The Prince's Texas Bride

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The Prince's Texas Bride Page 9

by Leanne Banks

  Stefan groaned. “Eve, I can’t stand this,” he muttered, pressing against her intimately so she knew what he meant.

  “What do you want?” she whispered.

  “Inside you,” he said without waiting a half beat.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked.

  Letting out a long groan, he put on another condom and pulled her down on his aching shaft. She moaned. He groaned again.

  He guided her hips over him and Eve found herself loving this ride more than any other she’d experienced. After a few moments, however, she felt herself tighten in anticipation. A combination of neediness and want consumed her. “Stefan,” she said, sensations intensifying with each passing moment. She sank down on him at the same time he thrust inside her and she felt a spasm of pleasure radiate from her core to every other place inside her. One heartbeat later, he thrust inside her again with a loud groan of satisfaction that vibrated throughout her.

  “Oh. Wow,” she managed in a broken whisper.

  “Oh. Yes,” he said, wrapping his arms around her as if he never intended to let her go. And a secret part of her hoped it was true.

  She secretly wished he wanted her at least half as much as she wanted him…. And that wish could be dangerous.

  Stefan awakened with Eve wrapped around him. He glanced around the room for a clock and finally spotted one. 2:00 a.m. For goodness’ sake, why had he fallen asleep? And for this long?

  The sensation of her silky leg twined with his kept him pinned to the couch. Her hair splayed across her face in waves, her eyelashes looked like a mysterious dark fan against her cheeks. Remembering how good it had felt to take her, to be inside her, aroused him again. Since he needed to jet out for an early-morning meeting in France, he couldn’t give in to the urge.

  “Eve,” he said in a low voice. “Wake up, sweetheart.”

  She wiggled against him and sighed, still dead to the world.

  Her breasts brushing his chest made him clench his jaw. It would be so easy to kiss her awake, caress her and sink inside… He cut off the thought.

  “Eve,” he repeated, in a normal voice. “We need—”

  Her eyes blinked open and she stared at him. She let out a scream and punched his face and kicked at him. “Get away from me! Get away—”

  Shocked, and his cheekbone stinging, Stefan quickly backed away from her flailing arms and feet. “What the bloody hell? What’s wrong with you?”

  Sitting straight up, she blinked and shook her head. “Stefan?”

  “Of course, it’s me. Who did you think it was?” he demanded.

  “I didn’t know. I was having this dream and suddenly I woke up and a man was on top of me. It terrified me.” She glanced down at herself, taking quick shallow breaths, still clearly disoriented. “Oh, my God, I’m completely naked.” She grabbed a pillow and held it against her as she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, moving toward her warily. Bloody hell, the woman had a hard right punch.

  “This is embarrassing,” she said. “I just hit you, didn’t I?”


  “I’m so sorry. I’m just not used to waking up to find a man beside me,” she said.

  He gingerly rubbed his cheek again. “No need to prove that to me.”

  She cringed, rising to her feet, lifting her hand to his cheek. “Is it okay?”

  “Of course it is,” he said, capturing her hand and brushing aside the pain. “But we do need to leave. I’m making a three-day trip to France and I have meetings first thing in the morning.”

  “Oh, what time is it?” she asked, glancing around the room.

  “Just after two,” he said.

  She looked at him in horror. “How could we have both fallen asleep like that?”

  He chuckled. “One of the secrets to a good night’s sleep is great sex, and I’d say that’s what we had in spades.”

  A twinge of self-consciousness flashed across her eyes before she glanced away. “I should get dressed. What a night,” she muttered, nearly tripping over an ottoman.

  He caught her against him. “Wait just a moment and let me turn on a light. There’s no need to be embarrassed.”

  “I’m not,” she retorted quickly.

  Releasing her, he turned on a lamp and began to dress himself.

  “Okay, maybe a little. I haven’t done this before,” she said and scooped up her clothing. “I feel—flustered.” She made a sound of frustration. “I’m never flustered.”

  He walked to her and put his hand under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. The turbulent emotion he saw in her eyes pulled hard at his gut. She was strong, but she was vulnerable. For a moment, he wondered if he should have allowed himself to take her. She wasn’t as sophisticated as his other lovers had been. He also knew, however, that what had been building between them wouldn’t have gone away.

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. This was your first time,” he said.

  She growled and lifted her chin away from his hand. “Oh, good grief. It’s not like I was a sixteen-year-old virgin.” She stepped into her panties and pulled her dress over her head, then balled her bra into a knot. “Where’s my purse?” she muttered, looking around the room.

  Spotting it close to the glass doors, he collected it and gave it to her. “Here.”

  “Thanks,” she said, snatching it from him and cramming her bra into her purse.

  “I’ll be back from Paris in four days. I’d like to see you,” he said.

  She looked up at him, shaking her bangs from her eyes. “For what?” she asked and shifted on her feet. “I mean, is this just going to be a sex thing? Am I a mistress or—”

  “No,” he said. “If you were my mistress, I would set you up in a private apartment and give you a monthly income. Your only purpose in life would be to be available at my beck and call.”

  She lifted her eyebrows and rounded her lips in an O. “Sounds like you’ve done this before.”

  “No. As a matter of fact, I haven’t, but my father did several times.”

  She gave a slow nod.

  “You and me and just you and me. As you requested,” he said, wondering why his heart was hammering. He wondered if she would suddenly have buyer’s remorse and back away from him. He didn’t want that. Stefan couldn’t remember having a relationship with a more authentic woman in his life.

  “But secret,” she said.

  “Of course. If the press or advisers found out, it would be hell for both of us,” he said.

  She thought about that for a moment. “So what do you have planned for us in four nights?” she asked, her lips lifting in a slight smile.

  “We could go for a ride after dark,” he said.

  “I’d like that,” she said and took a deep breath. “I’m ready to go.”

  “Good,” he said. He slid his hand behind her back to escort her from the room. Part of him, a big part of him, wanted to keep her with him, but he knew he couldn’t.

  The following day, Bridget stomped into the barn office with two cartons of Chinese food and a laptop. “I’m furious,” she said. “He has no right. No right at all. Is cashew shrimp okay with you?” she said more than asked as she plopped the cartons onto Eve’s desk. “Do you like Chinese?” she asked with a scowl.

  Not my fave, Eve thought, but Bridget was so unhappy she decided to make do. She hadn’t planned to eat any lunch at all today.

  “Hey, how are you today?” Eve asked.

  Bridget opened the carton of food, then lifted a hand. “I know I got a little out of hand last night. Drank a little too much—” She broke off and used chopsticks to take a bite. “But that was no excuse for Stefan using strong-arm tactics and being a party pooper.”

  “Hmm,” Eve said, because she suspected anything else would just get Bridget more fired up.

  “It’s ridiculous, and I was totally embarrassed that he arranged for another ride home for you because he thought I wouldn’t calm down,”
Bridget added and took another bite. “You and I had a very nice dinner and you weren’t miserable at the club.” She paused. “Were you?”

  Eve squirmed in her seat. “I wasn’t really miserable,” she began.

  Bridget’s face fell. “Yes, you were. I’m sorry. I’m just so fed up with all the social appearances I have to make. I needed one night of freedom.” She sighed. “I guess I went overboard.”

  “I’m not familiar with the security requirements….”

  Bridget scowled. “They’re supposed to know everywhere I go days in advance. That allows for zero spontaneity.”

  “Hmm,” Eve said. “Do you know if there have been any threats—”

  “There are always threats,” Bridget said. “Lately, our citizens are very frustrated by the lack of jobs.”

  “That’s a problem in lots of places,” Eve said.

  “Exactly,” Bridget said. “But in general the people of Chantaine are very loving and peaceful. I have a hard time believing any of them would commit a violent act against the royal family.”

  Eve nodded. “But still, the palace security must protect you….”

  Bridget sighed. “True. All too true. Maybe I just need a vacation.”

  Eve thought about what Stefan had said about letting Bridget go to Italy, but she knew she should hold her tongue. “Maybe a break is right around the corner,” she said vaguely and took a bite of shrimp from the box.

  “I can’t bank on that. I’m the number-one girl now, and I don’t like it,” she confessed. “I don’t want to be irresponsible, but I don’t know how Valentina managed this. I think Stefan needs a wife.”

  Strangling over the bite she’d just taken, Eve snapped her head up. “A wife?” she echoed weakly.

  “Yes, it’s perfect. Stefan needs a wife who can take over the bulk of the royal duties. Then I could just be free. So, I’m starting my research today,” she said, booting up her laptop. “If I put enough women in Stefan’s path, surely he will want to marry one of them.” She clicked on the notebook mouse and swayed the screen toward Eve.

  A beautiful, sophisticated blonde appeared on the screen. “A duchess in Sweden. I think Stefan is partial to blondes. He had a passionate affair with a Swedish model a few years ago. What do you think?”

  Eve took a sip of water and felt her appetite disappear like a vapor. “I have no idea,” she managed and took another sip.

  Bridget frowned. “But what do you think of the idea? I think it’s a win-win for everyone. He’s been so busy during the last two years he hasn’t taken the time to have a relationship, and I have to believe a regular love life would improve his disposition.”

  Eve strangled over the water and set her cup on her desk. “Oh.”

  “Plus the advisers would be thrilled. The whole country would be thrilled. And when Stefan’s new wife takes over the high-profile duties,” Bridget said with a cagey smile, “I will be thrilled. So help me select a few contenders. I could invite them here for some beach time and a palace party.”

  “You’re going to invite them all at the same time?” Eve couldn’t resist asking. “Maybe you should make it a reality show.”

  Bridget’s eyes glowed with enthusiasm. “What a fabulous idea.”

  “I was joking,” Eve said. “I’m not sure Stefan would appreciate your manipulating his love life. How would you feel if he did the same to you?”

  Bridget waved her hand. “Oh, he’s done it to me a thousand times. I’m surprised he didn’t try to get me engaged before I hit puberty. Stefan wants all of us to marry in a way that benefits Chantaine. When he finally gets around to getting married, I’m sure he’ll choose a woman who can benefit the country in a multitude of ways.”

  “I realize it’s not my place to ask, but what about love?” Eve asked.

  Bridget shrugged. “I’m not sure love comes into it. Whoever he marries will bear a ton of duty and responsibility. High-profile appearances, bearing children, never publicly disagreeing with Stefan.”

  “That lets me out,” Eve muttered.

  “Pardon?” Bridget said.

  “That lets any woman like me out of the running. If I strongly disagree, I can’t hide it,” she said.

  Bridget giggled. “Now, that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in days. You and Stefan together? The advisers would fall over in one swoop. I wouldn’t be surprised if an earthquake wouldn’t swallow the palace whole.”

  “Glad I could amuse you,” Eve said drily, then shook her head. “I’m glad I’m not Stefan. I would like to marry for love.”

  Bridget turned sober. “Hmm. The crown princes have always married for duty and often had mistresses on the side. My father did, as did his father.”

  “Didn’t that bother your mother?” Eve asked.

  “I think she was totally enamored with my father in the beginning. We don’t discuss this, but she was second choice. His first love bailed on him. My mother definitely did her part in the child-bearing department. Not so much the child-rearing. My father was a playboy from the time he was a teenager until the last couple of years of his life.”

  “And Stefan is determined to live down that reputation,” Eve mused.

  Bridget nodded. “Exactly. All the more reason I should help him.” She clicked her mouse and a photo of another gorgeous woman flashed up on the screen. “What do you think of her?”

  “I can’t help you, Bridget. I’ve got horses to train,” she said and stood.

  “But you haven’t eaten the lunch I brought you,” Bridget protested. “Come on, this could be enormous fun. Much more fun than working on a charity fundraiser.”

  “I’ll help you with a charity fundraiser, but I’m not touching this.”

  “I’ll hold you to it,” she said and shoved her laptop into her pink bag. She grabbed her carton of Chinese. “We’ll talk later. Ta-ta for now. If you won’t help me select Stefan’s future bride, then I’ll just get a facial.”

  For the next few days, Eve brooded over everything Bridget had told her about Stefan. She wondered about his past affairs. She wondered what he wanted in a wife. She wondered why in the world he was involved with her. She was not blonde, not pedigreed, not submissive or politically correct.

  It wasn’t as if this was a long-term relationship, she reminded herself, even though the thought pinched. It was just something they had to do. For some inexplicable reason, they had to be with each other for this time. However short it was.

  Stefan managed to leave Paris a couple hours earlier than planned. After an intense week of meetings with various diplomats and businessmen, he was looking forward to a relaxing evening with Eve. One of his long-time advisers, Tomas, however was determined to receive a detailed account of his trip. Stefan sent a text to Eve to save room for a late dinner during their ride on the beach.

  “We must provide more jobs for our people. We must improve our economy,” Tomas said.

  “I’m working on that nonstop,” Stefan said. “But you know I haven’t had the cooperation I’ve needed.”

  “True,” Tomas conceded, nodding his white head in response. “You’re much more of a fighter than your father was. The people are afraid to believe but want to hope.”

  “I won’t be taking a trip on the royal yacht with a bunch of playboy bunnies anytime soon,” Stefan said.

  Tomas nodded. “Speaking of women, though, the time has come for you to find a wife. It would benefit everyone, including you.”

  “That’s way down the list for me, Tomas,” Stefan said.

  “It shouldn’t be,” Tomas insisted, drawing his scraggly eyebrows into a frown. “The other advisers and I have some suggestions for you to consider.”

  Stefan shook his head. “That’s not necessary.”

  “Oh, but it is,” Tomas said. “I’d like you to escort one of our candidates at the royal dinner next week.”

  Stefan sighed. “You know I’ll have no time to entertain a woman, let alone talk to her.”

  “You have no n
eed for concern,” Tomas said. “The other advisers and I will help.”

  Great, Stefan thought. The candidate would be entertained by a bunch of geezers. Any woman in her right mind would run screaming. “Fine, fine,” he said, glancing at his watch. “We’ll discuss more at our next meeting.” He stood. “Thank you very much for coming, Tomas. As always, your loyalty humbles me.”

  Tomas also stood. “I am proud to serve you, sir.”

  As soon as Tomas left, Stefan raced to his quarters, giving instructions to the kitchen as he changed clothes. As he walked out of his room, a staff member delivered a basket with food.

  “Thank you,” Stefan said.

  “Your Highness,” the staff member said. “Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer another staff member to carry the basket for you?”

  Stefan chuckled. “I think I can manage. Have a good evening.”

  “Yes, sir. You, too,” the kitchen boy said.

  Stefan smiled. “I’ll do my best.” He’d already informed security of his plans for the evening. A car pulled up next to the private exit as he stepped outside the door. Despite his long day of travel, he could have easily jogged to the stables, but riding in the car would appease security. Less than five minutes later, he arrived at the stables.

  “Sir, are you sure you don’t want us to bring the basket for you?” Franco asked.

  “I know I seem feeble, but I can manage it,” Stefan cracked.

  Franco unsuccessfully muffled a chuckle. “Sir, you are anything but feeble. I ask only for your convenience.”

  “To be perfectly honest, Franco, I don’t want you anywhere near me tonight,” Stefan said. “In fact, I’m going to pretend you don’t exist.”

  “Point taken, sir,” Franco responded. “We will be invisible.”

  “Thank you,” he said and stepped out of the car. He walked inside the stable and heard the sound of Eve’s voice. He paused, listening to her coo at Gus. He heard Black stomping in his stall, almost as if he were jealous. Heaven help him, he understood. He, too, wanted Eve cooing over him. Ridiculous, he thought and strode toward her.


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