Surrender (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 3)

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Surrender (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 3) Page 11

by Nichole Greene

  I spend so much time thinking that I forget to take note of if I put conditioner in my hair. I blink back tears of frustration. Things like this used to randomly happen to me, but now they’re becoming more and more common. I can’t decide if it’s a gift or a curse that my mind is more affected than my body at this point. They each pose such different, but no less severe, issues.

  I’m drying off when I hear my phone beep with a text notification. I walk out into my bedroom, half expecting my mom to still be there, but luckily, she’s gone. I pick my phone up to check.

  Griff: Bring your pointe shoes, Marco knows where to take you.

  Griff: 6:30 pm

  What the hell is he planning? I spend the rest of the day wondering what he’s up to, even going as far as texting him for details. He just repeats the time. Friday tells me to wear my black wrap dress; when tied a certain way, it looks like a leotard and ballet skirt.

  Marco drops me off at the entrance to the High Line. I look around ground level but don’t see him, so I walk up the stairs, and that’s where I find him. He’s dressed in black dress pants and a black button down shirt, rolled up to the elbow showing off his tattoos. His hair looks beautiful in the golden hour light. He’s got a camera slung around his neck.

  “Hey,” he pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

  “Hi,” I nuzzle into him, loving the familiarity of his embrace. “Are you going to tell me what we’re doing now?”

  “Yeah,” he holds me close, “I know one of your dreams was to dance on stages around the world, and while I can’t give you that, we can have our own world tour. Right here in Manhattan.”

  I cling to him as my eyes water. It’s so sweet and unexpected. His thoughtfulness drives home the fact that I don’t deserve him. But, because I’m a selfish bitch, I’m going to bask in this while I have it. Until I have to break my own heart and walk away. He stands there and lets me hold him for way longer than necessary. I don’t break contact until I’ve fought back the tears.

  I sit on a bench and change into my pointe shoes. When it comes time to take photos, he puts my bag on his shoulder and instructs me on where to stand but lets me dance and position myself in whatever way feels good. We walk around and take photos, holding hands in between.

  We spend the next couple of hours taking photos everywhere from Chinatown, where Griff impresses street vendors with his knowledge of Mandarin. We grab dumplings from a food cart, and he takes more pictures of me. Then we go Little Italy where we take more photos on Mulberry Street and eat gelato. Not much remains of the Ukrainian Village, but we go anyway, wandering into a church to take some photos.

  “This was a really amazing date,” I say once we’re back in the car with Marco driving us back toward Griff’s apartment.

  “It’s not over yet,” he says with a smirk.

  “What do you mean? You just took me on a world tour.”

  “You’ll see.” He gives me a wink and wraps his hand around my thigh.

  A few minutes later, we’re pulling up to the Museum of Modern Art. A huge smile crosses my face, I’ve always loved art and visiting museums. I turn and run my palm over the stubble on his cheek.

  “This is perfect.”

  He answers with a smile, pulling me out of the car after him. We walk up to the doors, and that’s when I see a sign on the door that they’re closed for a private engagement. I don’t want him to think I’m disappointed, how could I be after tonight, so I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

  “It’s okay, we’ve done so much already,” I’m only a little surprised when he pulls open the door like he owns the place. This is Griffin Potter, twenty-something media mogul and billionaire. He doesn’t play by normal rules. He never has.

  “Mr. Potter, Miss Volkov,” a thin and well dressed middle-aged man says as he comes toward us, “welcome. We have everything ready for your private evening.”

  I turn my gaze to him, completely floored that he paid for an entire night. I don’t say anything until the gentleman finishes telling us everything we need to know and hands us a map.

  “I can’t believe you did this,” I reach up and kiss him. “This has to be one of most expensive dates ever.”

  “I don’t know if you know this,” he whispers in my ear, “but I’m kind of a big deal.”

  “Really?” I place my hand on my chest feigning surprise. “I had no idea.”

  He laughs as he leads me up a set of stairs and toward an exhibit of sculptures. We lose ourselves in taking in the beauty of all the pieces. He reminds me to put my pointe shoes on, and I dance through the museum with him following me, snapping photos and smiling at me with a look that holds so much affection and, dare I say, love.



  “I can’t believe I’m getting married tomorrow morning.” Levi plops down on the couch in the cabin we’re sharing for the night with a beer.

  “I can’t believe I’m sleeping in a bunk bed with you assholes instead of at a hotel with my girls,” Con says with a scowl. “Zion gets to be with the girls tonight.”

  “Love you too, Con.” Levi chucks a beer at him. “Zion is always going to choose Hoodrat over us.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I hope I don’t fuck up the vows tomorrow. Should I write them on my hand?”

  “Do you want to look like a middle schooler trying to cheat on a test?” Con snarks.

  “Don’t you guys have some spy equipment I could use? Mic one of you and put a receiver in my ear in case I forget?”

  “No,” I say from where I’m standing at the door, looking over the lake. “You’ll be fine. We can practice tonight and tomorrow morning if you want.”

  “Oh, I see how it is. You have all the tech to spy on the girls, but when I need one simple thing for my wedding, you can’t come through.”

  “You don’t need it, come on. Let me see what you have so far.” I go over and sit beside him.

  “I’m going to go FaceTime Lilith and the girls,” Con says disappearing out the door.

  “Here,” Levi hands me his phone open to his notes. What he’s got is good, he talks about how he knew she was the one from their first conversation. I chuckle at a couple parts.

  “Okay, you’ve talked a lot about your relationship and history, but let’s come up with a promise you can make to her.”

  He takes a long pull of his beer and looks out the window, deep in thought. A few minutes go by, and neither of us has spoken.

  “I don’t know,” Levi rubs his forehead, “make some suggestions for me to build off of.”

  “Okay,” I let my mind wander. “Today and every day, I promise to love and protect you. I promise I will always be there to hold you in darkest of times. I will push you when you need me to and I’ll let you guide me when I need it.” Claire’s face flashes through my mind I don’t push it away as I whisper a promise to her. “I’ll carry you. I will be your feet keeping you dancing when you can no longer stand.”

  “That’s,” he side-eyes me, “oddly specific. Who were you just thinking of, Griff? A certain tiny dancing ice princess?”

  I take a long drink from my bottle, letting the bitter hops sit on my tongue for longer than necessary. My mind did go to the vows I’d make to Claire. To all the ways I want to be with her, from now until the end of our lives.

  I love her.

  I’m in love with her.

  “Oh, shit,” Levi points at me, “I know that look. That’s the look of someone who just realized that they fell in love. You’re in love with her!”

  I punch his shoulder and shush him, “She’s not ready to tell anyone yet.”

  “Con’s definitely gonna kill you now.”

  “Who am I killing?” Con asks as he walks back into the cabin.

  “Griff hired strippers,” Levi lies for me. “But can we talk about how fucking nonchalant you were about killing someone? You didn’t even ask for a reason.”

  “If you guys need someone killed, I’ll do it. No questions asked
. But if strippers are coming, we’re all gonna die anyway. You know Ivy’d take us all out.”

  “Easily,” Levi agrees with a hint of pride. “We’re so fucking lucky to have these badass women in our lives.”

  They share a goofy, love drunk look with each other. Then Con turns to me.

  “Now we just need to find Griff a partner.”

  “Cunt or cock, doesn’t make a difference to me,” Levi jokes. “As long as they aren’t Mets fans and they treat our baby Griff with the care he deserves.” He pinches my cheek laughing when I punch him in the gut.

  The next morning comes quickly. The three of us are a little hungover when Lilith shows up with the babies and breakfast sandwiches. She hands Elle in her car seat to Con and Nora to me before walking over to Levi. She’s already dressed in her blush pink dress, her hair loosely curled and pinned up. Her makeup is natural and subdued, fitting the “woodland fairy” theme Ivy’s been talking about for months.

  The three of us are wearing matching dove gray Tom Ford suits with white shirts and pink ties. No jackets, which surprised me. Ivy’s always been about fashion, so I assumed we’d basically be dealing with a black-tie bridezilla. She’s actually turned out to be incredibly mellow about everything, going with the flow and keeping things casual. Maybe it has to do with the location of the wedding and the fact that they’re keeping it almost as small as Con and Lilith’s wedding was.

  Lilith looks over her shoulder at us. “I’m going to steal Levi away for a few minutes. You two good with the girls?”

  “Yes,” Con says as he bounces Elle up and down gently.

  I look down at Nora who is studying me with intensity. She’s so quiet all the time, always observing. Whereas Elle is always screaming about something. They’ve already changed so much, and they’re only a few weeks old. For a second, I wonder what Claire and my kids would look like if we could have them. Would they have dark hair and green eyes? Or would my red hair somehow fight its way to dominance?

  “Griff?” Con says. “Earth to Griff.”

  “Sorry, I was distracted by how much they’re already changing.”

  “Yeah,” his face relaxes, and he smiles down at Elle, “they’re so perfect.” He stares down at them in wonder for another minute before he looks back at me. “Can you do me a favor today?”

  “Sure, anything.”

  “Can you keep a close eye on Claire? She has been acting really cagey lately, and she’s not spending much time at home. When she does come over, she’s really skittish about holding the girls. Something is going on, but she won’t tell me what it is. It’s driving me fucking crazy.”

  “Sure, no problem.” I swallow down the bile that tries to rise. He’s concerned about her, and I know exactly what’s going on. Hell, I’m the reason she doesn’t spend much time at home.

  “Are you okay?” He looks at me with clearer eyes than he has in a long time. “You haven’t been around much either lately. Is there something going on with you?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ve just been busy with work and doing a couple personal favors for a friend.”

  Con nods. “Understood. But you know if you need anything I’m here, right?”

  “Yeah, man.”

  “Good. I can’t handle problems on multiple fronts. If I’m not taking care of the girls, I’m snooping around Claire’s place to find clues.”

  I give him a serious side-eye.

  “Fuck off, you’d do the same thing. Don’t act like you wouldn’t.”

  “Claire will be pissed when she finds out.”

  “She won’t find out. You’re the only one who knows. I go in after I do the three-a.m. feeding with the twins.”

  “You creep around her apartment while she’s sleeping? Don’t you think that might be a step too far?”

  “Probably,” he says with a shrug, “but I don’t give a fuck.”

  I don’t say anything because I’m thinking about how bad it could have been if he’d walked in one of the few nights I’ve slept over at her place and snuck out early in the morning. It’s clear now that we have to tell them, if not everything, then at least about our relationship. It’s not like it’s just sex between us. It’s so much deeper than that. I love her.

  Lilith and Levi come back into the room, his arm is around her shoulders, and they both look like they’ve been crying.

  “Christ, is this a wedding or a funeral?” Con holds Elle out for Levi. “Here, hold a baby, it’ll help.”

  “I can’t help being all up in my feels. I’m marrying my best friend today. And Hoodrat is going to dance with me in place of my mom.”

  “I have to get out of here before I ruin my makeup anymore,” Lilith says fanning her eyes. “I can’t fix this if I fuck it all up with tears,” she points at her face.

  Before I know it, Levi is off on the dock doing the first look with Ivy, and Lilith and Con are off taking care of the babies, leaving me alone in the cabin with Claire. She’s put her hair up in a loose and almost messy style bun with loose pieces framing her face. Her makeup is natural and light, making her emerald eyes pop.

  “You look beautiful,” I say, pulling her into my arms and trying to give her a kiss.

  “Thank you,” she gives me a quick hug but pulls away from the kiss. “Con could come back at any time.” Her eyes dart around the cabin to make sure we weren’t caught.

  “I think it’s time to tell him. Maybe tomorrow morning after the wedding.”

  “What?” She blinks in surprise. “Why?”

  “He’s trying to figure out what’s going on with you. He sneaks through your apartment at night to see if he can find anything.”

  “I’m sorry,” her face hardens into the trademark Volkov glare, “he does what? Did you know this? Why am I just now hearing it? That fucking psycho.”

  “I just found out this morning,” I say with my hands up. I am not going down for this.

  “Oh shit, he could have found you one of the times you stayed with me.”

  “Yeah.” I nod, hoping that she’s coming to the conclusion that we need to come clean.

  “I’ll deal with it tomorrow. I don’t want to ruin Levi and Ivy’s day.”

  I nod and grab her by the hips, pulling her to me. My lips attack hers before she realizes what’s coming. I’m going to have to watch Con and Lilith and Levi and Ivy kiss and do cute couple shit all day without touching the girl I love. I’m damn well going to kiss her like I mean it right now while we’re alone.

  She stays stiff at first, fighting it until I move my knee between her legs and pull her against my thigh. She melts against me with a whimper of surrender that sounds so sweet I could drown in it. Then her hands are moving up my shoulders and into my hair. Her tongue meets mine stroke for stroke as we lose ourselves to each other.

  The pounding of Levi’s feet and his booming voice from outside break us apart. When we pull away from each other, she has a sad look on her face. Like she never wants to let me go, but something is wrong, too. It’s troubling, but everyone comes in and distracts me from trying to figure it out.

  Before long we’re all standing in a clearing, in front of a tree that thirteen-year-old Levi and Ivy carved their names into years ago. There are pink peonies and hydrangeas everywhere, and twinkle lights strung above us. Ivy looks absolutely stunning; her dress is lace and wraps around her neck with the back completely open. Her hair is in its naturally curly state but pulled over one shoulder with a few flowers pinned in it.

  I’m trying to pay attention, but my eyes keep drifting to Claire and how the color of the forest behind her matches her eyes. I’m glad Connor is the one with the rings because I have totally missed everything happening around us until the officiant declares them husband and wife. I would be absolutely worthless as the best man right now.

  The seventy-five or so people in the clearing clap while Levi gives Ivy a lascivious kiss, dipping her low to ground. The flourish is so Levi, over the top and goofy but affectionately loving. My chest
fills with happiness for them and love for Claire as I walk her down the aisle after Con and Lilith.

  I can see everything perfectly in my mind. Proposing to Claire on one knee, marrying her, and taking her on a trip around the world for our honeymoon. Then living together, coming home to each other, taking care of her, and protecting her. Every part of me knows without a doubt that she is mine, the woman I’m meant to love forever.

  All of us are staying at a boutique hotel in the town about half an hour from the camp, so we all pile in a limo together after all the guests have left. Levi pulled Ivy into his lap as soon as we got in, and I haven’t seen them come up for air once. Con and Lilith are texting Victor about the babies. The back of the limo is dark enough that I can rest my hand on the seat beside Claire’s and no one can see our pinkies linked. Not that I’m really concerned about it anyway. I take it as a good sign when she doesn’t pull away either.



  It’s fitting for my last night with Griff to happen the same way our first night together did. Locked away in a room following a wedding. Luckily, everyone was in a hurry to get to their rooms, so all we had to do was hang back a minute after getting out of the limo.

  Griff opens the door to my room, and as soon as I hear the deadbolt lock behind him, I launch my launch myself at him. I’ve wanted to hold him, kiss him, and love him all night long. It was all I could focus on, how much I wanted to be freely in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him with all the pent-up passion inside my body.

  He meets that passion with equal desire, devouring my lips as he pulls the zipper of my dress down. The satiny material slides down my body leaving me standing in nothing but a lace thong. His cup both of my breasts, tweaking my nipples with expert flicks of his fingers.


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