Once a Bridesmaid

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by Courtney Hunt

  Once a Bridesmaid

  Second in the

  Always a Bridesmaid



  Courtney Hunt

  Once A Bridesmaid

  Copyright © Courtney Hunt 2015

  All Rights Reserved

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, events, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental.

  First Digital Edition: December 2015


  For Lynn,

  Here’s to another thirty years as BFFs.

  Chapter One

  “I will put them everywhere. As far as the eye can see.” Lauren Bennett reported, via phone, to her best friend Erin Delaney as she struggled into the party room, carrying plastic bins full of bachelorette party supplies. Over the six years Always a Bridesmaid had been in business, she and Erin, as professional bridesmaids, amassed quite a collection of ridiculously phallic party supplies. “The bride’s exact instructions were ‘the more, the better’.”

  “So, your basic bachelorette party?” Erin said with a laugh. Usually she’d be here in Boston, executing the party planning with a military precision that put the Pentagon to shame. Instead, Erin was in Savannah, enjoying a week of wedding festivities for double their usual fee while Lauren picked up the slack at home. After two days of running their professional bridesmaids business alone, Lauren ached all over from exhaustion and her stomach churned with stress. “Did you pick up the cake?”

  “Cupcakes, actually. Decorated with more pen—”

  “Better you than me. Have fun.”

  Inside the door, Lauren set the totes down on the floor and flipped on the party room lights, revealing a tasteful living area with leather furniture and perfectly chosen accents, decorated in shades of forest and navy. A lovely stone fireplace dominated the far wall, flanked by wide, floor to ceiling windows. Beyond the windows, an enormous white marble fountain gleamed in the moonlight, dry now and full of dead leaves skittering in the brisk winter wind. To one side, a gleaming full-service kitchen waited, the stainless steel appliances spotless and the granite counters clear.

  The maid of honor had reserved her condo complex’s party room and that’d been the last thing she’d done for this wedding. The bride had been right to hire Always a Bridesmaid to help give her the wedding of her dreams. Lauren glanced at her watch. She had just over an hour to transform the elegantly decorated party room into bachelorette party central.

  “Time to get to work.” Lauren queued up her party mix on the hidden stereo system and shook her hips to the beat, trying to overcome her exhaustion enough to get into the mood to party. So far, it wasn’t working.

  In one plastic tote, she found phallic-themed everything—straws, earrings, necklaces, tiaras, party favors, and more—all carefully organized and packed. Erin must have packed this tote after the last party.

  Lauren pulled out a fuchsia headband with two glittery pink rubber penises on springs, like X-rated antennae. She flipped a hidden switch making the two tiny plastic toys light up and twinkle like festive Christmas lights. With a sigh, she slapped it on her head, even though the bright pink clashed with her fiery red hair. Couldn’t be helped.

  Next, Lauren pulled out a fistful of sparkling tiaras for the guests. She tossed the bridezilla tiara back into the box—no matter how appropriate, no bride ever saw the humor—and traded it for the condom veil. She unfolded the veil and placed on the table it next to the light-up dickey wand. She placed the lesser pink bachelorette tiaras on the table near the front door, for the other bridesmaids and guests to don when they arrived.

  She tied a bright pink tulle skirt studded with rhinestones around her waist, before wiggling out of her jeans, shivering as the cool air hit her bare legs. She placed her strappy silver sandals near the door. She’d put those killers on just before show time. She tossed off her sweatshirt and pulled on a tight black t-shirt with the word “bridesmaid” and a pink cocktail glass emblazoned on it in rhinestones.

  After dressing in her party clothes, Lauren placed the cupcakes in the kitchen, glad that her favorite caterer would handle the rest of the food and all the drinks. Twenty minutes in, the tasteful room looked utterly ridiculous but definitely like it was ready for a good time, unlike Lauren. She rolled her shoulders, stretching her arms above her head. Her party mix wasn’t working its magic tonight.

  She just wasn’t in the mood for a rowdy bachelorette party. Usually, she loved the silliness, the fun of being girly, and partying with the brides. But tonight, Lauren would much prefer being home in her comfortable pajamas. Maybe I’m getting old.

  Lauren flopped on the plush leather sofa for a brief break as she rested her head on the sofa back, ready for a nice long nap. She shrugged, trying to loosen the stiff tightness in her neck and back. Maybe she should cram in more yoga practice in the morning. After two days of running their booming professional bridesmaids business by herself, as well as completing her online craft shop orders and starting a new painting commission, Lauren could happily sleep for a week. She didn’t know how Erin handled this stress level constantly. She wanted Erin to come home from Savannah and take over. But as Erin wasn’t due home until Sunday, Lauren would have to soldier on. She stood, stretching her lower back, and headed over to the second bin.

  “She’s at a classy engagement party and I’m talking to myself in a room full of…” Lauren trailed off, shaking her head. “Not good.”

  When the doorbell rang, she grabbed the panty wreath and wreath hanger before heading for the door. Without looking, she flung open the door and hung the wreath, calling out a greeting to the caterers. When she received no response, Lauren turned from straightening the panty wreath to find a dark-haired guy about her own age standing there, staring at her, his mouth hanging open, his eyes wide as he glanced from her to the ridiculously decorated room and back again.

  “Kyle Rawlings.” he drawled, extending his hand, still covered in a leather glove. She shook it, the supple leather chilling her hand. He wore a brown leather jacket over worn jeans and cowboy boots and carried a black duffle bag. His short brown hair framed his gorgeous face, with high cheekbones and lush lips. Well, the bride had requested a hot cowboy for her stripper. Looked like she’d gotten her wish.

  “Lauren Bennett. And you’re early.”

  “Party starts at eight, right?” He said, his voice deep and just a bit raspy. Despite her exhaustion, Lauren shivered, pulling her hand out of his. That voice awoke things in her. She glanced at him again under her lashes. Tall, dark, gorgeous. Suddenly, Lauren really looked forward to the stripping portion of the evening and seeing Kyle in all his glory.

  “Yeah, but you’re not scheduled until 9:30,” Lauren said. “Gotta give them time to get nice and drunk.”

  He crinkled his forehead and, reaching into his coat pocket, pulled out a crumpled fuchsia invitation, shaped like a corset. He fumbled with the black satin ribbon fastening it together before reading aloud: “One last fling before the ring? It’s time to dance on the table and drink champagne before Jen walks down the aisle.” He looked back up at her, his brilliant green eyes framed by dark lashes. “Am I in the right place?”

  “You are. Just you’re early.” Lauren waved him inside, out of the cold. “Come on in but you’ll need to hide in the back.”

  “Is it a surprise party?”

  Lauren shook her head as she headed back over to her bins of party supplies. With less than twenty minutes to finish decorating, she rummaged in the tote. From the m
essy jumble inside the tote, Lauren must have packed this one after the last party. Kyle glanced around the room, in apparent amusement, a crooked grin on his face.

  “I’d like to walk around, see behind the scenes.”

  “You want to help decorate?”

  “Sure.” Kyle carefully dropped his black bag off by the kitchen.

  “Okay, great. Help me hang this garland.” Lauren untangled a garland of skimpy panties, in every color of lace, some with animal patterns or rhinestones, even a pair with feathers, that she made when Erin hit a lingerie sale. She headed over to the fireplace and he followed her. She stepped up onto the stone hearth, making her just about his height. She turned to him and extended one end of the satin ribbon.

  Their fingers brushed and Lauren met his eyes, very aware of how handsome he was, with his brown hair, green eyes, and pouty lips. Maybe after the party, she’d treat herself to a little bit of stress relief.

  When the doorbell chimed again. Lauren handed him the tape dispenser and dashed back to the door. This time, it was Maybelline and Ralph, her favorite caterers and owners of the Blueberry Hill Diner in town. With her chestnut brown hair piled into a beehive on top of her head, her frosted lipstick, and glittery nails, Maybelline looked like she’d time-traveled from the 1950s. Ralph, her husband, was a man of few words, but he was a wizard in the kitchen. Together, they made quite a team. Maybelline and her crew carried silver warming trays into the tiny kitchen, as Lauren trailed behind them.

  “Sorry we’re late, Lauren, honey. Traffic.” Maybelline tied a crisp white apron over her bulk. She stage-whispered to Lauren with a wink. “Ralph and I got distracted.”

  Lauren held up a hand. “No need to share, Maybelline.”

  “You did a great job decorating though.” Maybelline glanced around the room. “Where’s Erin?”

  “In Savannah, the lucky ducky. I’m here freezing my butt off in this tutu.” Lauren shook her head. “Oh! I forgot the candy!”

  Lauren grabbed a chip bowl and dumped the vodka soaked gummy penises into the bowl while Maybelline looked on with interest. She shook her head and laughed. “I’ve seen it all now.”

  “Wait until you see the chocolate party favors I made.”

  Kyle strolled over to peek into the kitchen. Maybelline raised her eyebrows until they nearly touched her towering beehive. But before she could introduce herself to Kyle, Lauren handed him the candy bowl. “Can you put the bowl over on the table while I get the party favors?”

  Kyle sauntered across the room as Lauren slapped the lid on a bin and wrestled it into a coat closet near the door. Kyle brought the second bin over to her and helped her secure it before returning to arrange the party favors in neat, orderly rows. “A woman of many talents, I see. So you’re one of the bridesmaids?”

  “Doesn’t the shirt give it away?” Lauren waved to the rhinestones glittering on her chest. Kyle looked at her top and then quickly glanced away.

  “Don’t bridesmaids run in a pack?” Kyle asked. “How come you have to do this alone?”

  “My partner is in Savannah. And if the bride had reliable friends, she wouldn’t have had to hire me.” When his forehead crumpled, she continued, “I’m a professional bridesmaid.”

  “A what now?”

  “My best friend, Erin, owns the company, Always a Bridesmaid. When a bride needs some help, either to even out the numbers or if her friends aren’t helpful or available, or when there’s some sort of family strife, we’re called in.”

  “And what do you do, when you’re not making candy and decorating for parties?”

  “A little of everything, to be honest. Sometimes we help with planning, sometimes we are just in the wedding, sometimes we attend all or some of the events. We’re like wedding planners on steroids.”

  “Sounds fun,” he said, dubiously.

  “Can be.”

  “Who’s ready for Wet Pink Panties?” Maybelline called, crossing the room to hand the drinks to them.

  Kyle laughed, a throaty chuckle. “What guy can say no to that?”

  “You’re working.” Lauren plucked the glittery flute out of his hand.

  “I can shoot drunk.” Lauren raised her eyebrow at him as she sipped the delicious frozen concoction made from pink lemonade and vodka. “In fact, some of my best photos were taken when I was drunk.”

  “Lowers the inhibitions, I guess.” Lauren handed him back his drink. “The drinks are great, Maybelline.”

  Maybelline smiled and headed back to the kitchen to help Ralph. Kyle downed the rest of his sample.

  “Well, guess I better get my gear ready,” Kyle said.

  “There’s a bathroom down the hall if you want to change. And I think there’s an office back there you could hide in until we’re ready for you. I’ll make you a plate…” Lauren trailed off when she saw the camera in his hands. “What’s that?”

  “A camera?” Kyle said. “What’d you think I’d take pictures with?”

  “Pictures?” Lauren echoed.

  “I’m the photographer.”

  “I thought you were the stripper.”

  “Nope, just the photographer. But thanks for the compliment.” He smiled at her then, a slow smile, and, despite the chill of the room, Lauren suddenly felt hot all over. She wanted to taste that sexy smile. Maybe Maybelline made the drinks more potent than she’d thought. She blushed, feeling the heat creep up her cheeks, knowing that it had to be visible with her pale skin, the bane of being a redhead.

  “Leigh Mitchell is the photographer, I think.” Lauren scrambled to look at her phone and check. Though Lauren excelled at decorating, throwing a great party, and having fun, she needed Erin here to manage the details.

  “Leigh is married to my buddy, Joe.” Kyle grinned at her, his eyes bright with merriment and deep dimples in his cheeks. “Tonight is Hunter’s school Christmas pageant so I offered to fill in.”

  “Well, thanks for helping me prep for the party,” Lauren said, her cheeks still burning from her mistake.

  “I had no idea there were so many phallic party favors.”

  “Wait until you see the cupcakes,” Lauren promised, as the doorbell rang for the third time. “It’s show time.”

  Chapter Two

  “A bride, six bridesmaids, and a cowboy stripper.” Kyle remarked to Lauren once the stripper got his pull-away jeans off, flinging them across the party room and narrowly missing one of the bridesmaids’ heads. Lauren stood by the bar, her elbow propped on it, her chin in her hand, her lovely eyes at half-mast, watching but not really participating. “There’s a joke in there, but damned if I can find it.”

  “Where’s the beef?” Lauren answered, leaning her head back on the wall and closing her eyes, with a sigh. Kyle took the opportunity to check her out again. Her long, auburn hair fell in waves over her shoulders, framing an oval face smattered with freckles. He wanted to photograph her with the sun shining through her hair, at sunrise on nearby Apple Harbor beach. She opened her eyes, a bluish green that reminded him of the sea glass he sometimes found nestled along the surf. She swiped a palm over her face, rubbing at her eyes. “Is he nearly done?”

  “I don’t think there’s much more he can take off.” Kyle eyed the stripper, now down to only his Stetson, a very skimpy g-string, and his boots. He’d never imagined a bachelorette party being like a grown-up slumber party but, from the happy squeals of the attendees, it reminded him of nothing so much as his cousin’s 12th birthday party. Though, admittedly, with a lot more adult decorations. “You don’t seem interested in joining the revelry.”

  “Seen one stripper, you’ve seen ’em all,” Lauren said. “The bachelorette thing gets old after the fiftieth stripper or so.”

  “Do you do a lot of bachelorettes?”

  “Some. I do them more than Erin. She loves all the rest of being a bridesmaid but she’s shy around all the decorations.” Lauren waved to her flashing headband, the lights dimmer and blinking slowly now as the batteries drained. Three hours
in, everyone but the bride and the very oiled stripper seemed to be petering out. “Shouldn’t you be taking more pictures?”

  “Pretty sure the bride doesn’t want that commemorated,” Kyle said. The bride climbed on top of the coffee table to dance with her nearly naked cowboy, the music thrumming through the soles of Kyle’s boots, loud enough to make his molars rattle. “And that much oil will bounce the flash.”

  “Technical issues.” Lauren nodded with a chuckle. “Have you been a wedding photographer long?”

  “I’m just helping Joe and Leigh out tonight. How long have you been a bridesmaid?”

  “Too long.” Lauren shook her head. “About six years, I guess. Erin founded the company and, when she got too busy to do it alone, brought me on board. I never meant it to go on this long.”

  “What were you supposed to be doing?”

  “Never really figured that out.” She rested her head back against the wall, at the periphery of the party, not really part of it, like him. When the stripper finished his grand finale, brandishing his g-string above his head, Lauren pushed off the wall. She’d kept the party flowing with a deft hand, giggling with the girls as she refilled drinks and pressed food on them, keeping the music going, and playing a few silly party games. Now, she corralled the attendees into departing, paid the stripper, and hugged the caterer goodbye, all within twenty minutes. When she walked back in from pouring the bride into a cab, he’d already started tidying up.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Lauren said, toeing off her silver strappy heels by the door. She leaned against the wall, rubbing first one foot, then the other. Kyle looked quickly away from her shapely, miles-long legs, not wanting to stare at the hottest girl he’d seen in a while. “I’ve got it from here.”

  Kyle glanced around the messy party room. “Looks like you could use some help.”


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