The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2)

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The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2) Page 3

by Wallace Greensage

  Chapter 5

  NEXT morning over breakfast, Todd reviewed the ongoing court cases with Charlotte. At Pereval over the last week of their holiday, he’d unwittingly found himself caught up in events that he would have preferred to have avoided, thanks to two guys, Benjamin Spiralli and Phillip Stelt. Their respective girlfriends, Dana MacStewart and Molly Hollingfeld, had both suffered unacceptable worries because of this pair. Spiralli had also talked his way into police custody, exacerbated by ill-considered action against Dana on his release, which had subsequently led Todd into grave danger. Spiralli’s incarceration had later been cemented by discovery of his drug-related activities.

  Spiralli and Stelt had also remorselessly shown that they held lasting grudges against each of the girls. Although Todd and Jake had successfully intervened and were doing all possible to ensure that Spiralli and Stelt left the girls alone in future, loose ends still had to be tied up.

  For Molly, Todd had engineered a successful conclusion to ensure Stelt stayed well away from her. Spiralli was still a major concern though. He’d shown enough spiteful aggression towards Dana to convince Todd that there was a fair chance that he may try to take revenge on Dana at some point in the future, little though it was deserved. Hopefully, anything he tried probably wouldn’t be anytime soon as Spiralli was due in court that week to face charges related to his drug and assault offences. The assault charges had been made by both Dana and Todd separately. Spiralli was expected to be locked up for a few years, but as Todd well knew, even locked up, things can be taken care of by proxy. Before the trial, Todd was keen for Dana to obtain a restraining order preventing Spiralli from contacting and approaching her again.

  Charlotte understood the importance of all of this and realised that Todd was going to have to spend quite a lot of time helping Dana with arranging the restraining order. Todd was anxious for closure before Spiralli’s case went to court.

  ‘Have you mentioned Dana’s situation to Ella, Angel?’ he asked.

  ‘No, of course not, and I don’t intend to.’

  ‘Well, maybe you should. I’ve been giving it some thought. I think it would help if as many people as possible know that she may be targeted. I don’t think that aspect of the case is something that needs to be kept confidential.’

  ‘No I guess not.’

  ‘Even though Spiralli is almost certainly going to be locked up for a few years, the restraining order is only a piece of paper and if he’s hell-bent on revenge, as we saw at SimpliCity Naturist Resort, he can cause her all sorts of problems without actually getting to her himself.

  ‘Even if he’s inside?’

  ‘Yes, even then. So it’s not completely certain that Dana is in the clear. Even if he doesn’t try to arrange something while he’s in prison, he may still try when he’s released. I’m going to suggest to her to let all her family, friends and neighbours know what’s going on.’

  ‘I see,’ Charlotte nodded thoughtfully.

  ‘What I‘m also thinking, Angel,’ he continued, ‘is that maybe we can harness the power of the local naturist network to help support her a little. We know that she’s from a naturist family and we also now know that Ella is secretary of the local nudist club. I think it would be advantageous for Dana if our friends in our ever-expanding naturist circle looked out for her. She seems comfortable with naturism and maybe they can invite her to join in with whatever’s going on. But they’ll probably only do that if they know the circumstances.’

  ‘But Todd, I don’t see how a bunch of nudists will be able to stand up to Ben if he or his thugs really do come after Dana. Naturists aren’t exactly renowned for gang fights.’

  Todd smiled. ‘I know Angel, and I’m not suggesting that they become directly involved at all. All I’m suggesting is that if everyone in her circle and in our closely-knit naturist group are made aware, they can at least invite her involvement, keep in touch with her and communicate any concerns they may have if any crop up. I just think it’s a network that we could use to Dana’s advantage. I don’t know if she has any other interests so this one seems obvious to me. It may be nothing and may not help, but it’s worth a try.’

  ‘Yes, I agree it’s worth a try. Anything’s worth a try! Ella, Lucy and Jake can let people know and can keep in touch with them too. For our part, I suggest we include Dana and Molly in any plans we have so that we can keep a close eye on them both, even though I’m sure you scared Philip Stelt off. I’ll speak to Ella today and call Lucy tomorrow. She’s away on business today. We’re seeing them on Friday night too, by the way. Lucy phoned to invite us over for dinner.’


  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Excellent! Our first nude dinner party,’ Todd pronounced, smiling.

  ‘You’ve been dreaming of it, have you?’

  ‘Well, I admit to reading up a bit on naturism on the internet. Nude dining was one of the websites I looked at.’

  ‘Ah, of course, the internet. Was this before we went to Pereval or after?’

  ‘No comment,’ was all Todd would say.

  Chapter 6

  CHARLOTTE and Ella met mid-morning on Tuesday as usual for their fifteen minute coffee break.

  ‘I realised after we’d spoken that I knew the name Polkdean from somewhere,’ Ella announced. ‘So I checked the club records and sure enough, they’re both members!’

  Charlotte wasn’t sure why that mattered. ‘OK yes, I remember them mentioning that they’d joined a club. Hallow Hello Harrow, something?’ she joked.

  ‘Hallowed Hollow Naturist Resort,’ Ella corrected laughing.

  ‘Ah, that’s it. But I don’t think they go very often now.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Ella replied. ‘I don’t recall meeting them but then again I don’t know all of the members personally. And I didn’t check the log,’ she joked. ‘But still it’s a mutual connection. I guess you’ll introduce me in due course.’

  ‘Definitely and the sooner the better. You’ll like them,’ Charlotte confirmed. ‘Ella, I have something to ask you over lunch. It’s about something that happened last week.’

  ‘You sound serious, Charley! Anything you can tell me now?’

  ‘We don’t really have time again right now and it can wait. But Todd and I think we need your support with something. It’s not certain that it will be helpful but you’ll know best when I explain everything.’

  ‘OK, let’s see how I can help at lunchtime. Hope it’s something that can be done nude though,’ she remarked, grinning.

  ‘Oh, it most definitely is!’ Charlotte replied confidently.

  Chapter 7

  ‘OK, what else do you have for me about your fantastic naked two weeks and how can I help?’ Ella asked with a smile as they set down their lunch trays. ‘I can’t wait to hear this!’

  ‘I’ll tell you all about our holiday minute by minute of course but I’ll have do that later. I want to speak to you about another problem from last week. We met two girls, Molly and Dana. They need some support and possibly more than Todd and I can give them.’

  Ella listened without interruption as Charlotte described what had happened to the two girls and their concerns that they may be targeted for reprisals in the future. Charlotte explained that Molly Hollingfeld had been introduced to naturism by her boyfriend Philip Stelt and, even though their relationship was by then waning, they went ahead with a ten-day break that they’d booked at SimpliCity. Within a few days Stelt had abandoned Molly and left, as they later learned, to be with his pal - and fixer - Ben Spiralli. As Molly and Stelt were staying next door to Jake and Lucy, they’d witnessed Stelt leaving and had helped and befriended Molly.

  Coincidently, while the four friends were visiting Barcelona Beach a day later, Todd had noticed Spiralli sexually harassing his reluctant girlfriend, Dana MacStewart, and had intervened. At that stage, none of the friends knew of Spiralli’s connection to Stelt.

  Next day, Stelt and Spiralli, full of drugs and alcohol, had
found themselves in trouble with the police after a driving offence and, while checking Spiralli’s digs, the police had discovered a very battered Dana. Todd had arranged to move her in with their friends at Simplicity but after Stelt had returned to SimpliCity unsuccessfully attempting to make up with Molly, he had told Spiralli that he’d seen Dana there. On release from custody, Spiralli had forced his way into SimpliCity with intent to harm Dana. This had failed, thanks mainly to Todd, and he’d found himself back in custody. Spiralli was subsequently charged with that and later with other more serious drug-related offences.

  Charlotte went on to explain that Molly was not such a worry as Todd was confident that he’d scared the timorous Phillip Stelt sufficiently to ensure he stayed away, but the malevolent, vengeful Ben Spiralli was a real risk, even with a restraining order in place.

  Ella asked a few questions but had quickly understood the problem. ‘I don’t see how I can help at all with this, though,’ Ella remarked.

  ‘Let me ask you a question then,’ Charlotte replied. ‘If you were in Dana’s situation and had a threat like Spiralli hanging over you, even with a restraining order in place, how would you protect yourself?’

  ‘Well, I’d be careful, keep my doors locked and bolted,’ Ella said seriously. ‘And of course I’d avoid dark alleys late at night,’ she added more lightly.

  ‘Wouldn’t you feel isolated in that situation?’

  ‘Ah, now I see what you’re getting at, I think,’ Ella answered. ‘I’d let all my family and friends know so that they could check up on me from time to time and know where I am at all times. And I’d tell my neighbours too. They’d be on the lookout for anyone suspicious lurking about and would warn me if they saw anything.’

  ‘Exactly! You’d use your network of family, friends and neighbours to help keep you safe. I know they couldn’t do much if the worst happened but at least prevention is better than cure. Noticing something unusual, like someone watching your home, would alert them far quicker than if they were kept in the dark.’

  ‘And of course I’d have my naturist network looking out for me. So I guess that’s where I come in! You want me to invoke my naturist network so that we look out for Dana and Molly, don’t you?’

  ‘Yes please!’

  ‘I will of course. I’ll alert everyone so they know the full situation. Dana and Molly can visit the club and join us too when we go out and about on trips so that we know them both and they know us. But I have to say, Charley, it’s a bit of a flimsy strategy.’

  ‘Yeah, I know. That’s what I said to Todd. But, as he says, every little helps. If Spiralli’s behind bars for a long stretch and once the restraining order is in place it should be enough. Hopefully he’ll move on and forget about it in time but it would at least be good for Dana to know that people are looking out for her and she has people she can call on for support. Right now she’s fragile. Todd’s there for both of them too of course, if the going gets tough!’

  ‘That’s probably the best thing they have going for them,’ Ella commented truthfully.


  Over the rest of lunch, Charlotte told Ella everything about their break and the life-changing effect it’d had on both of them. Ella was captivated as Charlotte spoke and at the end sat back with a sigh.

  ‘So you actually drove all the way back to Wellingbury nude!’ she remarked, shaking her head.

  Charlotte laughed. ‘Well, until we hit the built-up area, yes, we did! We all met and picnicked at Vixen Lake and by then I’d been nude most of the day so we just kept going. It was dark by then anyway. But who’d have expected that?’

  Ella couldn’t stop smiling as they returned to work. ‘I’m so pleased for you, Charley. You’ve obviously taken to this like a duck to water.’

  ‘It seems so, Ella. It opens up all sorts of possibilities for us both now too. And for me that’s an unexpected and very welcome bonus. My only real concern is that my parents must never ever find out!’

  Chapter 8

  THAT Tuesday evening, Todd told Charlotte that he’d met with Dana and that everything for the restraining order was progressing well; it should be completed that week. He also reported that Dana was pleased with his ideas about support and she’d promised to let all her family, friends and neighbours know the situation.

  ‘I’m calling Lucy now.’ Charlotte said. ‘I’ll phone Molly too, of course.’

  ‘Good idea! Dana may have phoned Molly already but it’d be good coming from you too.’

  ‘And Ella will ‘invoke her naturist circle’, was how she put it!’

  ‘Sounds good. Tell her to invoke away!’


  ‘Hi Lucy, it’s me, Charlotte. Is now a good time?’

  ‘Of course, Charlotte. It’s great to hear from you. It’s been three whole days! Not used to being apart for so long!’ Lucy laughed. They’d seen each other every day for the last ten days of their holidays. ‘So how are you and how was work?’

  Yes, all fine, thanks,’ Charlotte replied. ‘Took me a while to switch my brain but I’m back in the groove now.’

  ‘And everything behind you and forgotten?’ Lucy teased.

  ‘Perish the thought, Lucy!’ Charlotte laughed. ‘You know that’s not going to happen. I’m stuck with this new lifestyle whether I like it or not.’

  ‘And I know you like it,’ replied Lucy, laughing too. ‘I mean, for example, I can guess what you’re wearing now? Or not wearing.’

  ‘How did you guess?’ Charlotte giggled. ‘We need to make some structural alterations to protect our privacy a little more, or to be precise to protect the neighbours from the shock of seeing our bare skins, but for now with the light summer nights, we really don’t care. If they happen to look in, they deserve everything they see!’

  ‘By the way,’ Lucy said, changing the subject, ‘I know someone that may work with you. Do you know Louisa Fiddleforth? She works in your accounts department.’

  ‘Yes, I know her well. We chat together most days. So, I guess you must know her too?’

  ‘I’ve known her for a while,’ Lucy answered. ‘Initially she was my contact at your company; I did some work there when they were overloaded. The job dried up but by then she’d joined my group of business friends. I think I may have mentioned that we meet each Thursday evening after work for early drinks at a wine bar in Queen Street.’

  ‘You mentioned that you meet but I didn’t know that Louisa is one of your group.’

  ‘Yes, I invited her along and she jumped at the chance. It seems she’s quite bored with life. Don’t say I mentioned it, but she seems to be having problems with her boyfriend, or partner. Not sure of their relationship exactly.’

  ‘No I won’t say anything.’

  ‘She was shy at first so I would call her each week to invite her but now she’s more relaxed and simply turns up. She’s quite chatty and funny once you get to know her and once the first glass of wine goes down!’

  ‘Does she know that you’re…?’

  Lucy interrupted. ‘Not as far as I know unless any of the other girls who do know have told her. It’s not really a topic that comes up. The girls in the group couldn’t seem to care less. And they never ask me about it either. They ask how my weekends and holidays have been and I guess they simply assume we live the lifestyle that we do. What is there to speak about?’

  ‘Yes,’ Charlotte said thoughtfully. ‘I suppose that lack of comment usually means lack of interest.’

  ‘Yes, I agree. If people do show interest, it usually means they’re at least curious about naturism and I found that in some cases they’ve either tried it or are naturists too.’


  ‘I don’t shout it from the rooftops as you know, but I don’t hide it either as you found out the day we met at Pereval Beach,’ Lucy explained. ‘We could tell right away that Todd was more than interested. Once you realised that we’re naturists, you were curious too. Don’t deny it!’

  ‘Horrified, more like!
It was all so new to me. I never in a million years would’ve even thought about it. But yes, I was certainly curious. And definitely Todd was up for it immediately, wasn’t he? Suppressed longings, perhaps?’

  ‘Maybe. Perhaps he had thought about it but not done anything other than think about it. That happens in a lot of partnerships.’

  ‘You could be right, but I like to think we’re completely open with one another.’

  ‘Then his interest was perhaps dormant until we brought it into the open.’

  Charlotte thought about it. ‘Yes, that’s more likely. He would’ve said something otherwise.’

  ‘And if he’d suggested trying naturism, you would’ve said…?

  Charlotte laughed. ‘We’ll never know, will we? But although it was a then and there thing with you, I’d probably have been persuaded eventually.’

  Lucy laughed again. ‘There you are then. Mission accomplished!’

  ‘There’s something else that I want to speak to you about, Lucy.’ Charlotte said. ‘It’s about Dana and Molly.’ She explained to Lucy about the protection screen that Todd had suggested. Lucy was all for it. Charlotte also explained about Ella, how she’d winkled Charlotte’s “confession” out of her and how she was preparing to help Dana and Molly.

  ‘Would Ella mind if I called her for a chat?’ Lucy asked. ‘Maybe we can work something out together. We must know some of the same people.’

  ‘I’m sure she’d be delighted with a call from you. I’ve told her all about you both, of course.’

  ‘OK, good. I’ll phone her after we finish. I think we should invite her to dinner on Friday too.’

  ‘That would be a great way for you to get to know each other.’

  Charlotte’s call to Lucy continued for over an hour. That happens between good friends.


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