Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Her Boss: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 19

by Roxeanne Rolling

  Coach grunts disapprovingly. “I don’t want to hear any more that you and Johnson are arguing. I don’t want to hear anything about fighting. You’re on the same team, and you’ve got to work together.”

  Coach hangs up the phone. I can almost picture him in his cramped little office, slamming the phone down, surrounded only by his old trophies and the dust of the last few decades.

  This makes me angry, really angry.

  Fucking Johnson! Why did he have to go squealing to Coach?

  Just because he can’t throw a ball properly, and he has to go ahead and blame me when the plays go to shit? I’m going to show him what’s what when I get back to campus.

  That little piece of…

  Damnit, come on, man, I say to myself. Get ahold of yourself.

  I take a couple deep breaths, and then I get dressed. I’m calmer and still hanging around the house, reading the playbook, for something to do. I’ve already got the whole thing memorized. No one takes football more seriously than I do.

  I know I’m going to make pro because I’ve got talent, natural talent, and I’ve got luck. But I’m also working my ass off. No one works harder than I do during training. When the other guys are going 50%, I’m going 100%, pretending as if I’m actually in a game.

  That’s probably why Johnson has such a problem with me. He likes to just laze around during practice and not really put everything into it, and I can’t stand that attitude.

  I can’t stop thinking about Chloe. She rushes back into my mind, despite all his bullshit football drama.

  Her soft breasts… I can almost feel them against me.

  I need her, I need her lips on me. I need her mouth wrapped around my cock again.

  I’m going to go see her, I decide, making a split second decision. I wouldn’t mind getting a look at her in that movie theater uniform, in person, that is.

  I have an old American-built convertible that I restored myself when I was in high school. Hard to believe I haven’t even taken it out for a spin yet, but that’s what happens when you’re obsessed with someone like Chloe. I had just gotten home that Thanksgiving dinner, and she was already in my house. I couldn’t think about something like a car after seeing the woman that she’d become.

  The engine roaring, I cruise through the dead tree streets of fall, in our tiny suburban town. The movie theater is on Main Street, which runs right down the middle of the town. That’s where we used to hang out a lot in middle school, but I haven’t been there in a long time.

  It’s one of those old style classic movie theaters, right from the 1930s, with a golden placard on the front that announces the movies. Amazing that they haven’t yet torn this place down to make way for the huge mega theaters. Amazing that business is still going strong.

  I park my car and get out.

  I can see her through the window, standing behind the ticket booth’s glass window. Sure enough, her uniform is pulled tight around her. I wonder if it’s even the right size for her? Either way, I love the way it looks on her.

  Her hair is up in a bun, showcasing the beauty of her face.

  I’ve never seen anyone this beautiful, I think to myself.


  “Hey there,” says Dan, suddenly in front of me.

  “Which movie?” I say automatically, without thinking, and then burst into laughter.

  “You really want to sell movies, eh?” says Dan.

  “I guess so,” I say. “I’m just programmed to say that now.”

  “Anyway,” says Dan. “I just wanted to stop by and say hi.”

  “Hi,” I say, dumbly. That was a dumb thing to say, I think to myself.

  But he’s still here talking to me, still staring right into my eyes through the plate glass window.

  “You’re so beautiful,” says Dan.

  “Thanks,” I say, grinning.

  “We still on for tonight?” says Dan.

  I nod shyly, but with a grin on my face.

  Dan buys a ticket to some action flick, which I’ve already forgotten the name of, since the movies all seem to blend together, and he disappears into the theater and I lose track of him.

  The shift seems like it goes on forever and ever, and then of course there’s the second shift coming around to ram me in the back. Even though I’m expecting it, it’s tough.

  I check my cell phone for the time when I’m finally done, and groan as I see that I’m late for meeting Dan. This is the one thing I was looking forward to. “Look forward to,” doesn’t really cover it. More like dying to have his huge cock inside me…

  The whole place is mopped, the windows spotless, all the cash deposited in the safe. I’m sweating from the exertion and I step outside into the dark night, locking the theater behind me. I get chills on my skin from the cooling sweat.

  “Hey there, stranger,” says Dan, from where he’s leaning against the theater’s outdoor brick wall.

  He startles me, and I almost jump out of my skin.

  “Shit, you scared me,” I say, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard Ms. Chloe swear ever,” says Dan.

  I laugh. “I can say a lot more,” I say. “Why’d you call me Ms. Chloe?”

  He shrugs. “Just seemed funny.”

  I laugh again.

  “So we still on for tonight?” says Dan.

  I laugh. “Of course,” I say. “If you still are, that is.”

  “What do you mean by that?” says Dan. “I’ve been waiting for it all day.”

  I suddenly feel nervous. There’s no chance that we’ll be interrupted this time. No chance that anything can go wrong.

  But this is what I want. I want Dan.

  Just standing here in the cold, so close to his body, it turns me on like nothing else. His body awakens my body… I want him like nothing else I’ve ever wanted, like nothing else I’ve ever yearned or longed for.

  “Did you stay here the whole time?” I say. “You came to the ticket window like 9 hours ago, during my first shift.”

  “I saw a couple movies,” chuckles Dan, showing me his one ticket stub.

  I laugh. “You bastard!” I say. “You cheated the movie theater, didn’t you? Sneaking into movie after movie?”

  Dan shrugs and gives me a cheeky smile. “I just wanted to be close to you.”

  I slap him on the arm, giggling.

  “Whose car should we take?” he says.

  I think for a moment.

  “I guess we should both drive,” I say. “I’ll follow you to the hotel, OK? I can’t have my car staying here in front of the theater all night. People will ask questions.”

  We kiss briefly, but it’s still hot and heavy and passionate, before saying goodbye.

  I follow him in his car along the dark roads, towards the hotel on the outskirts of the town, out towards where the mall is.

  It’s darker out here, with less streetlights. I can see the stars above, but I’m not thinking about that. I’m not thinking about my job or my parents or that I’m not in college like I should be, considering I was top of my class.

  I’m not thinking about any of that. I’m thinking about Dan, and only Dan.

  I’m thinking about his body, his hard muscles, the way he looks at me, the way his arms feel around me. And I’m thinking about how his huge cock is going to feel inside me.

  The drive goes by as if in a daydream, me imagining what Dan’s going to do to me, how it’s going to feel. I’m already ready, my body already hot and ready for him by the time we pull into the parking lot.

  We check in together, holding hands, giggling because we don’t have any luggage.

  “I’m embarrassed,” I say, rushing down the hallway with Dan away from reception.

  “Who cares what they think?” says Dan, putting his arm around me.

  The moment that he puts the keycard in the door feels momentous to me. It feels as if time is standing still.

  I have a brief worry flash through me: this fee
ls like a huge moment for me. I hope it does for him too. Or is he used to this kind of thing? Is this just some fun he’s having for Thanksgiving, while at home on vacation? Is he going to return to school and do just the same exact thing with a hundred other girls, who all love him because he’s a football star?

  But the worries vanish as we enter the room.

  To me, compared to my run down old house, this simple hotel room is luxurious.

  I flop on the bed and Dan stands in front of me, smiling down at me.

  “Let me see that big cock of yours,” I say, my eyes surely twinkling as I say it.

  Dan chuckles. “I didn’t think you could talk like that,” he says.

  “I bet there are a lot of things I can do that you don’t know,” I say, in my best seductive tones.

  Dan falls on top of me. It feels perfect having his body over me. I open my legs and even though we’re fully clothed, he lies between my legs. I wrap them around him as we make out.

  His hands are on my sides, moving gently.

  Slowly, his hands move towards my breasts.

  “I want you so much,” I say, breathless. “I want you inside me already.”

  Dan doesn’t need to hear it twice.

  “I wanted it to be slow,” I say in a frantic whisper. “But now that you’re here I just can’t wait.”

  I’m not sure what I’m saying makes sense because of how excited I am, how much I want his cock.

  I reach underneath him, squishing my hands between both of our bodies, and I reach into his pants without unzipping them and grab his cock in my hands.

  It’s even bigger than I remember it and harder.

  I gasp as I squeeze it and we continue to make out heavily.

  Now, Dan’s mouth is moving down my neck, kissing me gently, nibbling at my ear.

  But I want it to go faster. And he does too. I can’t wait. I’m simply too desperate.

  We’re throwing our clothes off, trying to get out of them as fast as we can, separating our bodies for the brief moments that we need to be apart in order to take our clothes off.

  I’ve got my clothes off first and Dan’s sitting up on the bed now, and I unzip his pants and pull out his cock.

  Since we’ve in the sitting up position, I figure I might as well go down on him. His cock draws my mouth towards it like a magnet, after all.

  I put my hands flat on his thick, muscular thighs and I swallow up his cock.

  “That feels so good,” growls Dan, his voice having grown intensely deep and masculine.

  He starts thrusting into my mouth, picking his muscular ass off the bed to do so, as I bend over him, my naked breasts falling against his legs.

  I use one hand to massage the base of his cock, gently and now harder.

  “I need you inside me,” I say.

  “You can’t get enough of me, can you?” growls Dan, looking me dead in the eyes, as I stare up at him with his cock in my mouth.

  I shake my head guiltily and grin at him with my eyes.

  “But first,” says Dan. “I’m going to have to taste you. Get on the bed on your back.”

  It’s a struggle to take his cock out of my mouth. After all, his cock is throbbing, pulsating in my mouth, and I’ve never tasted anything so good. He smells musky, and his cock tastes salty and manly. Something about it just calls to me… just drives me wild with how much of a man he is.

  He’s gripping my legs with his hands now, and his head is between my legs, which are spread wide apart. I’m flat on my back on the cushy mattress that’s more luxurious than anything I’m used to.

  But I’m not aware of the mattress or the room around me. All I’m aware of is Dan’s head between my legs, and his tongue getting closer and closer to my pussy.

  He’s running his tongue up my thighs delicately, and now he makes the lightest contact with the area just outside…

  His tongue is moving in different ways, and I never know what to expect. He’s moving lightly though, always making just enough contact, using his tongue expertly and gently. He’s not trying to use his tongue as an object of penetration, and he’s not just lapping at me. He’s being gentle and subtle, listening and understanding my body and responding to it, responding to every movement and breath I make.

  I gasp as his tongue touches upon my most delicate spot, making light passes, constantly changing the way he uses it.

  I’m breathing heavily now, my breasts rising and falling. My back is arching involuntarily and my eyes close as my head looks backwards towards the ceiling.

  “Oh, Dan,” I moan, completely involuntarily.

  I’ve never felt this much pleasure before, and I’ve never felt this much longing for someone.

  Dan has it all…the hot body, the muscles, the huge cock, the technique, the passion, and the most important thing of all—that inexplicable thing that I can’t describe. There’s just something special about him that I can’t place. Oh, there’s also the way he looks at me, the way he kisses me, and the way he licks me. I know for sure that he wants me more than anyone else he’s ever wanted. His whole body just sends this message.

  Just as I think the pleasure can’t increase anymore, just as I’m starting to completely forget the outside world forever, Dan takes it up a notch. He puts a finger inside me, delicately at first. Now he’s moving it back and forth and curling his finger inside me, making me cringe with pleasure that shoots through me.

  “I’m going to come,” I moan. “I’m going to come, Dan,” I say. I want to warn him. I want him to put his cock into me now, because I’ve never come more than once during sex, ever. In fact, I’m not even sure I’ve actually had a proper orgasm before. If I have, they were few and very far between.

  “Good,” growls Dan, taking his tongue away from me for just a second. “I want you to come. Come hard for me, baby.”

  That sends me over the edge. He wants me to come! No one else has ever expressed a serious interest in making me feel good. The other guy (yeah, there might have only been one, although I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, considering what the other girls my age I know have been up to) had a cursory interest in making me feel good. But it stopped at that, and the most important thing for the other guy was just to get his dick wet, just to get it inside me, just to fill his condom with his come.

  It was disappointing, to say the least.

  Dan’s nothing like that at all. Dan’s everything I could have dreamed up.

  Time seems to slow down as I approach orgasm. The waves of pleasure are only increasing, and I know that I’m reaching the peak now. Quite soon… Just a couple more seconds.

  Dan’s licking me furiously now, in exactly the right way.

  My entire body is writhing and he clamps his strong hands around my thighs to hold my legs in place so that he can keep licking me, so that he can keep driving me wild.

  I come, the orgasm exploding through me, sending shivers down my spine. It makes me feel so many sensations at once. A warm bubble gum feeling erupts in my chest and around my groin. It absolutely explodes in pleasure.

  My eyes close involuntarily. The last thing I see is Dan’s face buried between my legs. But my vision was getting intensely blurry with the orgasm. No point in keeping my eyes open, even if I could.

  The orgasm doesn’t end, it just dies down. My moans and screams echo through the room until the pleasure finally decreases enough that I can speak over my own noises. My heart is beating as fast as it can. My breathing is rapid. My body feels… different.

  Was this my first real orgasm?

  When I can finally speak again, I only have one thing to say. “I need your cock inside me,” I say.

  Dan flashes me a grin.

  He’s taking a condom from his pants on the floor. He’s not fumbling with it at all. He pulls it up and unwraps it onto his cock expertly.

  “I like it,” I say, giggling. It’s a bright blue condom, but his cock looks just as sexy with it on.

  His cock is harder than it wa
s yesterday, and, if possible, even bigger. The head is enormous.

  I’ve got my hand on it now, wrapping my fist around the condom. There’s a bit of lube on it, and my hand moves up and down his huge shaft easily.

  “Back on your back,” growls Dan.

  I get onto my back, because I was sitting up a little in order to fondle his cock.

  I spread my legs wide open. I’m as ready as I ever have been for cock, for Dan’s cock.

  The head pushes up against me, and that alone makes me groan, just this slight contact. His cock is impossibly hard, impossibly swollen.

  Dan grunts as he pushes his cock slowly into me.

  Holy fuck!

  It fills me up in ways I could have never possibly imagined.

  It’s hugely thick. I was underestimating the girth of his cock when it was outside me, even when I had my hand on it.

  “Oh, Dan,” I moan, unable to say anything else.

  My moans must tell the whole story though.

  I’ve got a hand on my breast, massaging it, and now Dan’s strong hand comes down and works at my breast too, moving it somehow in just the ways I like, playing with my nipple.

  Dan’s huge, muscular body feels so good on top of me. He’s holding some of his weight up with one of his hands, but he lets much of his weight fall onto me, and it feels good, delicious. I feel secure underneath him. His chiseled abdominal muscles are writhing as he thrusts his hips, pumping his cock slowly into me.

  Slowly, in time with my moans, he continues to thrust into me, and now he starts picking up the pace, impossibly slowly in a way that drives me crazy.

  The pleasure waves are coursing through me, from the tips of my toes to the ends of my hair, pulsating through me in every which way.

  Dan’s pumping his cock into me faster now, and soon he’s going full speed.

  The pleasure is intense. I can’t believe it feels this good. It was nothing like this before. This is something completely different, a completely different sexual world.

  Dan’s grunting and saying hot things to me.

  He’s leaning down, his head nestled next to my neck and my ear. He’s whispering into my ear.

  “I love fucking you, baby,” he says, his voice throaty and deep.


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