Kharmic Rebound

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Kharmic Rebound Page 84

by Yeager, Aaron

  Lyssandra recognized him first. “Emperor Qetimong,” she whispered.

  “Lyssandra,” he greeted, giving a warrior’s salute. “It’s been a while.”

  “Yes, it has.”

  The Emperor stepped into the middle of the impromptu battleground. He looked each of the girls over, measuring them with his eyes. “I have come here to sort out this mess.”

  * * *

  Cha’Rolette sat down in the room that had been set aside. After her guards finished setting up the safety and security features, they moved to frisk the Emperor. He gave them a look that said, “Seriously?” and with her permission, they backed off.

  “I only have one question for you,” the Emperor said as he sat down.

  She waited for the door to close behind her. All right.

  He looked up, his eyes penetrating. “Why do you love him?”

  Cha’Rolette was a little surprised by the intimacy of the question. For a second, she considered denying it, but that would have been her father’s way. Instead, she decided to answer honestly, something she had learned from Gerald.

  Her face softened. Because in a world that cares nothing for orphans like me, he cares.

  * * *

  Ilrica fidgeted uncomfortably, but then opened up. “Because in a world full of betrayal, he is loyal.”

  * * *

  Zurra wiped a tear from her eye. “Because in a world that punishes mistakes, he forgives.”

  * * *

  Trahzi placed her hand over her heart. “Because in a world that is cruel to weak things, he protects them.”

  * * *

  Kalia looked at her hands and smiled. “Because in a world that pronounces judgment, he offers mercy.”

  * * *

  Lyssandra blushed and gave a timid little smile. “Because in a world full of apathy, he dares to act.”

  The Emperor nodded, and thanked her for her answer.

  * * *

  Gerald found himself a little star-struck to be alone in a room with the Emperor. He had watched the weekly public addresses so many times. Although he felt a little silly to say it, he looked up to this man. It felt weird, feeling that way about the person who had murdered him in his last life, but that is how he felt.

  “They all love you,” the Emperor said as he sat down. “That much is clear.”

  The Emperor’s presence was so friendly, Gerald immediately found himself relaxing. “I know,” he said sadly. “That’s what makes this all so hard.”

  “So,” the Emperor said, slapping his knee. “The Spy, the Mafiosa, the Traitor, the Demon, the Assassin, and the Pirate. That’s quite the harem you’ve got there.”

  “They are those things, your Highness. I won’t deny it. But they are not those things to me.”

  The Emperor stroked his beard. “Really? What are they to you?”

  Gerald’s expression became tender. “Ilrica is my hero, Cha’Rolette is my angel, Zurra is my true friend, Trahzi is my gentle goddess, Kalia is my protector, and Lyssandra is my champion.”

  The Emperor regarded him strangely. “Amazing.”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “No, what you’ve done.”

  “I haven’t done anything. I’m no hero.”

  The Emperor laughed. “That’s what I said the first time I was called a hero. But you’re going to find that hero is a title other people give you; you don’t really get a say in the matter. Now me, I’m the kind of hero that slays the dragon. I overthrew the ArchTyrant and ended the age of Ragnarok...” he trailed off, his eyes distant. “...of course, ever since then I have been unable to reform the beauracrats and the nobles. Despite my best efforts, they beat me in the end.” He cleared his throat and looked up. “Now you, on the other hand, you are a different kind of hero. You take the dragon home with you. You feed it, teach it, tame it, befriend it. You remove the threat by changing its heart, rather than actually slaying the beast.”

  Gerald looked up. “It was never my intention to...”

  “I know, I know. You never had it in your heart to manipulate them. If you did, they would have sensed it and probably killed you long ago. No, it is just part of who you are. And I have to say, I am amazed at what you have accomplished. You took some of the most dangerous and ruthless individuals in the galaxy, and turned them into good people. Heroes even. If it weren’t for you, and them, we’d all be dead right now.”

  “If it wasn’t for me, there wouldn’t have been a threat to be saved from.”

  The Emperor laughed. “Yes, I suppose that is true in a way. Life is bizarre at times. I mean, look at us. Here I am thanking the reincarnation of the man I slew just a few cycles ago.”

  “Thank you for that, by the way.”

  “For what?”

  “For stopping me before I could hurt more people.”

  The Emperor laughed and slapped Gerald on the back. “Well, that is something I never expected to hear. This is truly a day of firsts.”

  The Emperor became serious. “Which brings me to my dilemma. I need to ask for your help again.”

  “With what?”

  “Well, the problem is Ragnarok...”

  “I already told you, I am no threat to you.”

  The Emperor held his gaze. “You know what? I believe you. I actually do. But not everyone can exist on faith alone. The fact is, that weapon is too powerful; it disrupts the political balance. The Trahzi want it, the Bertulf want it, the Zurinites want it, Ssykes wants it, and I won’t lie to you, I want it as part of the royal family. All of the major powers are committed to having it. Whoever ends up with it, the other groups are certain to ally with each other to oppose it, and that will lead to war.”

  His eyes became sad. “I can see it now, on the horizon. It will be a very bloody, very costly war.”

  Gerald became quiet. “I am sick of war.”

  “As am I. Which leaves me with one inescapable problem. The various factions within the Alliance will go to war to control Ragnarok, unless no one has control over it...”

  “I can’t destroy her,” Gerald said. “Nikki is alive, and she is my friend. And I don’t think your gods would appreciate the source of their immortality being extinguished.”

  “I know, I know. The only other option is to give everyone control over it.”

  Gerald furrowed his brow. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  The Emperor leaned in close. “I’m not sure you’re going to like this, but I can’t see any other way to avoid bloodshed...”

  * * *

  A political marriage? Is he crazy?! Cha’Rolette shouted.

  “It’s not that uncommon,” Kalia mentioned. “My uncle has three wives himself. It allows powerful families to form alliances with one another.”

  Yes, but with all five of us? It’s ridiculous!

  “Six,” Lyssandra corrected.

  All the girls turned to her.

  Why you? You’re not connected to any of the powerful factions. You’re just a spice-seller and a war profiteer. If anything, you should be in jail right now for war crimes.

  “Remind me again of where your fortune comes from, Duchess?” Lyssandra asked.

  Cha’Rolette folded her arms and pouted. I’m getting us out of that nasty business.

  “But you’re not returning the profits, either.”

  “Look, if we play the ‘who’s morally superior’ game we’re all going to lose,” Kalia pointed out. “The fact is, we all belong in prison. And I think we can all agree that one of the things we love about Gerald is that he can see past all that.”

  They all agreed, sighing in unison.

  Cha’Rolette shook her head. Still, you can’t tell me the rest of you are okay with this arrangement. I didn’t work and sweat to get to the top just to share my husband with five other people.

  Ilrica shrugged. “I’m okay with it. It’s normal for my people. The Alpha is husband to all the females within the pack. My only real complaint is that Trahzi is the only other female in this pack
that will go hunting with me.”

  “I’ll go too,” Kalia offered. “When I was a girl my dad and I used to hunt pterrabirds on the family estate.”

  Ilrica pumped her fist. “Sweet! Two down, three to go.”

  Well, I am never hunting with you. I spent enough years sleeping outdoors on the cold ground as it is. I prefer my soft bed, thank you very much. Besides it sounds beastly.

  Ilrica waved her hand. “That’s just aesthetics. You may not want to look at how your food is caught, but it is still caught that way nonetheless.”

  And you, Lyssandra? Where is your warrior’s pride? Are you willing to signal surrender and give your ArchTyrant up to others?

  Lyssandra finished cleaning her pistol and holstered it. “If it pleases my master, it pleases me.”

  Ugh. What is wrong with you people? What about you, Trahzi? You once threatened to burn earth to the ground if Gerald so much as touched another girl. You’re on my side, right?

  Trahzi pursed her lips in thought as she fed Puppy Trahzi a treat. “I used to be. But I realize now that being alone with Gerald wouldn’t be enough for me. I need a link, a group to call my own. A family. Lately, I have come to think of the rest of you as my new link.”

  Cha’Rolette was stunned. She was becoming desperate.

  And you, Zurra, you fought harder for Gerald than anybody. Remember how infuriatingly annoying you were when you first arrived at the academy?

  “I wasn’t infuriating. I was spunky and endearing.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, kid,” Ilrica snickered.

  You were so competitive it made my teeth hurt. You can’t tell me you’re okay with this?

  Zurra smacked her lips in thought. “No, I don’t like it. I feel like Gerald has always belonged to me, then the rest of you came along and each stole a piece away from me. Now I am left with only a slice. But I see the need for it. If this will keep everyone safe, then I’ll go along with it.”

  “Wow Zurra, you really have matured,” Ilrica observed.

  Zurra puffed out her cheeks. “Don’t treat me like a little kid.”

  Cha’Rolette dropped her arms down. You are all crazy. All of you. You can’t tell me that I am the only one here who has a problem with this ludicrous arrangement?

  “It would seem, Duchess, that you are the lone voice of opposition,” Trahzi said.

  Lyssandra tugged on a pointed ear thoughtfully. “I suppose we could just go on without her. It would still keep the peace if everyone had access to Ragnarok except Ssykes Industries. They alone wouldn’t have the power to oppose the rest of us.”

  “She’d be the only one left without a chair when the fat lady stopped singing, but it would still end the conflict,” Zurra posited.

  Cha’Rolette’s eyebrow twitched in anger.

  “As the only major power without access to Ragnarok, Ssykes Industries would surely diminish,” Trahzi predicted.

  Cha’Rolette ground her teeth.

  “So, what’s it gonna be, Duchess?” Ilrica teased.

  “Will you share him with the rest of us?” Kalia asked.

  “...Or will you lose him completely and watch the rest of us share him,” Lyssandra said, a twinkle in her eye.

  Cha’Rolette’s anger collapsed in on itself, and she hung her head in defeat.

  * * *

  Cha’Rolette sat in her testing chair and plugged herself in. Tucking a ringlet behind her ear, she began. Windows opened up all around her. With one hand she plotted in the navigation points around a neutron star. With the other hand she outlined a merger between a recently acquired sub-corporation, Dynastic Foods, and what had formally been a rival to them, Jur’in Shipping Industries. She reorganized their administrations, streamlined their accounting software, fired two middle managers who were clearly skimming off the top, promoted the hard-workers, demoted the lazy ones, and restructured the profit sharing programs to better motivate the employees.

  Through her crystronics, she took two makeup tests for her academy courses, receiving perfect marks in each.

  Simultaneously, she used her ta’atu to carefully move a pile of sand from one plate to another, successfully moving one grain at a time like she used to.

  As a final note, she setup free day care services for the single parents working at Dynastic and Jur’in. A suggestion Gerald made to her as he watched.

  Satisfied, she closed her windows and leaned back against Gerald’s broad chest, and allowed his strong arms to encircle her and embrace her. She was one of the most wealthy and powerful individuals in the galaxy. She could have anything she wanted, but nothing made her as incandescently happy as just being with him and letting him hold her.

  Her perfect test scores floated in the air above her. They didn’t come as easily to her as it had before. Her brain kept flipping numbers. 14 became 41, 46 became 64, and she still had a little blind spot in her left eye. She would occasionally bump into things if she wasn’t careful.

  Unconsciously she rubbed her left hand. It was still a little stiff, and she had no feeling in three of the fingers, but she decided not to let any of it bother her anymore. If she hadn’t rolled Gerald away from that sniper, he wouldn’t be here with her now, and the warmth in her heart, the feeling of absolute safety she felt, of complete and utter acceptance, well that seemed like an even trade, a good deal, even. She closed her eyes and for the first time in ages, she didn’t worry about anything. She just sat there, grateful for what she had. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world. A pleasant smile played across her beautiful lips.

  “You know, it may take a while for the aenergy to build up naturally, but eventually Ragnarok will have the power to heal you,” Gerald offered.

  Cha’Rolette shook her head peacefully. When that time comes, we’ll use it to help others.

  In that moment, Gerald fell in love with her all over again.

  Carefully he reached out and traced the tip of his fingers over the bridge of her cute little nose, across her peaceful eyelids, over her lovely high cheekbones, up and down the nape of her elegant neck. She had never particularly liked being touched before, but this was different. His touch made her heart squirm with delight. Her only real complaint was that he was too much of a blasted gentlemen. She wanted him to be bolder, to take more initiative, but that was also part of who he was, and she loved that too. She knew in her heart that she would never have to hide anything again. He could witness every untidy part of her heart, every unkempt nook and cranny, and he would love those parts of her too. She felt completely and utterly cherished, in body, mind, and soul. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t afraid.

  There was a knock at the door, and her eyes shot open in irritation.

  “Duchess, your turn is over, give him up,” came Ilrica’s muffled voice from out in the hallway.

  I still have five more minutes, go take a flea bath then come back when you are done.

  There was a pause. “But I already took a... HEY!”

  “You took five minutes too long last time,” Zurra added. “So you need to end five minutes early this time to even things out.”

  Why do you even care, goo-girl? It’s not like it’s your turn next.

  “Well, the sooner Faolan gets done with him, the sooner I get my turn.”

  Cha’Rolette bristled.

  “It’s okay,” Gerald whispered. His breath passing over her ear sent shivers up and down her spine. “I’ll go now, just to keep the peace.”

  Cha’Rolette turned to protest, but she was silenced when his lips pressed against hers. The sensation was electric. It felt like her whole body was on fire. The sweet sensation crashed over her brain like a wave, swallowing her up. She couldn’t think. She didn’t want to. Her mind went completely blank. Her ta’atu shot straight out, and several wall panels deformed. The world faded away, until there was only her and him. She could feel his heartbeat. It pulsed before her like an ocean of light. It matched the rhythm of her own and the two became one, mixing and swi
rling together in an exquisite spiritual whirlwind that quite literally took her breath away.

  By the time his lips left hers, she was a mushy, melty mess. Her brain was so fuzzy, she couldn’t even remember her own name.

  The door slid open and Gerald walked out into the hall where the other girls were waiting.

  “Took you long enough,” Zurra complained, puffing her cheeks out.

  Gerald waved goodbye to Cha’Rolette, and she waved drunkenly back. Her ringlets were all askew from the passion in the kiss, and she had a stupid little grin on her face.

  Zurra’s jaw dropped, hitting the floor. “Did you kiss her?”

  “A gentlemen never tells.”

  Ilrica sniffed him, then slugged him in the arm. “You did, you little meat eater, her scent is all over you.”

  “He always was a good kisser,” Lyssandra recalled.

  “Of course her scent is on me, we were sitting together.”

  “You let her sit in your lap?!” Zurra complained.

  Trahzi stepped forward and cleared her throat. “Gerald, the understanding was that there was to be no kissing until after the wedding.” She blushed. “If, however, kissing is allowed prior to the wedding, then I would like to kiss when it is my turn.”

  “You already had your turn today!” Zurra yelled, waving her arms about.

  “I want a kiss too,” Kalia added. “And then a massage.”

  “That does sound nice,” Lyssandra said.

  “A massage would be most pleasing,” Trahzi cooed.

  “Me too. Meee too,” Zurra said, jumping up and down.

  “What do you need a massage for Zurra? You don’t even have muscles!”

  “Shows what you know. My mutagenic matrix becomes stiff with time, a massage helps to...”

  “What would you use to massage her anyway?” Trahzi wondered aloud, cutting her off.

  “A whisk?” Kalia suggested.

  “I am not pudding mix!”

  The door slid closed, and Cha’Rolette sat there frozen, her lips still tingling from the kiss. Finally she hugged her arms around herself and fell to the floor, rolling around and giggling happily to herself like a love-struck schoolgirl.


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