The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2)

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The Naked Truth: Shall Set You Free (NEW ALBION Book 2) Page 8

by Wallace Greensage

It was time to discuss the appalling events of the last few days and Todd, putting his beer glass on the table, opened the discussion by reviewing what had happened since they returned from their South Coast holidays. Charlotte of course knew all the details and Dana and Molly knew most of them but Lucy, Jake and Ella were rapt.

  ‘So Spiralli paid that psycho to get to Dana after all?’ Jake asked. ‘I can’t believe he was so stupid.’

  ‘Actually, Spiralli’s note to Durak, which Durak still naively carried in his pocket, said not to cause any lasting damage, just to rough her up a bit,’ Todd explained. ‘Durak clearly had other plans though. The knife he’d brought with him was not going to be used for anything other than the fun he planned for himself at Dana’s expense. Sorry to put it so bluntly, Dana.’

  Dana shuddered, her long straight fair hair falling over her face as she anxiously glanced down at her thin flat-chested but well-tanned body. She couldn’t bear to think what Durak might have done to her. ‘Todd, I just don’t know how to thank you and your colleagues. It was brilliant the way that you worked out what was going on, got your colleagues to agree to help unofficially, moved me out of harm’s way to Molly’s place and then sprung the perfect trap. What can I say? It’s just so good to know I have people around me that would help me like this.’ Her eyes well-upped with tears as her emotions overwhelmed her. Molly put her arm around her, handing her a tissue.

  ‘We were lucky,’ Todd told her. ‘I only put two and two together because of the tip-off from Ella’s contact at Hardston Prison. She had been smart enough to wonder at Durak’s confidence at his exit assessment and to pass it on.’

  ‘So, even though your idea to spread the word within our circle that seemed so improbable at the time actually came up trumps,’ Jake remarked with a hint of awe in his tone. ‘No one will ever be able to work that connection out!’

  ‘So what about Durak’s accomplice?’ Lucy asked.

  ‘Ah yes. Bobby-Joe Henderton. Claims he’d no idea what was planned and wouldn’t have been bullied into it if he’d known.’ Todd replied. ‘Little shit is a weakling. He was manipulated so easily. He’ll face the music but he won’t go away for as long as Durak, if at all. And I hope that Spiralli has the pleasure of welcoming Durak back to Hardston Prison sometime soon. That should be an interesting encounter.’

  ‘What about Ben Spiralli?’ Molly asked. ‘What will happen to him?’

  ‘If he’s challenged at all, he’ll deny everything. Durak hasn’t implicated him – criminals rarely grass on each other - and as Spiralli didn’t sign the note and wrote in block letters it’ll be hard to prove, despite Henderton’s initial statement, which is all we have linking Spiralli to Durak’s attack. It would be Durak’s word against Spiralli’s anyway. Henderton gave us his note from Spiralli, but all it says that he should give two hundred to Durak. Nothing about a second payment which I’m sure there would’ve been, so it was satisfying to point out to Henderton that Durak would’ve been expecting more. He now realises that Spiralli had set him up. But as I say, he’s too weak to do anything about it except try to save his own skin.’

  ‘So Spiralli will get away with it scot free!’ Molly moaned. ‘I can’t believe it!’

  ‘Not necessarily,’ Todd answered. ‘I have something else up my sleeve on that score. I’ll let you know if it pans out as I hope.’


  As sous chef at ‘La Grande Large’, a popular classy seafood restaurant overlooking the River Firth, Molly was always busy at weekends. Monday and Tuesday were therefore normally her weekends, at times when the restaurant was usually less busy. For dinner this evening and to spend time with Dana as she recovered from her recent unpleasant experiences, Molly had traded her evening shifts for lunchtimes.

  ‘Molly, thanks for changing your schedule to be able to come tonight,’ Lucy said.

  ‘That was no problem at all. It’s a pleasure for me. In fact I’m going to have a different schedule next week too.’

  ‘You didn’t say anything,’ Dana accused with a frown.

  ‘I wanted to make sure I could actually do it but with my two days off this week on Monday and Tuesday, I’ll be travelling to Pereval.’

  The group stared at her, puzzled by this announcement.

  ‘But you only came back from Pereval two weeks ago,’ Charlotte blurted.

  Dana nodded. ‘Ah, so Justin phoned, did he?’

  Molly tried not to blush. ‘I’ll travel down by train on Monday morning and return on Tuesday evening,’ she rushed on. ‘It’ll be a pleasant break for me.’ Her voice faltered.

  ‘Oh yes. I can see you really need a change,’ Lucy teased her with a smile. ‘After all you’ve been back all of two weeks without a break.’

  ‘Well, you know, it’s something to do with my midweek weekend.’

  ‘So will you stay at Pereval Beach Hotel?’ Charlotte asked. ‘We liked it there. I’m sure you will too.’

  ‘Justin is arranging a room for me. No cost, he says.’

  ‘No obligations?’ asked Dana.

  ‘No, of course not,’ Molly replied emphatically. ‘It isn’t like that. He just wants some company and invited me.’

  ‘And you’ll have the room to yourself?’ Dana probed, still miffed that she hadn’t been let in on this secret.

  ‘Of course, Dana! What do you take me for?’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll have a great time,’ Lucy remarked. ‘He’s a perfect gentleman.’

  ‘He is rather, isn’t he?’ Molly replied with a frown. ‘I wonder if I could ever get used to that!’

  Chapter 34

  SATURDAY morning and Todd Mathersley, dressed for the office, opened the front door to their home in a quiet residential cul-de-sac. His mind was engrossed on a challenging case concerning the stabbing of a young man at a night club on Thursday evening. He was vaguely aware that Charlotte was right behind him as he swung the door open, planning to turn and kiss her as he stepped outside.

  ‘Todd!’ Charlotte exclaimed, dodging quickly behind the open door.

  ‘Oops! Sorry Angel. My mind was on other things.’

  ‘I could see that!’ she remarked as she slipped her housecoat over her nakedness. She was now in the habit of keeping the housecoat handy behind the front door for unexpected callers. ‘You’ve been distracted all morning.’

  ‘It’s a case I’m working on,’ he replied. Something troubled him about the content of witness statements he’d read the previous evening. ‘There’s no one around. Your modesty is safe.’

  Charlotte thumped his arm and, now she was covered, stepped outside with Todd and strolled with him to his car in their drive. As he unlocked it and climbed in, she was already deadheading a rose bush next to the drive. ‘What fine weather so late in the year!’ she commented as he belted himself in.

  ‘Yes, still sunny and warm,’ Todd replied, ‘and it’s expected to continue for a few days at least. I guess that means that we can make plans for some outdoor nuding when I get back from the station.’ He closed the car door as his window slid down.

  Charlotte moved towards the car. ‘Let’s have a quiet day at home today but what about heading to Serendip Beach tomorrow? I’m itching to know what it’s like.’ Serendip naturist beach was only an hour’s drive through light Sunday morning traffic.

  ‘Sounds like a plan. We’ll speak about it when I get back.’

  ‘Right, so don’t be too late as I’ll have to prepare food for tomorrow if we decide to go.’


  Charlotte was already thinking of food that she could prepare for tomorrow’s beach visit as she closed the front door and re-hung her housecoat. She decided she’d start preparing it before Todd returned so that they had more free time together. If they didn’t go to the beach, the food wouldn’t be wasted, she knew. She caught a glimpse of herself in the hallway mirror and turned to inspect herself more carefully. Hmm, she thought to herself. Her summer tan was still there. It’d be great to top it up tomorrow, she told herself.
I’ll phone Lucy later to ask if she and Jake would like to join us.

  As she hand-washed their few items of breakfast crockery, she stared out of the kitchen window at their back garden. Todd had taped out an area near to their neighbour’s fence that they agreed would be the most suitable place for the swimming pool they planned. She wiped her hands, headed for the kitchen door and stepped out onto the deck. One of their first tasks that autumn had been to begin to secure the area from prying eyes; their views about their personal privacy had re-adjusted with their newfound life. Not that they minded others seeing them nude; it was more to avoid the consequences of being seen by others. Their neighbours would have to know sooner or later though, she thought. She just didn’t want her family or people at work to find out.

  Charlotte tidied up builders’ debris on the yet to be completed deck, still in shadow cast by the house and, enjoying the barefoot sensation on the dew-soaked planks and grass, stepped onto the cool damp lawn to deadhead more rose bushes. She absent-mindedly wandered the length of the flower bed, taking her further into the garden. When she became aware of the warm sun on her skin, she glanced around, realising how far she’d ventured; they normally stayed close to the house, where their privacy was more assured. Neighbouring houses, like theirs, were all single storey; a benefit that they hadn’t envisaged when, as textiles, they’d bought their home. They had yet to build up their naturist confidence to the level that they would be unconcerned about neighbours peeping over the fence.

  Her back to the fence, she turned to survey the taped area, spreading her arms to catch the sun, deep in thought. She squinted down at the tapes. Is this, she wondered, the right place or should we perhaps put it over there, nearer to the deck? She sneezed suddenly; pollen affected her but not usually so late in the year.

  ‘Gesundheit! That you, Charlotte?’ a voice called from behind her. She spun around and saw the top of her neighbour’s head over the fence. She stepped smartly to the fence so that all he’d be able to see would be her head.

  ‘Yes, it’s me, Sven,’ she replied. ‘Beautiful morning.’ She glanced down to make sure that there were no gaps between the fence slats. ‘How are you? How’s Freya?’

  ‘Both fine thanks.’ His Scandinavian accent had all but disappeared in the many years that the Swedish couple had lived on New Albion Island. He came towards the fence.

  ‘You have anything planned for the weekend, Charlotte? We’ve invited friends round for drinks before dinner this evening and wondered if you and Todd would like to come for an hour or two.’

  ‘We’ll probably be out tomorrow but today we’ve nothing planned,’ she replied with a smile as she wondered to herself what he’d think if he knew he was chatting over the fence to a naked woman. ‘Thanks. We’d love to come. I’ll phone Todd so that he doesn’t make other plans.’

  ‘OK, great. We’ll see you any time after five thirty.’

  ‘Right…oh, that was my doorbell. I’d better answer it.’ She hesitated. Sven was still looking towards her over the fence. He’d probably be able to see all of her as she walked to the back door if he continued to watch.

  ‘Sure off you go,’ he replied after a pause. ‘See you this evening if not before.’ To Charlotte’s relief, he turned from the fence and stepped away. Charlotte gave a final quick glance to make sure he wasn’t watching and turned towards the house. The stocky, fair-haired Swede didn’t seem to have a shirt on either she thought idly, smiling to herself; between us both we probably only had on two items of clothing at most. The thought slipped from her mind immediately as the doorbell sounded again, this time more insistently.


  She slipped her arms into her conveniently placed housecoat and velcroed its front closed. The bell began again as she swung the door open.

  ‘Thought you’d forgotten I was coming,’ her father grumbled as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek. As usual he was smartly casual, his sports jacket over a fresh checked shirt. The sharp crease in his formal trousers could have been used to slice bread. If he’d come to help, the only indication was the toolbox in his left hand.

  ‘Of course not,’ Charlotte fibbed. His excuse, not that he needed one, was that he was there to help with the pool planning; Charlotte thought that his engineering skills would be helpful although Todd wasn’t so sure. He’s not a construction engineer, he’d told her. ‘Where’s mum today?’ she asked.

  ‘She has a church women’s group meeting this morning. Aren’t you dressed yet?’

  ‘I will be shortly. I was in the back garden.’

  ‘In your housecoat? Really Charlotte, is that proper? What if one of the neighbours had…’

  She cut him short. ‘I’ll just go and dress, Dad. Put the coffee on, please.’


  The case Todd was working on was taking all of his attention that morning. He’d phoned Charlotte to tell her that he wouldn’t be home until mid-afternoon and assured her that she would then have his full attention. He expected that by then his case would be closed. As she listened to Todd, she set out lunch for herself and her father.

  ‘What’s all this extra fencing for anyway?’ Fraser Duffy asked.

  ‘To keep out nosy neighbours when we finish the pool,’ Charlotte replied, giving her prepared answer to the question she had been certain he’d ask.

  ‘Having problems with the neighbours, are you? I thought you said that they were nice people.’

  ‘They are, on both sides. But we don’t want to share our privacy, Dad.’

  ‘I hope that you aren’t thinking of wearing anything too revealing, my girl!’ he remarked. ‘Even if you do have tall fences.’

  Charlotte regarded him before answering. How reserved he is, she thought. He’d be horrified to know that I won’t be wearing revealing swimwear or any other swimwear for that matter. ‘Well, actually Dad, we’re naturists now.’ She thought it, but she couldn’t bring herself to say it, although she knew it was a perfect opening. Another opportunity slipped away.

  ‘Of course I won’t be wearing revealing swimwear, Dad,’ she replied meekly but truthfully after a pause. ‘But what would be so wrong if I did, in privacy, in my own home?’

  Fraser Duffy stared at his daughter. ‘Charlotte Duffy, you were brought up better than that,’ he berated, using her maiden name and pointing with his knife. ‘If your mother heard you say that…’ He didn’t continue. ’Especially after those baseless rumours at work I told you about yesterday. Anyway, let’s not speak about that anymore. It was too ugly at the time and it’s not worth dragging up again now. I never did tell your mother most of that anyway, after your assurances’

  Charlotte rose to clear the table, not wanting him to read her face. She’d lied several times to her father since that summer holiday, if only by omission most of the time. She had laughed off the rumours and contrary to his recollection, she hadn’t actually given any assurances. She didn’t feel good about any of this deception and she knew she was digging a bigger hole for herself and Todd if they were to continue their naturist life. She didn’t see how she could ever come clean to them but also knew that this secrecy was going to be hard to maintain.

  ‘Better be on my way, love.’ Dad said, himself rising from the table. ‘That was a lovely lunch.’

  Charlotte turned back to him. ‘Thanks for coming round, Dad. It’s always great to see you. Try to bring Mum next time. And thanks for your help with planning the pool.’ He hadn’t actually done anything that morning except to inconclusively deliberate about the pool’s location.

  As he drove away, Charlotte stepped back through her front door, bothered by the contrast in the life her parents thought she led and her actual life. She didn’t see a resolution; it may always be a secret. If so, she would always have to lie to them. This made her truly uncomfortable at best and cheap and mean at worst. She slipped out of her clothes distractedly, dumped them on a kitchen chair and returned to preparing food for the beach tomorrow.


amn, I forgot to bring the coffee tray from the lounge, she thought to herself as she finished preparing salad for later. She hated to leave dirty crockery lying around, preferring to clear up as she went along. The moment she entered the front room, she noticed her father’s toolbox by the side of the armchair in which he’d been sitting to drink his coffee. He’d forgotten to take it. Never mind, she thought; I’ll phone him in a while and maybe we can drop it off on our way to the beach tomorrow.

  As she straightened from picking up the coffee tray, Charlotte caught a glimpse of movement outside the window. They hadn’t yet put up the planned net curtains; it wasn’t urgent as during the day it wasn’t easy for people to see in from their infrequently-used cul-de-sac because of well-established shrubbery planted long ago by previous owners. But if people actually came into the garden and near to the window, they would surely have been able to see in.

  Suddenly, to her shock and horror, her father was right in front of the window, staring in. And, standing completely naked with a tray in her hands, there she stood rooted to the spot. He seemed to be squinting towards the window and she was unsure whether he’d actually seen her. She sprang back to life and carefully backed out through the door into the hallway, the tray still in her hands. As she did so, she noticed him move right up to the glass, cup his hands to shield the light and peer into the room.

  Charlotte was horrified. What if he’d seen her? How was she going to explain this? She wasn’t ready for this. She hurried into the kitchen, put the coffee tray on the table and, in panic, searched round for her clothing. There, where she’d distractedly dumped them on the kitchen chair. She didn’t want to have to explain the housecoat again, so soon after his visit. As she slipped her top over her head, the doorbell rang. It only rang once more as she pulled on her skirt and ran barefoot to the door, pausing on the way to slip her underwear into a drawer in the hall stand.


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