A Hunter Brothers Christmas

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A Hunter Brothers Christmas Page 12

by M. S. Parker

  The thought of her walking around the club, sans panties, my cum dripping down her thighs, my baby growing in her belly…fuck. We could take our time later. I needed to be in her.







  Afternoon, December 25th, Present Day

  Hudson Valley, New York

  I had memories of my parents, of us as a whole family. I had memories of my grandparents before the crash and how they’d been with all of us. Now, I wondered how much of that was colored by grief.

  I wasn’t under any illusions that any of the people I loved were perfect but finding out that my parents had felt the need to hide the depth of their connection from Grandfather and Grandma Olive had shifted my perspective on all of it. We all knew about Grandfather and Dad butting heads over Dad’s decision not to take over the family business, but I hadn’t realized how deep that division had run.

  I finally understood what had driven Grandfather to alter his will, forcing his grandsons to finally address the issues between us. Seeing how far apart we’d grown reminded him too much of how things had still been between he and Dad when Dad died. He didn’t want us to be that way, to have those regrets.

  It was his final gift to us.

  Grandma Olive hadn’t wanted it either. She’d kept this place for us, made sure we’d be able to know our parents, even if she was gone. I liked to think that if she’d lived a few more years, she would’ve brought us here herself, told us these things then. Without her, it was up to us to ensure that our family’s memories were preserved.

  That was her final gift, and I couldn’t let it be wasted.

  I needed to talk to Addison.

  I couldn’t go another day without telling her how I felt. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us for me to be reluctant or have doubts when it came to having kids. It wouldn’t be fair to the kids.

  As the others went their own ways, I stood and held out a hand to Addison. I didn’t want to go back to our room. It’d be too easy to lose myself in her, to forget about all of this. Later, after we talked, I could allow it, but right now, I needed to be strong for us both.

  I led her into the kitchen, memories of our earlier tryst here flooding my mind. Judging by the flush to her fair skin, she was thinking the same. I swallowed a groan of frustration. Not at her but at myself for the lack of control I had around her. I was a Dom, one who thrived on control and being in charge, not just of my sub’s body, but of my own.

  Around Addison, however, I found myself back to those embarrassing days of adolescence where a rush of hormones could turn a walk down the hall into torture. Back then, I’d quickly learned that I could focus my mind on facts and figures to lock down those seemingly uncontrollable responses. As I’d aged, my control had only grown…until I met her. Then, all bets were off. There were times when it took every ounce of self-control I possessed not to have her up against a wall or bent over a piece of furniture, everything and everyone else be damned.

  “Do you want something to drink?” I asked. “I think there’s some eggnog left over. Or I could make cocoa.”

  She brought me over to the table, her expression serious. “I’m thinking we need something with a higher alcohol content. Let me.”

  I nodded mutely as I took a seat. I didn’t know whether to be grateful that she seemed ready to talk about things or terrified that she’d already made up her mind about what she wanted, and I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  I watched her as she rummaged around in the kitchen, gathering ingredients. Tall and slender, with surprising strength in her lean muscles, she looked like she could’ve been a ballerina. When she wasn’t thinking about what she was doing, I could believe it too. Her problem was how often her mind got too far ahead of her feet, and her limbs forgot essentially everything they knew about grace and balance.

  “One of the family traditions that my stepdad brought in when he married my mom was something he called his Noddy Toddy. Essentially, it was whatever rum we had left over from the ‘grown-up’ eggnog, plus honey and spices until he liked the taste of it.”

  She brought two mugs to the table, setting one in front of me and taking the other for herself as she sat down. I took a drink, and the liquid warmed me straight down to my toes.

  “That’s really good,” I said, aware of how lame my compliment was, but unable to think of anything except what I knew I needed to tell her. I steeled myself and jumped right in. “Grandma Olive made a good point in her letter. We all need to communicate with the people we love if we want to have healthy relationships.”

  “I agree.”

  “There’s something I have to tell you, and I’m asking that you let me get through it before you say anything.”

  The expression on her face was grim, but she nodded.

  “Ever since we got the results back from the doctor, we haven’t talked about what the next step’s going to be. I know most people assume we’ll go the medical route. We’re scientists, after all, and we understand better than most what all this would entail. And if that’s what you want to do, I’ll support you one hundred percent. I’ll go to every appointment, be with you whenever and wherever you need me.”

  Her eyes glistened as I spilled out my heart to her. “Oh, Cai. I–”

  Keeping my eyes on her face, I held up a hand, needing to continue. I needed to push myself onward to the true heart of the matter.

  “But I’m absolutely petrified of you doing all of that. I know, logically, that you’d be one of the lowest risk women getting these tests and procedures, but I feel like even a fraction of that percentage is too high a risk just to have a biological child. At least for me. DNA doesn’t matter to me. If it does to you, I’ll accept and support that, but I needed you to know where I stand.”

  A look of such relief washed over her face that I felt my own trepidation ease.

  “I don’t want to do all of those tests and everything else that might be involved,” she said after clearing her throat. Her hands were wrapped so tightly around her mug that I feared she might break it. “They might be great for other women but being pregnant has never been the appeal to me. For me, it’s having a family, and I don’t need to physically give birth to be a part of that. I was so worried that you needed a biological child. Someone to carry on the family name who was blood-related to you. To your parents.”

  I reached across the table and covered her hand with mine. “Not at all. I don’t care how we have kids. I just want to be a family with you.”

  I sent up a silent thanks to my grandma. If she hadn’t left that letter, who knew how long it would’ve taken me to get my head out of my ass and talk to Addison.

  “There are so many kids out there who need families,” she said, letting go of the mug to link her fingers through mine. “We wouldn’t even necessarily need to look for a baby. “

  “That’s true.” I nodded, excitement growing as we began to plan. “As soon as we get back home, we’ll make some calls, see what needs to be done to start the adoption process.”

  Addison’s eyes slid away from mine, a shadow of something crossing her face. “Gene and Sandra were telling me that some people who place their children for adoption actually go through a book of prospective parents and they can choose who they want to raise their child.”

  Gene and Sandra. Right. I’d almost forgotten about them.

  Of course, Addison would be thinking about the announcement they’d made at Thanksgiving. That Sandra was pregnant, and they’d be giving the baby up for adoption. I hadn’t asked her about that after we’d gotten the news from the doctor about Addison’s condition, and she hadn’t said anything, but it had to have hurt her, seeing her brother accidentally getting something that she wouldn’t be able to have, and then finding out they were giving…

  “What would you think about adopting their baby?”

  The question flew out of my mouth before
I had the chance to fully think things through, which wasn’t really like me at all. I started to take it back, but then my brain finally registered that Addison’s face was shining.

  “Do you really mean that?” she asked, hope clinging to every word. “I mean, I know you wouldn’t joke about something like that, but I’ve been trying to work up the courage to suggest exactly that same thing, so it’s a little unnerving to hear you say what I’m thinking. Not that it should really surprise me. We’ve always been on the same wavelength. It’s more like I’m afraid I’m just hearing what I want to hear because I’ve been hoping you’d agree to at least talk to–”

  “You’re babbling, Little Red.” I said it softly, but it was enough for her mouth to snap closed. “And yes, I really mean it. When we get back home, I’ll make some calls.”

  She came over to me and threw her arms around my neck. I pulled her onto my lap, pressing my face against the side of her throat. It’d been killing me, holding back from her what I was thinking and feeling. She was the only person I’d ever let in so completely, and losing that, even for such a short period of time, had been like missing a part of myself.

  “There is one thing we should probably do before the baby’s born,” she said, her breath hot against my skin.

  “What’s that?” I slipped my hand under the back of her shirt and placed my palm on the soft skin of her back.

  “Get married.”

  I raised my head. “Did you just propose to me?”

  A grin played at the corners of her mouth. “I suppose I did.”

  “I’m pretty sure I was supposed to do that.”

  She laughed. “Well, it was taking you forever to get around to it. And you haven’t answered yet.”

  It was my turn to laugh. “Yes, Little Red, I’ll marry you.” I stood up, lifting her as I went. “Now, what do you say we find something to occupy ourselves with until we can give the others our news.”

  “Yes, please…Sir.”



  Afternoon, December 25th, Present Day

  Hudson Valley, New York

  Normally, if my brothers and I had gone into bedrooms with our lovers, it was a sure bet that we’d all be in for hours of kinky, mind-blowing sex. Today, however, I wondered if any of us even had sex on our minds. Granted, I had a feeling none of us could be around our women very long without thinking about fucking them, but if the other couples were anything like me and Cheyenne right now, there were things we needed to discuss before we could get to anything else.

  The box still in my socks was at the forefront of my mind as I closed the bedroom door. I had no doubt that I wanted to marry Chey, but I wasn’t ready to get the box out yet. I needed to talk to her first, see where we were headed.

  I didn’t, however, get a chance.

  “I have to tell you something.” Cheyenne’s face was pale.

  My stomach dropped. “Are you sick?”

  She shook her head. “Not sick.” She twisted her fingers together, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

  “Talk to me, Chey.” I grabbed her hands. “You’re freaking me out.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  I stared at her, her words ringing in my ears. Then they sank in, and I picked her up, covering her mouth with mine before she could do more than squeak in surprise. I dug my fingers into her hair, twisting the soft strands even as I dropped my other hand down to her ass. Her legs went around my waist, and she returned the kiss with an enthusiasm that told me everything I needed to know.

  When I finally sat down on the bed, our mouths parted, but Chey stayed on my lap, straddling my waist. I cupped her face between my hands, my thumbs running along her kiss-swollen bottom lip.

  “I’m guessing that means you’re happy?”

  “I am,” I promised. “I know we have some things to figure out to make this work more smoothly, but we can do it. I know we can be happy. You, me, Austin, and…” I reached down between us and placed my hand on her stomach. “When?”

  “I think the end of August, beginning of September?” She put her hand on mine. “I haven’t known very long. I wouldn’t have gotten my nipples pierced if I’d known.”

  I brushed my lips across hers. “Well, I’m glad I had a chance to play with them before you have to put them away.”

  “This doesn’t mean we have to stop–”

  I kissed her again. “We have plenty of time to figure out what this means for our sex life. Trust me, Chey, that’s not my priority. You are. You and Austin.” Damn emotion burned at my sinuses. “And our child.”

  “I love you.” She leaned in for another kiss.

  I couldn’t think of a better time. “Will you marry me?”

  She sat back, her eyes wide. “You don’t have to do that just because–”

  “Get the pair of black socks from my suitcase.” I smiled at her. “Trust me.”

  As she did what I asked, I stood and followed her. I watched as she unrolled the socks and found the small box I’d hidden there. She looked at me, then at the box.

  “I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to ask if this is what you want. If you think this is too fast.”

  She opened the box, her breath catching at the sight of the diamond and emerald engagement ring I’d bought the day after we’d moved to Boston. I took the ring out of the box and held it up.

  “Cheyenne Lamont, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be your husband, and a father to Austin,” my smiled stretched so wide that it hurt, “and all of the children we’ll have together. Will you marry me?”

  Her eyes glistened with tears as she nodded. “Yes.” It came out in a whisper, but it was steady.

  I slipped the ring on her finger, then raised her hand to kiss her knuckles. “We’ll work out the details when we get home. I was already thinking that we could look into getting a bigger place, somewhere Estrada could live too, but with her own space. She can watch Austin and help out with the new baby as much as she can. If we have to get extra help, we will. If you still want to enroll in fall classes–”

  “Slade.” The humor in her voice caught my attention. “You’re babbling as much as Addison.”

  As the two of us laughed together, I caught a glimpse of what my future would be like with this woman at my side. Warmth and joy, life and love. We’d have Austin and this baby, and more. My brothers and their families. I would finally have everything I’d ever wanted and never thought I’d have.

  I picked Cheyenne up again and carried her over to the bed, prepared to spend the rest of the day showing my fiancée how much I loved the idea of being her husband, and being a father.



  Afternoon, December 25th, Present Day

  Hudson Valley, New York

  I didn’t think twice about taking Brea’s hand and heading out the back door. I’d gone out this way to get the tree and found a passable, and absolutely beautiful, path through the woods. I’d already been planning to take Brea for a walk the next time I felt the walls closing in. It seemed as good of a place as any to talk.

  It was funny. A year ago, the idea of talking to anyone would’ve had me looking for the nearest exit. Hell, I wouldn’t have even been here a year ago. I’d been happy living on my ranch in Wyoming…or so I’d thought. Brea had changed my whole world, and I knew that if I wanted her to stay, I had to keep growing, because ring and baby or not, she wouldn’t accept anything less than my best.

  I wouldn’t accept anything less for her.

  “It’s beautiful here.” We’d been walking for nearly fifteen minutes before she broke the silence. “Do you think you and your brothers will keep the cabin, now that you know the story behind it?”

  “If they don’t want all of us to share it, I’m going to buy it,” I said. I hadn’t even realized I’d made the decision until I spoke. Not wanting her to think I wasn’t considering her opinion in the matter, I added, �
�Unless you don’t want to.”

  She smiled at me, then stepped a few feet ahead of me and threw her head back, eyes closed as delicate flakes landed on her nose, her mouth, her eyelashes.

  “How could I not want this?”

  I watched her, wondering – not for the first time – where her peace came from. Any that I had, I knew, came from her, but she always had more to give.

  “Tell me what you want,” I said. “Now. Tomorrow. Ten years from now.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at me, understanding written on her face. “You want to know if you’re going to be enough.”

  She turned to me and took my hands. We both wore gloves, but it didn’t matter. I knew her body as well as my own.

  “I’ve been wondering the same thing about me,” she admitted, startling me.

  “Brea, you’re everything.” I squeezed her hands. “If I don’t say it enough, then I’ll do better because you should never doubt that marrying you and having a family with you is everything I wanted, even when I thought I didn’t.”

  Her face lit up as she smiled, and she reached up to wrap her arms around my neck, pulling me down for a kiss. The wind was cold against my cheeks, but her mouth was warm and pliable as my tongue stroked inside. I was barely aware I was walking her backward until she came up against a tree. Icy fingers chilled my skin as they tucked under the waistband of my pants, and it took me a moment to realize what she was doing.

  “Are you crazy?” I growled the question. “It’s freezing out here.”

  She gave me a pout that she only ever used for one thing, and it’d been too fucking long since I’d seen it.

  “Warm me up, Blake,” she said as she shoved her hand down the front of my pants.

  I yelped as her chilled skin came in contact with something very sensitive of mine. My erection flagged, but then her fingers wrapped around my cock, and I let out a guttural curse.


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