The Fragile Line: Part Two (The Fine Line #3)

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The Fragile Line: Part Two (The Fine Line #3) Page 10

by Alicia Kobishop

  “What if I said no?” he demanded. “What if I told you I won’t? Not if it means losing you in the process.”

  I knew I had to say something that would convince him. He didn’t believe I would hold him back. He’d argue that he’d never resent me for giving up this chance at an amazing career, that I’m all he needs to be happy. I knew this. He hadn’t told me that he loved me, but I knew he did. By the way he looked at me. The way he responded to my touch.

  And I could easily accept that, and we could live our lives together…in love. But that would only dull his light. He’d live his whole life wondering…what if.

  “I’m not yours to lose.” I fought back tears and forced a smile, trying my damnedest to make him believe that my words weren’t lies. I was his from the moment he stood in front of my car, like he could actually stop it from moving, the night we broke bread at Ricci’s. I’ll always be his. I choked out my next words, reminding myself that this was what he needed. “I never was.”

  I raised myself up onto my tiptoes and kissed him. Neither one of us moved our lips or progressed the kiss. But that didn’t stop my skin from burning or my heart from racing. And it wasn’t because of need or desire.

  It was because this kiss would be our last.

  “Goodbye, Matt,” I whispered, removing myself from his hold, catching a glimpse of his heartbroken eyes. “Please don’t follow me.”

  I’ve known sadness. I’ve known pain.

  Ripping myself away from him was agony.


  To be continued…

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading Part Two of The Fragile Line! If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends about it, and/or leaving a short review on Goodreads, Amazon, or anywhere else you’d like. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend! Part Three is coming soon. Sign up for my newsletter, and/or follow my blog to be notified of when it’s available. And if you haven’t read The Fine Line yet, and you like books with action, drama, angst, love, passion, and so much more, you’ll definitely want to give it a read!

  Thank you!

  Alicia Kobishop

  If you’d like to connect with an amazing group of readers and supporters of author Alicia Kobishop, join Kobishop Korner Café on Facebook for discussions, sneak-peeks, fun, and more!


  To my beta readers, Heather and Lori, I am so glad we have had the opportunity to meet and become friends through this crazy-awesome book community! Your vital feedback has been an absolute inspiration. Thank you so much for all you do!

  To every reader, blogger, or reviewer who has messaged me, or left a kind, constructive, and honest review, you guys are what keep me writing and I love every single one of you. Your support means the world to me.

  Angela Barber Farley, my editor and friend. I’m so glad we have reconnected after all these years and I feel so blessed that you are on this wonderful journey with me. I will always be grateful for your brilliant honesty.

  To my husband and kids, I love you more than words can say. You are reasons I can write about true love. Thank you for your support, thank you for accepting the fact that I suck and laundry, (and dishes), and thank you for pulling me out of the “writing cave” when get a little too lost in my stories. You are more important to me than anything, and I love you all so much!

  About the Author

  Alicia Kobishop

  Alicia Kobishop is a contemporary romance writer who lives in Milwaukee, WI, USA with her husband and two children.

  Before trying her hand in writing, she worked her way up in the field of administrative healthcare with experiences ranging from working within a large local healthcare organization, to smaller independent physician practices.

  In early 2013 her life took a change of course when she re-evaluated her passions in life, and sought out to try many new things. She reclaimed her childhood passion for reading, and after reading tons of fictional novels in a short amount of time, and loving every moment of it, she became absorbed with the idea of taking her experience with books to the next level, and decided to write one. Nine months later, her debut novel, The Fine Line was published.

  Alicia loves connecting with readers. Feel free to reach out to her through email or social media.

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