The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2)

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The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2) Page 20

by Trent Evans

  And more.

  He pulled his cock from the clutch of her lips, rubbing the head across her freckled cheeks, wetting it in her tears. Then he made her lick it off, and he did it again.

  And again.

  Then he took hold of twin handfuls of that wondrous red hair and held her still, shoving his cock back in her mouth. Her eyes bulged, fresh tears brimming over as he took her then, thrusting quicker and quicker, each time battering the head of his penis against the back of her throat, each time making her gag.

  “Stick your tongue out as it pushes in, Rose. Stick it out as far as you can.” And miraculously, the gagging stopped. Mostly.

  He could hold back no longer though, the pleasure rising, rising, rising up from the back of his balls. Pressure, intense pleasure, heat. His legs, his entire body, tensing with it. And then he pulled out, grinding out through gritted teeth, “Tongue, slave.”

  Instantly, the smooth pink of her tongue extended from her lips. He stroked his penis once, twice, groaning with it, laying the head upon the tip of her tongue again. Then he threw his head back with a long, soul-deep groan, his seed exploding from him.

  He looked down upon her then as the last spurts leapt out. Her tongue was coated with it, her cheeks. A long rope had managed to leap up across the bridge of her nose, more of his semen dripping from her lower lip, from her chin.

  “Good girl, Rose,” he said. “That’s how you do it. Good girl.” He pulled away and crouched down in front of her. Amazingly, she seemed to know he required that she display her semen-soaked face for him until he gave her leave. “You do have the way of this, don’t you, dirty girl? Swallow, Rose. Swallow all of it.”

  The tongue pulled back into her mouth, those ruby lips closing. She closed her eyes as she swallowed once, twice. With his finger, he gathered a fat dollop of the semen, presenting it to her lips too. Her blush flaring crimson, another tear tracking down her face, she licked it from his finger, cleaning it gently, almost reverently.

  Oh, she knows what she’s doing. Oh Rose, my beautiful Rose.

  He helped clean her face in this way, taking his time, drawing out the moment — and her sweet embarrassment — bringing every single drop of his come to her lips.

  And then it was done.

  Her face still gleamed with the remnants of his seed, and he knew in a few minutes it would be tight with dried come.

  He liked that too. That it would be a reminder to her of her debasement, of his use of her, of her status as his plaything.

  For she knew now that he could use her not only to fuck her cunt, but to suck his cock, to swallow his seed, his tribute, his essence. It was hers now.

  And she would learn he would require her to taste it often.

  Then he stood, taking hold of the leash. “Now, my little slave girl, we have a call to make.”

  Chapter 19

  He took a seat in the comfortable cockpit-style chair of the information access bay, a small enclosed chamber directly adjacent to his living space. It was much like the standard communications suite seen in most homes, but unlike a simple access bay, this one was a fully-connected network node, something reserved only for the affluent, the politically connected, or senior military officers.

  It had been part of his upgrade, his promotion to Major.

  This time, he took Rose inside with him, a snap of his fingers beckoning her to kneel next to his seat. He lowered the lights until all he could see was the sparkle of her big round eyes. The screen before him was approximately three meters square. It glimmered to life as he tapped in the access sequence.

  “Welcome, Major Kosha” showed in bright shimmering letters upon the screen. She couldn’t read it, of course, their language being utterly alien to humans in more ways than one. But she didn’t need to. He had a feeling some of what was showing on the disc he currently was flipping back and forth between his fingers would be universally understandable.

  Opening the tray, he set the null disc inside, knowing this simple act was enough to draw a five-year detention bloc term. Then he loaded it, the screen going blank for a moment, then flickering once, twice. He knew what that was too. One of the genius features of a null disc was its spoofing capability. It literally told the network access node that Kosha had left the room, which turned off all network functionality, including any resident YSS snooping.

  And everyone assumed the YSS snooped on virtually all network traffic.

  The null disc protected against all of that.

  Then the screen flashed a brilliant white, so bright Rose actually cringed, and Kosha had to look away. Then it faded to a comfortable, shimmering iridescence, that now familiar cascading of tremendous numbers of colors signifying what he’d come to realize was a product that was... not exactly legal.

  Then two words flashed on the screen: Access Required.

  He had no real idea what this meant, so he went on instinct. “Major Kosha. Third Fleet. Yaanfahr Combined Forces.”

  Amazingly, the screen flickered again, revealing several directories, spinning holos signifying where to find the central file system. It was actually quite simple — primitive even — but he supposed for this type product, you didn’t need to have state of the art technology.

  It was the information that mattered, not the mode of accessing it.

  He commanded the screen to telescope toward him, bringing it within arm’s reach. At the same time, in response to his cruel yank on her leash, Rose scrambled to her feet. Hooking two fingers into her collar, he drew her across his lap until her broad, round bottom was uppermost on his thighs.

  He laid a hand upon it and she stilled, as he used his other hand to access the file system. Sweeping all the extraneous graphics from the screen, he left only the central file access. Tapping the icon, four other icons floated to every corner of the screen. One was a holo depicting — shockingly — a naked, cruelly bound human female who appeared to be either running in place or running from someone, her plump breasts bouncing and wobbling, tears streaming down her face, her hands bound cruelly behind her back. Cruel straps squeezing her body in dozens of places, including one very cruel strap bisecting the line of her sex.

  At the other corners were simple file names. “Members” in one, “Questions” in the other, and in a third was a word that intrigued him immediately — “Education.”

  At the bottom of the screen appeared to be a simple interaction application, something he hadn’t seen in a network mode in perhaps forty cycles — since he was a young lad. It appeared to have standard holo and text modes, but it was also surprisingly equipped with enhanced neural net capability. He wondered why a simple communication application would need such a thing, but he set that aside for the moment.

  Curious, he tapped on the “Members” icon and a list of names, more numerous than he would ever have expected, scrolled across the screen. He counted more than forty. It might have been closer to fifty.

  What was most striking though was the type of people on that list. Nearly all of them were one of three classes: high-ranking military, connected politicians, or the wealthy. There were a few that appeared to be affiliated with none of those groups, but they were names he was not familiar with. Surprisingly, all of the names were male, save one. Another name he did not recognize. Something else to be investigated.

  He was about to close the file when he saw a name he did recognize… Colonel Trevalan. Technically, Trevalan was his CO, the Liaison office being under Third Army jurisdiction, though it had essentially full autonomy.

  But the fact that his Commanding Officer was part of what was clearly an illegal network was very interesting indeed.

  He squeezed Rose’s bottom and she had the sweetness to give him a soft gasp as he did so. He luxuriated in the smoothness of her skin against his palm. He stroked up and down her thighs, easing them apart slightly each time his fingers coursed up toward her plump bottom. He reached over to the table he’d set up before bringing his slave in the room with him. Flipping ope
n the tube of lubricant, he eased her bottom cheeks apart, drizzling the gleaming gel down the line of her cleft. He worked it into her with his fingers, loving the way she sighed as he did it.

  He murmured at her to relax, to open for him as he pressed a finger, then two, slowly into her well-lubricated passage. As he reviewed the names, he thrust gently within the tight grip of her sphincter muscles. When her grunts had morphed into soft moans, he slipped free, taking up the next largest phallus and presenting it to the still partially gaping anus.

  “Nice and easy, slave. Open… open. That’s it. A little more.” He backed it off as her thighs tensed, then pressed forward slowly again. Finally, with one last tight whimper from the prostrate female, he pushed the trainer completely inside her.

  “Now, that should give you something to think about,” he said, patting her bottom fondly.

  A shudder coursed through her body.

  He sanitized his hands with a clear gel, wiping them off with a towel and returning to the fascinating information on the screen before him. His cock was already up, twisted against her hip. He’d just have to tough it out though — he had other things that needed to be accomplished before sating himself in his slave girl’s body.

  He closed out the list of names, unsure what to make of what he’d seen. He’d have to think about the implications.

  Then he opened the file labeled “Education.” Myriad subfiles spread across the entire screen, a dizzying array of them, some holo, some text, some both, others that appeared to be additional directories and subdirectories. He knew he could spend hours going through all of them, so he picked one at random.

  He reviewed some of the names of the files — which were perhaps more intriguing than the directories themselves:

  A Slave Girl’s Diary

  Beast of Burden

  The General’s Pet

  The Punishment Journal of Girl 387

  The Stables Chronicles

  There were more, many more. Dozens and dozens of them. So, he did what he’d always done — he went on chance. The randomness of the Universe.

  Closing his eyes, he stabbed a finger at one of the files, having no idea what it was he was opening. It was a holo.

  All of the constellation of directories that had filled the screen faded out instantly, leaving only the central image. It was a girl with raven black hair who appeared to be quite a bit older than Rose. Bound with a forest of ropes and straps, she was facing the camera, the entire lower part of her face covered in a black shield gag, her no-doubt pretty eyes hidden behind a crimson blindfold. Her hair had been drawn into two thick braids at each side of her head, the ends of them draped down over the front of her shoulders, the ends tickling the upper slopes of large breasts. Both nipples — a deep, coral color — had been pierced both horizontally and vertically with gleaming golden studs. Her flat, pale belly showcased an adorable navel, itself pierced by a ring. Her legs had been spread dramatically — cruelly, even — extending up and out. The ankles were wrapped in dark cuffs that matched the color of those affixed around her wrists.

  Her hands and feet were bound together by these cuffs, the position looking truly uncomfortable. But it revealed everything. The crimson labia, pierced with multiple rings, a swollen pink-red clitoris just peeking out from its fleshy hood, itself transfixed by a curved vertical stud that rubbed against the sensitive bud. Below the smooth, hairless perineum was the end of a stout, black plug, the end of it adorned with a gleaming silver pull ring. He had no idea a human female could accommodate such a large plug, but accommodate it she had.

  He stared at the image for a long while, the picture it painted like an indelible mark upon his consciousness. He stroked and squeezed Rose’s buttocks the entire time. His cock was up again. He knew she could feel it against her hip, and he didn’t care. Swiping the image from the screen lest he stare at it like a drooling schoolboy, he went back to the main menu.

  He remembered the question he had meant to ask the doctor when Torval had come to spank his little slave girl. She was becoming paler than normal, and since Torval had only seen her twice it wasn’t something his friend would readily notice.

  Kosha knew she was suffering, beginning to get stir crazy. He was obsessive enough to make her suffer it simply for his pleasure, but he was curious how she’d react. He very much wanted to see that pale skin and that golden spray of freckles out in the sun, feel the breeze, see her crawling before him through the grass. Oh yes, he very much wanted to see that, but it was something he couldn’t experience here at his city home.

  So, he typed in the question:


  He waited a minute, then two, and there was no response. Perhaps he was the only one on the private network. It wasn’t surprising. So, he went back to the Education directory, all the while using his hand to coax Rose’s thighs apart. He teased her molten, wet sex with two fingers as he cruised the directory.

  Then he saw one other directory that he’d somehow missed during his first perusal. It was labeled “Information Sharing”. Opening it up, it appeared to be a blank template... very much like that provided by Dr. Torval.

  You sneaky bastard.

  It included a myriad of information, from Terran name to height/weight measurements, hair color, and more esoteric information such as rectal capacity, rectal depth, maximum vaginal capacity, pain tolerance, and much much more. At the bottom, it said:

  Feel free to share as much or as little information about your guest as you’d like. The more we share, the more we learn, the more we enjoy.

  Then for the next ten minutes, Kosha entered in nearly all the information from Torval’s report, including even the most minute — and he knew that in Rose’s case, humiliating — detail. The size of her breasts, the smoothness of her skin, what she responded to, what she feared, even the orientation and configuration of her hymen. He made sure to note in bold lettering that that particular feature of her body was one she no longer possessed.

  The thought made need surge through his loins.

  Then he uploaded the data, his cock now so hard he could barely think straight. Rose squirmed on his lap, his two fingers thrusting, over and over, testing the depths of her pussy, the sounds wet and obscene in the darkened, quiet room.

  “Be still, girl,” he rumbled, though she couldn’t understand him. Somehow though, she did, going motionless almost instantly.

  Clever Rose.

  He continued stroking his fingers in and out of her sex, the girl unable to suppress her moans as he did so. He opened up several of the holos, increasingly amazed at what he found. By the time he got to the holos showing a female harnessed up like a beast of burden and being made to pull a large sled across a flat patch of grass, he was at the limit of his self-control. The girl on the screen struggled against her burden, stumbling now in her high, awkward boots she’d been forced into, the shirtless Yaanfahri next to her striping her ass with a slender carriage whip, leaving thin, pink welts across her bulging, strap-bisected buttocks. As the harnessed slave girl cried out again, Kosha could resist it no more.

  His fingers pressing her anus open, he growled at her. “Open that ass. Time to give up your plug.”

  He waited, impatiently, as she pushed, groaning as the widest part of the phallus passed back through her tormented circlet. He massaged her swollen, reddened anus for a moment as he stowed the plug, then cleaned his hands once again.

  Pulling Rose up, he dragged her into his lap, forcing her to straddle his thighs, his cock rearing up high and hard. She panted at first, her arms held behind her back as she knew he would require. Then with a grip on the back of her collar, he lowered her onto his cock, letting out a long sigh as her liquid heat surrounded him. Then he bounced her gently upon him as he watched the rest of the holo. Soon enough, Rose’s cries grew louder, rivaling the exhausted groans of the girl bent over in front of her cart, accepting the cock, welcoming the naked veined sh
aft of her captor as she spread her cheeks for him, the penis pushing deep into her ass.

  All the images, and sensations, and revelations swirled within Kosha’s mind as he thrust within his slave’s cunt, Rose crying out in pleasure and pain as the head of his penis battered her cervix at each deep advance. As he came, groaning again, flooding her sex with his seed until it matted in his own pubic hair, his orgasm making his vision white out for one long, sweet moment. He realized something as he came back to the land of the living, panting, sweating, grinning.

  The revelation was as stunning as it was exciting. There was an entire subculture, an entire world, on Yaanfahr that kept human slave girls too.

  He was lucky indeed.

  Chapter 20

  Having taken her virginity, it was as if her owner realized that all bets were off.

  He could truly treat her the way he wanted to; every movement of his powerful form, every look of avaricious possessiveness, every flash of his eyes said so.

  She wondered if this had been his plan, or if he had been working this on an ad hoc basis, simply going with the flow, figuring it out as he went.

  She wasn’t sure which one would make her more ashamed, more embarrassed.

  But, no, something told her that this had all been planned. That this was a long-held fantasy of his. For that’s what she’d become – she’d become a toy, a means of satisfying his pleasure.

  Part of her didn’t seem to mind that anymore.

  In a way, she was almost grateful that she was useful to him. She knew that made no sense, that it was a sign of someone who was either losing their mind, or was so deep in the depths of Stockholm syndrome they no longer knew down from up. It probably didn’t matter which one it was.

  Either way, this was her life now. Pleasing him was the only thing that really mattered.

  She sometimes wondered as she knelt there watching him why she no longer entertained thoughts of escaping. It wasn’t just that it was, logistically, probably impossible. If she were honest with herself, she would see the real truth of it: she didn’t want to escape anymore. What would she escape to? If she could get back to Earth, what would be there for her?


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