“Oh…” the baby doll says with a lustful grin as three brown balls fall from its rear.
Bad Rabbit hands radios out to his fellow toys and to Jiro.
Paul looks up at Jiro.
“What’s the plan, boss?” Paul the Polar Bear asks with a snarly rasp.
“Uh, I don’t know,” Jiro says, concerned.
“Well, what about we lure them toward the front door and send a team out the back to flank, where we’ll hammer them,” Paul says, caressing his shotgun.
“Uh, okay,” Jiro replies with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Good. I’ll lead the flanking team,” Paul states, hand signaling for Bad Rabbit and the baby doll to follow him.
Paul stops for a moment, wobbling back to Jiro.
“My call sign is Papa,” Paul says.
“Huh?” Jiro responds, confused.
“That’s what you call me on the radio!” Paul says.
“Oh! Okay, what’s mine?” Jiro asks.
“You’re Juliet,” Paul says while he and his team move out.
Crash! Windows burst and bullets hiss by, smashing up the gun store’s interior. Jiro and the other toys drop to the ground.
“Fire!” Jiro commands the toys.
A teddy bear raises his 357 Magnum and aims it at a Palomin. Boom! The gunshot sends the teddy flying back, smashing into a gun rack and knocking it over.
Gunfire crackles and flickers against the interior. The smell of gunpowder grows, and the smoke begins to thicken.
In the back alley, Paul, Bad Rabbit, and the baby doll bobble toward the gunfire. The baby doll hops onto Paul’s assault pack with her switchblade out ready to defend, leaving nothing behind but bouncing brown balls.
The Palomin close in on the gun shop’s front door armed with automatic rifles. As the Palomin fire relentlessly, toys are shot into shreds. Stuffing, wires, gears, and rods twirl through the air. Jiro covers his ears as debris fly over his head. A Palomin spots Jiro beneath some rubble. He aims his rifle at the boy, and with a grin, he places his finger on the trigger. Hiss! A switchblade whistles, twirls, and then penetrates the Palomin’s neck, dropping him quickly to the ground.
“What the—?” another Palomin yells, turning toward the alleyway.
Boom! Paul blows the Palomin’s leg off with the twelve-gauge.
“Aah!” the Palomin cries.
Paul steps over his body, pressing the barrel into the Palomin’s nose. Boom! Bad Rabbit opens fire on the remaining Palomin.
“Hit ’em!” Paul roars, and the remaining toys inside the gun store charge out guns blazing.
Everyone is submerged in carnage as blood and steel cover the streets. Toys and Palomin lay dead, and Jiro emerges from the store in the settling dust. He walks out into the grim scene to see Paul, Bad Rabbit, and the baby doll standing victorious in the bloodshed.
An Old Construction Site a Few Miles Away
“I failed you, master,” Emma cries at Apollyon’s feet.
“I lost the boy. I’m so sorry!” she says while tears run down her pale cheeks.
“Stand,” Apollyon orders with a firm voice.
Slowly, Emma looks out from her dark, wiry hair into Apollyon’s orange eyes. She stands on her feet, and Apollyon gently places his hand on her cheek.
“It’s okay, Emma,” he says in a compassionate tone.
Emma exhales in relief, returning kind eyes back at her master.
“Will he tell me a story now?” she asks with a soft and kind voice.
“Yes,” he says, smiling down on her. “Let me tell you a story of a girl, a girl who made a promise.”
Apollyon lowers his hand from her cheek and places it around her neck.
“Then broke it,” he growls, squishing her neck tightly.
Emma’s purple eyes widen in shock, and her tongue hangs from her mouth as she attempts to gasp for air. A look of betrayal crosses her face. Her eyes roll to the back of her head, and she falls lifelessly to the ground.
The hour of departure draws nigh, for you and I will go a separate way.
Let you and me lead the fray and illuminate the darkest day.
Come with me on top of the gory mound, and let their blood splash the ground. Take my hand with our final stand, and let the trumpets make their sound.
Five Months Prior, 02:13 AM—Washington, DC
An ambulance screams through the heavy rain with red and white flashing lights. A man roars with a loud and raspy cry while strapped to a stretcher. A paramedic hooks the screaming man to IV fluids and wraps saline bandages around his burned skin. The paramedic then inserts an ET tube down his throat and into his airway and begins bagging him on 100 percent oxygen. The panicked burn victim desperately grabs hold of the female’s wrist with a tight and bloody grasp. Startled, she attempts to pull away.
“We need to sedate him!” the male EMT orders with haste.
“Nova Kingsway, this is Lifebay response unit. We are inbound with a critically burned patient. He has received two liters NS and is sedated with morphine. Patient is intubated at 100 percent oxygen. Our ETA is five minutes.”
“She’s dead,” the burnt man growls to himself.
“Is he conscious?” the driver asks, surprised.
“Sir, who’s dead?” the female EMT asks.
He looks into her eyes as he sheds a tear. His eyes then glow orange.
“Uh, we got a problem!” the female shouts.
The driver looks back at her.
“This guy’s a fucking android!” she yells.
The burnt man rips his hands free of the binds and grabs her neck. She desperately gasps for air. Bam! The burn victim throws her out the back doors into traffic. Vehicles skid and swerve attempting to miss her as she ragdolls sixty miles an hour on the road. The EMT driver slams the brake pedal, and the tires scream as they slide across the rainy road.
“Shit!” the driver shouts while the heavy rain twirls around the spinning truck.
The ambulance skids to a spinning stop, and the driver is grabbed from behind. With a loud crack, his neck snaps and his head falls forward lifelessly. The burn victim Apollyon finally steps out into the rain. He looks up at the rainfall, pondering. His eyes pan across the stopped traffic. He looks to the sidewalk, which is filled with umbrellas and fearful faces. With a devious grin, he moves through the crowd as screams fill the stormy street.
The Present
Zach and Emily join the crowd funneling through the streets as everyone attempts to leave the chaotic city. The crowd is stopped by the National Guard ordering them to turn back. Some walk away, while others are outraged.
“By order of the president, the city is under quarantine until further notice,” they say over an intercom.
“What the hell? We can’t leave?” a man shouts at the soldiers.
“Sir, back off!” yells a sergeant as he shoulders his rifle.
“Let’s go,” Zach whispers, pulling Emily away.
“Where to?” she replies confused.
“Let’s head to the church,” Zach responds.
Emily joins Zach as they walk closely side by side toward the church.
They leave the angry crowd and make their way through the empty streets. It is eerily quiet.
“How’s your leg feeling?” Zach asks.
“Hurts a little bit, but it’s doing okay. Could be worse. At least I can walk,” she replies with a nod.
She then gently moves her fingers up into his palm. With a firm but gentle grip, Zach takes Emily’s hand and turns his head, facing her with a smile. She looks into his dark eyes as they sparkle under the starry sky. He admires her voluptuous lips as they smile back at him.
Walking through the dark streets, they arrive at the lightless church. Zach cracks the door to peer inside the dark and abandoned building.
Emily whispers to Zach, “Why are we here?” As they make their way into the main office, Zach spots an old army radio on a large wooden table. He gr
abs a battery out of a basket on the wooden floor. The stained-glass window dimly illuminates the dust particles as they slowly move throughout the room. Zach plugs the battery in. The radio beeps and springs to life with a crackle of static. Zach adjusts the channels and places the mic to his mouth.
“Breaker, breaker, to anyone listening, this is a message to all survivors. This is Zach Becker. If you are alone, come to the safe haven known as the Palomin Church. The doors will open to any who come. You don’t have to be alone.”
Zach then hangs up the mic on the radio. Emily rests against the large table, looking at Zach as he leans over it, pondering. Zach turns his head, locking eyes with Emily. They pause for a moment. Zach then stands up straight and closes the space between him and Emily. Emily’s heart begins to race as he slowly approaches her. As he nears, she is intimidated and breaks eye contact. He stops, standing over her. She feels his warm breath on the side of her face. He runs his fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her impaired ear.
“Are you uncomfortable?” he whispers.
She looks back into his eyes and pauses for a moment.
“You don’t make me uncomfortable,” she replies in a low voice.
He slides his hands under the leather jacket she is wearing and grabs her waist from both sides. She gasps and plants her hands on the table behind her. Her heart grows more violent as she loses herself in his eyes. He observes her as she licks her seductively alluring lips. Their mouths close the distance, and with a deep breath, they connect, kissing and savoring each other. He slides her jacket off, dropping it to the ground. She grabs his shirt, lifting it over his head and throwing it over the table. They both kick off their shoes. She runs her fingers across his chest and down his abs. He grabs her tank top shoulder straps, pulling the shirt off her breast and down her waist. He kisses her lips, tastes her chin, and makes his way down her neck as she gently bites his ear. She runs her fingers across the scars on one of his muscular arms. He kisses her chest and then removes her top. She runs her fingers through his dark, messy hair and then surrenders to him, arching back onto the table while he relishes her body. He runs his hand across her breast and down her stomach, where he begins to undo her pants. He pulls her pants and tank top down her legs and flings them across the musty room. She reaches for his zipper and pulls it open, yanking his pants down to his feet. He then kicks them away. Zach places his hands on both of her sides, sliding her underwear down her legs. She grabs hold of his boxers and pulls them off. He leans her back onto the table while rising from above, and then goes inside her. She lets out a gasp, and then looks up at him as he stares down at her. She licks his chest and smells his sweat. He kisses her face then kisses her lips. He takes a handful of her brown hair and runs it across his nose as he inhales. She moves her hands across the dimples on his back. As they bond within the dimly lit room, a sparkle reflects in her watery eyes. The moon disappears out of sight, and the illuminated particles inside their room fade into the dark.
Zach and Emily lay quietly in the dark, her head rested on his chest and his against the radio box.
“Do you think this is the end of the world?” Emily whispers.
A moment of silence goes by as he ponders the question.
“I’m not sure,” he whispers back.
Emily swallows, sighs, and then looks up into his gentle eyes.
“I wish this moment would last forever,” Emily whispers softly.
Zach runs his fingers through her hair, pushing it out of her face.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispers.
Emily rests her head back on his chest. Her eyelids grow heavy, and she feels peaceful. She falls asleep, and as time passes, so does he.
The Next Morning
The sun glares through the stained-glass window. The radio crackles with static. A deep robotic voice breaks up over the radio.
“The…e…static…ere…t…take…Palomin Plant,” the voice orders over the radio.
Emily looks up at Zach, concerned. The sound of footsteps outside their door picks up and appears to grow in number. They both hop to their feet and quickly throw their clothes on.
Zach runs to the door and cracks it open. The hallway is flooded with survivors. Emily joins Zach as he makes his way through the church, weaving through the crowd.
“Everyone, make yourself at home!” the Palomin priest says just before Zach and Emily catch his eye.
“Hey, you two! I’m glad to see you both made it in one piece,” the priest adds in a hearty tone.
Emily smiles. The priest smiles back.
“You haven’t seen Jiro, by any chance, have you?” Emily asks in a low tone.
“No. What happened?” the Palomin priest asks.
“He was abducted,” Zach replies with a sigh.
The priest exhales and walks over to a large altar table on the church stage. He is followed by Emily and Zach. Emily looks around at all the people to see construction workers, restaurant employees, police men and women, soldiers, and a variety of others both young and old.
To Emily’s surprise, Sergeant Rivera approaches the table.
“Sergeant Rivera?” Emily says with surprise.
“Wedlund,” Rivera responds with a firm greeting as he plants the butt of his rifle stock on the floor. “What’s the plan?”
Zach looks at Emily, and then at the priest.
“Well, Emily and I just heard what sounded like Apollyon preparing to hit the Palomin plant,” Zach says.
Rivera places his hands on the altar. “So, they’re trying to restart the plant to make more friends,” he adds with an irritated sigh.
“My men and I raided the last of the weapons from the armory—loaded it all up in the trucks right before we headed here. We have twelve M4 rifles, nine M9 pistols, and enough rounds to make a good fight,” Rivera adds.
“Let’s round up all our shooters,” Zach says.
Rivera nods. SWAT officer Eric Buhari approaches the table in a black uniform.
“Give me a target. I’ll drop it,” Eric adds with a cocky smirk.
“What’s up, man?” Rivera says with a firm handshake.
“How many vehicles do we have up and running?” Emily asks.
“Four,” Rivera replies.
“May I have your attention, please?” Zach yells to the church crowd. “If you know how to fire a weapon, please step forward!” he adds.
Three men step forward, a middle-aged vet, a man looking to be in his thirties, and a teenage boy, nineteen at most. Rivera sighs.
“I have six men as well,” Rivera says.
“I have three,” Eric adds.
“So there are fifteen of us,” Zach says.
“I’ll go too,” Emily states.
“That makes sixteen,” Rivera says, smiling at Emily.
“It’s not enough,” Eric mutters.
“Not to hold back Apollyon’s army. I don’t mean to shit on your plan, but this guy wants to restart this plant too much. The plant is going to be restarted no matter what. That’s the reality of it,” Eric states.
“Then what do you suggest we do? Just stand by and let them restart it?” Rivera responds, agitated.
“No. We restart it,” Zach says.
Emily looks at Zach as if he’s crazy.
“We beat them to the punch and we get them on our side,” Zach adds.
Eric forces a laugh and rubs his head. Rivera glares at Eric.
“Excuse me!” a man in a plaid shirt and a hard hat says, raising his hands while shuffling over to them.
“Yes?” Zach replies.
“If you’re going into the Palomin plant, it might help to know the basic outline of the building,” the construction worker says.
“Do you know it?” Emily asks.
“I built it,” he replies.
The Palomin priest rips the tablecloth from the table, dropping the vases to the floor.
“Draw it out!” the priest orders.
Rivera smirks.
br /> “Emily?” a child’s voice gasps.
Emily turns to the door and sees Jiro standing there in shock.
“Jiro!” Emily says, running to the boy and wrapping her arms around him in tears.
“Are you okay?” Emily asks.
“Yes,” Jiro says with his arms around Emily’s neck and tears running down his cheeks.
Emily squeezes him tightly, then opens her eyes to see a polar bear, a weird baby doll, and a pissed-off-looking bunny rabbit all wielding weapons. She gulps.
Jiro turns back to see the three toys standing behind him.
“Those are my friends,” Jiro says.
“I see,” Emily says with a blank yet shocked stare before turning back to smile at Jiro.
Zach steps forward and Jiro jumps into his arms. Unsure of how to respond, Zach places his hands around Jiro and returns the hug.
Eric leans onto the table to examine the floor plans. “Okay, so back to our genius plan. We’re going to load up these trucks with a few armed people, cruise through Washington, DC, as it is being destroyed, and hit Apollyon, the guy that took over the White House, without breaking a sweat, so that we can attempt to restart a plant filled with Palomin just to hope they don’t kill us before Apollyon does?”
“You have a better plan?” Rivera growls.
“Nope, that’s the best plan I’ve heard all week!” Eric says as he locks and loads his weapon.
“Let’s roll!”
They’re coming.
Zach leans back in the passenger seat next to Emily as she drives the truck to the Palomin plant. Zach places the radio up to his mouth. “Okay, we need to make this happen fast. Get in, get it running, and establish an effective defensive position as soon as possible!” Zach commands over the radio. His truck leads the way, tearing a path through the debris as three more trucks follow behind.
“Do you think we’ll see any action?” the young driver of the second truck asks.
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