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Plexus Page 6

by Wilcoxson, Troy

  Emily fills her cup with hot vanilla bean coffee and grabs a straw for Jiro. The warm smell of cocoa and coffee fills their noses. Emily and Jiro pile their junk food on the counter. Emily smiles uncomfortably. Jiro steps behind Emily to hide.

  “You’re shy,” the lady behind the counter says with a laugh.

  Emily notices her and Jiro’s faces on a small TV behind the cashier. Her eyes open wide behind her sunglasses. She quickly turns her attention toward the cashier with an awkward smile, acting oblivious to the TV.

  “It’s pretty bright and sunny in here, huh?” the cashier says sarcastically while ringing them up.

  “Ha!” Emily gasps with a smile.

  “Yeah. I mean, no. Well, I just had Lasik done, so…” Emily mutters, puckering her lips to the corner of her mouth and awkwardly looking away.

  Emily’s eyebrows raise impatiently as she rubs Jiro’s back in an attempt to be casual. She looks back at the TV screen and sees the news continuing to talk about them. She then looks back at the cashier again as the awkward silence builds. The cashier raises an eyebrow, peering at Emily from the corner of her eyes. The cashier then focuses, turning her head and facing Emily directly.

  “You look so familiar,” the cashier says.

  Emily’s eyes open wide, looking left and right. She looks at the TV screen, then back at the cashier.

  “That’s so funny. I was going to say the same about you!” Emily says awkwardly.

  “Hmm,” the cashier responds as if deep in thought.

  “Here’s your money! Keep the change,” Emily says as she grabs the bag of junk food and Jiro’s hand and quickly shuffles out the front door.

  Walking across the street, they approach a park and find a bench, seating themselves and taking a break to eat. Placing their drinks on the bench next to them, Emily begins to dig through the shopping bag. She pulls out his pack of SweeTarts, opens it up, and hands it to him.

  “Thank you,” the boy says.

  “You’re welcome, sir!” she replies.

  “Here,” she says, handing him a torn-open Slim Jim.

  Opening another Slim Jim, she pulls off a bite. The smell of spicy beef fills their noses. Jiro puts a handful of SweeTarts in his mouth. They both sit, their jaws moving up and down chewing away as they look around. Specks of snowflakes stick to Emily’s gray beanie and Jiro’s Redskins ball cap. Chills go down Emily’s spine as she swallows the hot vanilla bean coffee, which warms her from the inside.

  She pulls a canteen out of her green backpack. Jiro observes her as she pops open the bag of Skittles and pours them into the canteen.

  “Makes it easier to pour them into your mouth,” she says matter-of-factly.

  “Makes sense,” he replies with a nod.

  Jiro slurps the last bit of his Gatorade while moving the base of the straw around the bottom of the cup.

  “That was fast. Hot cocoa?” she asks, holding up his steamy cup.

  “Thank you,” he says. His eyes open wide as he notices men in suits on the other side of the park.

  Emily sees the look on Jiro’s face and looks across the park.

  “Time to go!” she whispers quickly, shoving the junk food into her backpack and throwing it over her shoulder.

  Emily grabs Jiro’s hand, and they walk hastily across the street away from the men. Walking around the street corner, they notice a crowd forming outside a musical theater.

  “Don’t let go of my hand,” she whispers as they make their way into the crowd.

  A line forms to buy tickets for the next showing. As they push their way deeper into the crowd, Jiro loses his hat.

  “Wait!” he shouts trying to pull away to get his hat.

  “Forget the hat! Let’s go!” Emily says, yanking him back on track through the crowd.

  As the pair weaves through the crowd, Emily bumps into a large lady.

  “Watch it, lady!” the angry woman roars.

  “Sorry,” Emily whispers, trying to keep a low profile and picking up their pace.

  They arrive at the ticket booth.

  “How many?” the tall, skinny man says in a deep voice.

  “Two, please,” Emily says, digging in her backpack for money.

  “That’ll be ninety-eight dollars,” the ticket man says.

  Emily looks at him stunned. Shocked at the price, she digs for money.

  “Ma’am?” the man says impatiently.

  Commotion stirs in the crowd.

  “They’re here!” Jiro hisses, pulling on her arm.

  “Ma’am?” the man adds, tapping his finger on the desk.

  “Just hold on! I have it. Just give me a second,” she growls as she fumbles through her bag.

  Finding her wallet, she quickly pops it open to find only fifteen dollars.

  “Shit,” she sighs.

  Jiro continues to tug her arm as the men in suits approach.

  With Emily holding the backpack shut with one hand and squeezing Jiro’s hand with the other, the pair makes a run for it. With the thick crowd, they have nowhere to go but the theater doors. As they slam through the doors, a security guard attempts to grab Emily’s arm. She slips from the guard’s grasp.

  “Stop her!” the guard roars.

  Jiro’s heart begins to pound deep in his chest. His eyes open wide in horror as they run. Emily bumps into a man and loses her sunglasses. Quickly weaving through the crowd, they slam through another door, making their way into the main theater where everyone is being seated.

  “Where did they go?” one of the suits asks the guard.

  “Inside!” the guard shouts.

  “Call the police!” the suited man shouts, sprinting for the main theater doors.

  Emily and Jiro run as fast as they can down the theater stairs toward the stage. People in the audience gasp, unsure of what’s going on. Emily lifts Jiro up with both arms, helping him onto the stage. Then she tries to climb up herself. Jiro grabs her arm, trying to help her up.

  “Come on!” Jiro hisses in panic.

  Finally getting up, she wraps both arms around Jiro, picking him up and sprinting to the back of the stage. Making their way backstage, they see actors and actresses dressed as trees, clowns, toy soldiers, and monsters, who all gasp in shock as the fugitives sprint by. The two suited men leap effortlessly onto the stage, continuing to pursue Emily and the boy. Running quickly down the hall, Emily and Jiro spot a coded janitor’s closet that is propped open with a small box. One of the suited men closes in on them quickly. Reaching the dead end, she and the boy fly through the door, slamming into the back wall. Quickly letting go of Jiro’s hand, she slams the janitor’s closet door shut, but one suited man slips inside. The door slams shut, locking everyone out and leaving Emily and Jiro alone with the suited man.

  Jiro’s eyes open wide, and his mouth drops in fear. The man attacks Emily, slamming her into the wall by her coat. Grabbing his arms, she tries to stop him. Jiro ducks while Emily is tossed over him into shelves. Stacks of bathroom napkins and shelves crash down on top of her. Emily lies there in the mess as the suited man moves over her like a tiger readying to make a kill. As he approaches, she throws her feet up to kick him away.

  “Aah!” Jiro screams in tears, charging the man and hitting him from behind.

  The man swings around, backhanding Jiro into the wall.

  “Open the fucking door!” angry guards roar outside.

  The suited man turns toward the door to open it. Emily gasps in fear. Hopping to her feet, she charges him, stomping his knee sideways.

  “Aah!” the suited man cries out in pain.

  And with everything she has, Emily slams the suited man’s head into the doorframe, knocking him out. Her face goes pale in shock. Jiro stands in the corner in fear. The men outside continue to bang on the door.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Jiro whispers with tears trailing down his cheeks.

  Emily turns toward Jiro, hesitating about what to say. Quickly moving, she wraps her arms around the b
oy as she sighs.

  “No! You did nothing wrong,” she says, holding him tightly.

  Jiro puts his arms around Emily, squeezing her in fear while the guards begin to break the door.

  She closes her eyes, holding him tightly.

  “I’m sorry,” Emily whispers, opening her eyes.

  The door breaks open, snapping the hinges off the frame. And at that moment, the lights go out. The deep moan of the power shutting down vibrates through the walls as the room fades into silence. Everyone pauses.

  “What’s that?” one of the guards whispers in the dark.

  Boom! A flash of white light reveals a guard slamming into the wall. A crackle of gunfire lights up the hallways while everyone fights for cover.

  “What’s going on?” one of the guards screams.

  “Call backup!” another voice roars.

  Holding Jiro’s hand tightly, Emily pulls him against the doorway wall for cover.

  “What’s going on?” Jiro whispers.

  “I don’t know,” she whispers back.

  Police cruisers surround the theater. Police officer Nevan Young exits his cruiser and approaches the front doors as the panicked crowd flees. Other police officers group up with Nevan at the doorway.

  “Stay on me!” Nevan shouts, grabbing the doorknob.

  Swinging the door open, they aim their side arms inside the dark halls.

  “Let’s go!” Nevan says, moving inside.

  Approaching the main theater door, they hear gunfire from inside. Nevan closes his eyes briefly to take a breath.

  “On three! One, two, three!” Nevan shouts, throwing the door open.

  A large man with orange eyes, dressed in a long, dark coat, stands there staring at them without fear, like a wolf to its prey.

  “What the fuck is that thing?” one of the officers hisses loudly.

  “I am Apollyon. Let me see your insides,” the dark figure says with a deep motorized rasp.

  Slash! Nevan’s head gets sliced off, pulsing blood out his neck. The other police officers get attacked from behind as they are impaled and ripped apart. Rivulets of blood twirl through the air. The large orange-eyed robot grabs the last police officer by the neck. Squish! The cop is lifted off the ground as part of his neck is ripped away, blood pouring down his feet.

  “Find the boy!” Apollyon roars in a deep, mechanical voice.

  As the gunfire slows down, Emily whispers to Jiro, “Don’t let go of my hand!” and pulls him through the door.

  Boom! Emily tackles Jiro to the ground, holding him under her to avoid the gunshots.

  “Shh!” she whispers, noticing the firefight has made its way around the corner and away from them.

  Jiro covers his mouth with his hand, trying not to be heard. Emily jumps to her feet and helps him up. Bolting, they make a run for it away from the gunfire. An exit sign around the corner catches her eye. They quickly make a sprint for the door, slam through it, and enter a parking garage. Red and blue lights flicker inside. Police cruisers surround them.

  “Ugh!” she roars, pulling Jiro back inside and slamming the door shut.

  Brushing her bangs out of her exhausted face, she looks for another route. Holding onto Jiro’s hand, she runs back through the backstage preparation area, where they find the bodies of actors littered everywhere. The floor is covered in blood, the walls dripping red. Jiro looks down at a dead lady who appears to be staring into the boy’s soul, her eyes open in horror to the last thing she saw. Everything goes quiet.

  Quivering in fear, Emily and Jiro slowly step over the bodies, trying not to be heard. With Emily holding Jiro close, they walk through puddles of blood. The gentle sound of wind flutters the high theater curtains. All is silent except the sound of their feet slowly moving across the creaky wooden floor.

  “Aah!” Emily gasps as something touches her from behind. She turns but it’s a curtain brushing up on her back.

  Peering through the darkness, they can’t see much.

  The deep sound of an electric purr from behind Emily’s neck sends chills down her spine. Her face pale, she slowly turns around, taking short, controlled breaths, beads of sweat dripping down her face.

  “Hello there,” says the dark, motorized voice, sending an overpowering chill past her face.

  Gasp! Squish! The loud slap of the dark figure’s hand grabbing Emily by her jacket scares Jiro. As Emily is lifted off her feet, she looks into the figure’s powerful orange eyes. Breathing with a motorized rasp, Apollyon pulls her close.

  “The boy is mine,” the deep voice moans.

  Apollyon lifts Emily up over his head and throws her into clothes racks, knocking everything over. Jiro sprints toward Emily. Apollyon attempts to grab the boy. Jiro barely slips through his grasp running under clothes racks. Apollyon plows through the clothes racks in pursuit of the boy. Emily regains her footing and grabs Jiro. The two slip through the hung clothing in an attempt to escape. Apollyon growls, grabbing a clothes rack with both hands and throwing it across the room. Emily and Jiro quickly tiptoe to a hallway.

  Emily and Jiro sprint down the hallway and see another exit door. Emily kicks the door hatch, and the door flies open. She hesitates before exiting the doorway and pokes her head out. Jiro looks up at Emily with anticipation.

  “It’s clear!” she says with excitement.

  Holding onto Jiro’s hand, Emily sprints across the street, aiming for the back alley to get away. Finally entering the back alley, they run right around the corner.

  Whack! Emily is hit from behind and falls to the ground unconscious.

  “Ahhhh!” Jiro screams.

  An android snatches Jiro up while he kicks and flails. The other android covers Emily’s unconscious body with his shadow and peers down at her with glowing green eyes. Jiro turns in panic to see Emily lying there. His eyes widen.

  “Kill her,” the android says, fighting to hold Jiro. His rage illuminates his eyes with a bright rosy color.

  The other android looks up at Jiro’s bearer in shock.

  “She is no threat to us,” the green-eyed android says, his eyes narrowing.

  “What do you think Apollyon would say if he heard you say that?” the rosy eyed android hisses.

  The other android inhales deeply. He pulls his side arm from his back pocket, then aims it at Emily’s head and exhales, releasing his emotions. Jiro screams.



  I will soar the skies, I will brave the rough waters, and I will pass through flame and time. Eventually, I will die. For those I love, I will give everything.

  “I made a promise,” Zach thought to himself, slamming on the throttle. The night is late, and snow is falling lightly. “A promise for my sister, which I plan to keep.”

  Zach turns off his headlights while turning a corner and sees an abandoned construction sight. A large fence gate blocks his way. He grips the wheel tightly. Bam! He crashes through the gate, slams on his brakes, and skids to a stop. Jumping out of his Mustang, he marches toward the abandoned construction building. He pulls out his pistol and switches the safety off. Exhaling deeply, he readies himself. He approaches two gangsters guarding the front door.

  “Who th’ fuck are you?” one of the thugs says, holding out his Desert Eagle 5.0 sideways.

  “Just a pissed-off brother,” Zach says aiming the gun at the man’s neck. Pop! A splat of blood hits the wall behind the man.

  Zach quickly swings around and takes aim at the second gangster. Pop! Pop! Zach shoots him in the chest and leg dropping him into the snow, dead before he hits the ground.

  The white snow turns red. He continues forward toward the door, leaving the first man kicking, squirming, and twitching franticly while trying to stop the outpouring of blood pulsing from his neck.

  Bam! Zach jump kicks open the front door, launching it down the hall.

  “What the fuck?” a male voice roars from inside.

  Pop! Pop! The man’s head cocks back as blood twirls out o
nto the wall.

  Commotion stirs violently. Walking quickly down the hall, Zach peeks into doorways, where he sees bruised and battered women chained to beds, sitting in corners, and strewn about the floor.

  “You lose, asshole.” An ugly heavyset man with a splotchy red face stands confidently, aiming a gun at Zach’s head.

  Zach freezes. Click! Zach smirks, noticing the jam in the man’s gun. Zach aims his pistol at the man’s crotch. The man’s glazed eyes open wide. Pop!

  “Aah!” the man cries and drops to his knees, holding his crotch in pain.

  Zach aims the pistol at the man’s face—pop!—silencing the man once and for all. Blood sprays Zach’s face. The fat man falls into his own blood puddle.

  Zach looks into another room and sees a dark-haired woman with a black eye and smeared makeup.

  “Zach!” she cries, tears and eyeliner running down her face.

  “Malory!” he yells as he runs excitedly toward his sister. He rips the bindings off her hands.

  Zach pulls the blanket off the bed and wraps her in it, guiding her out the room. Walking barefoot through the blood, Malory holds her brother tightly. With his arm around her, he pulls her close.

  “It’s okay,” he says to her.

  Zach escorts her outside toward the car and around to the passenger side. Hesitating to get in, she grabs his arm. Zach turns to face her and looks into her watery eyes.

  “You saved me, Zach!” she cries.

  “I promised I would,” Zach says with a smile, resting his forehead on hers.

  “I love you.” His sister’s voice echoes in his head as his mind returns from his daydream and back to reality.

  2:00 PM, December 13, 2051

  Thirty-Four Hours Till Day Zero

  Zach sits there with his head resting on his forearm, still disoriented. He looks at the tiles between his feet with watery eyes. A florescent light hangs from above. Exhaling deeply, Zach’s fingers close into a fist.

  “Fuck!” Zach yells, slamming his fist on the table.

  He looks up to see a body covered beneath a white sheet.

  Zach sighs a long, deep breath and pulls the sheet off of the face of his dead sister.


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