Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 6

by Roxeanne Rolling

  “I can see why they call you the douchebag billionaire,” I say.

  Ryan chuckles. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t give a shit.

  I get up in a huff, grab my laptop, slamming it closed as I do so, and head out into the dark hallway.


  I’m in the office until the early morning hours, and finally I decide to head back and get some sleep.

  The next morning, I wake up early, despite the lack of sleep. Things like that have never bothered me much. I keep myself hardened, after all, with my intense workouts. I’ll never let myself go soft… especially not for a woman.

  I wake up thinking about her, her body, and the way she looked at me last night. What did she want me to do, talk to her about our feelings or something? What’s there to talk about? We haven’t even fucked yet. And it’s not like I talk a lot to the women I have fucked.

  I like my solitude, my independence, the ability to do whatever the fuck I want, whenever I feel like.

  But I have the feeling now that this independence I’ve cherished is being threatened… by this new algorithm.

  I’ve been running the rough numbers in my head, and if this new algorithm can actually compete with mine, it’ll become enterprise standard in a few short months, essentially cutting off my income entirely. It’s not like I’ve lived cheaply, squirreling away the pennies for a rainy day. I’ve had my fun, and I’ve spent my money to have it.

  Usually I can get women out of my head easily. Usually I just fuck them and leave them. Hey, that may not be the best way to go about it, but that’s what I do, and I’m not apologetic about it. I don’t give them any illusions that it’s going to become a long term thing, unless they’re really lucky and get on my contacts list for future hookups.

  If a woman doesn’t want me, which is very, very rare, than I just move on to the next one. There are plenty more who are ready for me, and willing.

  But with Lily… I don’t know, I just can’t get her out of my head. I should be thinking about the algorithm and possible business strategies, contacts, that sort of thing, but she keeps popping up in my mind over and over again, no matter what I try to do.

  I’m just going to have to have her, I think to myself. That’s the only way to get her off my mind and move past her. I’m going to do whatever it takes to have her, no matter what. I’ll make her see that she needs me and wants me. I already know she does… The way her body responded was incredible. I just need to show her what sex can be like, show her the pleasure I can give her. She wants me, and I know it. I just have to convince her. That shouldn’t be too hard.

  The phone rings. It’s Johnny Robbins, one of my old programming buddies. He’s a crack coder, but he was never that interested in business or enterprise applications. He just wants to have fun on his computer, cracking away at algorithms and obscure programming metrics. He’s also a bit of a hacker, cracking his way into just about everything. So far, he’s been lucky and skilled enough not to get caught… for the most part.

  Well, that’s not totally true. He has one arrest on his record, when he broke into a government system carelessly, leaving enough tracks that they were able to find him. Of course, now he’s much more careful.

  “Yeah,” I say, answering the phone.

  “Ryan,” says Johnny, speaking in his own peculiar fast way of talking. He always sounds like he’s from New Jersey, even though he claims he’s never been there. “I’ve got something for you.”

  “Yeah? What is it, Johnny?”

  “I found some stuff on this guy, Simmons.”

  “Can you tell me over the phone?”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “Why don’t you meet me at the office, then. We can talk about it there freely.”

  “The office? Since when do you go to the office, man?”

  “Since I heard about this Simmons guy,” I say. “I’m getting back into the game, in a big way.”

  “Until you figure out what to do about your algorithm, you mean,” he says. “You’re just concerned about your money.”

  “I’m interested in the code, too, wise ass,” I say. “Just like you are.”

  “You sure you can still hack after spending so much time sipping fine wines and sampling the local cuisines, and by that, I mean the women…?”

  “Just meet me at the office,” I say. “You’ll see I’m still better than you are.”

  He laughs and hangs up.

  I’m ready to head into the office.

  My mind wanders back to Lily.

  I kept looking at her yesterday, drinking in her body, and I can still picture her beautiful curves perfectly, the way her ass slopes down to her round, muscular thighs, the way her breasts slope, the way her neck…

  I’m getting carried away here, and my cock is growing in my pants, pressing uncomfortably against the zipper.

  I make a split second decision, and grab the phone and make an order with a very good florist that I’ve done some business with before. Although, honestly, it’s not like I’m in the habit of sending flowers to women.


  “So you’re actually working with him now?” says Hailey.

  It’s early morning and we’re both up unusually early.

  Our housemates finally got back from their multi day party, and they made a hell of a racket this morning at 6AM when they were getting home. There’s about six of them, and I think some of them must share a room, because I’m pretty sure there aren’t even that many bedrooms in our house. It’s strange not even knowing who most of them are. I swear that I’d never seen two of them before at all, but Hailey assured me they’re our roommates. They were wearing work clothes, all scuffed up and half taken off. There were three guys and one girl, and I’m pretty sure they all coupled up and are still having sex now… with some additional ‘friends’ they brought home.

  “Ugh,” says Hailey. “I can still hear them fucking.”

  Sure enough, there’s the distinctive sound of mattress springs squealing and screeching, as well as a pounding on the floor above us.

  “They’re really going at it, eh?” I say, feeling uncomfortable for obvious reasons.

  Hailey shrugs. “Sounds pretty normal. Probably just missionary position.”

  I’m pretty sure I blush. I mean, it’s not like I don’t know about different positions. I can name a lot of them, and I’ve seen the drawings, and even the porn, when I was curious. I mean, who hasn’t? But I have no idea what each position feels like, and I don’t know why someone would prefer one position over the other.

  “How can you tell?”

  “Don’t worry,” says Hailey, ignoring me. “You’ll get laid soon enough, as soon as you’re ready for it. As you saw the other night, the guys are just dying for you.”

  I blush again as a seriously loud series of grunts erupts from the floor above us.

  “I can’t believe we can hear that even down here,” says Hailey, cringing.

  “People like sex,” I say. “Why don’t we like hearing it?”

  “I guess because it’s sex we’re not having,” says Hailey, shrugging.

  Sometimes, she’s not so much of a morning person.

  “So tell me about working with him,” she says. “Was it weird, after the other night?”

  I nod. “I was pretty uncomfortable at first,” I say. “But soon it just became about the programming…”

  “You and those computers.”

  I laugh. “It’s fun,” I say. “I don’t know why people say only guys can do it.”

  Hailey shrugs. “It’s just run of the mill sexism.”

  “I guess. Anyway, I’m glad I didn’t sleep with him. He’s really kind of an asshole.”

  “He is called the douchebag billionaire,” says Hailey. “I imagine he’s worked hard to earn such an esteemed nickname.”

  “Yeah,” I say. “He’s just all about money. I mean… he’s really authoritative. I can just tell he knows what he wants and he
gets it. I pissed him off by not sleeping with him… And now, someone’s threatening his position as this famous genius coder, and he’s going to do whatever it takes to exert his will…”

  “What was that?” says Hailey.

  “I didn’t hear anything.”

  “Sounded like the doorbell. Let me go check.”

  “I didn’t even know we had a doorbell.”

  “That’s because you’re always listening to your headphones.”

  Hailey gets up and leaves my room. I can hear her treading softly in her socks as she moves through the rest of the house.

  Up above, and around me, I can still hear the roommates having sex.

  I blush, even though I’m by myself, and I find that my thoughts drift back to Ryan Hudson, and that night that we “spent together,” even though we didn’t actually have sex. How would I feel now if I had gone through with it? Would I resent it, regret it, or would it have been the best decision I’d ever made? People talk about just getting it over with and moving on, but I don’t think that kind of thing is even possible with Ryan Hudson. He doesn’t seem like the type of guy that you can just move on from.

  Hailey comes back into the room, holding the largest bouquet of flowers I’ve ever seen.

  “They’re roses,” she says, giving me a coy smile.

  “Roses?” I say. “Who are they for?”


  I shrug. “No idea.”

  “They’re for you. And guess who they’re from?”

  “Ryan Hudson?”

  “Yup!” she says, handing me the flowers. I have to stand up to take them, and they’re so big it’s actually hard to hold them without them overtaking my face and pushing into my hair.

  “Wow,” says Hailey. “You must have made quite the impression, even without sleeping with him. What did you guys talk about yesterday at the office?”

  “Nothing,” I say, confused. “I don’t understand. He basically ignored me yesterday. Why would he send me roses?”

  “He’s thinking about you,” says Hailey, suppressing a giggle. “He wants you, that’s pretty clear. Guys like that don’t send roses usually. They just take what they want.”

  “You think he really wants me?” I say.

  “Of course.”

  I put the roses down awkwardly on their side on the floor, since there’s nowhere else to put them. I try not to damage them, but I think one on the bottom is already a little mushed.

  “They do smell nice,” I say, leaning down and inhaling deeply.

  Hailey slaps my ass lightly. “Look at that ass,” she says, giggling. “It got you your own billionaire.”

  I sit back up, so that my ass isn’t sticking out as it was.

  “My own douchebag billionaire,” I say. “And I’m not so sure…”

  “Come on,” says Hailey. “You two working together in the office… late nights… everyone else has gone home for the night… and he sent you roses… something’s bound to happen…”

  “I’m not sure I want anything to happen,” I say.

  “Let’s see how you feel about that in a week,” says Hailey, giving me a knowing smile and a wink.

  There’s an extra loud groan from above, and finally the bed springs stop making their horrible noise.

  “Looks like someone’s finally finished,” says Hailey.

  “I’ve got to get to work,” I say, checking the time.

  “Have fun,” says Hailey, trying to slap my ass again as a joke, but I pull away from her.

  Half an hour later, I’m at the office, sitting in my cubicle next to Jerry, chatting with him about the algorithm.

  “Yeah,” I say. “It’s pretty crazy. I’ve never worked on a project like this.”

  “Well, it’s a big opportunity,” says Jerry. “I just don’t know if we’re going to be able to come up with something. This sort of thing is usually done by a huge team of programmers with lots of experience. Me, I’ve been at this a long time, but I’m pretty rusty.”

  “And I’m new,” I say. “But aren’t some of the best programs written by little teams of hackers?”

  Jerry shrugs. “When you’re young, it’s different.”

  Well, I think to myself, I’m pretty young.

  And I’d be surprised if Ryan doesn’t still have it in him. There’s just something about his presence that simply… dominates and commands. If he wants to make a better algorithm, he’s just going to fucking do it.

  “He’s not here yet?” I say.

  Jerry shakes his head.

  “I guess I should be reading this employee manual,” I say. “I still haven’t finished it yet.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it,” says Jerry. “You know, everyone in the office has been asking me about what’s going on. They’re really surprised to see Ryan here.”

  “I can imagine,” I say. “After years of not really doing any work… but why doesn’t Ryan get everyone to work on it?”

  “Most of the people here aren’t programmers,” says Jerry. “They’re basically just salesmen who know a little about programming, just enough to sell the product.”

  I swear that I feel his presence before I see him.

  It’s just a solid, commanding presence. He’s here to get what he wants. He’s here to do what he needs to do.

  But does he want a better algorithm, or does he want me?

  I’m so confused.

  I see him, his suit practically gleaming even in the dull fluorescent lighting. His stubble is still perfect, as it perpetually is. His eyes seem to drill right into me. He focuses in on me and doesn’t look at anything else in the office as he walks right towards me.

  There’s an arrogant grin on his face.

  “You like the flowers?” he growls.

  “Flowers?” says Jerry.

  Ryan completely ignores him.

  I don’t say anything for a moment out of embarrassment. After all, Jerry’s right here.

  “Well?” growls Ryan, seeming to look straight through me.

  My breathing gets tighter, faster. I feel something happening in my body…

  “Yeah,” I say. “They’re nice.”

  Ryan continues to look at me for what feels like an eternity. Jerry’s silent. He knows who the boss is.

  “Well,” says Ryan. “Let’s get to work. We’ve got a special member of the team for today.”

  “Who?” I say.

  “Johnny Robbins.”

  “Like the Johnny Robbins, the guy who hacked the…?”

  “I’m surprised you know about him,” says Ryan, cutting me off.

  “Of course,” I say. “He’s famous…”

  “Only in certain circles.”

  “Well, I am interested in computers…”

  Ryan makes a sound that’s something between a grunt and a “hmmph,” a sound that’s unreadable. Like always with him, I feel like I don’t know what he’s thinking.

  But one thing is crystal clear now, despite all the other doubts—and that’s that he wants me. He wants me. It’s clear in the way he looks at me, the way that he moves, and of course, the flowers.


  Johnny Robbins is late, so the three of us get started. That’s typical of Johnny, and in fact, I’m surprised he called me so early. Like most expert hackers, he’s an extreme night owl. For all I know, he was actually still awake from the night before when he called me this morning.

  The three of us get started, poring over the code.

  Lily is drinking coffees from the vending machine back to back, and Jerry is already having trouble staying awake. This is a little too much for him.

  I can’t take my eyes off Lily. It’s no longer just her body for me, and her incredible curves, but it’s every little way that she moves. I find myself watching her, not caring whether she notices, just to see how she’ll brush her hair back, or how she’ll adjust herself in her seat.

  My cock twitches each time she moves.

  I find myself focusing on every
little sound she makes, especially her breathing, which I know changes, growing more rapid, when she glances over and sees me staring at her.

  It’s hard to get my mind on the code.

  I can only think about her.

  No woman has ever had this effect on me before. Sure, I’ve felt lust. I’ve been with countless supermodels, but they pale in comparison to her.

  Today, she’s wearing something professional, but I can’t help but notice that she’s got on a different type of bra, one that pushes her breasts up and forward more, augmenting her already ample bust, which rises and falls with her breathing.

  “I didn’t think I was in the right place,” says someone, appearing at the door.

  “Hey Johnny,” I say, aware that my cock is half hard in my pants and probably visible, but I don’t care. That’s what happens when I stare at Lily for so long.

  “So this is the office?” he says, making a face.

  “You’re used to more luxury?” I say. “I find that hard to believe.”

  Johnny laughs. He’s wearing all black: black jeans, black shoes, and a black button up shirt that’s unbuttoned up top. His hair is long, and a very dark brown that’s almost black. He’s thin, and while not conventionally handsome, certain women have been known to fall for him. His skin looks like he hasn’t seen the sun in years.

  “I’m used to more like… squatter hacker spaces, and all that…”

  “Oh yeah,” I say, dismissively. “Hacking away in abandoned buildings, stealing wi-fi.”

  “You’re all about the money, though,” says Johnny. “You always were.”

  “But you’re here,” I say.

  “I’m just here for the code.”

  “Oh, let me introduce you…”

  I present him to Lily, whose eyes widen since she knows his hacking fame, and Jerry, whose eyes are filled with sleep.

  “Well,” says Johnny unceremoniously. “Let’s get to work.”

  “I figure you’ve got your own laptop,” I say.


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