an explosion of passion. Our kiss deepens and I barely notice when Zach plucks the glass from her hand and places it down with his on the table. The mattress shifts under his weight when he slides back onto the bed and he starts kissing her shoulder.

  “Mmm, now this is my favorite way to celebrate.” She smiles against my lips.

  “Well, doesn’t that work out well? I’m pretty sure it’s our favorite way to celebrate too.” I give her a quick peck. “Now let’s get all these clothes out of the way. It’s been over eight hours since I’ve had a chance to fuck your tight, warm pussy. And I can’t wait another second.”



  Zach unbuttons my blouse and guides it down my arms. I shake it free from my wrists and he works on removing my bra. Desi quickly unbuttons my seventies style, high-waisted pants and peels them down my thick thighs. With two men undressing you, it doesn’t take long to get naked. The next thing I know, Zach is sitting behind me, with his legs wrapped around me and his lips surrounding my earlobe. His cock presses suggestively against the top of my ass while Desi starts kissing me from my ankle and slowly works his way up my leg.

  I sigh and surrender to how right all this is. I’ve never felt more comfortable in my own skin around any man before, let alone two of them. Back when I was dating, and I use that term loosely, I was a sex-in-the-dark, me on bottom, kind of girl. I would worry about all those little hang-ups I’ve had about my body since puberty. Sometimes, I didn’t even enjoy the sex at all. I was just in my own head too much, criticizing myself every time I felt my belly jiggle or when I would see a little bit of light cast over the bumpy cellulite in my thighs.

  “Mmmm.” I let it go. All of it. The self-consciousness, the hang-ups, the worries. They blow away like the curling tendrils of steam from a coffee cup on a windy fall day. With Zach and Desi, I don’t just feel good enough, I feel fucking sexy.

p; The way these two guys take their time with me, exploring me, tasting every inch of my skin, it tells me there’s nothing about me they find unattractive. No. They see how sexy I am, they appreciate my big breasts and the jiggle in my ass when I walk. They make me see myself how I wish I had seen myself from the beginning. Not as a collection of flaws to hide and fix, but as a stunning, empowered, and curvaceous woman who can keep not just one but two sexy as sin firefighters burning up for me.

  Here I am, in daylight, spread out on my bed, letting Zach and Desi see every curve and every perfectly imperfect inch. Because of them, I don’t spend my nights wishing I looked like someone else. I’ve never felt more confident with who I am. More in charge of my sexuality. More in charge of my life.

  I realize I don’t need to be nervous anymore about my secret desires. It hits me like a flash, a surge of curiosity and need that I can’t leave unfulfilled any longer.

  “Guys, stop,” I breathe the words somehow, even though their mouths on my body feel incredible.

  “What’s wrong?” Zach brushes my hair behind my ear.

  “Are you okay?” Desi eases back up onto the bed and sits next to me.

  “Yeah, I’m great. Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.” I watch their worried faces relax a bit. “It’s just that, well, I’ve been really thinking about what I want to try with you guys,” I speak slowly, trying to make sure I choose my words carefully. “See, I’ve never had anal sex before, so the idea was kind of intimidating to me.” Heat creeps over my cheeks. The old me would be wishing to curl up under a rock right now. But the new me, the one who believes she should go for things she wants and that she deserves happiness, well, she’s about to explore.

  “Okay,” Desi prods me to continue.

  “But, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. About sharing myself that way with you guys. And, so, well, I bought some lube. It’s in the drawer there.” I nod at my nightstand. “And I think I’m ready, guys.”

  “Do you want us both to fuck you, at the same time?” A flame burns behind Zach’s green eyes.

  “Yes. I really do.”

  “I knew you’d want to be my dirty little girl.” Zach kisses me hard, his hunger spilling off his tongue. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re good and ready.” He holds his forehead against mine.

  “Okay.” I bite my lip. “Just promise you’ll take it easy. It’s my first time.”

  “I won’t hurt you, baby. You’ve got my word. Come here, stand up.” He holds out his hand and helps me off the bed.

  Desi gets up too and strips off his clothes quickly, his rigid cock swaying slightly as he lies back down. He slides down until he’s lying across my bed with his head tilted back over the edge.

  “Get that tight fucking pussy over here, I’m gonna make you cum on my tongue while you suck my fat dick.” He holds his hands up and guides me over to his face.

  I open my legs and straddle the sides of his head. Leaning over, I lower my pussy to his face until the heat of his breath billows over my skin. I ease forward, moving down his body until my mouth is hovering over his cock.

  Over my shoulder, I can hear Zach undressing, but I don’t pay much attention to it. When Desi plunges his tongue into my wet slit, all I can think about is how amazing this is. I hold his cock in my hand, still in awe of how thick it is. I can barely circle my fingers around it, but I open my mouth wide and take the tip inside. I want to take as much of Desi’s huge cock in past my lips as possible. His tongue teases my clit and, behind me, Zach holds my ass cheeks open and begins tonguing me back there.

  I gasp, trying not to squirm as I get used to the sensation. It doesn’t feel bad, but just like last time he did that, I need to relax a bit to enjoy it. I push my mouth down over Desi’s dick and gag a little from his girth. Between my legs, he’s driving me to the brink by rolling his tongue over my sensitive nub. Zach presses his thumb against my asshole and slowly but diligently presses it inside.

  Just the tip of his thumb is enough to make me feel full. He pushes it in and out, easing inside me, little by little just as Desi twirls his tongue over me until it makes me explode. The sensation of Zach’s thumb in my ass heightens the experience, making me shake and quiver with bliss as my orgasm shreds through me.

  Desi lifts my leg and moves out from under me, sliding off the bed. Now I’m on all fours on my new mattress, letting Zach spread open my ass cheeks and fuck my ass with his thumb. My body has relaxed more now that I’ve cum. It no longer feels like too much for me.

  “Oh, that feels good,” I cry out.

  “Yeah? Ready for more, kitten?” Zach asks.

  “I think so.”

  He slowly pulls his thumb back until it’s not in my ass anymore and he opens my bedside table drawer. Desi joins me on the bed and lies down properly this time. His wide member is covered with a condom. I position myself over his dick and hold it by the base as I ease myself down onto it.

  Zach joins us on the bed. He’s got the lubrication I bought in his hand. “Okay, get yourself settled down on Desi and then let me get you ready,” he instructs me.

  I slowly push my hips down until Desi has me filled completely. His cock twitches inside me and it makes me want to ride him hard and fast, but I know I need to wait.

  Zach pours some lube onto my ass, working it into my tight asshole with his thumb. He doesn’t have to go so slowly this time to bury it inside. My body is much more receptive this time. “Okay, baby, I’m gonna give this a shot.” He takes out his thumb and I watch over my shoulder as he splashes a healthy amount of KY over his cock and then works it over. He squeezes a bit more onto me and then presses the head of his dick to my asshole. I stretch around the tip as he slowly works it inside. It’s tight, so tight, having both of them in me at the same time. I don’t think I can possibly take any more, but Zach keeps steadily easing his cock into me until he’s completely in.

  “There.” His voice is tight and I realize it took an enormous amount of self-control to do that so I didn’t hurt. “You ready?”

  I nod. “I am.”

  I slide up Desi’s dick and look down at him. “You’re so beautiful.” He looks up at me and I believe it.

  “Thanks.” I smile.

  I take Desi’s cock inside me until he’s buried to his balls and Zach slides back. When I move up Desi’s dick, Zach fills me with his. Neither of them is completely inside me at the same time, more like two pistons working together in unison.

  The feeling of fullness subsides and is replaced by overwhelming pleasure. I surrender completely to this moment, enjoying the men sliding their cocks into me over and over. I close my eyes and try to only concentrate on the sensations. It’s all so much. A tingle of bliss burns up from my belly and spreads over my skin. It builds up, until it’s like a current of electric ecstasy washing over me. I tilt my head back and howl at the ceiling as white-hot pleasure reduces me to a bundle of raw, exposed nerves.

  Desi thrusts into me harder, faster. He pulls me on top of him so I’m leaning over and he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth as his cum fills the condom between us. I can still feel every spurt of his jizz and it makes me clench down on both of them.

  When Desi pulls out and rolls off the bed, Zach repositions himself behind me. I’ve got my head flat on the pillow and my ass in the air. He slides back inside my asshole fully, filling me until his balls slap against my pussy. He fucks me less cautiously, quickening his pace. His thrusts are deep and then he doesn’t move, just fills the room with a deep, guttural growl. Cum splashes inside me, filling my ass, and we both collapse on the bed. Zach pulls his member out of me and heads into the bathroom to clean up as Desi lies down with me.

  It’s only another minute or two before Zach is lying on my other side and we’re all twisted up in one another, sharing my bed. Sharing me. Sharing this moment.

  “How was it?” Zach kisses me softly.

  “I liked it,” I admit. “A lot actually.”

  “Mmm, I knew you had
a naughty side,” he answers.

  Desi absentmindedly draws invisible pictures on my thigh with his fingertip. “You really are so special.” His voice sounds distant, like he’s in a daydream.

  “I’ve never felt so open and close with anyone before,” Zach chimes in. “I’m so glad we decided to give this a shot. I never in a million years would have expected a relationship like this working. I mean, it just seemed like too many things could go wrong, you know?”

  “I get what you mean.” I nod.

  “But it just feels like every day gets better. I don’t have any problem picturing us making this work, well… for as long as you’ll put up with us.” He laughs.

  Is he saying he can picture forever with me? With us? My heart flutters like a hummingbird’s wings as I imagine the possibilities. Having two men in my life forever. Two fathers for my children. Two hard bodies to keep me warm on those long winter nights. I never realized it was my fantasy until I started living it, and now it sounds like it’s something Desi wants long-term too.

  “What about you?” I look over at Zach.

  “Me?” He raises his eyebrows. “I’ve got no plans of going anywhere. If you want to get rid of me, you’re gonna have to kick me to the curb.” He laughs.

  “Well, that’s not happening.” I snuggle against both of them. “The truth is, I’d love to make this more permanent. When I think about the three of us, I know you two are the right guys to… well…” My voice cracks as I try to say the words but can’t.

  What if they get freaked out or upset? I don’t want to ruin a good thing by admitting how much I want—no, how much I need a baby.

  “What is it?” Desi leans over me.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Zach watches my face closely.

  “Well, the thing is, I’ve had some medical problems and the doctors have said it might be hard for me to get pregnant,” I explain.

  “I’m so sorry.” Desi brushes his hand over my face.


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