Reckless River: Men of Mercy, Book 3

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Reckless River: Men of Mercy, Book 3 Page 6

by Cross, Lindsay

  Her mouth felt liable to fall straight to the floor. Black as midnight hair neither too short, nor too long, full and thick and begging her fingers to sift through it. A shadow of a beard darkened his jaw line. But his lips were even more sinful. Full and sensual, drawing her in for a kiss.

  He moaned and her heart shot into her throat. He shifted once and then settled. Finish the job. He’s just a man. Just a man.

  She repeated the mantra over and over in her mind, but that didn’t stop her hands from trembling as she reached forward to unsnap the button of his pants free.

  Just a man. Just the most mouth-watering, sexy man imaginable.

  She had to straddle him to slide his pants down, but the way Squirrel had tied each leg to a separate bed post, she was only able to pull them partway down his thighs. Massive thighs. Thighs as big around as her entire waist.

  But his thighs weren’t what garnered her attention. The thick shaft lying on his belly was what had her biting her lip. Even limp, he was huge.

  The front door squeaked open and banged shut. Sparrow hastily re-zipped his pants, knowing instinctively that the proud man would hate her if he awoke completely nude and restrained.

  Squirrel stumbled into the room. “I hit the jackpot, girly. You sure you’re up for this?”

  She stiffened and jumped from the bed. It always got her back up when someone questioned her abilities. She could do this. She would do it, even if her insides quaked at the sight of him. Squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin, Sparrow said, “Just give me the damn clothes. I want to inspect them for ticks.”

  “I always wanted something better for you than this place. Ain’t right, a girl like you being stuck out here.” Squirrel extended an alarmingly small bundle and Sparrow snatched it from him. She didn’t have a choice. The information he might have was the only thing that could save her and Squirrel, and she wouldn’t hurt him for it.

  “Yeah, well I want something better for you too, and if I take care of this problem, I might just get the break we need.” And hopefully not lose herself in the god tied to her bed.

  Squirrel approached the bed and leaned in for a closer look. “Something about that face is familiar.” Squinting down at the man, he scratched the corner of his mouth. “I know I’ve seen it before.”

  Sparrow rolled her eyes. “You didn’t hear him talking enough. He ain’t from these parts. The accent ain’t right.”

  “I’m going to think on it for a spell. Get me a sweet dram to help clear my thoughts.” Sparrow almost snorted, but she held quiet. Squirrel clearly believed what he was saying, and when had he ever lied to her?

  “You really think you’ve seen him before?”

  The way the man’s expression had altered from sweet and sexy to psycho-killer the moment he saw Miss Kay had been unmistakable. Yes, he definitely knew the Crowe matriarch, but maybe she wasn’t the only person up here he knew. “He changed when he saw Miss Kay. I could tell he wanted to kill her.”

  Squirrel scratched his grizzly beard, the deep grooves on his forehead wrinkling in thought. “I knew it. That boy’s been here before, sure enough, I just have to figure out when. And why.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of clear liquid. “This here’s my own special brew. If he don’t cooperate, or you get scared, sprinkle a little bit of this into some whiskey and give him a drink.”

  Sparrow took the small vial and held it up for inspection. The glass tube was about the length and diameter of her pinky finger. “What is it? Will it hurt him?”

  “Might make him a tad groggy, but it’ll loosen them lips up enough that he’ll sing louder than a damn whippoorwill. It’s my own truth serum.” Squirrel waggled his bushy brows, obviously proud of his invention. “And he won’t remember a thing afterwards.”

  Drugging him seemed underhanded, dirty, and perfect. If she couldn’t get him to give her answers straight on, she wouldn’t hesitate to use the serum. “My thanks.”

  Squirrel’s expression turned serious once more. “I know you ain’t never been with no man.”

  Sparrow tried to interrupt him, embarrassed, but he held up a calloused hand. “And I know you’re also the most stubborn creature on this entire mountain. Just be careful. A man like this is experienced. Don’t let him get into your head, and I sure as hell wouldn’t tell him you’re a virgin.”

  Heat didn’t just rush to her face, it exploded across her skin in an instant. Even her chest felt scalded with embarrassment. “How the hell do you know that I’m a virgin? You don’t know everything about me.”

  “And just what boy around here did you let touch you?”

  The names and faces of every male she could think of flooded her mind, but she wouldn’t have let one of them within ten feet of her person. “None of your damn business.”

  “Just like I thought. I’m serious, girl, a man like him will take advantage of your innocence. Don’t you let on that you ain’t never been with a man. You seen how them whores act around camp. Just do what they do and you should be fine.”

  Sparrow stood there in shock, unable to form a coherent thought. Squirrel, old enough to be her grandpa—her only real father figure—was urging her to act like a prostitute after a hundred dollar bill.

  He pressed his Bowie knife into her hands. “I don’t care what happens. If you fear for your life, you slit his throat. I can hide the body where nobody will find it. Got it?”

  Sparrow couldn’t speak, so she just stood there nodding and clutching the whore’s clothes and the knife to her chest.

  “Good, now get yourself changed, cause your fella ain’t gonna stay out much longer. You better be ready for a bear when he wakes up.”


  Jared came to consciousness in an instant, and was greeted by a pounding head. Rage ripped through him as he remembered how the old man had knocked him out. But they were talking over him—Sparrow and the grizzled guy—so Jared kept quiet and listened to their conversation. If he’d learned one thing in his years in Special Ops, it was that knowledge was power.

  So Kay was still here, running the show. Running Sparrow, too, it seemed. He barely registered the dim glow of the lamp on the bedside table through his slitted eyes. He was too focused on the conversation going on around him.

  They were sending in a virgin to tame him. It was like sending a sheep to tame a wolf. He’d been with plenty of women, and seducing them had never been a problem. Women seemed to gravitate toward him, drawn to his darkness.

  Sparrow would be easy prey. He simply had to lay the bait and spring the trap. He remained motionless, his eyes closed, until he heard the door shut behind them. His shirt was gone.

  Jared’s eyes shot open to survey his body—she’d stripped him except for his pants. Bound his feet to the bed too. Fuck all. The now familiar anger pulsed through is veins, and he bowed up completely from the bed in an attempt to break free, disregarding the pain at his wrists.

  He hated being restricted. That’s why he preferred to sleep outside on missions, why he didn’t have a permanent home to go to between jobs. He didn’t like to be tied down to anything after what he’d survived. Even the thought of it was too constrictive. And yet he’d willingly let her tie him to her bed. Why?

  He didn’t like that his own behavior didn’t make sense to him. He liked clear. Concise. Black and white. Not the unyielding gold of Sparrow’s eyes.

  Remember your mission. Remember Hoyt. He had to get free. And it seemed the only way he could do this was to turn this innocent’s game against her—seduce her and use her to find Hoyt.

  Jared listened to her move about the trailer, the paper thin walls doing nothing to mute her movements. The shower cut on and the image of her naked, steaming hot water running down her body, sent a fresh wave of lust straight to his cock. Shit, those were not the thoughts of a man bent on escape and rescue.

  He’d have to move fast. Hoyt had been missing for way too long. Images from Jared’s past, of the dark closet with the rusted bolt in
the floor flashed through his mind. They’d been held there together with no food or water, left to starve to death in their own piss. And fucking Kay Crowe, his own flesh and blood, had put them there.

  Sparrow was the one who set you free.

  Jared tried to ignore the memory of her small hands and frightened eyes as she cut through the ropes holding them to the floor. She’d risked her life to save theirs.

  And now she worked for the very woman who’d nearly killed them.

  A few minutes later he heard a thump, followed by a shriek and a loud bang. She had to have thrown something. He couldn’t help the smile tugging at his lips. Her reactions were quick and honest. Her eyes were a mirror to her thoughts. Her taste was as sweet as the honeysuckle growing in the hills. God, her taste had nearly taken him hostage. But now he was prepared. He was focused. Kay had ensured he’d remembered who he was and why he was here. His brother. Hoyt was being held prisoner somewhere in this compound and Jared would do whatever it took to find and rescue him. But when Hoyt was safe and sound, Jared would return to mete out his revenge, and he wouldn’t leave a single Crowe standing.

  The floor creaked in the hall and Jared sucked in a breath, the anticipation of seeing her again nearly mastering his logic. Then he heard her long indrawn breath, like she was preparing for battle. Hell, he might have to coax her into the bed. If he could get her to straddle him again, he’d get those nipples between his lips and…

  The door creaked open on rusted hinges that hung slightly off-balance, and its weight sent it banging against the wall. Sparrow stood unmoving, her fists clenched at her sides. Jared’s breath caught as he took in her appearance. She was clearly embarrassed, but she was far from laughable. She was smoking hot. A short white crop top barely skimmed her ribcage, dipping down low enough he could almost make out the top of her nipples. Nipples that would be visible through the near transparent material of her top if not for the bold black words, “Insert Slot A,” with an arrow pointing straight up to her mouth. The thought of her on her knees flooded his mind with desire. Jesus Christ.

  Her trim waist and belly button were fully exposed over the top of a pair of low slung cut-offs. He could only imagine how sexy her ass looked in those jeans. Her hair hung long and loose. Damn, his cock was already hard and she hadn’t even summoned the nerve to look at him yet.

  She finally lifted her gaze, starting at his feet and stalling at his waist. His cock jumped in response when her lips parted. Fuck all if he couldn’t get that image of her on her knees, taking him between her lips, out of his mind. He had to do something to distract himself before his plan flew straight out the window, and he succumbed to pure lust.

  “That is a definite improvement,” Jared said.

  Sparrow’s golden gaze jerked up to his and a slight tremor ran through her body. It reminded him of how she’d been as a little girl—those same huge eyes wide with fright. He couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit guilty for planning to twist this encounter to his own ends, but he wouldn’t harm her, emotionally or physically. Jared let his head fall back to the pillow and released a weary sigh.

  Maybe he should lie and tell her she was scrawny and ugly, but the words wouldn’t leave his mouth. She was beautiful and precious. And from the way she’d acted around Miss Kay, he could tell she was scared of the older woman. Could Kay be forcing her to do this? Using her like she loved using everyone under her power? Maybe he should rescue Sparrow from this nightmare when he left with his brother.

  “Come here, sit beside me.” Jared kept his voice gentle and silky smooth.

  Sparrow walked across the room, her steps tentative but graceful. How could something so pure exist in a hellhole like this?

  The mattress barely dipped under her weight as she sat down near his waist. When she sucked that full bottom lip between her teeth, he barely managed to hold back a groan. She might be pure and innocent and he might have good intentions, but he wasn’t a saint. He fully intended to sample just a little bit of her wares before he convinced her to free him.

  “How would you like to begin?” Jared asked.

  Sparrow’s arched eyebrows dipped down in deep thought. She seemed to come to a decision, her face hardening with it, and she grabbed him between the legs. Jared gasped as pain shot straight up from his injured balls and nausea twisted at his stomach. “Shit.”

  Sparrow yanked her hand back like she’d been bitten by a snake. “I didn’t mean to.”

  Before Jared could gather enough breath to tell her to give him a minute, she ran from the room. He focused on his breathing, getting through that first rolling wave of nausea. Had he thought her innocent? She was fucking deadly.

  Dammit, she was probably halfway across camp right now. What a royal clusterfuck. How long would he have to lay here until someone was sent in here to interrogate him with a knife now that the sweet way hadn’t worked. He could only pray it wouldn’t be Jimbo. That big son of a bitch looked brutal.

  But Sparrow returned a few minutes later. She hovered in the doorway and he could tell she was still shaken. But then she surprised him. She lifted her chin and reentered the room. It wasn’t until she clunked down the two glasses on the nightstand that he noticed the bottle of whiskey clutched in her hand. She poured herself a shot, downed it, and then took one more.

  “I’m gonna do this.” She replaced her glass on the table, then knelt on the bed and straddled him, settling her core right on top of his cock. Blood flooded that part of his anatomy, making it even harder.

  “I’m ready, darlin’.”

  She reached for his face and palmed his cheek. The sensation of that small touch was pure electricity. Jared kissed her palm. “I’ve been waiting all night to kiss you.” Sparrow bit her lip and he groaned. “Every time you do that it drives me wild.”

  She released her lip instantly. “That?”

  Jared nodded, wishing his hands were free so he could yank her to him. “I can only imagine how soft they are, how sweet you taste. Come here.”

  She dropped down onto her elbows, her lips hovering just above his. The sweet smell of honeyed whiskey filled his nostrils. He forced himself to hold perfectly still as she lowered her head, gently pressed her lips to his and gave him a stiff, closed mouth kiss. And then she sat up with a look of satisfaction. “How was that?”

  “I felt like I was kissing my grandma,” Jared said.

  Her cheeks flashed bright red and fire sparked in her gaze. “And just how exactly do you want to be kissed?”

  “You’ve got to put some feeling into it. Open your mouth, let me have your tongue,” Jared ground out the words. He’d always made it a rule to steer completely clear of innocents. He preferred a woman, hot-blooded and lusty—one who knew how to handle a man. But for some reason, instructing her like this had him nearly dripping with pre-cum. And damn if that look of angry determination on her face wasn’t sexy as hell.

  She pressed her lips to his again and Jared held as still as he could, letting her learn. When her lips parted and sucked his lower lip between hers, his hips shot up off the bed. She continued exploring, moving her hands to his shoulders, her soft fingertips tickling his skin. Jared’s resolve to let her go at her own pace melted away. He rose as much as he could, biting her lower lip and pulling her down to him. When he felt her resistance cave, he slanted his head and plunged his tongue into her mouth. Her response was immediate and passionate. Quickly learning, she met him head on. By the time they parted, they were both panting. His cock was harder than a fucking piece of granite and they’d only kissed.

  “I want to touch you,” Jared growled, driving his hips against her core.

  “No, I’m the one who’s gonna touch you.” Her eyes were wide with wonder as she traced his chest with her palms. Her innocent touch made his balls tighten up nearly inside his body.

  “You told me your name is Jake. You’re here looking for your brother. You know Miss Kay—and you hate her.” Sparrow continued to rub circles on his chest, finding hi
s nipples and brushing her thumbs back and forth over the tender peaks.

  Had he thought she would be so easy to play? She’d inferred quite a bit from his reaction to Kay. He would have to hold his cards closer from here on out. “Well, I guess you know everything now.”

  “What is your problem with Kay?”

  “We played this game before. You want something from me I want something from you.” Remembering the taste of her nipples, Jared let his gaze fall to that tiny white shirt.

  “Tell me why first.” Sparrow’s delicate fingers lifted to her rib cage and held on to the bottom of the tiny shirt, arms crossed, ready to yank it over her head. Her hips moved forward and back and the sensation of her crotch rubbing against the length of his cock was nearly enough to make him come undone.

  She was driving him wild, so he decided to give her what she thought she wanted to know. But he wouldn’t tell her the truth. “I’m here because my brother made a deal with Kay, and now he is missing.”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “No, sweetheart, that’s not our deal.” Jared dropped his gaze. If she didn’t take that shirt off right now, he was going to detonate. She yanked the sexy material off. His mouth went completely dry. Had he thought her breasts were sexy before? They were full, heavy, and her nipples were rock hard and begging for his mouth. “Lie down. Let me taste those pretty nipples again.”

  She lifted her hands, cupping their fullness as if in offering. “Tell me.”

  “If you don’t stop humping my dick, I’m going to cum in my pants.”

  She fell onto his chest. “Tell me what I want. What does he look like? What did he want from Kay?”


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