Slave To Love

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Slave To Love Page 22

by Bridget Midway

  Taren blinked. Yes, Lord No looked and seemed intimidating, but he also had a great body. It shocked Taren that Bubbles didn’t want to be this man’s slave, even for a short while.

  “Let me have her. I’ll teach her not to be disobedient.” Fear cracked his knuckles.

  Lord No grabbed Bubbles’s hand, but she closed it into a fist to prevent him from sliding on the ring.

  “Lord No, would you like to pick someone else?” Macabre asked.

  He shook his head while still glaring at the woman in front of him. He pointed to himself and then pointed to Bubbles to illustrate that he wanted this slave.

  “Is there an opportunity for the Dominants to switch slaves during the competition?” Taren didn’t want this woman to feel trapped, even for a TV show.

  “Yes. If a Dominant wants to swap slaves, he or she can. But they can only change once, and the two Dominants have to be in agreement.” Macabre put her hand on Taren’s shoulder.

  “You could be traded, Bubbles.” Taren tried making the appeal to the woman.

  Bubbles seemed unmoved. She must have known the man or at least his style. After a tense beat, Bubbles opened her hand. She allowed No to slip the ring on her middle finger before he pulled her roughly behind him to return to the line. When Bubbles didn’t lower herself to the floor, No put his hand to her shoulder and pushed her down.

  Bubbles lowered her head. Her curls drooped down into her face to cover her expression. Taren wanted to run over to the woman and hug her. No one should feel obligated to be with someone.

  Taren took a deep breath before resuming her duties. “Fear, you can go.” By now Taren felt exhausted, like she had been put into the bodies of each of these women.

  “Great.” Fear didn’t even bother going to the women. He pointed to Solo. “You.” He pointed in front of himself. “Here.”

  Solo strolled to him.

  “Don’t look at me.”

  She turned her back to him. Fear put a diamond choker around her neck.

  “Down.” Fear snapped his fingers.

  Solo lowered herself to her knees without a word.

  Two slaves remained on the one side of the room. Taren still couldn’t muster the strength to pick Jace.

  “Miss Twist, you can—”

  Twist cut Taren off. “Fine.”

  Twist stormed to the two women. She looked at Sweetheart up and down before studying Bambi. “I like your style.” She pulled out a small chain. “Put this on.” She handed it to Bambi.

  Bambi started to wrap the chain around her wrist.

  “No.” Twist pointed down. “Ankle.” She didn’t bother to inspect her work. Twist returned to the line.

  After Bambi affixed the chain around her ankle she took her kneeling spot in front of Twist.

  Jace glanced at Taren. “Do I need to wait for you to let me go to my slave?”

  Taren heard the bite in his voice. Unable to speak, she shook her head.

  Jace strolled up to Sweetheart, who firmed up her smile when he got in front of her.

  “Sucks being picked last, huh?” Jace offered a small smile to the remaining slave. He pushed her dark hair from in front of her face and tucked it behind her ears. “Let’s see your pretty face. What’s your name?”


  Jace shook his head. “I don’t want to know your scene name right now. What’s your name?”

  Sweetheart glanced at Taren and Macabre before returning her attention to Jace. “Um, Nikki.”

  “Nice to meet you, Nikki.” He held out his hand to her.

  With some reluctance, she shook his hand.

  “I’ll call you Sweetheart during a scene, okay?”

  Sweetheart nodded. “Yes, sir. What should I call you?”

  He leaned down and whispered something to her.

  Unlike Slinky, she didn’t giggle. Her knees buckled and she would have fallen to the floor if Jace didn’t wrap his arm around her waist. He held her up as he continued sharing something intimate with her. When he finally pulled back, he held up his hand and removed a ring he had on his right hand. She slipped it on the only finger that it would fit on her, her thumb. Then he took her hand and led her back to the line with the other Dominants.

  When Sweetheart started to lower herself to her knees, he stopped her. Jace wrapped his arm around her waist and held her next to him. The intimate connection drove Taren to look away.

  “With that task down, the next will be to come up with your contracts.” Macabre let out a loud cackle. “It’ll be interesting what you all will include in them.”

  “And cut.” Kitty hopped from her chair. “Great take. Awesome drama.”

  “Yeah. Great.” Bubbles stood and walked away.

  “Dominants, find a comfortable spot to write out your contracts. We have people here to type them out for you.” Kitty turned to the slaves. “House slaves, be available for your Dominants now. The game has changed.”

  It sure had. Taren’s curiosity became piqued with Jace’s actions. She followed the slaves to one of their rooms. They each plopped down on a bed, some hit the floor.

  “What a day.” Bambi fanned her face.

  “I think I’m going to like this game.” Sandy glanced at her new adornment.

  “It’s for the show. Don’t look into it any more than that.” Bubbles shook her head.

  “Yeah, why were you so opposed to being with Lord No?” Solo asked. “He’s probably rough as hell, but he has a great ass.”

  “Yeah. Do you know him from before or something?” Breeze moved closer to her on the bed.

  “It’s his vibe. I just don’t want to be with him, okay?” Bubbles kept her stare on the floor. “A man who doesn’t talk has something to hide.”

  “Yeah. Same goes for a man who whispers.” Taren turned to Sweetheart. “What did Master say to you?”

  Sweetheart peered at her new collar before turning to Taren. “Why do you want to know?”

  Taren blinked. She had to think of a good answer fast. “I’m looking for my potential Dom. If it’s going to be him, I need to know what he’s thinking.”

  “So why not ask me about what Bruiser said to me?” Breeze crossed her legs.

  “Because, well, you laughed with whatever he said to you. I figured he was making light of something.” Actually, Taren didn’t care. She only cared about Jace. She turned to Sweetheart. “You damn near dropped to your knees. So what did he say?”

  Sweetheart smiled and scanned the group. “You really want to know?”

  “Yes,” the group said in unison.

  Sweetheart took a deep breath. “He said that he noticed me when I first came in. Even if Taren had picked him first to choose, he would have chosen me. That’s what made me swoon.”

  “That is very nice.” Beauty nodded.

  “Then he apologized for the collar. He said that he could only give me this and that it had meant the world to him. It symbolized him getting over some struggles.” Sweetheart held up her hand to show off the ring.

  “What is it. A class ring or something?” Bambi stood from the bed and sauntered to the group.

  Sweetheart studied the ring. “Oh, God.”

  “What?” Solo ran over to her.

  “It’s a sobriety ring.” Sweetheart looked up. “He’s an addict?”

  Taren’s breath caught at that bit of news. She never thought the man who took her to her first BDSM club and made her come harder than any lover she’d ever had would have had an addiction.

  “We’re all addicted to something, aren’t we?” Solo winked. “I’m addicted to sensations. Touch me all over.” She ran her hands over her body.

  “I think I’m addicted to love.” Sandy smiled.

  “You had better stop that.” Bubbles shook her head. “Don’t get into these relationships thinking you can find love. Think of it as a business transaction.” She snickered. “They’re coming up with contracts right now.”

  “There was one last thing he said.”
Sweetheart screwed up her lips as though trying to hold back a laugh. “He said that it wouldn’t take you long to ask me what he said.”

  Taren felt her face get hot as she tried playing off what Jace had said. “He’s telling secrets. Of course I would want to know.”

  “And, again, you didn’t ask me about Bruiser.” Breeze shook her head. “Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love.” She started singing more lines to the classic song.

  “Maybe the show should have been called that instead.” Sandy ran her fingers over the chains attached to her ring. “Just so long as the word love stays in the title.”

  Taren liked Sandy’s way of thinking. With this new revelation about Jace, now she wanted to know more.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It had been a long time since Jace existed in a BDSM world. Within a matter of a few hours, he not only picked up a new slave, but he had to write a contract for said slave.

  The young intern or production assistant who typed up his words seemed nervous but eager. Maybe the young man wanted this over with as fast as Jace did.

  “Make sure to include that my form of play may be painful or humiliating. Put that line here.” Jace pointed to the screen.

  He noticed right away the pale band of skin on his right-hand ring finger. It had been a long time since he had removed that ring for longer than it took him to get through the security gate at an airport.

  “Okay, that should be it.” Jace asked him to print three copies—one for himself, one for Sweetheart, and one for Kitty.

  After Jace removed his copies from the printer, he turned and saw Taren standing by the front door. She kept her stare on him as she walked out, as though asking him to join her without saying a word.

  Jace thought about placing his contracts on a table somewhere, but he didn’t want someone, mainly Fear, to pick them up and destroy them. He carried them as he walked out the front door. He found Taren sitting at the end of the porch far from the front door and the traffic.

  He sauntered to her. “We could go to the guesthouse if you want to talk.”

  Taren shook her head. “People are back there smoking.”

  “What? They’re smoking in—” Jace stopped himself before blurting that he owned the home.

  Hell, even when he smoked, he didn’t do it at home. He would smoke on the job site and in his vehicle, with the windows down of course. He should have made that a clause in his contract with Ananda.

  Jace placed the contracts on the bench beside Taren before he sat down.

  “May I see that?” Taren pointed to the sheets of paper.

  Jace shook his head. “You’ll hear what I have on it when we start taping again.”

  “Tease.” She nudged him with her elbow.

  “Why did you pick me last?” He had his suspicions, but he wanted to hear it from her. Knowing Taren, she would blurt out the truth.

  “I didn’t think I could handle seeing you choose a slave.”

  He knew she would be honest. “This coming from someone who read all about the lifestyle and knew that play relationships didn’t mean it would be a romantic relationship.”

  She shrugged. “I’m getting schooled on a lot of new things.”

  “Really? Did you learn what I whispered to Sweetheart?”

  Taren laughed. “You think you’re funny, don’t you?”

  “I know you. I knew you would ask. I knew you would want to know more about me.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. I didn’t know you were an addict.”

  The smile melted from Jace’s face. “Some of the reckless decisions I made in my youth. I was heavy into drugs. My brother helped me get clean.” He looked in front of him, afraid of what Taren would think of him now. “I wear the ring to remind myself that everyone is fragile. We all make mistakes. And I can be stronger than the biggest obstacle.” He looked at Taren. Her big brown eyes had him melting in his spot. “Once I got clean, I discovered how much I love being a Dom. You know why?”

  Taren shook her head.

  “When I was a heroin addict, no one trusted me. They couldn’t. I made it impossible because I stole. I broke into homes. I scammed innocent people. All that so that I could get high and forget about life. Being a Dom allowed me to be trusted again.” He reached out for Taren’s hand and interlaced his fingers with hers. “I have a sub or slave strapped down. Sometimes with panic clips. Sometimes not. Either way, they know I’m going to do the right thing. They believe in me. For that reason, I go out of my way to give them a great experience. I lose myself in a scene.” He rubbed his hand where the ring used to be. “Since I joined this show last-minute, I didn’t realize I would need to provide a collar. I didn’t know what to give until I saw Mistress Night give up one of her necklaces. That ring is personal to me. I won’t share that story with Sweetheart about my past. But I don’t mind showing her that I’m flawed.” He draped his arm behind Taren on the bench, but he wanted to touch her, feel that smooth skin again. “I’m not a perfect man. I never claimed to be. But I know I can be good for the right woman.”


  Jace liked hearing Taren’s jealousy rising to the top. “She is beautiful. Great smile. Big, firm breasts.”

  “I’m sure you’ll be very happy with her.” Taren started to stand, but Jace held onto her wrist to keep her in her position.

  “I don’t really know her yet. I’ve gotten to know you a little.” He smoothed her hair from her face. “I want to know more. I want to know if you liked when I played with your legs and feet during breakfast.”

  “Yes.” Her breathing increased.

  “I want to know how big your dreams are.”

  “You do?” Taren moved in closer to him.

  He nodded. “I want to know if you understood what I meant this morning about being blindfolded and not knowing who is touching you.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows until he pulled out a black cloth napkin from his pocket.

  “Midnight. I want you to put this around your eyes and sit on your bed and wait.” Jace stood and picked up his contracts.

  “Wait for what?” She clutched the cloth in her hand.

  He headed to the door, but stopped. “I guess you’ll see. Or maybe you won’t see.”

  “How do you know I’m not going to eliminate you today?” She got on her feet and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You did say you would. And you haven’t lied to me yet.” Jace shrugged. “If I have to go, I will. But if you want to know about the blindfold, you’ll keep me around for one more day.” He disappeared into the house.

  Jace needed more time with Taren because what he discovered about her, he liked. He hoped she liked him, at least long enough to keep him for more than a day. That would mean that he would have to tell her everything. He would have to come clean about his family, and the real reason he wanted to have the show at his house. He needed more time.


  “The slave understands that bleeding may result during some play,” Sire Ball said as he read his contract.

  After hearing variations of this contract, Taren became bored. So far none of the slaves objected to the terms as each Dominant read their contracts. She wanted to hear Jace’s contract. Then she would count down the minutes to midnight. Before then, she would have to let someone go. That had to be based on the contract terms and what she had experienced that morning after breakfast. If everyone planned on saying the same things, this would be harder than she thought.

  “Thank you, Sire Ball.” Macabre nodded.

  Sire returned to the couch and Slinky resumed her spot on the floor by his feet.

  “I’ll go next.” Fear bolted to his feet. He stomped over to Solo. Without looking at the contract, he spouted his terms. “You will do as I say or be punished. Punishments are decided by me. I will tell you when you hurt. You don’t understand your limitations.”

  Taren squirmed uneasily in her chair. In her mind, she had Fear on a shortlist to elimina

  Fear continued. “Expect blood, sweat, tears, and broken bones.”

  Taren and the crew gasped.

  Fear didn’t flinch. He threw his contract to Solo. “Sign it.”

  Without hesitation, she signed the document and handed it back to Fear. When he stomped back to his seat, Solo, as it stated in Fear’s contract, followed him by crawling on the floor. Once at his feet, she remained kneeling.

  Macabre stood to make a statement. “Slaves, just like in a real BDSM club, these contracts are not legally binding, and Slave to Love and the people behind it will not be responsible for any negligence or damages.” She glared at Fear. “I’ll let you all know the rules about the dungeon when we get there, which will be tomorrow.”

  “Fine. My turn.” Miss Twist stood and sauntered to Bambi.

  She started to spout the same clauses like the other Dominants. Taren tuned her out in order to look at Jace. He kept his attention on Twist while he fisted his contract. She wondered what he would say. Would it be the same rhetoric as the other Dominants, or would he be original?

  A flash snagged her attention. She turned in time to see Miss Twist putting a lit lighter under her contract and burning it in front of Bambi.

  “It doesn’t matter what this paper says or what these people say.” She dropped the flaming paper onto the marble floor. “I own you. You’re mine, bitch!”

  Jace ran from the couch first to stomp out the fire. “Are you crazy?”

  Twist grabbed Bambi’s arm and pulled her to her seat on the couch. “Fuck you, Master. I’ve made my point.”

  A production assistant cleaned up the ashes and soot on the floor before filming resumed.

  “Since you’re standing, Master, you want to go now?” Macabre asked.

  “Yeah, sure.” He stood in front of Sweetheart. “As my slave, I expect you to be honest.”

  Both Sweetheart and Taren blinked. Jace followed people who’d talked about blood, broken bones, and fire. Jace came at Sweetheart from a different way.

  “I can’t be the Dom you need if you don’t tell me what works. What works for you, works for me. I don’t seek pain unless it’s pain you seek. I don’t want tears unless you need that release. Bleeding may happen. I will take care of you. I will treat you like my home. You will not be broken. Trust me. Trust me.”


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