Revealed (The Found Book 1)

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Revealed (The Found Book 1) Page 15

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “Turn off the lights!”

  She was wrapped in Noah’s arms, she wasn’t lying on a metal table.

  “Can I touch her now?” It was Sarah’s voice.

  Baby, are you with us?

  “Noah?” It came out as a whimper, her eyes were closed. She couldn’t move. She could smell copper, her face was wet. She knew, she just knew it was tears and blood. Had Noah rescued her again? She heard a woman crying.

  “Sarah, yes, hurry,” Noah answered. Sarah’s going to touch your temples. It’s just Sarah’s hands, and I’m going to put my hands on top of hers, okay beautiful?

  Okay. She remembered, it was how Sarah healed. Where was she? What had happened?

  She felt Sarah’s small warm hands close over each side of her head. Then she felt Noah’s hands encompass her hands. Tingles, immediately changing to sparks, changing to white light and then a tsunami of blessed relief overcame her entire body.

  “So good, I feel so good.” Kali was slipping away, but remained clearly in the kitchen. She hovered above her body, as it rested and healed. She felt the relief coming from Noah and Sarah so she knew she could safely leave them for a few moments and they wouldn’t worry.

  Nana, where are you Nana?

  “I’m here, Kalani. I’ve missed you child.” She hugged her, such a long sweet hug. She still smelled the same. They stood in her kitchen, holding one another for a long time. Finally parting, they rested against the sink, and stared out the window. Kali wasn’t surprised to see a small boy on the tire swing outside in the yard. Of course her Nana had taken in another child to raise.

  “His name is David, he’s your third cousin.”

  Kali smiled, wishing she was actually there and could eat a cookie. “Nana, what is my purpose, what should I be doing? Everybody asks, and I just don’t know, Nana. What is my purpose?”

  “Oh my beautiful child, your purpose is to be you.”

  “That is not an answer, Nana.”

  “It is a true answer.”

  “Why did we decide it was important to go?”

  “Their collective consciousness was being brought down, they were warring and many people were chasing wrong goals. There were many people who were pushed aside and forgotten. Their energy was low, but there were so many good people who were also trying to make things right, to push and pull their world towards a higher purpose. The small acts of kindness some people did was helping, so were the larger groups that tried to make a difference, but it still wasn’t quite enough. We could see they were going to be at a tipping point, where they would need just a few more people to help with their struggle.”

  “Help in what way?”

  “By doing good, and being good, it lifts up many, many others. It has an amazing ripple effect. Children, with such beautiful souls such as yours, were bound to bring such love and caring to this new place. We knew if you were strategically placed you could make the difference.”

  “But why someone like me? Oh yeah, I wasn’t chosen, I just followed Noah.”

  “Oh my beautiful child, the elders were so happy when you decided to go, your energy was one of the highest. You bring the gift of light, and lift others up. You were meant to teach. Aren’t you a teacher in your other world?”

  “You would love the kids in my classes. I learned to teach from you, Nana.”

  “We have mourned the loss of our chosen children, but we know you are helping your new home and its people. You will turn the tide. Your energy and efforts will make the small and large differences necessary to ensure all that world’s people are lifted up and cared for in the coming generations.”

  “I don’t see how, Nana.”

  “You must trust my beautiful child, you must have trust. Now you need to go. I feel you have found your Noah again. You will have beautiful babies together. Now go.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “Nate tell the next person who opens the door, they are going to lose a limb.”

  Kali laughed.

  “It’s about time you came back to us.”

  She could hear and feel Noah’s worry.

  “Kali, can you open your eyes?”

  She looked up in to her friend’s beautiful brown eyes. “I’m fine Sarah, you healed me.” She gave Sarah a reassuring smile. She pushed up on her elbows, realizing she was on a bed.

  “Lay back down. You need to rest.”

  “I’m starving. I thought we were here for dinner.”

  “Amen sister.” She looked up and saw Nate standing beside the door in the small bedroom. He was actually leaning against it, and it seemed like someone was trying to open it. Then she heard a persistent knocking. She looked around even further, and realized she was in a room decorated by Pepto Bismal. Noah choked back a laugh.

  “Sarah, I’m fine. What happened?”

  “Do you remember being in the kitchen with my parents?”

  “Yes, we were having a great conversation, and then I…I…”

  “My parent’s questions triggered a flashback. Noah said you were tortured using electro shock therapy.” Sarah reached out with a trembling hand, and brushed back a strand of her hair. “You were bleeding from your nose and ears.”

  “Sarah, I’m fine. You healed me. I’m just hungry and sorry I scared you and your parents.” She sat up, but both Sarah and Noah pressed her back down onto the bed.

  “Guys, I want to get up. Seriously, I’m fine.”

  “You were just on the floor curled in the fetal position, why don’t you take it easy for a bit,” Sarah coaxed.


  “Kali you will…” Noah looked at her, his eyes blazing, and she lost it. She pushed both of them away.

  “Nate, can you excuse us?”

  Nate looked from one to the other, his gaze staying on Sarah the longest, and finally nodded, then left the room.

  Kali waited until the door was closed. Nate’s voice could easily be heard, telling the others Kali was fine and they would all be out to the barbecue in just a few minutes. Kali relaxed as she turned back to Sarah and Noah.

  “I don’t think I have ever felt better in my life. I am very sorry I scared you, but you certainly don’t need to be treating me like an invalid.”

  “Kali, you likely had a stroke or an aneurysm.” Sarah’s voice was grave.

  “You cured me. Just like you were meant to do.”

  “Baby, you had a flashback, this might happen again.”

  “No, it will never happen again. I promise you. I know the answers to those questions, they won’t scare me like they did when Frank and Lila asked me.” Kali reached out and gripped both Noah and Sarah’s hands. She looked from one to the other. “I understand now, for just a brief moment I was allowed to go back, and I know, I know what our purpose is.”

  “What? When?”

  “It was right after you laid hands on me. Noah, I got to visit with Nana, she explained it to me. I also remembered more about the day in the stadium. There were at least fifty of us. And there were three older children, teenagers, they were sent to look over us. They weren’t going to lose their memories. Nana told me we are here to help. Somehow our abilities and energies will make a difference in making this world safer and better for the inhabitants today and in the coming generations.”

  “I’d love to believe that,” Sarah said. “But it sounds like a near death experience to me. That’s just a bunch of neurons sparking off in your brain honey, especially when all that trauma was going on.”

  Sarah’s tone and touch was so calm and loving, her patients had to love her. Too bad she was so full of shit.

  “Sarah, I need you to really listen to me. I know you don’t remember where we came from, but Noah and I do. Somehow with you and Noah touching me, and the beautiful surge of light and energy, not only did the pain instantly stop, but when I was looking down I saw a shimmering glow. I have never felt better in my life, and then I flew out of my body. I soared to the other world and spent time with Nana. Not a memory of
an old conversation, but I saw her how she is at this moment, and we spoke. She knew Noah and I were together, that we would have babies together. She explained our purpose.”

  Kali watched Sarah’s face change from an expression of doubt to fear. Both she and Noah wrapped her up in a hug.

  “It’s going to be fine, Sarah,” Noah said in a comforting rumble.

  “I know Kali keeps saying a little difference, but it sounds like they expected so much from us, and I’m scared.”

  Kali wasn’t surprised to see Sarah eventually calm. Noah had a way about him that made everyone believe and feel better.

  That’s you Kali, you’re as much of a healer as Sarah.

  “Hmm.” Kali looked up to see Nate glaring at Noah.

  “Nate, is something wrong?” Sarah asked. “Oh, my family must be worried about Kali. Let’s go you guys. She hopped off the bed.” Nate gave Noah a hard look, and Kali watched as Noah returned it with an innocent smile.

  * * *

  Neither Noah nor Nate were smiling. Every other person in the Johnson’s backyard was having a fine old time, but he and Nate were leaning against the fence sipping beers, and hating life.

  “Did you know two of Sarah’s brothers were cops?” Noah asked Nate.

  “Yeah, she told me,” Nate said grimly. “Seriously man, all this time I’ve thought we’ve just been flirting. She’s told me about her family. Told me I’d have to go through a gauntlet, I laughed. It was all in good fun.” Noah watched as his big friend rubbed the back of his neck and looked at him.

  “So what’s your problem?”

  “I’ll tell you what my problem is. The last twenty-four hours haven’t been good fun. At least not for me, and meanwhile she’s been telling her family I’m some boy-toy she’s going to test out.”

  “Oh, that’s got to be going over really well,” Noah choked, now realizing why so many testy glances were coming their way from the Johnson brothers. “But in all fairness, weren’t you just planning on a little…” Noah was reluctant to put it into words, not when he could see Sarah sitting over at the picnic table looking so pretty and innocent in her white dress.

  “What? A shag? A dalliance? A one night stand?”

  “Sure, one of those. Isn’t it what you intended?”

  “That all went out the window when I saw her touch Kota.”

  “When you saw her ability to heal?” Noah asked.

  “No, when I saw her put her hands on Kota. I thought I’d rip his throat out. She’s mine. She just doesn’t realize it yet.” Whoa. Nate wasn’t kidding. Noah knew his background. Nate might seem fun and affable, but there were some really dark corners, and when he said he was going to rip a man’s throat out, he wasn’t kidding.

  “Nate, where does Sarah stand on all of this?”

  “I don’t care. Eventually shell be standing next to me. So now we’ve talked out my problem, Noah, how about we talk about the fact you have two men trying to talk your woman into leaving you?” Noah felt the aluminum of his beer can crumple beneath his hand.

  “Again, why didn’t you tell me some of Sarah’s brothers were cops? And one was a firefighter? They are all in love with the cop’s daughter.”

  “Hell Noah, they would have been in love with Kali even if her dad hadn’t been a captain in the Chicago Police Department. She’s Kali.” She was seated across the table from Sarah, wearing a pink dress from Sarah’s closet. Something Sarah had probably worn when she was a sophomore in high school, but it fit Kali like a dream. On either side of her were Johnson brothers. Noah had no idea what their names were, they were big and handsome, and were hitting on his woman. The only blessing was she was oblivious. He tried to talk to her again.


  Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t you happy? Doesn’t the food taste great? The admiral and Sarah’s dad are sure having a great time. Isn’t Cyrus a hoot? Did you see the cat?

  Kali was higher than a kite. He had remembered being hungry and feeling really good after being healed by Sarah. He’d even compared notes with Kota. Both of them had felt better and more energetic. They decided it was because they were hurting and it was the natural sense of thinking you were feeling much better than before, when really you were just back to normal.

  Obviously they were wrong. The healing did something to you. It really did make you feel better. What had Kali said? She never felt better in her life. Noah would bet anything it was more than that. He didn’t know what, but he didn’t think it was a matter of her being Miss Hyper-Happy-Hungry-Girl. But if the only side effect to come out of this was she would be happy and hungry for the rest of her life, he would give thanks. He watched as she held out her plate for another helping of cornbread and green beans. Then he saw the brother on her right side, slide his hand down her back, and rest it at the top of her ass as he spooned some yams onto her plate.

  Noah moved forward, ignoring Nate when he said, “go get ’em Lieutenant.”

  Noah stood directly behind Kali and placed a kiss on the top of her head, at the same time he put a hand on the young man’s shoulder and squeezed…hard. He lifted his head and looked into the man’s pained expression.

  “Would you mind if I took your seat?”

  “No Sir, not at all,” he said as he scrambled to get up. Laughter erupted from the table, and Noah sat down next to Kali.

  “Noah, did you have a chance to meet Tyler? He’s an arson investigator,” Kali said indicating the man who had left the table.

  “I had a chance to watch his investigative skills, I wasn’t impressed.”

  “We haven’t been impressed with him for years,” an older Johnson brother called out from further along the table. Noah looked up to see Lila Johnson putting a plate of food in front of him.

  “Don’t you worry about Tyler, Noah, he’s harmless.”

  Noah slid his hand down Kali’s back, feeling much better when it was his warmth touching her. She peered at him, and then rested her head on his shoulder. All of his jealousy smoothed out.

  “All of them are harmless,” she murmured.

  “Sure they are,” Noah chuckled. “Harmless was the word I was going to use to describe them. Sarah has quite the family.” Noah kept his voice low, and with all the activity and talk going on around them, he hoped they weren’t being overheard, still…

  Why out loud?

  Oh. Its better now, it was too chaotic before. I was having trouble talking in my head, it was getting kind of jumbled, like I was high. Anyway, I heard Sakuro and Cyrus talking. Cyrus is Sarah’s oldest brother. He’s the task force leader with the Atlanta Police Department. He said he wanted in on whatever the hell was going on, or he wouldn’t let Sarah go. He sounded pretty adamant.

  Noah looked around the table and saw the man Kali was talking about. He was the one giving Nate the hardest time. He looked to be the same age as Dave Rydell who was in his mid-thirties.

  He is, he was an MP in the Army.

  Noah had thought he was shielding, but apparently he was broadcasting.

  Nope, I think it is a side-effect of the healing. I’m still cranked up. I swear Noah, I am in the zone. I could win at Jeopardy, bake a cake and give you the best blow job of your life. Noah choked on the rib he was eating, and reached for his beer.

  When can we leave and have sex? I want a lot of sex. I’m so needy. I’m so wet. Please, can we leave now?

  Noah took a larger swallow of beer, and looked around the table. Everybody seemed to be talking, nobody was focused on them, but he felt like they must be setting the backyard on fire.


  Suddenly, it wasn’t just words. It was a feeling, the amazing sensation of Kali’s mouth encompassing his cock, her tongue licking up the vein on the underside of tip. Then a picture blasted through his brain of her tied naked and spread eagle to an old-fashioned four poster bed. The beer fell out of his hand, liquid spilling through the cracks of the picnic table.

  “Noah, are you okay?” Sarah asked from across the table.
“You’re looking flushed.”

  “I’m fine, but I’m still worried about Kali. I want to take her to the hotel. I think she needs to rest.” Sarah opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Kali interrupted.

  “Thank you Noah, I do need to lie down.” Under you.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Why weren’t she and Noah sharing an apartment? When the admiral explained he arranged for their living arrangements in Southern California, Kali had no idea they would be so nice. They took over an entire floor of furnished apartments in Newport Beach. She only had one problem with the living arrangements, she and Noah had separate apartments, and Noah hadn’t said a word when they were each given their own key. Weren’t they going to be living together from now on?

  Never in her life was she connected to someone as the night they made love after the Johnson family picnic. It was positively spiritual. But here a week late and a thousand miles away, it seemed like an eternity had passed. What’s more, Noah constantly blocked her now. He would politely knock to telepathically communicate with her, and she would do the same, but she could no longer hear him at all. Rarely could she even sense what he was feeling. She knew he had done it on purpose.

  She lay down in the beautifully appointed new bedroom and cried.

  * * *

  Her tears were ripping him apart. How could she doubt his feelings? God the night together in Atlanta had been everything. She was everything, and that was the problem. Oh, he intended to keep her forever, she was his. But Sakuro and his plan to have Sarah and Kali in California near Rixitron was both ingenious and the worst fucking thing in the world. Therefore, his team, and now Cyrus, had come up with their own plan.

  Noah still wasn’t sure how he felt having Cyrus Johnson here with them as part of their team, but he had to admit the man was smart. Sierra had run his background. His record in the Army had been phenomenal, it was no wonder he was a task force leader in Atlanta.

  One of the apartments had been converted into a command center. They had briefly considered taking up office space in the bottom floor of the apartment building. The other offices were there, but no one liked the idea of being so far away from Sarah and Kali.


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