Imager's challenge ip-2

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Imager's challenge ip-2 Page 25

by L. E. Modesitt

  “The Council must anticipate problems there for some time to come.” I kept my voice even, trying to concentrate on painting.

  “For several centuries, Maitre Poincaryt believes.”

  “Problems lasting that long will not please the Council.”

  “Lengthy expenditures on anything seldom do.” A quick wry smile crossed his face, and I tried to hold it in my mind, because that expression captured a certain essence of Maitre Rholyn. I stopped working on his neck and switched to his mouth and cheeks. Neither of us spoke for a time.

  Then . . . I had the expression, and with the brush itself, and not imaging. Just those touches, and it brought his face to life, not that I didn’t have a great deal more work to do. I even got his neck and collar just right before the bell announced the half glass.

  At lunch, I joined Ferlyn and Heisbyl, and we talked about the war, and what might occur once the northern fleet reached the waters off Cloisera. After eating, I took my time walking across the quadrangle and to the Bridge of Hopes, where I stood in the damp chill and waited.

  Shortly before first glass, Shomyr escorted Seliora to the east end of the Bridge of Hopes. She was wearing a black cloak over the same outfit she’d worn the week before and carrying a flat parcel of some sort. I walked toward her, and Shomyr waited until we were together. Then he turned and waved, returning to the coach that had brought them.

  “That was good of Shomyr.”

  “Aunt Aegina, Mama, and Odelia went to a luncheon for Yaena, and he didn’t want them to have to worry about me.”

  Yaena? Then the name came to me-Seliora’s cousin who’d gotten married the day after I’d nearly gotten myself killed at the Council’s Harvest Ball. I hoped that the Autumn Ball in two weeks would be far less eventful.

  “Oh.” Seliora handed me a large envelope. “This is what Ailphens could discover.”

  “Ailphens?” The weight of paper suggested more than a few documents.

  “The advocate for NordEste Design. We thought going through him would obscure matters sufficiently.”

  After she’d explained, I recalled the advocate’s name as one she’d told me months before. I wished I’d recalled it before she’d had to tell me again. “Have you read what’s in here?”

  “Yes. It’s typical for a High Holder. He’s got the main holding, and ownership of various other sections of land across Solidar, but most of his known interests outside his main holdings are in various banques.”

  “Such as the Banque D’Rivages and the Banque D’Kherseilles.”

  “If you knew that, why did you ask . . .”

  “I didn’t know. I suspected, but it was only a guess.”

  “You knew. You just couldn’t prove it.” Seliora looked at me. “Did you see it, or just know it?”

  “I knew it. The only thing I’ve seen is the fire at the factorage.” So far.

  “You’ll see more. You will.”

  “Is that a promise?” I laughed softly.

  She flushed. “You are . . .” Then she shook her head.

  I held the package in my right arm and offered the left to Seliora. We walked off the bridge and along the lane and then across the north end of the quadrangle before turning north toward the workrooms and my studio.

  “What about dinner? We’ll meet Shomyr and Haelya at Chaelya’s?” I asked.

  “At half past sixth glass. That will give you more time to paint . . . and to learn a bit more about riding.”

  “You’ve seen me riding-Pharsi farsight-haven’t you?”

  “Just that. Nothing frightening, but it can’t hurt for you to know a little about riding.”

  “I doubt that I’ll ever know more than a little. I know enough to ask for a gentle horse.”

  On the stone walkway coming toward us were two young imagers. I recognized them both-Gherard and Petryn.

  The two looked at Seliora, exchanged knowing glances, then stopped.

  “Good afternoon.” I paused. “And yes, she is beautiful, and might I present Mistress Seliora D’Shelim. I’m painting her portrait.”

  “Good afternoon, sir, mistress.” Their words were not quite synchronized, and they looked away from Seliora.

  “Good afternoon, imagers,” Seliora said, her voice warm, her eyes on Gherard.

  The older imager inclined his head. Then, so did Petryn, before the two stood back to let us pass.

  “There will be rumors all over Imagisle by tonight.” She smiled at me.

  “Among the seconds and thirds, anyway.”

  “Not among the masters?”

  “Even at meals, we don’t see much of each other. Well . . . I might at midday, but I’m not here then. Sometimes there are only one or two of us at the masters’ table. Most are married, and they eat with their families at breakfast or dinner, unless they have work on Samedi or duty on Solayi.”

  “It doesn’t sound like there are that many masters.”

  “There might be fifteen or twenty here.”

  “And you led me to believe that you’ve done nothing special?” She raised her eyebrows. “In less than a year, you’ve gone from being a prime to a master, and there are only twenty masters out of four hundred imagers?”

  “I was fortunate to have a great deal of imaging talent.”

  Seliora shook her head. “Do you really believe it’s just that?”

  I was glad I didn’t have to answer, because we’d reached the studio door, and I opened it. Before I started painting, I opened the stove door and shoveled more coal inside.

  The position I’d finally decided on was one where Seliora looked like she’d been walking, then stopped and half turned to look at something. When I got to painting the split-skirts, I knew that I’d depict them as still flared, as if she’d just turned and they hadn’t settled back down.

  This sitting, though, I was concentrating on her face.

  One of the hardest parts, as I’d known it would be, was to get the right skin tone. Seliora was fair-skinned, but her face was not that pale bluish white that many women of Bovarian heritage-such as Ryel’s daughter Iryela-flaunted. Nor did Seliora have either an olive complexion or the dark-honeyed look of many Pharsi women, yet her skin held the faintest trace of a bronze-gold. I’d have called it goddess-gold, almost, but I kept that thought to myself.

  After working on her face for the entire time, I called a halt to the painting at half past three. That gave me half a glass to clean up the oils, the studio, and myself-and a quick stop by my quarters to drop the information package inside. All that actually took a quint longer, but we were still at the NordEste Design stables by half past four.

  This time, Seliora rode a gelding beside me, and we chanced some of the side lanes to the northeast of Hagahl Lane. I managed to stay in the saddle, but I still felt awkward. I was certain I looked even worse than I felt.

  After we returned, Seliora didn’t make me groom the mare, but let the ostler do it, noting that she’d prefer not to have to bathe again before we dined, although we both did wash up.

  “Now . . . you could actually ride the mare somewhere and arrive,” she said.

  “I’m not up for much more than that.”

  “No, but that’s all you’ll probably need.”

  I hoped I didn’t need even that, but that was hoping against hope, I feared.

  In the end we made it to Chaelya’s just slightly after half past six.

  We had barely stepped inside the door when Staelia hurried forward to meet us. “It’s so good to see you!”

  “We’d hoped to come last Samedi,” I offered, “but things didn’t work out. Shomyr and . . . Haelya . . . they were supposed to meet us here.”

  “Four of you, then? We can take care of that.” Staelia immediately escorted us to a circular table in an alcove near the rear of Chaelya’s. “You two sit down, and I’ll have Taelia bring you each a glass of something special.”

  “You don’t have to . . .” I began.

  “We want to.” With a smile,
she turned.

  “Is that why we can’t eat here often?” I asked.

  “She’d do anything for family, no matter what it cost her.” Seliora paused. “Would you like to come to brunch tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that very much. I do have to meet Horazt at the first glass of afternoon, and I should stop by to see my parents. I saw Khethila earlier this week. Matters aren’t going well in Kherseilles.”

  “Ryel, you think?”

  “Ryel and Rousel’s lack of attention to details. The combination is anything but good, but I can’t say anything about either.”

  “You learn failure with details is expensive in crafting.”

  “It’s expensive in factoring as well. He just isn’t ever the one to pay the full price.”

  “Rhenn . . . I feel sorry for him.”

  Sorry for Rousel? I just raised my eyebrows. I didn’t want to say what I really thought.

  “People like your brother go through life not understanding the true costs of anything. He didn’t have to pay with pain or patience or much of anything for the love of a woman. He didn’t have to learn factoring from the bottom up with a whipping or loss of coins for failure.”

  “That’s true.”

  “When you don’t pay, you don’t know what something’s worth. You only think you do, and you make mistakes. That’s why I feel sorry for your brother. He may never learn the worth of what he has.”

  I hadn’t quite thought of it that way, but I couldn’t say more because I saw Shomyr and a woman following Staelia toward our table. I rose just before they arrived.

  “I’m sorry we’re late,” offered Shomyr with an embarrassed smile. “We were delayed.”

  “My parents wished to talk,” added the woman, who was close to a head shorter than Seliora with orange-flame hair, freckles, and a figure with curves excessive for her height. She also had an open smile and exuded warmth.

  “This is Haelya. Haelya . . . Master Rhennthyl. You’ve met Seliora.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Haelya.” I gestured for her to take the seat to my left. “We just arrived ourselves.”

  As soon as everyone was seated, Taelia appeared with a tray holding four goblets of an amber wine. The first goblet went to me, the second to Seliora.

  “The special tonight,” said Taelia, “is capon marinated in walnut oil and naranje, with special spices, then grilled and served in Father’s special naranje cream sauce. We also have the flank steak especial and a poached sole . . .”

  In the end, both Seliora and I ordered the special capon, with greens topped with crumbled cheese and walnuts. Shomyr ordered the flank steak and Haelya the sole.

  Once Taelia retreated to the kitchen, I lifted my goblet. “I don’t have a specific toast, except to family.”

  “To family.” The others raised their goblets as well.

  I sipped the wine, which held a hint of cinnamon and butter, as well as just enough sweetness so that it was not bitter. It was good, but I think I would have preferred a white Grisio.

  “How is the portrait coming?” asked Shomyr, looking to his sister.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t looked,” Seliora replied.

  “Portraits take time,” I said, “and I can’t work on it that much.”

  Haelya looked confused, but said nothing.

  “Haelya,” I asked, “how did you and Shomyr meet?”

  Seliora laughed.

  I glanced at her.

  “It’s always better to ask the woman,” she replied.

  “At the apothecary shop,” Haelya said in a low voice. “He was always so kind and cheerful.”

  “And she was always so helpful, especially with the liniments for Grandmama,” added Shomyr. “Her family has four apothecary shops here in L’Excelsis, and they have a separate formulation building. That way, the products are the same in all the shops.”

  “Father will be opening a fifth before long,” added Haelya, “a street beyond the Plaza D’Nord.”

  At that moment, Taelia reappeared with four plates of greens, three of the mixed with walnuts and one of fall fruits over greens. That was for Haelya.

  “How did you two meet, if I might ask?” Haelya looked from Seliora to me and then back to Seliora.

  “It’s not that mysterious,” I offered. “I was a portraiturist before I became an imager, and Seliora and I attended the Samedi get-togethers at the Guild Hall. . . .”

  “But I had to ask him to dance the first time.” The mischievous grin appeared. “And the second.”

  “I was a slow learner.”

  Haelya looked puzzled, once more. “But you’re a master imager.”

  “A very junior master imager from a very conservative wool-factoring family. Seliora has taught me a great deal.”

  Shomyr grinned.

  Seliora raised her eyebrows.

  Conversation for the rest of the evening revolved around such topics as Haelya’s family and siblings, the range of crafting handled by NordEste Design, the relative taste of the various dinner entrees, and the early coolness of autumn.

  After a lengthy and good, but not exquisite, meal, I made a coachman for hire relatively happy by paying him to deliver Haelya to her home, on one of the lanes on the lower slopes of Martradon, Shomyr and Seliora to their place, and me to the foot of the Bridge of Desires.

  Once I reached my chambers and undressed, I was tired enough to fall into bed and find sleep quickly.


  “Ryel will ruin my family, if not worse.” I looked across the study to where Master Dichartyn sat behind his desk. “And the Collegium will do nothing? When I was the one attacked by Johanyr?”

  “Rhennthyl, you must understand. The Collegium simply cannot allow you to destroy a thousand years of hard-fought effort that has created the only protection for imagers anywhere in the world.” Master Dichartyn looked calmly at me.

  “I’m supposed to sit by and watch this arrogant High Holder destroy my family one person at a time, while the Collegium does nothing?”

  “We’re supposed to hazard the lives of hundreds who cannot protect themselves for the sake of a few people?” countered Dichartyn. “Do what you will, but do not involve the Collegium.”

  “That’s fine for you to say.” I could feel my anger rising.

  “You seem to think that you’re special, Rhenn, and that the world and the Collegium should accommodate to your view. You seem to think that good deeds are always rewarded, and that evildoers are always punished, and that there’s no price to be paid. . . .”

  The sardonic belittling in his words touched something . . . somewhere . . . and from I knew not where flame exploded across the study. The entire study was enveloped in it.

  Heat flared across my face.

  I was lying in my bed . . . and the front of the armoire was aflame.

  After a confused moment, I ran to the corridor and grabbed the bucket of damp sand-there were usually five on every corridor-and dashed back into my bedchamber. I immediately imaged a thin layer of sand across the armoire. Most of the flames died away.

  I imaged the rest of the sand across the remaining patches of flame, until there were only a few embers. Then I used a towel wetted in the water pitcher to make sure all traces of embers and flame were gone.

  Only then did I sit down for a moment, shivering and coughing.

  My room stank of smoke, but I slowly rose and managed to open the louvered windows wide enough so that when I imaged cold fresh air into the bedchamber several times, the odor was bearable.

  Then I imaged all the ashes and sand into the waste bin and carried it out into the corridor and down to the main level and out to the enclosed rubbish area, where I dumped it all into one of the large waste-wagon beds.

  All in all, it was a good two glasses before I got back to sleep. I didn’t sleep well, and I didn’t sleep all that late, and I woke up wondering if I was worrying so much that I’d have more nightmares that called up imaging. That brought a shudder.
r />   I sat up and decided to read through the information gathered by Ailphens before breakfast, although I had to light my desk lamp because the heavy clouds hovering over L’Excelsis made it seem more like the glass before dawn, and I could still smell smoke. I concentrated on the papers Seliora had given me. I had to. The nightmare just added to my concerns.

  Ryel’s main holding could only be described as massive-an expanse that stretched roughly some sixty milles east to west and forty north to south and included prime growing and grazing lands, more than a score of small towns, and two coal mines and one iron mine, not to mention the ironworks itself. He or his forebears had never sold any lands within the holding, and the leasehold rentals alone amounted to close to a quarter million golds annually. Based on the finance taxes paid on his earnings from the holdings in ten banques, his banking income was triple that. There was no way to calculate the revenues from the annual sales of grain and livestock, or the proceeds from the mines and ironworks, but the indications were that those exceeded the revenues from leasehold fees several times over. Ryel was also extremely conservative, with no known borrowings or debts.

  Considering that an annual net income of a thousand golds a year was more than all but a few thousand people in L’Excelsis-out of more than two million-made, one obvious conclusion stood out: No one was going to be able to ruin High Holder Ryel commercially, not without destroying Solidar itself.

  That didn’t leave me too many options, but I’d known that all along. I just hadn’t really wanted to deal with it. I kept thinking about the implications and the possibilities as I shaved, showered in water that was all too chill, and then dressed. I kept thinking all the way to the dining hall.

  There, Maitre Dyana was the duty master, and since it was Solayi, she and I were the only masters at breakfast. So I sat beside her, and poured a healthy mug of steaming tea.


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