Truth In Wildflowers

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Truth In Wildflowers Page 9

by Kimberly Rose

  Lennon and I shrieked together. We’d better keep it down or the R.A. really would make an appearance. “Okay, more provocative now, Kens. Can you do this?”

  She placed both hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, “I can do this” I replied completely amped up. If August was in, I was in. Does he want to jump off a bridge? Done. Swim with some sharks? I’ll bring the wetsuits. Wrestle an alligator? I’ll prepare myself with extra lunges to better clamp its head between my thighs of steel.

  Next came a love handle shot. Yes, I have them, and tonight I’m showing August how hot they are. Next up, my hipbone. Snap. Lower back. Snap. Upper thigh. Snap.

  This time August’s texts didn’t wait.

  Humpty: Kensie….

  Humpty: Fuck.

  Humpty: Wait…are you drunk…

  Me: Define drunk

  Humpty: Well, now I can’t say anymore. I don't want to take advantage of the situation.

  Me: Take advantage.

  Humpty: I would never take advantage of you.

  A stab nicked my self-esteem. Here I was putting myself out there, in a sext session no less, and he was denying me.

  Me: So…you don’t like my sexting?

  Humpty: Oh no, I like this. I'd prefer to see you in person though.

  Me: Yeah?

  Humpty: Yeah, so I can kiss every one of those places on you, and then some.

  “Oh Jesus, I need some fresh air. You two are making me all hot and bothered.” Lennon fanned herself as she headed toward the door. “I’m gonna run and grab a bottle of water and give you some privacy. Want one?”

  “No, thanks.” I was left alone with August on my phone.

  Me: Define some.

  What can I say, I was feeling brave.

  Humpty: Well for starters I’d kiss that perfect little ass I held in my hands the other night at Tommy’s.

  Me: Yeah?

  Humpty: Yeah, then I’d kiss the soft spot behind your knee.

  My knee? I wanted to clarify, but I wasn’t going to ask questions now.

  Humpty: Then I trail my lips up your thigh. Maybe I’d nibble a little on my way up. Would you like that Kensie?

  Me: Yeah.

  I think I’d really like that. I like the sound of it a lot.

  Humpty: I’d stop at that spot right at the top of your thigh. You know the one I’m talking about? Right where my lips would graze the outer edge of you.

  Holy shit.

  Me: Yeah?

  Humpty: Would you like that Kensie?

  Me: A lot.

  I was getting worked up now, and anxious for his next message. His end of the line remained silent longer than I expected though.

  Humpty: Sorry Kensie, I had a call come in.


  Me: Ok.

  Humpty: Shit, I’m really sorry, but I’ve got to go.

  What? No, no!

  Me: Ok

  Humpty: Trust me Kensie, best night of my life. Thank you for these pictures. I’m never deleting them. Ever.

  Apparently not good enough to ditch whatever the phone call requires and finish this off with me.

  Me: You’d better not show Wes my goodies.

  Humpty: Not at a chance. Now go drink a bottle of water and take two aspirin. You’re going to feel like shit in the morning.

  Me: Bossy.

  Humpty: Goodnight, pretty girl.

  Goodnight frustrating boy.

  I fell asleep before Lennon made if back to the room that night in a swirl of August and a wary smile on my face.

  Chapter 7

  I will never eat cotton balls again. I rolled over in bed and buried my face into my pillow groaning. Oh right, I didn’t eat cotton balls; I drank ‘te kill ia’. I attempted to sit up, but my head weighed my body down.

  “Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.” Lennon chirped from somewhere above me. “ Two aspirin and a bottle of water. Dr. Hunter’s orders.”

  Cold plastic assaulted my face. “What is he? My dad?”

  “On the contrary, princess. He is a man smitten by you and who wants you to feel well. Your father would lecture you on the statistics of binge drinking.” Lennon forced open the palm of my hand and placed the two pills in it. “You’ve got work in an hour. I’d hate to see you explain to a room of teenagers that you were late because you were hung over after sexting your boyfriend all night.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” I mumbled before mashing the pills into my mouth.

  “Sexting is overrated,” if you’re wasted and a novice, maybe next time I’ll be more seductive. What am I saying? I won't allow a next time, unless he liked it. Then, perhaps I'll arrange a next time. I’m not sure what has gotten into me, but I think I like it. August was someone special for sure, if he’s causing me to bloom when I thought I had already withered.

  * * *

  Turns out, the water and aspirin worked wonders. Points scored for August. I strolled in to youth center at eight am and ready for the day. I signed myself in at the front desk and waved hello to the receptionist. Her hair was a faded pink today. Only her eyes looked up at me from where she was working on supply orders. I almost missed the judgment in her eyes. Awareness. Recognition? She knew I'd sexted. My pulse accelerated and I darted my eyes around the room. Clock. Chair. Skittles wrapper on the floor. Her throat cleared and I made contact with the judging eyes again. They narrowed at me and read all my secrets. Then I took off.

  I scurried down the hall so fast, I nearly missed John’s hello from inside his office. I slowed down and poked my head in on my way to my classroom.

  “Morning, John.”

  “Kensie,” He waved me over with one hand while patting his chewing mouth with the other. “Slow down. I brought you in a breakfast sandwich and some coffee. Figured since I’d tortured you with opening on a Saturday, I’d treat you.” Huh, how thoughtful. My stomach growled in appreciation as it caught scent of the breakfast sandwiches.

  “Thank you. I’m starving.”

  I tossed my dance bag in the corner of his office and plopped down in the chair across from him. He slid the sandwich and coffee towards me inhaling another bite. My dad wasn’t a dainty eater either. “No worries, kid. I like to take care of my staff. You guys work hard.”

  I’d never had a boss like John. He ruled with a supportive hand, and took care of his employees like family. I’d even received a voicemail last night to let me know the girls had nothing but great things to say about the class. His words were, “You’ve successfully got them excited about something other than watching those boys play basketball.” I grinned all night after the unexpected call. It’s amazing what a few kind words can do to a tired soul.

  “Any special plans for the holidays?” John asked before taking a bite of his half eaten sandwich. The youth center closed for a month in winter. The goal was to keep the gym open so the kids had a place to come hang out, but for now funding was low.

  “Spending time with family.” I said putting the sandwich aside when my stomach became uneasy.

  “They around here, or ya have to travel?” John kicked back in his chair.

  “My mom is about an hour north of here. My dad and his family aren’t too much further.” John nodded his head a considered a minute before responding.

  “So divorced, huh? Gotta be rough during the holidays.” He didn’t sound pitying, thank God. He spoke like divorces happen every day, and I guess they do. People are walked out on all the time.

  “Not really, I mean, it’s mostly just been me and my mom. I visit my dad every now and then.” I mumbled the last bit and took a sip of coffee.

  “Hm.” was the only response I got. I couldn't tell if John didn’t say more because he felt sorry for me, or if he picked up on my distaste for this topic of conversation. Whatever the reason, I was glad he let the discussion end.

  We sat in silence for a few minutes sipping coffee and John chewing his food. He finished his in record time crumpling up the wrapper into a tight little ball and mad
e the basket into the trashcan on the opposite side of the room.

  “So, August seems to be pretty taken by you.” John said patting his rounded belly. I nearly choked on my attempt at another bite of sandwich.

  “He's bossy.” I mumbled behind my food, but didn’t make eye contact with him, "And he's an awful singer with even worse dance moves." I added for good measure.

  John laughed with a snort and slapped his thigh. “Thought so. I saw the way you looked at the boy, and don’t think I didn’t catch you two driving away in his car yesterday.” Crap. I hadn’t considered that employees might be prohibited from spending time together outside of work.

  “I’m sorry, John.” I rushed to explain, “The outing was harmless really, just a friendly cup of coffee.” I shook my head to reassure him and myself. I tried to keep the thoughts of what I did last night away. August threatened my sensibilities. Keeping this job was important to me, and I couldn’t lose it over guy.

  “Well, that’s too bad. I’d hoped you were finally the one to make him come around.” He said unexpectedly and squinted at me. I assumed to hear a lecture on risks of dating a coworker, not the promotion of it.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He hasn’t had a girlfriend since he started working for me three years ago. He’s a nice looking kid, well mannered, responsible. It can’t be that girls don’t want to date him. So he’s been holding out for some reason. Then, you came along.”

  I let John’s words sink in. I guessed he didn’t have a girlfriend because Capri would have told me. The three years part stumped me though. August seemed confidant, and I had first-hand experience in how charming he could be. Oh God, what if he’s a man whore? Wes is a man whore, I think. They probably run in packs, and hunt. I’m being hunted by August. I’m his prey. Huh, that doesn’t sound half bad.

  “Watcha ya contemplatin'?” John asked, when he noticed I was lost in my thoughts.

  “Maybe I’m not special. What if I’m one of many?” I remained collected. I didn’t want John privy to my thoughts on August.

  “Don’t doubt your worth. I’d be honored to have any of my boys date ya.” John’s words touched me. He’d known me less than a week and he’d already had such kind things to say to me. He sat back up in his chair and leaned towards me. “Hear me when I tell ya this. August isn’t a playboy. You’re special.”

  Special. I allowed the word to roll around in my mind and knock against the hardened ridges. Perhaps if I let it stay long enough, it could chip away and soften them some. Special.

  * * *

  After breakfast with John, I retreated to the classroom to prepare for the morning. I sought solitude to reflect on our conversation. One step into the room and the scent of fresh wax and Windex loosened my wound muscles.

  I walked to the stereo kicking my flip-flops off along the way. One tug of the hair tie securing my hair and the wavy tendrils fell wildly around my face. Settling on a song, I plugged my phone into the stereo. The lyrical tune filled the classroom breathing life to all four walls. I rolled my head and kicked one leg out stiffly with a flexed foot. My arm and hand followed the same stiff motion.

  I set out in a series of slow rigid turns across the spans of the floor. I relished the sting left across my cheeks after each whip of my hair. On the final turn, I spun to a knee towards the floor, but made a change last minute and wound back up to my feet. I lifted another leg in front of me in an attitude position and held firm. Every muscle in my body contracted to hold the stiff pose until the disjointed beat broke into a fluent rhythm.

  My leg slackened and my bones followed. Every extremity gave into the swaying and reached back and forth loosely. My head tilted upwards and rocked side to side with the beat.

  “Ms. Kensie!” A tempered voice snapped me from asylum I'd created. I tilted my head down towards Gabby with her minions standing in the doorway. I help up a finger and rushed over to turn the music down.

  “That what we’re doin’ today?” Gabby nodded up at me.

  “No, no. I was messin' around.” I wrapped a protective cloak over my movements.

  “Hm.” Gabby crossed her arms over her chest and her minions mimicked her. “That’s cool, but that stuff's too Emo for us. We too street for it.”

  “I’m street.” I said having a hard time maintaining my straight face. The girls exploded in fits of laughter. We started class shortly after, where I proved to them how street I could be. According to the all-powerful and wise Gabby, I had some work to do.

  As class ended, I said goodbye to the girls I was becoming very proud of. I blew my hair out of my face and sprawled out on the ground. I’d worn myself out. After a few minutes on my back soaking up the chill of the ground, I reached over to my bag feeling for my phone. I hadn’t heard from August since last night. I feared my attempts at intoxicated seduction might have scared him off.

  Oh what the hell, I sexted the boy I might as well call him. I powered up my phone and immediately got a voicemail alert. To my surprise, I had a message from August. I smiled to myself getting a dose of the giddies.

  The bubbled excitement in my stomach turned to nervous pangs when I began to listen to the message. It was August, but he hadn’t called me on purpose. The muffled voices and static told me he had dialed my number on accident.

  That wasn’t the worst though. The worst part was the unmistakable mumble of a female. I should have hung up, but I’m a glutton for punishment. I kept listening for the entire five-minute message. First there was the giggle, not mine, not Capri’s, not anyone I know. It was followed closely by August’s mumbled chuckle. My stomach dropped. She’d made him laugh.

  I bit my thumbnail unable to stop the message. Next, I heard a mumbled thank you from this mystery woman. There was a moment of nothing, a few clicking noises, and the rumble of an engine. He was in a car with her. I could barely hear above the beating of my heart swallowing my ears. My temples pulsated so strongly I squinted my eyes closed. Then, silence, a click, maybe a seat belt? I strained to hear anything steadying my breathing so the whooshing didn’t drown out the faint sounds on the message. Then, an abrupt and audible, “Want to come in?” In her voice, and the line went dead.

  Chapter 8

  “That son of a bitch!” Lennon cursed throwing her tiny Bug into park while I crawled into the back making room for Capri in the front. “What the hell is wrong with your brother?” Lennon barked at Capri making her jump and hit her head on the door jam.

  “He’s a man.” Capri shrugged as she flipped the make-up mirror on the visor down and smeared on a layer of shiny lip-gloss. “What did he do anyway?” She flipped the visor back up and turned towards me smacking her lips together.

  I opened my mouth to answer but Lennon cut in, “He butt dialed Kensie while he was with some ho-bag this afternoon.”

  Capri held her lips together tightly. She squinted out of the passenger window and watched the coastline pass by. “Spill it, Capri,” I said watching her through the mirror. “Who is she?” I watched her squeeze her eyes closed and silently cursed myself for never asking her if August was involved with someone else. Capri took a deep breath and turned back around locking her August brown eyes on mine.

  “Kensie, he’s not seeing anyone else. I don’t know who was in the car with him, or why, but I do know you are the only one he is interested in.” The tightly packed air I held in my lungs whooshed out.

  “Bullshit.” My fiery friend piped up as she flipped off the car that had just passed her. “You don’t see Kensie driving around with any other men do you? No, you don’t.” She answered before Capri, “’cause Kensie is a class act. When she likes someone she’s committed from day one.”

  “I am?”

  “You are. You don’t know this because you haven’t given yourself the chance to be in a relationship, but you are very faithful.”

  “Thank you.” I crossed my arms and nodded to myself very pleased with her assessment.

  “But tonight that changes. T
onight you are going to sample the platter a little bit before you order from the menu.” Lennon’s car screeched into the beach parking lot sending Capri and me into the doors. Capri straightened up and turned back toward me.

  “Kensie, I’m serious. This is all new to August, so I can’t promise he will make all the right choices, but I can promise you he really likes you. Don’t do anything that will hurt him.” Lennon’s head whipped around to stare at Capri at the same time I sucked that air back into its cage in my chest. I’d never intentionally hurt August, and having Capri warn me not to, offended me. I wanted to tell her I was the one who should be worried about getting hurt, but something about the wary tone in Capri’s voice told me to just leave it be.

  Against Lennon’s encouragement, the only tasting I’d be doing tonight would be in the form of S’mores. Even in my current limbo of emotions, there was not a male soul I’d want to spend time with other than August. So while Capri spent time with her latest boyfriend at his frat’s bonfire, and Lennon buzzed around the crowd, I’d be gorging myself with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows.



  Chocolate August.

  Oh well, I tried.

  Walking towards the party, a group of shirtless guys shuffled by us with a table and ice chest. One of them barked at us as they passed. Lennon barked back. In the distance, coeds cheered when a set of girls mastered the keg stand. A few couples scattered the sand with legs and arms tangled around each other.

  As we neared the fire, Capri’s new guy swooped in giving her a side hug and holding his red plastic cup in the other hand. I tried not to judge his hugging technique. Though in the category of girlfriend greeting, he gets a two.

  “Tanner, these are my friends Lennon and Kensie. Girls, this is Tanner.” His hug may have been lame, but he was exactly what I’d learned Capri’s type to be. Clean cut, polo shirt, khaki cargo shorts. His hair was blond and just long enough he had to flip his head to the side to clear the strands from his eyes; again, and again, and again.


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